Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3635 Lingxi Wind Yin!

"Who is Ling Feng, come out quickly!"

Outside the Villa, the shouts and shouts became more and more impatient. Ling Feng walked out of the Villa quickly and saw three women waiting in front of the door less than ten steps away.

The people who just shouted were the women on both sides, and there was a person in the middle with a face as cold as frost. It was not until he saw Ling Feng coming out that he raised his eyes slightly and took a look.

At the same time, Ling Feng also recognized this woman, who turned out to be the supreme genius of the Xantian Feng Clan, Yue Yinshuang.

Immortal Lord Yufeng had told him before that Yue Yinshuang was a direct disciple of Empress Qingluo. She was very powerful and should be on the same level as a master like Wan Jun.

Even if it is slightly inferior, the gap will not be too big.

At least for now, I am afraid that I am still far away from the experts at their level.

"Are you Ling Feng?"

A girl on the left raised her eyes and saw Ling Feng's iconic silver hair, and immediately confirmed Ling Feng's identity.

"Yes, he is Ling Feng!"

At the same time, Immortal Yufeng also followed out and said with a smile on his face: "It turns out to be Senior Sister Yinshuang from the Xantian Feng Clan. I'm glad to meet you. I wonder why Junior Brother Lingfeng offended Senior Sister Yinshuang? I On his behalf, I will first apologize to all the senior sisters.”

Ling Feng's forehead went dark, was he being represented like this?

"Why don't you apologize?"

The so-called reaching out to avoid hitting the smiling person, the girl on the left narrowed her eyes and laughed, "We are not here to cause trouble, we are here to thank Mr. Ling!"


Yufeng Immortal Lord's eyelids twitched, okay, are you so fierce these days when you come to thank someone?

However, Yueyinshuang has always been known as the "iceberg". She has always been cold and cold, keeping away from strangers. No wonder she misunderstood her.

"Haha, let me just say, my brother Ling is usually the most helpful, so how can I offend all the senior sisters? You think so, brother Ling!"

Immortal Yufeng laughed and put his arm on Ling Feng's shoulder, looking very familiar and affectionate.


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, it was Junior Brother Ling when he was asking for guilt, but when the wind changed, he immediately became Junior Brother Ling!

As expected of you!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then cupped his fists and saluted the three female disciples from the Xuntian Wind Clan, "Sisters, are you here because of Qing Qing's matter?"

The only intersection between him and Xantian Feng Clan was that young girl.

I had seen that the Qing girl's eyebrows were somewhat similar to Empress Qing Luo's. I never thought that by helping her once, I could actually get such a proud girl like Yue Yinshuang to come to thank her in person.

"Yes, the Empress has given the order. Because Mr. Ling once saved Qingnu, we, Senior Sister Yue, have asked us, Senior Sister Yue, to send some gifts of thanks. Hand them over to Mr. Ling personally."

The female disciple took a look at Ling Feng and saw that he was indeed as handsome and handsome as Qingnv said, and her tone softened a bit.

However, he noticed that Senior Sister Yue next to him had a frosty look on his face, so he coughed a few more times and returned to his cold demeanor before, "Anyway, please accept these supplies!"

After saying that, he directly threw out a spirit ring, flicked it with his finger, and saw a flash of silver light, directly delivered to Ling Feng's hand.

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to grab the Naling Ring, not wanting it for free, just treat it as the cost of the medicine to treat the young girl.

He put the Naling Ring away and saluted the three girls with a cupped fist, "In this case, I will accept it. I would also like to ask a few senior sisters to express my gratitude to the Empress on my behalf."

"There is also this thing."

Finally, Yue Yinshuang, who had been silent all this time, turned her palm over, and a green jade slowly floated up. The moment the object appeared, Yufeng Immortal Lord's eyes widened, and then he swallowed "Gulu" , exclaimed, "Isn't this the ultimate treasure that Empress Qingluo wears, the Fengqing Jade!"

"Have some eyesight!"

Yue Yinshuang finally glanced at Immortal Yufeng, then waved her hand and pushed the Fengqing jade in front of Ling Feng, "This is a gift from the empress herself, please keep it carefully and don't neglect it! "

When Yue Yinshuang said these words, it was obvious that she was crying out for Yinya and looked like her body ached.

Obviously he was very reluctant to part with this treasure.

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that Empress Qingluo would be so willing and even took out a supreme treasure.

Of course he knew very well what the ultimate treasure meant.

However, just because he had helped Qingnu, she would give such a precious treasure to her?

This is somewhat unreasonable.

Unless, that young girl is her illegitimate daughter.

This is obviously impossible. Could it be that she has doubts about her identity?

If this is the case, then although this jade is good, it may be a bit hot to touch!

After all, this is something that Empress Qingluo wears, and there may be a trace of her spiritual thoughts left in it, which may be used to pry into her secrets in the future.

No, this thing cannot be accepted!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng waved his hand again and sent the Fengqing Jade Bi back to Yue Yinshuang, "Senior Sister Yue, as the saying goes, a gentleman will not take away others' love, I can see that Senior Sister should attach great importance to this thing. In this case, I will never accept this jade."


Yueyin Shuangfeng frowned slightly, "How dare you not accept the gift given by the Empress herself?"

I can't get anything I want. This brat is so ignorant!

"Senior sister misunderstood."

Ling Feng waved his hands repeatedly, "What I mean is, since the Empress has already given me this thing, it's mine. But I can see that my senior sister likes this thing very much, so I'll give it to you, my senior sister, to get the best of both worlds."


Yue Yinshuang was slightly stunned. This guy is so willing to give away this extremely precious treasure?

Yufeng Xianjun opened his mouth wide, and almost fell to the ground, staring at Ling Feng in disbelief.

If there were no outsiders present, he would definitely get mad on the spot: Damn it, you don't want to give it to me! That's the extremely precious treasure of the wind system!

The extremely precious treasure!

The extremely precious treasure!

It's also something that Empress Qingluo carries with her, and it contains the spiritual power of Empress Qingluo. It is a rare treasure that any wind cultivator dreams of.

This kid just gave it away.

You are so generous!


The next moment, Yufeng Xianjun seemed to react.

Damn, so smart!

This is called playing the long game to catch the big fish. If he can capture Yue Yinshuang's heart with a Fengqing Jade Bi, then everything will be back!

In a moment, Yufeng Xianjun had already imagined countless scenes in his mind. From the beginning, he was disappointed with Ling Feng, but in the end, he was only left with admiration.

How could he know that Ling Feng just wanted to play it safe?

Although the Jidao treasure is good, if his secret is exposed, his life will be in danger.

Yue Yinshuang obviously didn't expect that Ling Feng would actually give her the Fengqing Jade Bi. The look in her eyes when she looked at Ling Feng also changed from the initial indifference to a little gentler.


Yue Yinshuang took a deep breath, "Are you speaking from the heart?"

"Every word is from the heart, every sentence is from the heart!"

Ling Feng said seriously, "Besides, I am not a wind cultivator. It would be a waste of treasures to hold such treasures. In my opinion, only a fairy in the wind like you, Senior Sister, is worthy of this Fengqing Jade Bi."

In order to save his life, Ling Feng also risked everything. He said whatever he wanted. After a lot of sweet talk, he didn't notice that even Yue Yinshuang, who was as cold as ice, had a faint blush on her face.

Although the iceberg goddess is an iceberg, she is also a woman first.

Ling Feng directly gave the Fengqing Jade Bi to Yue Yinshuang, which was exactly what she liked. No wonder her attitude softened.

What's more, Ling Feng's sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes, and his unrestrained and uninhibited appearance are indeed the type that most women like.

"It's just that Master..."

Yue Yinshuang frowned. After all, it was the Queen Qingluo who asked her to give the Fengqing Jade to Lingfeng. How could she dare to accept it herself?

"The Queen is busy with affairs. Why bother her with such a small matter?"

Lingfeng narrowed his eyes and smiled. Seeing Yue Yinshuang's attitude, this matter was probably done.

At least I saved my life!

But, in Yue Yinshuang's eyes, it became that Lingfeng actually showed such a sincere smile because she was willing to accept the Fengqing Jade.

Could it be that this junior brother of Tianzhi admired her so much?

For a moment, Yue Yinshuang's heart, which had not changed for thousands of years, actually had some intention of falling into the mortal world.

She took a deep breath and gnashed her teeth, saying, "Hmph, sweet talk! But since you are not a wind cultivator, it would be a waste for you to take the Fengqing Jade Bi."

Gnawing her teeth, Yue Yinshuang took out a silver bracelet from her space magic weapon and said in a deep voice, "This treasure is called 'Lingxi Fengyin', which is immune to most wind law attacks. Although it is far inferior to Fengqing Jade Bi, it can be used as long as you carry it with you. It is more suitable for you."

"Thank you, Senior Sister!"

This time, Ling Feng did not say a word and took the Lingxi Fengyin away with a smile.

If you don't take advantage of it, you are a bastard. As long as it is not the treasure of the Broken Immortal Emperor, he dares to take it!

Seeing Ling Feng laughing so happily, Yue Yinshuang snorted, turned around and left directly.

However, the moment she turned around, her heart obviously "boomed" violently for several times.

This feeling is unprecedented.

She took a deep breath and sped up. If she stayed here any longer, her embarrassment would be seen through by others.

The two female disciples of the Xuntianfeng Clan also hurriedly chased after them, but they were a little curious in their hearts, why did the senior sister's state look a little bit...


Is this the expression that an iceberg should have?

I must have seen it wrong!


As soon as the three women of the Xuntianfeng Clan left, Yufeng Xianjun immediately gave a thumbs up, with a yin and yang look, "Junior Brother Ling, I admire you. You gave me the ultimate treasure as soon as you said you would. Are you interested in that senior sister Yinshuang?"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, what a ghost!

He was also distressed!

That was the ultimate treasure!

If it wasn't something sent by the Broken Immortal Emperor, he would have accepted it.

"I say, brother Ling, if you really become the son-in-law of the Xuntianfeng Clan in the future, don't forget to help senior brother, senior brother has always been kind to you, right?"


Ling Feng was speechless for a while. This senior brother Yufeng is good in every way, but he has always wanted to marry a woman from the Xuntianfeng Clan to improve the bloodline of his descendants.

This has almost become an obsession.

"For this kind of thing, you still have to rely on your own efforts."

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted his shoulder, then turned around and returned to the villa with a smile on his face.

At this moment, all the disciples had returned to their respective rooms to rest, and Ling Feng also walked directly to his room, preparing to study the star stone again.

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