Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3641 The Supreme Nine-turn Thunderbolt Xuanyin Spiral Cannon!

"Eat my divine donkey flying kick!"

Unwilling to be reconciled, the bitch took action again, turned into a black shadow and kicked Qin Zu directly with his hoof.


However, before the bitch could get closer, he saw streaks of bloody thunder falling from the sky, exploding huge pits in the ring.

You must know that the entire arena is protected by an enchantment circle. It is difficult for an ordinary Taoist realm powerhouse to leave any traces on the arena with a full blow.

But after Qin Zu completely transformed into a beast, the blood thunder that protected his body actually had such terrifying power.

The donkey's movement was also as fast as lightning, dexterous and agile. After dodging more than a dozen blood thunders, he finally kicked Qin Zu's throat with a hoof.

He learned his lesson this time and did not dare to use combos like the Seventy-Two Forms of the Divine Donkey again, lest he would accumulate strength for Qin Zu.

The bitch knows very well that if he wants to defeat Qin Zu, he must attack Qin Zu's vitals, and he will hit it with one blow!

It's a pity that the idea was good, but he underestimated Qin Zu's current power.

I saw Qin Zu's blood-spring-like eyes flashing with cold light. He suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed the donkey's hoof.


Bang bang bang bang!

A series of crashing sounds were heard, accompanied by the screams of a donkey, one after another.

Qin Zu grabbed the donkey's hoof, and then smashed the donkey's head against the floor tiles of the arena like a sledgehammer.



The floor tiles were smashed to pieces, not to mention, the bitch’s head was actually quite hard!

I saw the bitch rolling his eyes and foaming at the mouth, looking afraid that he might not survive.

Ling Feng sighed softly. After being beaten like this, he couldn't help but take action.

Although his other abilities were greatly suppressed in the Yuzhikao examination room, with the help of the spiritual pet contract, Ling Feng could still complete the sharing of life with Jianlu.

This is Zifeng's ability. Zifeng connects to Jidian, and then connects to himself, thus completing the sharing of the trinity.

The next moment, the dumb donkey, who was already dizzy, suddenly woke up and stared at Qin Zu with a pair of angry eyes.

Just as he was about to fight back, Ling Feng's voice came from his mind.

"You bitch, you can't beat that guy now with all your strength!"

“You have to fight even if you can’t fight!”

The bitch's teeth were itching with hatred, "Anyway, if you can't beat him, you'll probably die."


Ling Feng was speechless for a moment, good guy, it turns out that this guy was sure that he would not die, so he beat him so fiercely!

No wonder I haven't seen such a bloody person in ordinary times.

He has to be a bitch, he’s so stable!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "You bitch, listen, now your and my abilities are connected through Zifeng. If you want to defeat Qin Zu, you have to obey my command!"

"Then you're not the one who's in the limelight anymore?"

The bitch immediately curled his lips and said, "No!"

During the conversation, Qin Zu had already spanked the little donkey several times. Ling Feng felt dizzy because of the sharing of life.

Then Qin Zu's brute strength is really terrifying!

I'm afraid that when this guy is fully transformed into a beast, he won't be far behind the "Four Flash" level masters of the Xuntian Lei Clan.

Even better!

After all, the beast's physique alone could kill most geniuses instantly.

"You still want to show off!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, "Don't worry, it's just you who does it from beginning to end. I just use my pupil technique to show it through your eyes."

"Can it still be used like this?"

The bitch was stunned for a moment, then cursed: "Then you didn't use it earlier!"

"Hehe, you deserve a beating because you are a bitch!"

Zifeng's voice came, making the donkey's teeth itch with anger.

"Okay, you bitch, the next person to see you must find a way to look Qin Zu in the eyes!"

"Huh, it's a small thing!"

Because the dizziness and injuries were equally shared by Ling Feng and Zifeng, the current condition of Jianlu was actually not too bad.

Just when Qin Zu was about to hit the stupid donkey with a heavy hammer again and smash his head into pieces, the stupid donkey suddenly got up and hit Qin Zu's head hard.

"Fuck you!"


The two heads hit each other hard like this. The bitch endured the dizziness and widened his eyes. With his four eyes facing each other at such a close distance, the effect of the pupil technique was naturally doubled!

"Good guy, I really belong to you!"

Ling Feng didn't expect that Bitch's method was so simple and crude. Although there was a severe dizziness in his brain, the source of Ling Feng's soul was so powerful. In an instant, it directly activated the power of all phenomena in the sky and condensed the Divine Eyes of All Things.

A sea of ​​stars suddenly appeared in his eyes, and at the same time, the same pattern appeared in the eyes of the stupid donkey.

"Shocking disaster!"

Through the power of all the phenomena in the sky, the shocking power was activated. In an instant, two rays of divine light burst out from the eyes of the humble donkey and directly penetrated Qin Zu's eyes.


Screams rang out, and Qin Zu rolled on the ground holding his head.

The body of the bitch was also thrown away heavily.


The bitch was overjoyed. The moment he was thrown away, his legs kicked off the ground and shot towards Qin Zu like a cannonball. Then, he raised the donkey's hooves and pulled hard, pulling the turban on his head directly. down.

The bitch actually doesn't mind taking down his turban. After all, there are not many donkey hairs left on the top of his head, so he is often laughed at for being a bald donkey.

But now he took the initiative to take off his turban.

It seems that there is still a trick!

"it's over!"

The bitch knows that Ling Feng's shocking calamity can only make Qin Zu incapable of fighting for a short time. With his monster recovery ability, it won't take long for him to get up and fight again.

Therefore, we must give him a fatal blow and knock him out directly.

After weighing the situation, the cheap donkey did not hesitate to expose his bald donkey head, but also resorted to the final killing move.

I saw two meat ball-like bulges on the back of the donkey's head. They suddenly swelled and became larger. Then, a pair of dragon horns several feet long actually extended out!

Yes, it’s Dragon Horn!

In this way, the donkey's body is covered with dragon scales and has dragon horns on its head, making it look somewhat majestic!

In an instant, a black ball of light began to condense in the center of the dragon horn, and it became more condensed and more majestic.

That is……

Ling Feng's eyes widened. The power condensed by the pair of dragon horns turned out to be the mysterious Yin power of the Yin Fruit.

Unexpectedly, the bitch also mastered a very powerful killing move!

"The Supreme Nine-turn Thunderbolt Xuanyin Spiral Cannon!!!"

After a long list of cool names, the bitch shook his head so hard that you could even hear a "click" sound as it dislocated, and then the dark ball of light on his forehead finally flew out hard.

Boom boom boom!

A huge mushroom cloud floated directly above the arena, with Qin Zu as the center, spreading nearly a hundred feet away.

All the contestants who were affected were directly eliminated from the competition before they could react. Immediately afterwards, their figures turned into golden light one after another and regrouped outside the field.

This shot actually eliminated almost all the contestants in the Yuzhikao examination room!

Ao Tianxin, the Imperial Dragon Immortal Lord, huddled in the corner of the arena, in front of a crowd of divine dragons of all types that had been stunned or blown to pieces.

In addition, there was also a disciple from the Xantian Mountain clan who hid directly in the shell of the Xuanwu turtle he summoned and escaped disaster.

In other words, there were only three contestants left on the field: Ao Tianxin, Ling Feng, and the Xantian Mountain Clan disciple.

"Holy shit, what are you doing?"

"What the hell does it have to do with me!"

"Damn black donkey!"

For a moment, there were a lot of curses, but the bitch tilted his head and grinned, "Hey hey hey, it's over, you know how powerful this beast is!"

He was grinning and grinning, trying to straighten his head, but unfortunately, he didn't do it for a long time.

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

This move is powerful, but it's pretty useless for the neck.

With that swing just now, Ling Feng was worried whether he would throw his head out with him.


Ling Feng gave a thumbs up. The move "Supreme Nine-turn Thunderbolt Xuanyin Spiral Cannon" just now, even if he used it with all his strength, he would still have to shed a few layers of skin.

What's more, it was Qin Zu who had temporarily lost his ability to resist and was struggling and rolling on the ground with his head in his hands.

Sure enough, with a flash of golden light, Qin Zu had also been teleported out.

But unlike the others, he returned to his scrawny appearance and fell to the ground, unconscious.

On the high platform, the elders also showed a hint of surprise.

Especially Elder Lian Lei, who thought he was sure of victory, didn't expect that a black donkey would come out halfway!

The muscles on his face were slightly twitching, and he looked unnatural. He took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "There is a world out there, and there are people out there!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, on the other hand, still looked calm. Even if Xantian Lei Clan's trump card was eliminated, it would not cause him any emotional fluctuations.

On the Yuzhikao Arena.


The bitch grinned, and before he could show off or brag, Ling Feng asked Zifeng to cut off the sharing of life.

The next moment, the bitch kicked his legs, rolled his eyes, heard a "bang", and fell heavily to the ground, looking like he was completely unconscious.

In the eyes of others, that is to say, although the move just made by Bastard was powerful, in fact, it had drained away all his strength.

And the fact is indeed the case. If it weren't for Zifeng's life sharing, the cheap donkey wouldn't be able to hold on to this moment and would pass out.

What's more, since the top three are already in hand, Ling Feng certainly doesn't need to let Bitch continue to fight with Ao Tianxin.

From the beginning to the end, Ling Feng didn't want to advance at all. It would be nice to be among the top three and get a reward.

His goal was the "Xuanhuang Secret Scroll" that was used for the alchemy test.

As for the Heavenly Soldiers awarded by the Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings, not only is it meaningless to him, but it is also a shame.

You know, those are all the evidence left behind by the Xuantian clan who killed countless Tiandao clan!

"You bitch, you bitch, wake up!"

Even though it was Ling Feng who put Bitch into coma, the drama still had to be played.

Ling Fengfei went up and shook the donkey a few times, then sighed softly, looked up at Yulongxianjun, and said helplessly: "I have lost my spiritual pet that can fight. It seems that I have to give up voluntarily." Senior brother, I’ll leave the rest to you!”

The corner of Ao Tianxin's mouth twitched slightly for several times, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, the bitch fainted, otherwise, he would not be sure he could withstand the trick of the bitch "Supreme Nine-turn Thunderbolt Xuanyin Spiral Cannon" ".

It seems that although this "Supreme Nine-turn Thunderbolt Xuanyin Spiral Cannon" is powerful, it consumes a lot of money. This can be regarded as a snipe and a clam, and the fisherman wins.

And I am the fisherman!

As everyone knows, if Ling Feng hadn't given in, relying on Zifeng's ability to share life, Jianlu could at least fire two more spiral cannons. By then, it's hard to say who will be the fisherman!

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