Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3680 Yamata Snake Grass!

On that day, Ling Feng and his party returned to Leixiao Holy City through the teleportation array of Tianshu Royal City.

After returning to Tianzhi's temporary residence and settling down with Xiao Xianling, Ling Feng went directly to Xuanwei Mansion to look for Commander Zhuo Junjiezhuo, who was patrolling the Thunder Clan.

I stayed in Tianshu Royal City for several days, not only to practice, but also to give Zhuo Junjie more time to collect medicinal materials.

Counting the days, with Zhuo Junjie's work efficiency, the preparations should have been completed in the past few days.

As usual, wherever Ling Feng goes, Si Chen basically follows him. Unless there are special circumstances, he can't get rid of this "coquettish candy".

Although this feeling of being watched made Ling Feng somewhat helpless, he had no choice but to accept his fate because he was not as good as others.

Soon, Ling Feng found out the location of Xuanwei Mansion, and soon found the main entrance of Xuanwei Mansion.

"Xuanwei Mansion is an important place, and no one can come near it!"

There were two rows of guards standing in front of the door. One guard on the left looked cold and stern. As soon as Ling Feng approached, he shouted loudly to stop him.

"My dear, Ling Feng, has made a special trip to see Commander Zhuo Junjie."

With that said, Ling Feng took out the gold medal that Zhuo Junjie had given to him before.

"It turns out to be Mr. Ling!"

The guard immediately changed his expression, bowed and made a gesture of invitation, "Commander Zhuo has already told me about the villain before, Mr. Ling, please come with me!"

As he said this, he winked at a guard next to him, and the guard quickly trotted ahead and informed Zhuo Junjie.

Ling Feng was secretly amused. He never thought that as a member of the Tiandao Clan, he could actually become the "guest" of the Xuntian Lei Clan.

It's a bit ironic to say the least.

"Good work!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and followed the guard into Xuanwei Mansion. After a while, a burst of hearty laughter came from the inner hall.

"Hahaha, Brother Ling, you are finally back!"

Zhuo Junjie came over with a smile and waved his hand, indicating that the others could leave.

"Senior Brother Zhuo!"

Ling Feng bowed his hands to Zhuo Junjie and said, "Ling Feng is deeply sorry for keeping Brother Zhuo waiting for so long."

"Hey, there's nothing to be sorry for."

Zhuo Junjie waved and smiled, and glanced at Si Chen who was following Ling Feng. Although he had seen him several times before, he had never had close contact with him.

"Who is this?"

Zhuo Junjie felt that Si Chen's aura was powerful and unfathomable, so naturally he did not dare to neglect and asked one more question cautiously.

"Oh, she is..."

Ling Feng was struggling with how to introduce Si Chen, but Si Chen had already said before him: "I am just the maid beside the young master, not worth mentioning."

"Waiter... maid?"

Zhuo Junjie seemed to be choked. It looked like he was a master in the Immortal Realm, but she was just the maid next to Ling Feng?

It seems that Brother Ling has a high status among Tianzhi.


Zhuo Junjie laughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment, and then quickly changed the subject: "By the way, Brother Ling, I have already counted all the medicinal materials you asked me to prepare before. Although some medicinal materials are relatively rare, they are still It’s hard for me to win over someone!”

"Thank you so much, Senior Brother Zhuo!"

Ling Feng saluted Zhuo Junjie.

"Hey, you are also working for Lord Emperor. I should do my best to assist Brother Ling."

With that said, Zhuo Junjie took out a Naling Ring and handed it to Ling Feng, "Here are the medicinal materials you need, Brother Ling. Take a look. If there is anything else you need, just ask and I will try my best." And for.”

Ling Feng grinned, accepted the Naling Ring, and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Zhuo is doing something, what else should I be worried about?"


Zhuo Junjie laughed loudly, "Brother Ling, let's just say this to you, let's go, let's put down those messy trivial matters today and go to Zuiyue Tower to have a drink. We won't come back until we're drunk!"

It has to be said that the fact that Zhuo Junjie was able to sneak into the position of commander of Xuanwei Mansion at such a young age is not only due to his own strength, but also to his generous and forthright personality.

However, Ling Feng still waved his hand and rejected Zhuo Junjie's kindness, "Senior Brother Zhuo, let's wait for another day. I still need to refine the elixir for Lord Emperor. When the elixir is ready, I will get drunk again!"


Zhuo Junjie nodded repeatedly, "Business matters, brother Ling, I'm waiting for you to refine the elixir, but don't forget to come to me and drink two cups!"


Ling Feng smiled and nodded, but it was a pity that Zhuo Junjie was from the Xuntian Thunder Tribe, and he and he were destined not to be true friends.


Smiling, Ling Feng added, "If it's not too much trouble, why don't you bother Senior Brother Zhuo to prepare fifty more medicinal materials in the same amount as before, just in case!"


Zhuo Junjie nodded and agreed, "When I have everything ready, I will send it to you directly."

Anyway, it's not his own money spent, so there's nothing to feel bad about.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. Zhuo Junjie didn't even feel sorry for him. How could he save money for the Xuntian Lei Clan?


After getting the required medicinal materials, Ling Feng said goodbye to Zhuo Junjie, left Xuanwei Mansion, and walked directly to the Alchemist Guild.

And when Ling Feng finally stood at the gate of the Alchemist Guild, Si Chen's expression changed slightly.

"What...are you doing here?"

Si Chen frowned and finally managed to get rid of Elder Ziyun, but Ling Feng was lucky enough to bring him here before the day had passed.

what is this?

Throw yourself into a trap?

Si Chen once wondered if that brat Ling Feng was deliberately trying to mess with him!

"Of course something happened."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Since we want to make alchemy, the most powerful alchemists in Leixiao Holy City must be in the Alchemist Guild!"


Si Chen snorted softly, his face twitching unnaturally. He took a deep breath and said bitterly: "I'll wait for you outside!"

After saying that, the figure flashed and disappeared directly from Ling Feng's eyes.

Ling Feng was secretly amused. He didn't expect that this woman, who was so fearless, was frightened by Elder Ziyun.

It’s true that one thing brings down another thing!

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng strode into the Alchemist Guild.

He didn't come here just to disgust Si Chen, but it was a good thing for Si Chen not to follow him.

Because Cao Wuxie made a lot of noise last time, everyone in the guild now basically knows Ling Feng, which saves him a lot of trouble.

After a while, Ling Feng found Chairman Chen's office.

"Dong dong dong!"

Ling Feng knocked on the door softly. President Chen inside looked up and saw that Ling Feng was here, and immediately showed a hint of joy.

"It's little friend Ling Feng! Come in quickly!"

President Chen stood up and welcomed Ling Feng in. He also personally made a pot of fragrant tea for Ling Feng and said with a smile: "The Seven Ultimate Immortals List has ended. Didn't you kid return to Tianzhi?"

When slaying the dragon, it was kept secret. It was reasonable that Chen Yuanmo didn't know about it.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "There are still some things that need to stay for a while, so I should come to my seniors more often to learn and ask for advice!"


Chen Yuanmo stroked his long beard and said, "Young friend, you always go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. Tell me, have you completed the elixir recipe again and want to sell it to our union?"

"That's not true, but it has something to do with alchemy. I have some doubts and want to ask senior for advice."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

Chen Yuanmo pointed at Ling Feng, "You kid, I'm just telling you, how could you come to me, an old man like me, if you're fine?"

After a pause, a look of pride appeared on Chen Yuanmo's face.

Although Ling Feng is a rising star among alchemists, his attainments in alchemy have been fully proven.

However, juniors are juniors after all. In terms of vision and knowledge, they are still not as good as old antiques like them.

As the saying goes, if there is an elder in the family, it is like having a treasure!

"If you have any questions, just ask."

Chen Yuanmo sat upright, stroking his long beard, looking like an old god was present.


Ling Feng took out some mysterious powder that had been separated in advance and wrapped it in a piece of white paper. As the white paper slowly opened, a thin layer of white powder appeared.

Ling Feng put the white paper on the table and said in a deep voice: "This is something I picked up accidentally when I was traveling this time. However, even though I have been studying it for a long time, I don't know what it is. ”


Chen Yuanmo became interested, took out a silver needle, picked out some powder with the tip of the needle, brought it close to his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

"It seems that this thing is not toxic."

Ling Feng nodded, "Yes, there is no toxicity. Even if it is directly touched with the palm of the hand, it will not invade the body, and there is no special feeling. If I must say there is, it is a cool touch."


Chen Yuanmo looked at Ling Feng and then looked at the powder again. Although Ling Feng said so, he was still very careful and only dared to touch the powder with the tip of his needle.

After carefully fiddling with it a few times, Chen Yuanmo sat on the Grand Master's chair with a solemn expression and began to think hard.

Suddenly, Chen Yuanmo stood up suddenly and quickly walked to a study room in the next room.

The study room is filled with rows of bookshelves. There are countless densely packed books on the bookshelves, which is dazzling.

Chen Yuanmo, on the other hand, dove into the sea of ​​books and quickly rummaged through them.

a long time!

A long time!

Just when Ling Feng was bored, Chen Yuanmo finally pulled out a dusty ancient book from the corner.


Chen Yuanmo took a deep breath to blow away the dust on it, and then laughed loudly, "I found it, I finally found it!"

"This is?"

Ling Feng asked in a low voice.

"A miscellaneous book, not worth mentioning."

Chen Yuanmo really treasured this ancient book, so he didn't introduce it much, so he opened it directly to one of the pages, pointed to an illustration on it, and said calmly: "If I read it correctly, these powders are like this Made from ground Yamata snake grass.”

"Baqi Snake Grass?"

Ling Feng took a closer look and saw that what was painted on it was a plant that looked like a python. Because it branched into eight clusters, each cluster looked like a snake head, it was named the Yamata Snake Grass.

"I can't tell you the specific effects of this Yamata Snake Grass. Although it is very rare, I have never heard of it being used to make elixirs or poisons. It is actually used as a dye in some sacrificial rituals."


Ling Feng looked at Chen Yuanmo intently, "I would like to hear the details."

"Let's talk about some ancient races who believe that snakes are the messengers that connect Yin and Yang and the underworld. They believe in ancient snake spirits and use snakes as totems. In some ancient sacrificial rituals, the powder of these Yamata snake grass is combined with various colors If you apply the dye on your face, you can connect to the underworld and see some of your deceased relatives.”

Chen Yuanmo stroked his long beard, then shook his head and smiled: "It's just that these are just rumors. The Yamata Snake Grass is just a relatively rare weed with no medicinal value. Over time, people know about the Yamata Snake Grass." There are fewer and fewer people.”

"Is it a sacrificial ceremony?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. He didn't believe that the Demon Soul Palace Master would give him something useless. If the rumors Chen Yuanmo said were true, this kind of Yamata Snake Grass might actually have some special abilities.

Perhaps, he is already close to the truth!

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