Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3683 Devouring Dan Fire! Flame Swallowing Advanced!

After receiving the reminder from President Chen, Ling Feng took Si Chen, who looked reluctant, to Elder Ziyun's alchemy room.

Unlike other elders of the Alchemist Union.

Elder Ziyun had no interest in the business of buying and selling pills. Basically, he stayed in the alchemy room most of the time, studying various strange and bizarre pill recipes.

It can be said that most of the ancient pill recipes of the Alchemist Union were completed by this Elder Ziyun.

Therefore, Elder Ziyun's position in the Alchemist Union is also very important.

Therefore, she was able to take charge of the top-grade pill fire formation, which is the lifeblood resource of the Alchemist Union.

According to President Chen, Elder Ziyun's alchemy room is buried deep underground and is also the place closest to the earth vein in this Leixiao Holy City.

After passing through a long and narrow underground passage, Ling Feng and the others finally came to an underground molten cave that looked a bit primitive.

Here is Elder Ziyun's unique alchemy room, and it is also the location of the pill fire formation.

Instantly, a wave of heat rolled in, forming an extremely strong contrast with the temperature outside.

Si Chen frowned, stopped and said in a deep voice: "I won't go in."

She waited outside the molten cave, and she could also ensure that Ling Feng was within her control, and the effect was the same.

Ling Feng shrugged, nodded and smiled: "Okay."

He knew that Si Chen didn't want to see Elder Ziyun, so as not to be harassed by the other party.

Elder Ziyun's orientation problem was indeed a headache, but fortunately, he was not a woman.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng took a step and strode into the depths of the molten cave.

For him, the high temperature here did not cause any discomfort, but made the swallowing flame in his body eager to try.

Obviously, in the depths of this molten cave, there may be some kind of very heaven-defying strange fire.

Maybe he can take this opportunity to swallow new strange fire and let the swallowing flame rank again.

After a while, Ling Feng could almost hear the sound of the flame burning, a strong wind, mixed with scorching heat.

From a distance, Ling Feng saw a naked back, with only a circle of white cloth wrapped around it. It was a little wrinkled because it had been repeatedly soaked with sweat.

Ling Feng's pupils suddenly contracted and he turned around quickly.

He knew that Elder Ziyun had a bold and unrestrained personality and his usual clothes were already very revealing. He didn't expect that when he was refining pills, his style was even more...

Uh, free and easy!

That's right, free and easy!

"Ahem..." Ling Feng didn't dare to look at Elder Ziyun directly, so he could only turn his back to her and said helplessly, "Elder Ziyun, I'm Ling Feng, and I have something important to discuss with you." "Is it you, kid?" Elder Ziyun was facing the blazing fire at the moment, frowning. When he heard Ling Feng's voice, he turned around and found that Ling Feng was actually facing away from him. His brows were furrowed again, "I said, kid, didn't anyone tell you that it's very rude to talk to someone with your back to them?" "Junior knows, but Elder, you..." Ling Feng's face was a little embarrassed. He didn't know if it was because the temperature here was too high or because Elder Ziyun was wearing too hot clothes. In short, Ling Feng felt his old face was a little hot. "Humph, I'm still wearing it!" Elder Ziyun snorted, "I'm not panicking, why are you panicking? Pretending to be serious!" Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled bitterly. He could only turn around, but he still tilted his head slightly, trying not to look directly at Elder Ziyun. After all, her two mountains were really too big! A mere circle of cloth strips, how could it hide the magnificent scenery?

No wonder old man Chen Yuanmo didn't dare to come along, if he was there, he would have had a nosebleed.

Only I, at least, still had some self-control.


Elder Ziyun rolled his eyes, but deliberately puffed out his chest, "If you want to see it, just see it, what's the big deal!"


Ling Feng's mouth twitched again, and he quickly changed the subject and said, "Senior Ziyun, I came here this time hoping to borrow your Danhuo Formation. I have already obtained the consent of President Chen on this point."

"Borrow my Danhuo Formation?"

Elder Ziyun frowned, staring at Ling Feng with a pair of phoenix eyes, "Boy, don't you see I'm refining pills? If you want to borrow my Danhuo Formation, yes, wait another three to five years."

Three to five years?

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "Senior, I have a batch of pills that need to be completed within three months, so I'm afraid I can't wait for three to five years. I hope you can be flexible. If it doesn't work, I can also use fairy crystals..."


Elder Ziyun smiled coldly, "Do you think I will be short of fairy crystals?"


Ling Feng's face froze. Yes, as one of the five chiefs of the Alchemist Union, Elder Ziyun is not short of money at all.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about it."

Elder Ziyun narrowed his eyes and suddenly smiled cunningly, "If you tell me where Xiao Chenchen is now, I will lend you the Danhuo Formation, and you can use it as long as you want."

"What do you mean?"

Ling Feng frowned. If he had to betray Si Chen in exchange for the right to use the Danhuo Formation, wouldn't it be too disloyal?

Can he do such a thing?

Yes, he can!

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and smiled, "Sister Chen is outside, don't you feel it?"


When Elder Ziyun heard this, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly showed a look of ecstasy. He held his chin and analyzed: "It seems that you two are inseparable. If you stay here to make alchemy, then she will have no choice but to come with you!"


After thinking for a moment, Elder Ziyun immediately nodded and agreed, "You brat, you can use the Dan Fire Array. You don't need me to teach you, right?"


Ling Feng bowed to Elder Ziyun, "Thank you very much, senior!"


Elder Ziyun looked happy, and immediately strode out of the molten cave, rubbing his hands together excitedly, "Xiao Chenchen, I'm coming!"

Looking at Elder Ziyun's leaving figure, Ling Feng sighed softly, "Sister Chen, I'm sorry! I can only work hard for you to deal with this senior Ziyun."

With Elder Ziyun pestering Si Chen, she naturally had no time to pay attention to the situation on her side, so she had the best of both worlds.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng put aside his distracting thoughts and walked directly towards the Dan Fire Array that was still spitting out flames.

Elder Ziyun seemed to be refining a furnace of elixirs. Unexpectedly, when he heard that Si Chen was coming, he even forgot about the elixirs.

Could this be...


Ling Feng shook his head quickly, but he couldn't let this woman affect his normal outlook.

This furnace of elixirs has basically reached the final stage of collecting elixirs. Seeing the furnace of elixirs shaking violently, Ling Feng guided the flames spurting out of the magic circle to further activate them, raising the temperature again.

The next moment, the alchemy furnace made a loud buzzing sound. Ling Feng's palms were covered with a layer of flames and he slapped the alchemy furnace suddenly.


The lid of the furnace rose into the sky, and a ray of red light shot out from the pill furnace. Ling Feng, with quick eyes and quick hands, stretched out his hand and pinched the pill from the hot steam with incomparable precision.

Then, he took out a box made by Wen Yu and put the elixir in it.

This elixir was finally completed successfully, and there was a slightly dull elixir pattern on it. Although the texture was not very clear, it was finally condensed into an elixir pattern.

After putting the jade box away, Ling Feng didn't go into details. He just waited for Elder Ziyun to come back and then handed the elixir to her.

Then, Ling Feng moved the three-legged alchemy furnace away. Although the quality of this alchemy furnace was not low, it was still far behind the Jiuxiao Xuanhuang Cauldron.


The heavy Jiuxiao Xuanhuang Cauldron fell heavily to the ground, and aligned with the groove for fixation, the placement of the alchemy furnace was completed.

Then, Ling Feng began to study the Dan Fire Array.

As long as you continuously invest immortal crystals as the energy core in the eyes of the magic circle, you can manipulate the Dan Fire Magic Circle to release Dan Fire.

Ling Feng fiddled with it for a while and figured out the key.

Elder Ziyun has piled a large amount of top-quality fairy crystals in the core of the magic circle, which is probably enough to run the magic circle for several years.

It has to be said that as alchemists, they are indeed extremely wealthy.

Ling Feng slowly activated the magic circle, and then, a small flame rushed out. Just now, Ling Feng noticed that his swallowing flame seemed to be ready to move towards the elixir fire. Now when he looked closely, he found that the flame was extraordinary. .

"nice one!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, how could he miss this opportunity.

Directly activate the Flame Swallowing Immortal Technique, and then the flames flow around the body and blend with the Dan Fire in the Dan Fire Array.

Then, Ling Feng controlled the Dan Fire Array to continuously increase the flame, while his own Flame Swallowing began to greedily swallow the Flame Dan Fire.

Time passed little by little, and about half an hour later, Ling Feng's face was flushed, with boundless joy on his face.

After devouring a large amount of Dan Fire, Yan Yan finally advanced again, and was perfectly integrated with his own Demonic Dragon Purifying World Fire.

If we say that Ling Feng's previous Demonic Dragon Purifying Fire was only one billionth of the power of the real Demonic Dragon Purifying Fire.

Now, it's at least doubled.

In fact, Ling Feng dared to say that he could perfectly control the Nine Heavens Xuanhuang Cauldron and refine divine elixirs such as Taiyin Shendan even without the help of the Danhuang Array here!

"Hahaha, I never thought that there would be such an opportunity in this alchemy room!"

Ling Feng looked ecstatic. In fact, when he participated in the alchemy trial of the Qijue Immortal Ranking last time, Ling Feng wanted to absorb the Youtian Xuanhuo used in the alchemy that day. Unfortunately, it was not easy to operate in full view of the public, so he missed it in vain. Got an opportunity.

Ling Feng looked back at the entrance of the cave and found that Elder Ziyun hadn't come back yet. It seemed that he was entangled with Si Chen and had gone somewhere.

No matter what, I had "sneaked" so much Dan Fire, and saw that the mountain of fairy crystals piled up in the core of the formation had basically bottomed out.

It must be filled in quickly before Elder Ziyun comes back.

However, just when Ling Feng was about to fill in the hole, he heard a low groan coming from outside the melting cave, and then saw the elder Ziyun staggering towards him with a gray face, looking extremely embarrassed.

Could it be that this guy was severely beaten by Si Chen?

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