Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3685 I am not as good as you!

"These are the materials needed to make alchemy."

Ling Feng took out the medicinal materials that he had entrusted Zhuo Junjie to prepare before, and gave three copies of the medicinal materials directly to Elder Ziyun.


Elder Ziyun frowned, "Do you think I can't succeed in one go?"

"No, no, no, this junior has no such intention."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't expect Elder Ziyun to be so competitive.


Elder Ziyun snorted, pulled off the thin layer of gauze covering his body, and threw it aside.

Apart from the band of cloth wrapped around his chest, there was nothing else.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. He was just refining elixirs. Does he have to be so exposed?

However, Elder Ziyun didn't seem to see Ling Feng's reaction. He took the medicinal materials, carried his own pill furnace with one hand, and placed it on another pill fire array not far away.

In fact, an alchemist of her level is fully capable of refining several furnaces of elixirs at the same time. Therefore, her alchemy room has five elixir fire arrays of the same level at the same time, which means that her level is It has reached the level of distraction.

This alone is enough to rank among the top alchemists in Lei Xiao Holy City.

Even Ling Feng is far from reaching this level now.

However, refining alchemy does not mean that multitasking means everything.

It can only be said that Elder Ziyun plays more "tricks", but he is not necessarily the most proficient.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, collected his mind, and began to concentrate on refining the elixir.

Because I have refined Taishen Shendan many times before, and although they all ended in failure, I have gained a lot of experience.

Now that he has replaced the Dan Fire Array that seals the Burning Void Desolate Fire, he no longer needs to consume his own mana to maintain the Dan Fire, which undoubtedly greatly reduces the burden for Ling Feng.

Regardless of realm factors, Ling Feng believed that his alchemy skills would never be any worse than anyone else's.

Time passed little by little.

An hour...

Two hours...

With the lessons learned from previous failures, Ling Feng's alchemy process this time can be said to be extremely smooth.

Extract the spiritual liquid, refine the impurities, and then control the flames to condense the liquid into elixirs...

All steps are almost done in one go.

Finally, a thick and powerful muffled sound came from the alchemy furnace, and the alchemy furnace began to shake slightly.

Ling Feng knew that this pot of Taiyin magic elixir was about to succeed!

"So fast?"

On the other side, although Elder Ziyun has been concentrating on alchemy, driven by her competitive spirit, she can't help but be distracted and observe the situation on Ling Feng's side.

When she saw that Ling Feng's first batch of elixir was about to be finished, she couldn't help but become a little anxious.

Is it possible that I will lose to this kid?

No, no, no, his first furnace will definitely fail!

Elder Ziyun comforted himself like this.

However, although Ling Feng's elixir seemed to be almost successful, this last step was far from being as simple as imagined.

Ling Feng didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He focused his gaze on the alchemy furnace in front of him.

In fact, even the battle spirit form slowly formed a shadow behind him.

The process of refining alchemy requires a lot of spiritual power.

After Ling Feng was promoted to the realm of three souls, the three battle souls could flow between each other endlessly, and the power of spiritual consciousness was endless, which was increased many times compared to before.

Otherwise, with Ling Feng's current level, it would be much more difficult to successfully refine an elixir of Tai Ying Shen Dan's level.

Another quarter of an hour passed.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt sounded in the sky above the Alchemist Guild.

However, this situation is not uncommon within the Alchemist Guild.

After all, this is a place where there are the most high-level alchemists. If you are lucky enough to refine a top-grade divine elixir with many elixir patterns, it is quite normal to arouse jealousy.

Basically, I come once or twice every ten or eight days.

Seeing the calamity cloud of the alchemy calamity slowly gathering, President Chen felt the extraordinary momentum of the calamity calamity, and immediately jumped up and flew to the roof of the Alchemist Guild.

"Dan Jie Group, get ready to work!"

Faced with this kind of situation, the Alchemist Guild has long been accustomed to it.

If the calamity cloud that had gathered this time was not relatively large and its momentum was astonishing, Chen Yuanmo would not even have come forward in person.

"Yes, President Chen!"

The next moment, under the leadership of two middle-aged men, about twelve monks at the level of Immortal Lord came.

These monks flew very skillfully to the formations in every corner of the roof, then raised one hand to the sky and shouted in unison.


In an instant, rays of golden light shot up into the sky, with the intention of directly dispersing the calamity clouds.

Immediately afterwards, golden light radiated in all directions, connecting into a large upside-down golden bowl, covering the entire Alchemist Guild within a radius of thirty miles.

This is also the reason why the Alchemist Guild has remained unscathed even after being "ravaged" by countless calamity thunders for so many years.

This large formation is enough to fight against a powerful person at the level of the Immortal Emperor of the Wheel Realm, with a full blow!

And after each impact, the powerful immortals in the twelve formation eyes will continue to replenish their energy. As long as these twelve people are not exhausted, they can continue to fight against the pill tribulation, and they will be a stable group!

"very good!"

Chen Yuanmo nodded with great satisfaction. The Alchemist Guild has been working hard to deal with various levels of alchemy calamities for thousands of years.

Not to mention perfecting the magic circle time and time again, every member of the Danjie Group not only receives high daily benefits, but also enjoys free supply of various medicines.

Thanks to the cultivation and accumulation of large quantities of elixirs, the strength of these members of the elixir tribulation group is basically very outstanding among the alchemists' unions.

"Everyone can just go as usual. Judging from the scale of this calamity, although it is not small, it should not be too big."

Chen Yuanmo stood with his hands behind his hands, looking up at the rolling clouds gathering in the sky, with a look of indifference on his face.

This "young" president probably didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, nor did he know that calamities would happen so frequently in the next three months!

And Ling Feng, the initiator of all this, probably didn't realize how much trouble he had saved himself by deciding to come to the Alchemist's Guild to refine alchemy.

If he stayed in the villa to refine alchemy, he would probably have to let Jieyin Xianzun or Si Chen silently endure the baptism of alchemy for three consecutive months.

There is no such thing as quiet time, it’s just that someone is carrying the burden for you.

But this time, the people carrying the burden are the members of the Alchemy Tribulation Group of the Alchemist Guild.


Finally, the first tribulation thunder fell from the sky, carrying the power of destroying the world and seeming to blow the entire world into pieces.

Unfortunately, what it encountered was a peerless magic circle that had been carefully prepared and perfected by the Alchemist Guild for tens of millions of years.

Therefore, his ending is destined to be a failure.

However, it still showed its tenacious resilience and struck down ninety-nine and eighty-one calamity thunders one after another before the dark clouds gradually dissipated.


All the members of the Danjie Group breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally over.

Chen Yuanmo stroked his long beard and laughed, "Thank you for your hard work. The elixir tribulation is over. You can go back. I believe that one of the chief elders has made a furnace of top-grade divine elixirs. I still have to rush there." Daoxi is the one!”

However, before Chen Yuanmo could finish his words, there was another muffled roar, and the calamity cloud that had dissipated began to gather again.


Chen Yuanmo's eyelids twitched. Today's calamities are so frequent!

And for this second elixir tribulation, Elder Ziyun's furnace of elixir was finally completed.

"Hey, it looks like there's a lot of good news today!"

Chen Yuanmo pretended to be relaxed, laughed, and encouraged the members of the Danjie Group: "Everyone, if you work hard again, I will double your reward when you go back!"

As soon as they heard that the reward was doubled, the members of the Danjie group immediately got excited and got excited again. They took their positions to fight against the Danjie.

In the underground alchemy room.

Ling Feng and Elder Ziyun, almost in tandem, completed the refining of the first batch of elixirs.

However, in terms of time, Ling Feng was still almost half a quarter of an hour ahead of Elder Ziyun.

After collecting the pills, the two of them each placed a box made by Wen Yu on a stone table.

"Humph, I didn't expect you to be a little faster than me!"

Elder Ziyun was a little unconvinced, frowned and stared at Ling Feng, and said coldly: "However, I don't believe that your quality is higher than mine!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and did not continue. He just smiled modestly and said: "Junior has refined the Taiyin Divine Pill several times before and is very familiar with the process of refining this kind of elixir. However, the senior has just obtained the elixir and is a little slower." This step is completely normal.”


Elder Ziyun narrowed his eyes and smiled proudly, "It's good that you know!"

Ling Feng opened the jade box and said slowly: "The elixir refined by the junior has luckily condensed into a pill pattern, but it is a bit strange. Logically speaking, if a pill of this level can be condensed into a pill pattern, there should be Dan Jie is the right one.”

"Hey, where do you think this is?"

Elder Ziyun sneered, "This is the Alchemist Guild, and our Dan Jie team has already taken action to stop the Dan Jie!"

"I see, there is also the Dan Jie Group!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, it seemed that he had come to the right place this time.

Elder Ziyun's eyes flashed with a hint of pride, "Your furnace of elixirs only has one elixir pattern, right? There are no more?"

Ling Feng shook his head, "It's just a pill pattern."


Elder Ziyun opened the jade box and directly took out a three-line elixir, and said with joy: "Boy, watch carefully, three lines of elixir, compared with my mother, you are still too young!"

"Senior is really amazing!"

Ling Feng bowed to Elder Ziyun, "Junior, I admire you!"

In fact, this was the result of Ling Feng deliberately suppressing his strength.

Otherwise, with his level and the blessing of this Dan Fire Array, five or six Dan patterns would not be able to suppress it.

However, he had a deeper plan.

He smiled slightly and continued: "I think these three pill patterns are far from your limit, senior, right?"

"Of course not!" Elder Ziyun raised his eyebrows, "Why, you still don't accept it?"

"Not convinced!"

Ling Feng said seriously: "I want to continue to challenge the seniors!"

"Ha ha!"

When Elder Ziyun heard this, he immediately burst into laughter and said, "What are you trying to do with your defeated general?"

"Junior, there are still more than thirty medicinal materials here. Let's compare the extreme levels to see who can refine the elixir with more pill patterns in the end. This is the real skill. Senior, do you dare to take up the challenge?"

"Hmph, I'm afraid you won't make it!"

Elder Ziyun was extremely competitive and agreed immediately without thinking twice.

Her hobby, besides women, is basically alchemy.

If Ling Feng wanted to compete with her in elixir refining, of course she wouldn't think too much about it.

And Ling Feng just did what he wanted, and step by step, he made this alchemy master his free laborer. Not only did he provide the venue and immortal crystals for free, but he also helped him refine elixirs.

I'm afraid that when those landlords and wealthy people from the mortal world come, they may shout: I am not as good as you!

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