Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3705 Ling Feng’s Tomb!


The sudden situation shocked and angered Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

And under the big explosion that destroyed the world, even he was shaken and flew out.

The Heavenly Sword in his hand was shattered!

The powerful Qijue exploded out again, but this time, the power of these geniuses was so overdrawn that they could not even open the protective shield of Gang Qi.

With the further collapse and destruction of this world, the tide of the void surges violently.

Those who were unlucky would crash directly into the tide of the void, and in just an instant, they would be crushed to pieces, wiped out in ashes, and completely destroyed.

Almost in just an instant, the seven powerful men were swallowed up by the tide of time and space one after another, and four of them died!

And their imperial soldiers will also be accompanied by the fall of these geniuses, and they will sleep forever in the turbulence of time and space. I am afraid that they will never have the chance to see the light of day again.

Among them, Wan Jun, Yu Shenxianjun and Yue Yinshuang, who had relatively high cultivation levels, although they were still barely able to stay awake and activate their magic power, they still kept hitting the fragments of the shattered plane, causing their heads to break and bleed. Covered in bruises.

The next moment, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's figure immediately split into ten parts and flew towards the direction where the fragments were scattered, trying to recover the incomplete fragments.

At the same time, the Demon Soul Palace Master, who had been lurking aside and ready to attack, was one step ahead of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting. He locked onto a larger fragment before Immortal Emperor Yi Ting made a move. He transformed into a black dragon and chased away directly.

When the fragment hit the void, he grabbed the fragment in his mouth.

Then, without caring about anything else, he reopened the underworld world. The black dragon crashed into the underworld and disappeared in an instant.

Whoosh whoosh!

Pieces of dragon jade fragments exploded. Although the clones of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting tried their best to chase, they were ultimately a step too slow. In the end, only one of the ten clones managed to grab the dragon jade fragments before they fell into the space-time channel. .

The other nine clones all returned without success.

Fortunately, the fragment he captured should be considered a relatively large one among the fragments of dragon jade that exploded, being hundreds of feet long.

When the dragon jade was intercepted, it quickly shrank and finally turned into a palm-sized piece of jade, which looked like a broken dragon tail.

If the dragon jade is a complete dragon shape, then the part snatched by Immortal Emperor Yiting probably accounts for about one-seventh of the whole.

Unexpectedly, after all the hard work, countless time and effort, I only managed to capture one-seventh of the Ancestral Dragon Source.

However, it is better than returning without success.

At this moment, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting also noticed the situation of the Qijue Tianjiao. He frowned and quickly separated into three clones and hurriedly rescued the remaining three Qijue experts.

The reason why they were rescued together with Yue Yinshuang and Yu Shenxianjun was not because Immortal Emperor Yi Ting suddenly had a kind heart, but because if all the Seven Supreme Prodigies except Wan Jun died, it would be hard to explain to the other Immortal Emperors.

As for the others, there was nothing he could do.

In that crumbling and almost collapsed time and space, although Immortal Emperor Yi Ting was unwilling to do so, he still had no choice but to leave first.

The remaining fragments have been scattered in various star field planes, but with the background of Xuntian Lei Clan, as long as enough people are sent and enough time is spent, I believe that all the fragments of Long Yu can always be recovered. A day of taking back.

He took a deep breath and confirmed again that the aura belonging to Ling Feng, the descendant of Heaven, had really disappeared without a trace.

It seemed that his last sword had indeed completely killed this descendant of Heaven.

From then on, he lost another big worry.


Another cold light flashed in Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's eyes. Without the descendant of Tiandao, Ning Kun, the master of Demon Soul Palace, is still a troublesome guy.

In this dragon-slaying operation, the fragments of dragon jade that Ning Kun snatched were probably no smaller than the ones in his own hands.

It seems that dealing with the Demon Soul Palace needs to be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting turned around and looked at the only three people left among the Seven Jue, and sighed softly: "I didn't expect that this dragon slaying would be so tragic. After I leave, I will definitely We will provide you with appropriate compensation and rewards.”

His words were mainly meant for Yue Yinshuang and Yushenxianjun.

At this moment, the two of them were almost out of gas, and they only managed to escape by chance thanks to the protection of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's clone.

Life and death are only a matter of one thought of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

What else can they say, they can only be grateful to the Emperor for his "great kindness", that's all.

As the earth-shattering explosion erupted, the entire space and time had become extremely unstable.

Without the divine blessing of Taixu Zhoulong, this world can no longer sustain itself.

"Let's go!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting used his big hand to tear open a passage, and took Wanjun and others away from this place before the world collapsed.

"Wait! Wait! -"

Yan Jinghong and Yi Liang could only watch as Immortal Emperor Yi Ting and the others left.

Because there were no imperial soldiers, they could only watch from the edge. In addition, they were affected by the shocking explosion, so they could only retreat again and again.

And with the collapse of the entire plane, the space where they and Immortal Emperor Yi Ting were located had long been broken.

If Immortal Emperor Yi Ting comes to the rescue, he will not only spend a lot of mana, but also take considerable risks.

After all, this is just an incarnation of his spirit.

After weighing the balance, it is more important to keep Wan Jun and the other three Seven Ultimate Talents.

Therefore, Yi Liang and Yan Jinghong were destined to be abandoned.

Soon, Yi Liang rushed into the turbulent tide of time and space in panic and despair.

Before he even had time to scream, the person was gone.

Yan Jinghong watched as the giant ape transformed by Ling Feng was killed by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting. In the end, not a single monkey hair was left, and Ling Feng's aura completely disappeared. He was already going crazy in his heart.

Did that guy really die like this?

"Damn it! Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, you old bastard, you have to die!"

Yan Jinghong cursed loudly. With the current situation, he was afraid that he would have to go down to accompany him soon.

Just as Yan Jinghong was frantically avoiding the tide of time and space, a fragment of dragon jade that was as tall as half a man suddenly hit Yan Jinghong.

"It's over!"

Yan Jinghong smiled bitterly and began to recall his life. The past appeared in his mind like a revolving lantern.

It seems that there are still too many things in my life that I am not willing to accept.

And when the dragon jade came into contact with Yan Jinghong's aura, it shrank into a thumb-sized ball, directly penetrating the center of his eyebrows.

Yan Jinghong's heart thumped, was he shot in the head?

Such a terrifying speed, piercing directly through his head, I'm afraid...

He must die!

However, the awaited death did not come. The ball seemed to have penetrated directly into his spiritual sea, and then began to float in the depths of the spiritual sea, rolling up a slight whirlwind.

It was as if he had settled directly in the depths of his spiritual sea.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Jinghong's consciousness suddenly became blurry, and it seemed that he began to feel a little...

I can't help myself.

I don’t know how much time passed.

When Yan Jinghong's consciousness returned to his original form, he suddenly turned around and saw that the surrounding environment was completely different.

Here, there is no longer a dark void.

The fresh air comes and the cool mountain breeze blows across my face.

At this moment, he was actually lying on the branches of a towering tree.

As soon as you see it, you will see beautiful mountains and clear waters.

In the distance, there was still smoke rising from the kitchen, and it seemed that the villagers in a village were making a fire to cook.

"I `m coming out?"

Yan Jinghong blinked and tried to remember what happened last time.

It seemed that because his body was hit by the fragment, he was directly knocked into the tide of time and space.

However, because of the protection of the fragment, he was not crushed into pieces by the tide of time and space. Instead, he passed through the time and space channel safely and came to the outside world.

He actually became the only survivor among the eight "cannon fodder" in the Dragon Slaying Operation.

Others, including the Qi Jue Tianjiao, suffered heavy casualties.

Yan Jinghong was stunned for a moment. He subconsciously groped around on his body and found nothing out of the ordinary. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

I really survived!

Vaguely, he realized that perhaps the spherical fragment that entered his mind was one of the fragments that exploded from the Ancestral Dragon Dragon Source.

To say that when luck comes, you can't stop it, that's probably what it means.

He couldn't help but think of Ling Feng, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

Did that guy really die in that big explosion...

"Ling Feng, is this your spirit in heaven helping me?"

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and secretly swore in his heart, "I will avenge you! I will!"

Although he only obtained a small part of the Ancestral Dragon Source, he believed that he would be able to complete Ling Feng's unfinished business with the power of this Ancestral Dragon Source!

Rubbing away a trace of tears from the corners of his eyes, Yan Jinghong stopped sighing and jumped directly into the forest.

Not long after, when Yan Jinghong left, there was a tomb in the dense and green mountain forest.

Submit a letter to Ling Feng’s tomb.

Am I dead?

When his body, flesh and blood, muscles and bones, internal organs, everything, even the origin of his soul seemed to completely dissipate.

At that moment, Ling Feng really thought that he had been completely wiped out from this world by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's sword.

Amidst the confusion, Ling Feng felt a warm force, as if it was reshaping his body.

I don’t know how long it took, but a gentle and kind voice sounded in my ears.

"Descendant of Heaven, you woke up much earlier than I expected. It seems that your willpower is stronger than I imagined!"

This is clearly the voice of Taixu Zhoulong!


Ling Feng opened his eyes suddenly, only to find that he was actually swimming in the void.

"This...what the hell is going on?"

Ling Feng subconsciously raised his hand and saw that his palm was still there!

Not only his palms, but every part of his body was intact at this moment!

There are also the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, the Boundary Breaking Shuttle, etc. These treasures that rely on the origin of his soul are all still there.

However, I am not so lucky with spiritual rings and clothing.

In that big explosion, space magic weapons such as the Naling Ring were simply unable to withstand that level of destructive power.

Fortunately, most of Ling Feng's treasures at the bottom of the box were placed in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. (PS: Tenglong Jun Tianpei has also been included in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. The previous chapter was originally about space magic weapons, but has been revised to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.)

The only losses this time were some financial pills, secret books, and immortal stones and crystals.

The overall loss is not big.

What's more, the necklace made of fragments of the star stone is still hanging around the neck.

This thing is indeed hard enough. Even Danzi can only bite out a shallow tooth mark.

Taixu Zhoulong's voice sounded again, "This is the last thing I can do for you. I exhausted my last strength, rescued you, and arranged this suspended death."

"suspended animation?"

Ling Feng blinked and understood immediately.

His identity has been exposed, so no matter what, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting will definitely not let him go.

So, no matter what, he must die.

Only if Ling Feng is "dead" can Immortal Emperor Yi Ting sit back and relax.

Otherwise, even if he escapes, he will face endless pursuit.

So, no matter what, he must die!

Can't help but die!

"But, I have obviously..."

Ling Feng was a little strange. He clearly felt that the origin of his soul had been completely defeated.

"If I don't even have the ability to interfere with time and space and turn things around, how can I deserve to be called the Dragon of Time, Space and Eternity."

Taixu Zhoulong's voice was still calm, "At the normal point of time and space, you were indeed killed by the explosion, but I seized the moment when the origin of your soul completely dissipated, and traced back the flow of time and space to pull you in. In this beginningless void. However, I no longer have the power to heal your injuries. You still need to take care of yourself after leaving."

"That's it, senior, I really can't thank you enough..."

Ling Feng roughly understood what Taixu Zhoulong meant. Unexpectedly, Taixu Zhoulong had already thought of his own escape route!

"It's a pity that the dragon jade transformed by Long Yuan has been broken after all. I only grabbed the largest one and integrated it into the depths of your spiritual sea. As long as you can find the seven main dragons, The jade fragments, the remaining fragments, will automatically return to their places after being inspired by the subject.”

"Remember, only a complete dragon source can help you ascend to the divine way. You are indispensable..."

His voice gradually became weak, Ling Feng nodded silently, his eyes slightly red.

He knew that this would be the last words Taixu Zhoulong said to himself.

Finally, the sound suddenly stopped, Ling Feng clenched his fists, bowed deeply towards the endless dark void, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Farewell, Senior Taixu Zhoulong!"

"Congratulations, Senior Taixu Zhoulong!"


The sound is melodious and lasting.

A generation of ancestral dragons, the overlord who had ruled countless eras and epochs, perished.

But the only person who mourned him was Ling Feng.

Only this one person!

There is always an indescribable sadness and vicissitudes...

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