Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3721 If you can’t stop it, you have to stop it!

Tsk tsk tsk!

The light of the sword is like a thunderbolt, with great force and force, dividing the Yin and Yang world!

Cheng Tianyong's complexion changed slightly, and in an instant, the fighting spirit's appearance was divided into three parts.

This is the magical power that can only be mastered after the ninth heavenly soul has entered the second stage and the third soul has passed.

Three battle souls soared into the sky and surrounded Yan Jinghong.

Yan Jinghong smiled coldly, divided his three swords suddenly, and struck a Dharma image with one sword. Under the control of his sword intention, he used his fingers like an arm!

Obviously, during the period after the end of the Qijue Immortal Ranking, Yan Jinghong's three-sword sword technique has climbed several levels again.

Previously, Yan Jinghong had no habit of using weapons exclusively.

After receiving the inheritance of the Three Swordsman style of "Three Swordsmaniacs", the sword became the only weapon he would never abandon throughout his life.


With a low roar, Yan Jinghong let out a roar like a dragon's roar, and combined with the terrifying sword, it was more than a thousand feet long!

In an instant, the sky was covered by the sword light, covering the sky and the sun, shrouded in a red light.


The earth is shaking, the sky is dark and the earth is dark!

Although Cheng Tianyong's three fighting spirit statues, which were more than a thousand feet tall, immediately applied the shields formed by the power of their divine consciousness, they were still pushed back.

"Good sword skills!"

A wisp of blood emerged from the corner of Cheng Tianyong's mouth, but the fighting spirit in his eyes had already reached its peak.


The next moment, Cheng Tianyong stepped directly on the earth puppet in front of him and soared into the sky.

His figure overlapped with the three fighting spirits, and in an instant, the momentum of the fighting spirit's appearance suddenly rose.

The souls are united, and the fighting spirit reaches the sky!

His true body is hidden in the three statues, and every part is filled with his powerful divine thoughts. In the space enveloped by this divine thoughts, it actually achieves the magical effect of the law of space.

Within this space, wherever his thoughts go, his body can be reached instantly.

Suddenly, Cheng Tianyong's attacks were so cunning that even Yan Jinghong couldn't guard against them.

Yan Jinghong snorted coldly. If it were Ling Feng, with his eyes, he should be able to instantly locate this person's true identity. Unfortunately, although his eyes have also evolved into the Xuanxuanhan eyes unique to the Xuntian Ice Clan, But when it comes to pupil power, there is still a big gap compared to that freak Ling Feng.

He could only keep waving three long knives, and the swords stirred up a storm, making Cheng Tianyong afraid to approach easily.

For a moment, the two of them were evenly matched, and it was hard to tell who was the winner.

In the strong wind, the two were fighting hard to separate themselves.

At this moment, a whisper suddenly came from Yan Jinghong's ears, which seemed to be a voice transmitted by divine consciousness.

"I know you! You are not Lan Xiaoyu at all!"

It was Cheng Tianyong's voice.

Yan Jinghong's eyelids twitched slightly and he looked at Cheng Tianyong in astonishment.

"Have you forgotten? A few years ago, Xuanyuan Han Island! We met!"

Cheng Tianyong stared at Yan Jinghong and said in a deep voice: "If you don't mention Lan Xiaoyu, I haven't thought of it for a while, but when you mention that guy, it makes me think of it all! You are not Lan Xiaoyu, you are another guy from the Xuntian Ice Tribe, your name is Yan Jinghong, right?"

"It's you?"

Yan Jinghong seemed to remember something. After so many years, the two of them had changed so much.

One deliberately hid his clumsiness, but now he shows his true strength.

As for the other one, in the past few years, his strength has been rising all the way, and he has completely transformed into the genius of the Xuntian Ice Tribe.

The auras of the two of them were completely different from before.

He didn't recognize the other person for a while, but that was normal.

"Hmph, for Brother Ling's sake, I will not be your enemy today!"

Cheng Tianyong took a deep breath and continued his spiritual voice transmission.

Yan Jinghong sneered secretly in his heart, he didn't expect Ling Feng to have such dignity?

"You and I can continue to pretend to fight and stall for time."

Cheng Tianyong continued: "To be honest, I don't want her to continue killing innocent people indiscriminately, but no matter what, I will stand by her side."

"Just what I wanted!"

Yan Jinghong didn't care what Cheng Tianyong's position was, but since everyone was friends and not enemies, there was no need to fight to the death.

Not far away, the poisonous-hand medical fairy saw that Yan Jinghong and Cheng Tianyong were fighting to a draw. For a while, he might not be able to end the battle.

She frowned and looked into the ruins. Just as she was about to take action, she saw Yu Shiwei flying and blocking the gate of the ruins.

"Senior, don't you mean to keep your word? Now the competition between the two of them has not yet decided the winner!"

Yu Shiwei gritted her teeth, although she was well aware of the terror of the woman in front of her and the cruelty of her methods.

However, with her master and senior sister behind her, she must not back down.


The poisonous hand doctor snorted coldly, "It's them who made the bet, what does it have to do with me? I've been cooperating with you for a long time. Why, do you really think that I will be fooled by you so naively?"

The next moment, behind the poisonous hand doctor fairy, a black smoke billowed up, and a strong wind swept over it, turning into a strong poisonous mist, sweeping away and rushing in the direction of the ruins.

Even if she didn't take action, she could easily poison all the people inside with just the poisonous mist.

Normally, it would not be as simple as this, but now, Venerable Miaofan's mental power is highly concentrated and her entire attention is on her two disciples, so naturally she has no time to distract herself from resisting her poisonous mist.

"You're so mean!"

Yu Shiwei did not expect that this poisonous hand medical fairy would be so crazy. He bit his silver teeth and flew up directly. He gently shook his bare hands and gathered all the poisonous mist towards him.


Seeing this scene, the Poison Hand Medical Immortal laughed loudly, "Little girl, who do you think you are? With your little ability, do you dare to deal with my Night Owl's poison?"

Yu Shiwei bit her red lips, her beautiful eyes filled with determination, "If you can't stop it, you have to stop it!"

The poisonous hand doctor fairy looked at Yu Shiwei trying his best, his eyes stagnated slightly, and he seemed to see a familiar shadow in this junior.

Even if you can’t stop it, you have to stop it!

Who is that shadow?

It seems to be buried in the deepest part of my memory, untouchable, unwilling to touch...

While the poisonous hand doctor was in a trance, within the ruins, Ling Feng and Master Miaofan finally completed the last step.

Venerable Miaofan helped several disciples lie down. The next moment, his figure turned into a rainbow and soared into the sky from the ruins.

A ray of golden light fell, directly dispersing the thick black mist, and Yu Shiwei, who was entangled in the black mist, had turned black at this moment. She had obviously inhaled a lot of poisonous mist, and her life was hanging by a thread.

"Qiu Liruo!"

Venerable Miaofan's eyes were filled with anger.

She had hurt her apprentice again and again, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

"My good senior sister, you are finally out!"

Qiu Liruo, however, acted as if nothing was wrong. She pursed her lips and smiled and said, "Are you satisfied with my meeting gift?"

Venerable Miaofan clenched his fist and fed Yu Shiwei a life-saving elixir. He turned around and entrusted it to Ling Feng, saying in a deep voice: "Master Long, please look after this silly disciple of mine."

"Senior, don't worry."

Ling Feng took Yu Shiwei from the arms of Venerable Miao Fan. Although she had taken a life-saving elixir, the poisonous night owl poison of the poisonous hand doctor was not a trivial matter.

Although she had only inhaled a small amount, the skin all over Yu Shiwei's body had begun to faintly glow with black energy.

When the black energy gathers into threads and penetrates the Baihui point on the top of the head, even if the Da Luo Immortal comes, I am afraid there will be nothing to do.


Ling Feng sighed softly, took out the golden needle, sealed several key points for her, and then used the beast soul fusion method to merge with Xiaodie's ability to absorb poison.

This is also to avoid exposing himself. Since he changed his name to Long Fei, he has never let out his bad ass.

But fortunately, Jie Donkey's beast soul fusion move finally came in handy.

"Miss Rainmaster, I'm offended!"

Ling Feng gently bit Yu Shiwei's finger, and then began to absorb the poisonous mist that invaded her body and transformed it into Xiaodie.

Although Ling Feng can also use other methods to detoxify Yu Shiwei's body, the longer the toxin remains in the body, the greater the risk.

It is the simplest and crudest way to use Xiaodie's ability directly.

Yu Shiwei's finger was bitten by Ling Feng and she couldn't help but groan. Soon, Ling Feng sucked away all the poisonous gas, and the color gradually returned to her black and blue face.

"Sir, you..."

When Yu Shiwei regained consciousness, she looked at Ling Feng with a worried look, "You sucked the toxin into your body, isn't it..."

"Don't worry, I have a special constitution and this little bit of poison will not harm me."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and helped Yu Shiwei sit up, just in time to look towards Venerable Miaofan.

"I'm going to help you, Master. You have a good rest here first."


Yu Shiwei nodded, "Thank you so much, sir!"

Ling Feng shrugged slightly, and his figure flashed past Master Miaofan.

At the same time, Cheng Tianyong and the two men who were fighting fiercely in the sky suddenly separated and returned to their respective camps.

"For a moment, he actually dared to directly absorb the night owl poison I prepared."

The Poison Hand Medical Immortal couldn't help but glance at Ling Fenggao, "If I can capture you and make you a medicine man, I'm afraid you can be used for a long time!"

"Sorry, I'm not in the habit of being abused."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Cheng Tianyong, who was standing next to the Poison Hand Doctor Fairy.

This woman was probably the poison master he mentioned, who used him to test poison every day.

However, it seems that the relationship between them is unusual.

"Stop talking nonsense! Qiu Liruo!"

Venerable Miao Fan obviously could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and said in a cold voice: "You have repeatedly killed innocent people indiscriminately, poisoned innocent people, and used living people to make medicine. Are you still a disciple of me, Cihang Jingzhai?"

"Cihang Jingzhai?"

The poisonous hand doctor sneered, "My good senior sister, haven't I been expelled from the master's school long ago?"

"Even so, Master has taught you and me since childhood..."

"Don't mention that woman!"

The poisonous hand doctor shouted angrily and said coldly: "Today is another day of our ten-year agreement. According to the past rules, I will poison and you will detoxify. You can barely beat me every time, but this time once……"

The Poisonous Hand Medical Immortal paused, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, "Humph, this plague in Shiyuan City was caused by me. It is also the first test question for you. It seems that Senior Sister is helpless about it. !”

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