Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3729 One cow and one horse! Born like a cow or a horse!

Let's say that Ling Feng rescued Yan Jinghong from the blockade of the bull-headed horse face, and immediately used the fire escape technique to fly away.

He stopped after he brought Yan Jinghong to the place where he had separated from Yu Shiwei and the other three girls.

"Brother Yan, your injury is okay, right?"

Ling Feng saw that Yan Jinghong's face was livid, and he seemed to be enduring severe pain.

After taking a closer look, I discovered that a long gash had been torn open on the right side of this guy's lower abdomen, with bones clearly visible.

There was gurgling blood, and it was obvious that the injury was serious.

"Not dead yet."

Yan Jinghong hummed and said bravely.

This guy has a pretty tough mouth.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, pointing to the west and saying: "You continue to retreat to the west, go to the nearest city to meet Yu Shiwei and the others first, and I will lure those two idiots away."

Ling Feng knew in his heart that the Bull-Head-Horse Face would never give up. With their speed, it would not be difficult to catch up with him.

Therefore, he could not directly bring Yan Jinghong, Yu Shiwei and the others to join him, otherwise he would be afraid of being overtaken by them again.

Ling Feng's idea was to lead these two guys in circles first, and then plot against them several times, until they became suspicious and then completely confused.

Only in this way can we truly get rid of these two guys.


Yan Jinghong took a deep look at Ling Feng, hesitated for a moment, and said nothing more.

He believed in Ling Feng's judgment. After all, this guy could always create miracles.

"Be careful with yourself."

After Yan Jinghong finished speaking, he used his body skills and flew away.


Ling Feng held up his palm, and a drop of bright red blood floated from his palm.

It was the blood flowing out of Yan Jinghong's wound.

Ling Feng flew into the dense forest, and the next moment, three Ling Feng and three Yan Jinghong flew out from the depths of the jungle, flying towards different directions.

It was Ling Feng who summoned the Void Witch Spirit Yorick and used the power of blood essence to create a clone.

These clones have the same aura as the original body. Let alone a bull-headed horse-faced one, even ordinary immortal emperors may not be able to tell them apart.

"Next, there will be something good to watch."

Ling Feng's true body was hidden in a tree hole in the forest. Under his control, he spread these clones toward the most dangerous areas nearby.

When the bull-headed horse-noodle catches up, he will have to eat a good meal.

After a while, the ferocious bull-headed horse-faced man finally arrived here following the aura deliberately released by Ling Feng.

The two immortals were hovering in mid-air, their brows suddenly furrowed.

Sensing that the auras of Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong were not only scattered, but also divided into six paths, Niu Zun, who was already grumpy, immediately began to curse.

"Humph, I don't know what kind of trick that kid used. When I catch him, I will definitely crush him to ashes!"

Ma Zun calmed down a little, and carefully distinguished the six auras, and found that there was no flaw. His face became more and more gloomy, and he gritted his steel teeth. He said in a cold voice: "Aren't they just six avatars? One of them is the main body. ! Lao Niu, you and I will chase each other separately. It won’t take long before all six of them can escape!”

"That makes sense!"

Niu Zun nodded, and then roared, spraying out a stream of white mist from his nose, chasing after one of the auras belonging to Ling Feng.

Compared to Yan Jinghong, Niu Tou obviously hated Ling Feng who beat him until he vomited blood.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Zun also locked onto a breath and chased after him.

Ling Feng hid in the tree hole below, with a sneer on his lips, "I'm sorry, none of the six clones is the original body!"

He smiled proudly, and the power of his consciousness was divided into six parts, and he controlled six clones at the same time.

Judging from the speed, the clone locked by the bull-headed horse face will not be able to hold on for long before it is caught by them.

Therefore, directly leading these two guys to the territory of the nearby monster overlord may not necessarily hurt them, but it can also disgust them.

As for the other clones, there is still time to set up some traps and greet these two powerful immortals!

The art of mechanism and magic circle that Ling Feng has been studying with great concentration can now be put to use.

Half a day later.

The bull-headed horse-face returned to the forest where they were originally separated. Their expressions looked as if they had eaten flies, and their complexions were even more frighteningly dark.

"Lao Ma, what's going on? Have you caught that little bastard?"

Niu Zun's voice was extremely rough, as if it was due to excessive roaring before, so that even his voice was a little hoarse.

The expression on Ma Zun's face was also uncertain. The muscles on his face were twitching in waves, and he obviously found nothing.

Moreover, both of them looked disgraced and seemed to have encountered similar experiences.

"That damn brat, how dare you use a trap to plot against me!"

There are still some rotten aquatic plants hanging on the horns of the bull statue, which looks extremely miserable.

Suddenly, Niu Zun seemed to smell something. He frowned and quickly covered his nose with his hands. He frowned and said, "What smell? It seems to be emanating from you!"


Ma Zun cursed, naturally he would not tell Niu Zun that he accidentally fell into the trap set by Ling Feng in advance and fell directly into the cesspit of the wolf demon tribe.

At the same time, he was hit by the soul attack of Ling Feng's clone. By the time he reacted, he had already fallen deep into the pit, and he might have swallowed some.

It is simply a great shame and humiliation for a dignified and powerful immortal to be trapped in a cesspit!

Although he washed himself by the river for a long time, there was still a smell that could not be completely dissipated.

Ma Zun kicked Niu Zun away with his hoof.


The next moment, Niu Zhengzun fell heavily to the ground and suddenly roared, "Old Ma, look, there are words here!"

Ma Zun's figure flashed and flew past a towering tree.

I saw a dense row of large characters carved with a sword blade on the thick tree trunk that could only be hugged by dozens of people.

"One cow and one horse, born as cows and horses. They neither have brains nor eyes. - I left a message."


Ma Zun was so angry that his eyes bulged out. He still didn't understand. It turned out that Ling Feng had been hiding here from the beginning to the end to peek at their jokes!


The next moment, the towering tree was blown into ashes by Ma Zun's punch. Along with the big tree explosion, there were hundreds of explosive seals that Ling Feng had prepared in the tree cave.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

In an instant, a terrifying big explosion struck, and the exploding talismans were detonated one after another. The destructive force caused in an instant could almost wipe out the bones of ordinary immortals.

Although the two cows and horses reacted immediately and retreated quickly, they were still shocked by the spread of the first wave of impact, causing blood to spurt wildly, and their internal organs were almost displaced.

The Niu Zun was even worse. One of the originally perfect horns was blown off.

It turned directly into a unicorn cow.

For him who has the blood of the Bull Demon, it is tantamount to losing his appearance.


When he realized that his horns had been blown off, the already angry Niu Zun was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"You little bastard, if I want to kill you, I must kill you!"

The cow and the horse roared and roared like crazy. Little did they know that at the same time, Ling Feng had already disappeared without a trace.

Although these two guys are very powerful, they have no brains and were completely fooled by Ling Feng.

the other side.

Under Ling Feng's guidance, Yan Jinghong finally arrived at the first city in the west with his weak and exhausted body. Unfortunately, his body could no longer support it.

Although he used the power of Xuntian Ice Soul to forcibly freeze the wound, Niu Zun and Ma Zun are still powerful immortals after all.

The wounds they tore open contained the power of higher-level laws.

And with Yan Jinghong's own strength, he could not erase the power of this law, and the wounds would only continue to expand and worsen.

All the way here, the ice that sealed the wound was completely stained red.

Fortunately, the three girls, Yu Shiwei, were worried and had been hiding near the city gate. When they saw Yan Jinghong's figure, they immediately flew out.

"Master Yan, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Shiwei was shocked. She didn't expect Yan Jinghong to be so seriously injured.

Unfortunately, Yan Jinghong had already passed out before he could speak.

Just when Yu Shiwei was a little confused, Ruan Chengyu, who was still the senior sister, stood up.

She stretched out her hand to touch Yan Jinghong's veins. After carefully sensing Yan Jinghong's condition, she made a decisive decision: "Find an inn to settle down first. We must heal his injuries as soon as possible."

"Well, Senior Sister is right! I think Mr. Yan's situation is not good either!"

Chang Pu and Fengling also nodded. They knew without looking that Yan Jinghong was in a very bad situation and needed to be treated as soon as possible.

"Then I'll stay here and wait for the headmaster, and you can go find an inn and settle down first."

Yu Shiwei bit her silver teeth lightly and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's split up."

Although Ruan Chengyu was not very satisfied with Ling Feng taking over the leadership of Cihang Jingzhai, now, Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong were in danger because they were trying to cover their departure.

Although she is a little selfish, she is not an ungrateful person.

Gritting her teeth, Ruan Chengyu carried Yan Jinghong behind her back. Although Yan Jinghong's body was as cold as ice, she could only bite the bullet and endure it silently.

Not long after, Ruan Chengyu and his three daughters came to the city and found a nearby inn to settle down temporarily.

The three women carried and supported Yan Jinghong, and finally moved Yan Jinghong to the bed. Who knew that the cold air radiating from Yan Jinghong's body became more and more alarming.

As soon as the door was closed, the entire room was almost frozen.

This is the power of Xuntian Ice Soul in Yan Jinghong's body operating on its own to dispel the power of law attached to the wound.


Feng Ling couldn't help but shudder, and said with some surprise: "The coldness on Mr. Yan's body is really terrifying."

Ruan Chengyu gritted his silver teeth and said in a deep voice: "This should be the special power within the Xantian Ice Clan, but it consumes all the original power. If it continues like this, Young Master Yan's condition will only worsen."

Her eyes were locked on Yan Jinghong's abdomen, and she gritted her teeth and said, "For the current plan, we must first find a way to neutralize the power of law in the wound."

"But senior sister, with our little cultivation..."

Chang Pu couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, "Otherwise, let's wait until Mr. Long comes back."

"How will you know if you don't try."

Ruan Chengyu was a little unconvinced. First of all, saving people was the most important thing. Now, she didn't want to give up to Ling Feng in terms of medical skills.

Immediately, Ruan Chengyu mustered up the courage for himself, and then reached out and gently opened Yan Jinghong's upper body clothes.

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