With Shutaro Rambo's explanation, shopkeeper Tong didn't dare to neglect Ling Feng anymore. He directly arranged a luxurious villa for Ling Feng in the central city.

Although Ling Feng doesn't intend to stay in this city without falling for a long time, since he can't find a way to leave now, he can only settle down and take it one step at a time.

Shopkeeper Tong arranged for himself a separate courtyard, an alchemy room, a training room, and a spiritual medicine garden, all of which are available, as well as various spirit-gathering arrays, defensive arrays, and courtyard-protecting wards.

It would be nice to stay here before leaving.

"Yes, it is indeed better than my thatched house."

Ling Feng looked at this villa and nodded with satisfaction, but said with some regret: "It's a pity that it took me most of the day to repair that thatched house to perfection."


Shopkeeper Tong could only squeeze out a smile and apologize, "Don't worry, Mr. Ling, I will send someone to repair the thatched cottage. If you are interested in staying there for a few days, it will be no problem."


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, it was better to have someone above him to take care of things.

There is a huge difference in the treatment between someone who is protecting someone and someone who is not.

"Little friend Ling."

Rambo looked at Ling Feng with a smile and asked lightly: "How are you, are you satisfied with this place?"

"Satisfied, everything is good."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled.

Rambo thought for a while and then said: "It feels like there are still some maids missing. Otherwise, I will arrange some Galaya and Vinaya to stay for you as a nursing home or something."


Hearing these words, the shopkeeper Tong took a deep breath.

Although Garaya and Vinaya are not as good as Sutra, they are still messengers representing the temple.

In Wuyuan City, he is a god-like existence. Now, he is actually being arranged to be a guardian and servant for Ling Feng?

God, what is the identity of this young master?

"Ah ha ha……"

Ling Feng hurriedly waved his hands and laughed, "It's okay. I'm not used to being served by others. What's more, everything in the Wuyue City is peaceful and peaceful, so there is no need for a nursing home!"

Ling Feng secretly sneered in his heart, saying that he was a servant of the nursing home, but in fact, he was probably leaving someone here to keep an eye on him.

I'm not that naive!

"That's it..."

Rambo thought for a while, nodded, and said calmly: "Okay, let's do what you want. Then I will go back first. From now on, I will come to visit you often. You are a rare friend." Good seedlings, if you carefully study the scriptures in the Shiravi Sutra, you will definitely gain a lot.”

"Junior understands."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "However, can I ask why senior cares so much about me?"

He stared at Rambo and asked straight to the point.


Rambo laughed loudly, "In the temple, it is rare for someone to read the black forbidden book. Therefore, I have not fallen into the temple, and I have not given up hope that I can recruit children to join the temple. These are just some small things. It’s just sincerity.”

"Is that so?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. Rambo's answer was what Ling Feng expected.

However, as to whether it is true, it is difficult to say.

But at the moment, it is much better for the people in the Unfallen Temple to take care of themselves than to deal with themselves.

"Okay, little friend, don't think too much. The temple cherishes every talented person with wisdom. You are not the first, and you will not be the last."

After Rambo finished speaking, he gently patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, and then left the courtyard with his two subordinates.


After Rambo and the other two Galaya disappeared from sight, the shopkeeper Tong breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Finally dodged a disaster!

"Master Ling!"

The next moment, the young shopkeeper turned around and knelt down to Ling Feng, "Thank you very much, Sir, for not remembering the villain's fault and letting him go."

"Okay, get up."

Ling Feng supported Shopkeeper Tong and said with a smile, "I still prefer your unruly look before."

"Cough cough cough..."

Shopkeeper Tong coughed violently, "It's the little guy who has stupid eyes. He should be beaten, he should be beaten!"

As he spoke, he directly greeted his face with his big mouth.

Just listen to a "pop" sound, this guy is really ruthless.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then reached out and grabbed Shopkeeper Tong's wrist, "Okay, okay, I'm just kidding you. I'm not the kind of person who holds grudges."

"Young master, I'm very grateful. I'm so grateful for this little guy!" Shopkeeper Tong burst into tears of gratitude.

"You seem to be afraid of those people in the temple. What, if they want to punish you, will you be miserable?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, pretended to be casual, and asked casually.

"It's not just miserable, it's simply miserable!"

Shopkeeper Tong blurted out, but then he quickly covered his mouth and said with a smile: "No, no, no, sir, don't misunderstand me. I'm just talking nonsense. The temple has always been the patron saint of everyone in the city. There is order, thanks to the existence of the temple, our place can have the peace it has now!"


It seems that the shopkeeper Tong obviously regards himself as a member of the temple, so he does not dare to tell too many truths to himself.

Ling Feng shrugged and stopped asking further questions. He just said calmly: "By the way, Shopkeeper Tong, I have something to trouble you about."

"Sir, please tell me!" Shopkeeper Tong looked solemn, and even took out a small notebook and said solemnly: "My memory is not very good, sir, please tell me, I will write it down and I will handle it for you."


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. This guy really made his snobbery go down, and he showed it vividly.

"It's not a big deal. If a few days later, a few women named Yu Shiwei, Ziyun, Feng Ling and Chang Pu register at the guild hall, you can just ask them to come to me. They are all my friends."

"Oh oh oh!"

Shopkeeper Tong nodded repeatedly, "I've written it down!"

"Okay, if nothing happens, you can go back."

Ling Feng waved to the shopkeeper Tong, and shopkeeper Tong disappeared in a flash.

It seems that he is able to become the shopkeeper with some sense of vision.

Although this guy is a complete snobbery, people like this can always do well.


With a flash of figure, Ling Feng closed the door of the Villa and went straight to his master bedroom.

While going deep into his luxurious villa, he used the secret key to control the magic circle to open all the magic circles, large and small.

It has to be said that in this courtyard, there is even a magic circle to control the temperature and weather. It can be said that "the wind gets the wind, and the rain gets the rain."

After returning to the bedroom, Ling Feng first let Bitch, Zifeng and Xiaohei out.

Of course, Xiaodie is no exception.

It's just that Xiaodie has perfectly inherited the quietness and peace of the ice silkworm form. When she has nothing to do, she will quietly take a nap in the corner. She doesn't have all the problems like the cheap donkeys. She can be said to be a perfect tool... cough Hey, the tool is spoiled.

"Hey, boy, how dare you let us out? Isn't that right?"

The bitch stared at Ling Feng in surprise, "Why have you returned to your original appearance? Aren't you afraid that your identity will be exposed?"

When he was in Cihang Cave, Jianlu looked at the spiritual flowers and herbs all over the garden and almost couldn't help but jump out, so Ling Feng directly closed the Five Elements Heavenly Palace so that Jianlu couldn't see the outside world.

Therefore, he naturally didn't know that Ling Feng had fallen into Wuluo City and his identity had been revealed.

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and immediately told a brief story about the past few days.

"In other words, we are trapped in a place called the City of No Fall?"

Zifeng lay down on the bed very unceremoniously, stared at Ling Feng with a pair of big black eyes, and asked.

"You could say that."

Ling Feng shrugged and looked at Jianlu, "Jinlu, don't you claim to be well-informed and omniscient? Have you ever heard of the City without Falling?"


The bitch raised his hoof and dragged his cheek. After thinking for a long time, he finally shook his head, "I've never heard of it!"


Ling Feng sighed softly, it seemed that this bitch was hopeless.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

In the past few days, Ling Feng had not been huddled in the other courtyard, but was wandering around, wondering if he could try his luck and get some valuable information from other people.

Unfortunately, after three days of wandering around, I still found nothing.

On the other hand, as for the "Shiluvi Sutra", although Ling Feng only spent a small amount of time reading it every night, he still felt that his understanding of the sutra was getting deeper and deeper.

It's a pity that it doesn't help improve my own cultivation.

As for Yu Shiwei and the others, they did not come.

Apparently, he made a wise choice by not staying in the temple waiting for them.

Maybe their first listening session will last for a month or two, but it’s unknown.

That means that returning from the Cihang Cave Passage, this road will definitely be impassable.

In fact, Ling Feng also tried to go out from where they entered the city gate, but after leaving the city, it was not the same wilderness full of pits as before.

Looking back, you can even see the streets in the city through the city gate at a glance.

Ling Feng also tried to go deeper into the mountains outside the city, but in the end he was teleported directly back to the city gate by an invisible force of time and space.

If the interference of this space-time force cannot be resolved, it will be destined to never leave this place.

It's getting dusk.

Ling Feng walked on the street, preparing to return to his villa.

Since I can't leave for a while, I can only look at the problem from another angle.

If he can't get out, it means that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting cannot threaten him.

He can practice peacefully here and improve his cultivation level.

"Brother Ling!"

At this moment, Ling Feng suddenly heard someone calling him in the alley nearby.

Ling Feng looked intently and saw Yan Liang, whose figure was under the eaves, waving to him.

Is it this guy?

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. It seems that this Yan Liang is not a peaceful guy. Perhaps, from him, he will know more secrets about this unfallen city.

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