Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3768 The truth about the temple!

"Lan Yi!"

Just as Lan Yi watched Ru Feng and Yan Liang leave, Chong Ming, who had been thrown away by his invisible hand, had already made a comeback.

He was seen holding a big knife, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball, and he suddenly rushed towards Lan Yi.

The furious flames had completely ignited him.

He had always been a matter-of-fact character, but now he was even more like an angry bull. Black smoke was billowing behind him, and he was about to summon the appearance of an angry evil god.


Lan Yi rolled his eyes and threw an Evil God Token directly into Chongming's face.

Even in his rage, when Chongming saw the token, he still clenched his fists and hit a mountain behind him.


There was a loud bang, followed by a series of "bang bang bang bang" explosions. This guy couldn't do anything to Lan Yi, so he could only spread his anger on these trees and rocks that would not fight back.

From the beginning to the end, Qianwu was holding a bone of an unknown monster and gnawing at it, not caring about the conflict between Lan Yi and Chongming.

Even though they are both sin priests, there is no friendship or bond between them.

After a long time, the explosion gradually subsided, and Lan Yi snorted coldly and said lightly: "Are you crazy enough?"

Chongming snorted softly, and black smoke covered his body again. It seemed that only under the cover of black mist could he barely maintain a trace of sanity.

"Let's go!"

Lan Yi glanced at Chongming and Qianwu. Although they temporarily had the seal of concealment like the wind, they could hide from the locks of those temple garoyes, but Chongming made such a big noise here, I believe those garoyes, You'll find it here soon.

"Lan Yi, do you really want us to obey that little girl's orders?"

Finally, Qianwu, who had been gnawing on the bones, opened his mouth and opened his mouth, revealing a row of jagged teeth, which looked very penetrating.

"She's just a young girl with yellow hair. It's not easy for me to handle her."

A cold light flashed in Lan Yi's eyes, "When we enter the Wuluo Ruins, that little girl will be useless. When the time comes, you can kill or eat her as you please."


Qianwu grinned strangely, "That little girl should be delicious!"


After leaving the jungle there, Yan Liang was still in shock.

But it turned out that they had seen the temple's Galloye chasing the three weirdos before. Based on the principle that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, Rufeng came to help the three of them, and even used the seal of invisibility to help them escape. Passed the tracking lock of Sanctuary Galaya.

But soon, Rufeng discovered that these three people were not good friends. If nothing else, these three people were full of evil spirits and the evil door was tight. Rufeng naturally gave up the intention of inviting them to join his team.

But Lan Yi seemed to have penetrated Rufeng's psychology, so he asked the two parties to cooperate with each other on the condition of leaving Wuluo City.

Then, there was the situation of the previous scene.

Although Rufeng has taken the initiative for the time being, cooperating with these three weirdos of the Priest is obviously seeking the skin of a tiger.

"Boss, those three people are not good people. One is more evil than the other, and one of them is causing trouble. I'm afraid we will all be tricked by these people."

After all, Yan Liang is older and more cautious when considering problems.

"Do you think I can't see that there is something wrong with these people?"

Rufeng gritted his silver teeth and said in a deep voice: "But right now, we have no other way. The Jiuru Dharma Assembly is the only chance for those upper realm Shutras to leave the temple. If we don't take advantage of this opportunity to seize them "Shiluvi Sutra", do we still want to rush into the temple and snatch the dark gold quality scripture? "


Yan Liang was silent.

Fighting into the temple?

Within the temple, those temple believers were invincible existences. Even the Broken Immortal Emperor could only return in defeat.

But outside, they did not receive the power blessing of "King Shiluvi", and their strength was greatly reduced.

This is also their only chance to snatch the scriptures from the hands of the upper-level Shutra.

Only by obtaining this dark-gold-quality "Shiluvi Sutra" can Rufeng find a way to leave by relying on the power of Chunzi Linghu.

"Although those three people are by no means good, you have also seen that their strength is by no means simple."

Rufeng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "We have been waiting for too long and cannot afford to waste time. Otherwise, sooner or later we will be caught by the messengers from the temple. In the end..."

Rufeng's voice paused. She clenched her fists tightly and took a deep breath, as if she thought of some terrible memory.


Yan Liang sighed, "Okay, boss, since you have decided, I, Yan Liang, will risk my life to make a big fuss with you!"


Rufeng raised her hand and patted Yan Liang's shoulder. She had a bold and rough personality, so she had always regarded Yan Liang and Han Tian as brothers.

At the same time, in order to find Rufeng and learn the truth about the Unfallen Temple, Lingfeng ignored Rufeng's warning and found the abandoned warehouse again.

Relying on his previous memories, Ling Feng easily broke through the magic circle and many hidden cover-ups in the warehouse. After a while, he followed the underground passage and arrived at the previous underground platform.

At this moment, Han Tian was playing with a group of seven or eight-year-old children. When he saw an outsider coming in, Han Tian was obviously shocked.

When he saw clearly that the person coming was Ling Feng, his eyelids jumped suddenly, he stood up straight, coughed, and shouted cautiously: "Uncle...uncle?"


Ling Feng secretly smiled bitterly in his heart. It seemed that no matter how many times he heard it, it was still difficult for him to get used to the title "uncle".

"Why are you here?"

Han Tian looked at Ling Feng in surprise, "Didn't Rufeng say..."

Ling Feng looked at the children, then looked at the surrounding environment, and said calmly: "Isn't she not here?"

"That's what I said..."

Han Tian scratched the back of his head, "But I don't know when she will come back."

"Then stop talking nonsense."

Ling Feng stared at Han Tian and said with a serious face: "You seemed to have a lot of things you wanted to tell me last time. Now, since Rufeng is not here, let's say them all."


Han Tian hesitated, raised his eyes to look at Ling Feng, and was immediately overwhelmed by his aura.

After all, they are father and daughter, they are both untouchable beings.

Han Tian took a deep breath and could only say weakly: "I don't know where to start at this moment."

"Then I ask and you answer."

Ling Feng stared at Han Tian and said in a deep voice: "I wanted to ask before, why do you take in so many children here?"


Han Tian shook his head and sighed, "They are not children."


Ling Feng's expression changed slightly. Indeed, although these children looked only seven or eight years old in appearance, their aura of life clearly did not resemble that of newborn children like the rising sun.

On the contrary, it's like...

Getting old, old man?

"What's going on?" Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he looked at Han Tian in surprise.

"That's not all the good deeds of the Temple of the Fallen."

Han Tian snorted softly, "Do you really think that King Shirvi, who is formless and formless, and those dharma appearances that change at will are all transformed by the power of his laws? Let me tell you, every one of his dharma appearances is It means a human life, a substitute!”

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly.

No wonder King Shirvi gave him such a strange feeling.

"These children in your eyes are the remains of their souls and souls that he had taken away. If Rufeng hadn't saved them, they would have died in the mass graves long ago."

Han Tian said and let out a long sigh, "When we first came here, we thought that King Shravi was a good person. If Rufeng hadn't had the power of the Spring Breathing Spring in his body, Yan Liang and I would have died long ago! "

Han Tian's words undoubtedly caused an uproar in Ling Feng's heart.

Sure enough, everything cannot just be taken at face value.

Fortunately, Ling Feng was more cautious, otherwise, he might have been bewitched by the Wufei Temple.

not good!

Ling Feng suddenly remembered that Yu Shiwei, this stupid woman, actually jumped into the fire pit.

As well as Elder Ziyun and the others, one by one, they were all obviously brainwashed by the Shirvi Sutra.

This is going to be troublesome.

Ling Feng clenched his fists. He could not just watch Elder Ziyun and the others become King Shrivi's substitutes.

Also, since the temple took such good care of him, it was obvious that the black forbidden book in his hand was of great importance. It was very possible that he had been targeted by King Shrivi.

Things are getting more and more complicated!

"What's your plan?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath to calm down as much as possible, stared at Han Tian, ​​and said in a deep voice: "You must have some plan to kidnap me here before, right? What can I do to help you?"


Han Tian hesitated, "Rufeng won't let me talk about this! If you get involved, Rufeng won't be able to tear me apart!"

"I am her father, you don't listen to what I say?"

Ling Feng grabbed Han Tian's shoulders, "Or are you saying that you don't want to be my son-in-law anymore?"

As soon as he heard the word "son-in-law", Han Tian blushed and waved his hands quickly: "Hey, Uncle Ling, do you think I... am suitable?"

"Then it depends on whether you are on the road or not!"

Ling Feng cast a sly look at Han Tian.

"Okay, I listen to you and support you!"

Han Tian immediately patted his chest and said, "From now on, uncle, if you ask me to go east, I will never go west!"

"You're not a bad guy!"

Ling Feng looked at Han Tian with a smile. Although this silly guy was a bit "silly", as a son-in-law, he must have as few evil thoughts as possible, otherwise his daughter would easily suffer!

Ahem, that’s too far off topic.

Ling Feng collected his thoughts and continued to ask: "Tell me, what is your plan?"

"Isn't it just the Jiuru Dharma Assembly in a few days?"

Han Tian took a deep breath and said: "Rufeng is going to snatch the dark gold scripture from the hands of the upper-level Shutara at the Jiuru Dharma Assembly. In this way, he can decipher the way to Wuluo Ruins. And Wuluo Ruins, then It’s the only way out of the Unfallen City!”

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