Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3844 Bidding! Imperial Token!

"The first item to be auctioned is the Inner Disciple Token. The starting price is a low-grade Immortal Crystal."

The auctioneer very calmly opened the red silk covering the token and looked at the audience with a smile.

In fact, the token itself does not have much value. Its value is also based on whether it can open the seal of the ancient imperial gate.

Maybe if you buy it back, it's just a worn-out iron sign.

Then, the token is worthless.

But if you can find a way to open the sealing circle, then it will be a priceless treasure.

After all, this object is related to the dragon jade fragment of Taixu Zhoulong!

The seven super powers are all eyeing this treasure.

Therefore, in terms of pricing, Tianmeng Auction House does not need to give a too high price at all.

Anyway, the seven major forces are so wealthy that in the end all they have to do is lie down and count their money.

"A low-grade fairy crystal?"

In the VIP box where Tianzhi belonged, Si Xing narrowed his eyes and smiled, and couldn't help but ask for a price, "I'll pay..."

Fortunately, before she could speak, she was pressed down by her eldest sister Si Ri.

Si Ri frowned and glared at her, "Let's wait and see what happens first."

Tianwei City is not a large city, so although there are traces of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce in Tianwei City, it is only a small and medium-sized branch.

Because of the incident involving Burying Tian Feng Yuan, a lot of manpower from other branches were temporarily removed, and the scale of the auction house was barely expanded.

But there are only twelve VIP boxes above.

Each of the seven super powers occupies one. In addition, there are five boxes, all of which are owners of supreme VIP cards. None of them are rich and powerful.

Now for this first token, there is no need to rush it, and there is no need to drive up the price too high.

After all, this is just a disciple token.

"Three low-grade fairy crystals!"

"I'll give you five!"



As the auctioneer started bidding, the monks sitting in the ordinary seats began an extremely fierce bidding.

Although the starting price is only one low-grade fairy crystal, it is actually not cheap.

You know, one fairy crystal can be exchanged for thousands of fairy stones.

Ling Feng looked at it with a leisurely expression. He held the leader's token, so naturally he would not participate in the competition for these ordinary tokens.

On the other hand, if the price is right for other auction items, you can consider buying them.

Soon, the price of this first imperial sect inner disciple token exceeded the mark of five hundred low-grade immortal crystals.

For five hundred low-grade immortal crystals, you can buy even ordinary mid-grade immortal weapons.

Just for a disciple token, to be honest, it is really a bit of a luxury.

But after all, this is the first one, so the enthusiasm for competition is very high.

"Six hundred!"

Finally, for the first time in the VIP box, someone raised a sign.

But he is a distinguished guest from the Xantian Ice Clan.

Across the VIP box, no one could see clearly what was going on inside, but the person who spoke seemed to be a woman.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and this aura seemed somewhat familiar.

He stared at the VIP box of the Xantian Ice Clan, and saw three shadows coming out of it.

The woman who just spoke seemed to be Shui Qingxuan, the team leader from the previous Qi Jue Immortal Ranking.

Among the major forces, all were led by elders of the older generation. Only the Xuntian Ice Clan sent two rising stars, Shui Qinghan and Shui Qingxuan.

Therefore, it also left a very deep impression on Ling Feng.

As for the other person.

There was a hint of ferocious evil in the icy cold aura.

Ling Feng was very familiar with this aura.

Prince Yin, Shui Chang Yin!

Speaking of which, he still had a grudge against Prince Yin for killing his younger brother.

In Tianzhi's box, Si Chen frowned slightly.

Obviously, she also recognized Prince Yin's aura.

That smell was very unpleasant.

In order to hide her identity before, she could only hold back at every turn and repel Prince Yin without revealing her strength.

But he still used the Great Sumeru Heaven-Converting Palm Technique.

If Prince Yin locked his identity, it would be somewhat troublesome.

But it doesn't matter, if Prince Yin seeks death, I won't mind giving him a ride.

"Fourth sister, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Si Chen was a little uneasy, Si Ri couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing, but that Prince Yin has some issues with me."


When Si Xing heard this, he immediately quoted loudly: "A thousand low-grade immortal crystals!"

Then, he proudly asked Si Ri for credit and said, "Since I have a problem with my little sister, I definitely can't give them the token for free! I'll give him a hand first!"


Si Ri rolled his eyes and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

They only shouted six hundred, but you said one thousand as soon as you opened your mouth!

How can there be such a price call?

I just hope that there will be another victim who is willing to pay a higher price.

However, it seems that everyone's psychological price for this ordinary inner disciple token is more than five hundred low-grade immortal crystals. Six hundred is considered a high price, and the one thousand quoted by Si Xing is completely taken advantage of. .

Sure enough, the voices in the auction house became weaker.

The auctioneer also started counting down, "One thousand low-grade fairy crystals once!"

"Twice a thousand low-grade immortal crystals!"

"Oops! What a loss!"

Si Xing's expression changed. He looked around and found that no one was quoting anymore.

At this moment, the auctioneer had completed the third countdown. He gently knocked the small golden hammer in his hand on the auction table and laughed loudly: "Congratulations to the distinguished guests in box No. 7 for successfully bidding on this first auction." The token of the inner disciple of the Imperial Sect!”

Inside the box.

Si Ri, Si Yue, and Si Chen all stared at Si Xing with unkind expressions.

Si Xing felt a little weak in his heart, but he still said bravely: "What...what are you doing? This is called a good start. A good start, you know!"

"Put these thousand immortal stones from your own pocket!"

Si Ri rolled his eyes, "Our public funds are reserved for bidding on the Supreme Elder Token!"

" too much!"

Si Xing almost cried out of anxiety. One thousand Immortal Crystals was not a small number even to her.

Si Chen shook his head and smiled without saying much.

But for no reason, he thought of Ling Feng.

With Ling Feng's alchemy skills, making money is simply easier for him than eating and drinking.

If Ling Feng were here, he probably wouldn't have to worry about thousands of fairy crystals.

However, he had already fallen into the dragon-slaying operation.

Thinking of this, Si Chen couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

Perhaps it was the ten years of seeing each other day and night that made her accustomed to this extra boy in her life.

He remembered that in order to get rid of the poisonous mist of the slow-shaped beast, he actually took the initiative to forcefully kiss him.

In fact, she never told Ling Feng that it was actually the first kiss in her life!

"Okay, let's take a look at tonight's second treasure..."

The auctioneer began to introduce the second auction item very hard.

It's a pity that those who appear here tonight are basically here for the Imperial Gate token.

Therefore, unless it is a particularly rare treasure, the guests present have little interest in other auction items.

In the end, the second auction item was sold at a very low price.

However, this was not beyond the auctioneer's expectations.

According to the rules of tonight's auction, for every two collections, a token will be put up for auction.

The second, third, and sixth coins that appeared next were all ordinary inner disciple tokens.

The final transaction price was around six hundred to eight hundred low-grade immortal crystals.

From this point of view, the first thousand low-grade immortal crystals sold were indeed a loss of blood.

Si Xing's face became more and more ugly, but he also learned the lesson from before and no longer dared to bid randomly.

Of these six ordinary inner disciple tokens, five were taken by super-class forces.

The other one was bought by a rich man in the VIP box for a high price of 880 low-grade immortal crystals.

For the time being, Xantian Thunder Clan and Xantian Wind Clan have not taken action yet.

Their target is obviously a token above the elder level.

"Next, we will auction the first Inner Sect Elder Token tonight!"

The auctioneer held the tokens on the tray high.

Sure enough, unlike the previous ordinary inner disciple tokens, the elder tokens not only have more complex lines, but also the materials used are obviously much more precious. Even though countless thousands of years have passed, they still have a faint glow. Golden shine.

It is completely different from the rusty appearance of ordinary disciple tokens.

"The starting price for the inner sect elder's token is one mid-grade immortal crystal. Every time the price is increased, it must not be lower than one mid-grade immortal crystal."

The auctioneer's gaze swept across the entire venue and immediately announced loudly: "Now, the bidding begins!"

"Good guy, the starting price is the middle-grade immortal crystal!"

For a moment, there was a murmur in the audience.

After all, according to the exchange ratio of fairy crystals, the price of one middle-grade fairy crystal is equivalent to one hundred low-grade fairy crystals, which is already a hundred times the difference.

However, the relatively expensive starting price cannot stop everyone's enthusiasm.

"Ten middle-grade fairy crystals!"




The monks sitting in the ordinary seats on the lower floor shouted their quotations at the top of their lungs. Their eyes were red, and they all imagined that they could get a token and successfully enter the ruins of the ancient imperial gate.

Even if you can't get the dragon body fragments, if you are lucky, you can pick up one or two ordinary fragments, which is enough.

No matter how bad it is, the Ancient Imperial Sect can be regarded as a prestigious sect in ancient times.

There must be other opportunities among the ruins.

It's a pity that although the idea is wonderful, it is just cannon fodder to enliven the atmosphere at best.

This time, the guests in the VIP box on the second floor quickly took action.

It seems also to speed up the pace of the overall auction.

From the Xuntian Lei Clan's box, a deep and powerful voice came out: "Three thousand, middle-grade immortal crystals! Everyone, just to show off to me, don't waste everyone's time!"


As soon as this voice came out, the whole place fell into silence.

After a short silence, a hearty laughter came from the next door box, "It turns out to be the ancestor of Qingwei. I will still give you this face!"

"Three thousand middle-grade immortal crystals, what a great gesture from Ancestor Qingwei!"

"I didn't expect that the ancestor of the Xuntian Thunder Clan would come forward in person. Tsk, tsk, it seems that the Xuantian Thunder Clan is determined to get the last Supreme Elder Token!"

There was an uproar on the field, and in the end, no one made any more bids to compete.

Ancestor Qingwei also secured the first Inner Sect Elder Token at the price of three thousand mid-grade immortal crystals.

As for the second one, it was the Xantian Wind Clan's turn to take action.

The elder of the Xuantian Feng Clan also quoted a price as high as 3,000 mid-grade immortal crystals. In addition, Tianwei City is the territory of the Qingluo Empress. The Xuantian Feng Clan made an offer for the first time. All parties, The noodles should still be somewhat thin.

When it came time to bid for the third Inner Sect Elder Token, the competition began to become more intense.

There are only twelve tokens in total, six inner disciple tokens, five inner elder tokens, plus the last supreme elder token.

In fact, the Taishang Elder Token must be worth an unimaginable sky-high price, and the only ones left for them to snatch are the three remaining Inner Sect Elder Tokens.

Even if there are several major forces that have already taken the Inner Disciple Token, if they are not absolutely sure that they can get the Supreme Elder Token, it is absolutely necessary to grab the Inner Sect Elder Token, which is a double insurance.

And the truly intense part of this auction has just begun!

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