Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3910 This world is wrong!





In an instant, Ling Feng felt as if every muscle and cell in his body was on fire.

The anger was about to devour him completely, and the burning anger turned directly into the raging flames, with Ling Feng as the center, sweeping across like crazy!


The sound of dragon roar sounded, and Ling Feng's original swallowing flame turned into two giant dragons at the same time, one on the left and one on the right, entwining around Ling Feng's side.

On the left is the overbearing ancient evil dragon.

On the right side is the image of the purifying demon dragon that burns and refines all things.

The evil dragon's fire and the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire, fueled by Ling Feng's anger, actually burst out with unprecedented boundless power!

"Cough cough cough..."

Under the deep pit, Ning Kun staggered to his feet and raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

There were no obvious scars on his body, but strangely, his hair turned half black and half white, making him seem much older instantly.

And Ling Feng's soaring wrath naturally made Ning Kun fearful.

He floated up, his eyes fell on Ling Feng, showing a hint of astonishment, "Ling Feng, I thought that the Six-ray Immortal Sealing Formation might not be able to trap you, but I never thought that after breaking the formation, you could still Standing here intact! Cough cough cough..."

Before he finished speaking, Ning Kun coughed violently and vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

"You scum who killed your master and rebelled against the clan, I will kill you today!"

The killing intent in Ling Feng's eyes soared, and the killing technique in his body began to run wildly and uncontrollably.

"Killing the master and betraying the sect? Hahahahaha!"

Instead, Ning Kun looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "Ling Feng, I thought that maybe you could understand me a little bit in your current situation, but I didn't expect that you are still as naive as those idiots!"

His gaze was as sharp as a steel needle, staring at Ling Feng, and he roared a little madly, "I'm here to tell you, it's not me who is wrong, but the world! Why, as a descendant of the ancient demon?" Do I have to be ostracized and suppressed? I am just trying to create another foreign possibility for my descendants! What’s wrong with me?”

"In order to change all this, someone always has to do something! Even if everyone despises me and hates me, so what? Will my descendants of the ancient demon always be like a bereaved dog, wagging its tail and begging for mercy?"

Ning Kun stared at Ling Feng with a grin, "Then, the final result will be just like your Tiandao clan, which will be wiped out!"

He took a deep breath, his tone was a little calmer, and he said slowly: "I thought you were the person who could understand me best in the world. We could have taken the same path and changed everything together! This Why can't the world be in your hands? Why can't the rules be made by you and me?

"Come on, Ling Feng, you have proven your worth! From now on, we can truly form an alliance, and I will show you that I have the power to fight against those Immortal Emperors and break this pattern!

"You are also qualified to see the real power behind me, belonging to my lineage of ancient demons!"

Ning Kun's eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, and he was waiting for Ling Feng's final answer.

"Different road non-phase plan!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, "Whether it's naive or stupid! I don't care how lofty your ideals are, it doesn't matter how much you sacrifice and pay, you shouldn't kill him!"


Ning Kun looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "Innocent, so innocent! Then, keep your innocence!"

"You, die!"

Ling Feng shouted violently, clenching his right fist tightly, and Atami's divine power had all been concentrated in the fist.

"Don't you want to know why Master is desperate to kill me here even if he blows himself up?"

Ning Kun interrupted Ling Feng and said with a sneer: "Don't you want to save the other sects? Among those sects who escaped in the spirit boat, there seem to be many brothers who have taken good care of you. ?”

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. Although he was furious, he was not completely overwhelmed by his anger.

The dead are gone.

But there is still a chance for those who are alive to be saved!

"I have sent people to ambush the Sea of ​​Storms. If you rush there now, you may be able to save some people. Of course, you can also avenge the master here. I can die in the hands of you, a descendant of Heaven, without saying anything. It's not too shameless to die well..."

Ning Kun coughed violently and vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

His injuries were severe, but this was most likely a disguise.

He possesses dragon claw fragments and possesses the power of the laws of time and space belonging to Taixu Zhoulong.

Must be on guard!

If too much time is wasted here, I'm afraid I won't be able to rescue other fellow students.

Si Chen, Yufeng Immortal Lord, Chi Yan Kuang, Bai Ping'er...

These fellow disciples will all be brutally killed!

Ling Feng clenched his fists and glared at Ning Kun coldly, "I won't let you go. Sooner or later, I will personally take your head!"

After the words fell, Ling Feng's figure soared into the sky, turning into a flaming meteor, speeding away in the direction of the Sea of ​​Storms.

When Ling Feng's figure finally disappeared into the distant sky, Ning Kun fell heavily to the ground.

"After all, it's still too reluctant...cough cough cough..."

He coughed violently for a while, then slowly opened his palms.

In the palm of his hand, there was actually an amber crystal the size of a fingernail.

And in the center of the transparent amber, there is actually a miniature figure, which seems to be the Immortal Master Jie Yin.

But it turns out that at the last moment when the Immortal Jieyin blew himself up, Ning Kun sacrificed the Taixu Zhoulong Dharma and controlled the Immortal Jieyin, not to protect himself, but to save the Immortal Jieyin.

With the dragon claw fragment, although Ning Kun cannot directly reverse time and space, he can use the power of the dragon claw fragment to briefly reverse the time on the designated target.

In other words, he can let the time on Jie Yin Xianzun go back to the moment before he burned the source of his soul and exploded himself.

But again, this also requires paying a considerable price.

Therefore, Ning Kun's hair turned half black and half white, making him look much older all of a sudden.

The power of time and space reversal is far from being easily controlled by immortal-level monks.

At the same time, although the time on the body of the immortal master was briefly turned back and returned to the time and space before the self-destruction, he was bound by the power of time and space, and therefore was trapped in the shackles of time.

The amber crystal in Ning Kun's palm is the time cage that binds the Immortal Master Jie Yin.

If he cannot be freed from the shackles of time, the state of Jie Yinxian Zun will basically be the same as that of the living dead.

However, there was no real death after all.

With Ning Kun's current ability, he is still unable to untie the shackles of Jieyinxian Zun, but he believes that one day, Jieyinxian Zun will be able to see the light of day again.

Ning Kun carefully put away the amber crystal and murmured to himself: "Wait a little longer, Master. As long as I get another fragment, I will definitely be able to rescue you! I can definitely do it!"

At the same time, Ling Feng was rushing towards the Sea of ​​Storms at the fastest speed.

As for whether Ning Kun was deceiving him, he no longer cared.

Sooner or later, I will surely take his head.

In addition, what he said is that the real power behind him belongs to the descendants of the ancient demon. What is the real power?

He didn't care anymore.

Now, the only thing he wants to do is to rush to the Sea of ​​Storms immediately and rescue those fellow disciples. This is the only thing he can do to make up for them.

The three heavenly masters must protect these fellow disciples at the risk of their lives. I must fulfill their wishes!

Sea of ​​Storms.

On the top of a mountain near the sea, under the control of the goggles man named "Xuan Ce", a dense barrage of artillery bombarded the area for almost half an hour before gradually stopping.

The spirit boat had crashed long ago and was turned into fragments all over the ground under the crazy sweep of the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon.

This artifact that has accompanied Jie Yinxian Zun for a long time has finally come to an end.

"Well, not bad, not bad."

Xuance clapped his hands and slowly untied a layer of linen wrapped around his hands. Then he looked back at the bull-headed man next to him who had already been unable to restrain himself. "Old cow, it's your turn to take action, hehe. , According to what that guy Ning Kun means, he is not going to leave anyone alive. That guy is so cruel!"


The bull-headed man apologized a few times in embarrassment, but secretly cursed in his heart: Why the hell are you not ruthless? Do you have humanity? After bombing the spirit boat for less than half an hour, even the strong Demon Emperors on the battlefield outside the territory were killed!

The cost of each shell of this level is extremely astonishing. That is to say, this guy can completely ignore the shells of the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon.

"Lord Xuance, something bad has happened!"

At this moment, a messenger disciple rushed over breathlessly, "Sir, it seems that we have been bombing here for too long, which attracted the attention of the border defense forces of the Xuantian Feng Clan. There seem to be dozens of Xuantian Feng Clan's border guards. The powerful men of the clan are coming, and there seems to be an Immortal Emperor among them!"

"Huh? The Immortal Emperor is here?"

Xuance was slightly startled, "This is too exaggerated!"

The corners of the bull-headed man's mouth twitched slightly.


The Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon almost flattened the coastline of the Sea of ​​Storms, stretching for thousands of miles!

This kind of heavy cannon used to deal with high-level demons appears here. It is already very polite to have an Immortal Emperor!

"No more fun now."

Xuance lowered his goggles, covered his eyes, and said with a smile: "Old Niu, the rest is up to you! The wind is tight, pull it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xuance waved his sleeves and put away all the divine weapons and demon-slaying cannons and puppets. Then, his figure soared into the sky with a whoosh, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Damn boy!"

The ox-headed man Qing Si was so angry that he ran very fast after leaving this mess behind.

"We haven't had time to clean up the mess. What if the dragon body fragments are on the body of a Tianzhi disciple? Wouldn't it be an advantage for the Xantian Wind Clan?"

Qingsi's eyes widened. He didn't want to leave or stay. In the end, he didn't dare to provoke the strong Immortal Emperor of the Xantian Wind Clan head-on, and left in a hurry with his subordinates.

We can only hope that the palace master may have succeeded.

In fact, Ning Kun was not sure whether the fragments were on Ling Feng's body or sent out. He just made two preparations in advance.

As the people in the Demon Soul Palace dispersed, not long after, the powerful Immortal Emperor from the Xuntian Wind Clan led dozens of Immortal Lords to the scene. Seeing the messy ruins, they were all frightened.

"It's the trace of the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon, there's no mistake."

One of the relatively older immortals frowned and said, "Moreover, there are at least ten cannons, which is not a small scale, and not something that ordinary people can use."


The leading female immortal emperor raised her hand slightly and interrupted the older immortal.

She looked at a ruin in the distance, vaguely discerning the appearance of a flying boat.

"Is that the spirit boat of the Jieyin Immortal? Could it be that the people of Tianzhi were ambushed here?"

The eyes of the Sushang Immortal Emperor condensed. She was the immortal emperor responsible for guarding the border, and she rarely went out.

But now there are signs of large-scale Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannons on the coast of the Storm Sea. As the general person in charge of this area, she naturally has to come to inspect.

"Could it be the work of the Xuntian Lei Clan?"

The Sushang Immortal Emperor frowned slightly. Logically speaking, only the seven major forces have such capital.

And, such shameless things are generally more like what the Xuntian Lei Clan can do.

"Suchang Taishang, what do you think we should do now?"

The elder Immortal Venerable took a deep breath and looked at Suchang Immortal Emperor cautiously, waiting for her instructions.

"First, go and see if there are any survivors. Also, look around. The firing of the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon will definitely leave traces. Maybe we can find some clues!"


The elder Immortal Venerable nodded quickly and ordered the others to search everywhere.

As for Suchang Immortal Emperor, he looked at the coastline that had been bombed into a mess from afar, and his face became a little solemn.

If it was really done by the Xuntian Lei Clan, this would be a major "diplomatic incident"!


The spirit boat of the Jieyin Immortal Venerable suddenly appeared here and attracted the attack of the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon. Could it be related to the previous incident in the Burial Sky Wind Plain?

I heard that the final winner was Tianzhi. Could it be that the dragon body fragment caused this disaster?

It's really cruel. The Xuntian Lei Clan really has no martial ethics!

The more Suchang Immortal Emperor thought about it, the more horrified he felt. He shook his head repeatedly and didn't dare to continue to imagine it.

No, no, he had to report it to the Empress as soon as possible.

However, this time, Suchang Immortal Emperor really thought too much. This matter really had nothing to do with the Thunder Clan of the Sky Patrol.

It's just that the Thunder Clan of the Sky Patrol, as the overlord of the fairyland, is used to being overbearing on weekdays. It's no wonder that Suchang Immortal Emperor thought of the Thunder Clan of the Sky Patrol first.

Moreover, heavy cannons such as the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon are mostly sent to the battlefield outside the domain to fight against the demons, except for some stored in the main cities of the major fairy courts.

The forces that can mobilize so many cannons can be counted on one's fingers.

It's hard not to think of the Thunder Clan of the Sky Patrol.

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