Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3945 Replace it!

"The two of them? This..."

When Chen Wu heard the names of Huang Yuan and Yu Qiubai, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

Although these two people are idiots, their identities are very special.

One is the son of the demon-suppressing general, and the other is the current prince!

Although in theory you won't encounter much danger when you go to the Quexie Fortress of the Xantian Mountain Clan to seek help, in a place like an extraterrestrial battlefield, anything can happen.

"Under the protection of the eagle's wings, a young eagle can never grow up."

Ling Feng looked at Commander Chen Wu and said slowly: "Huang Yuan and the others are my good friends, and I won't let anything happen to him!"

"All right!"

After hearing this, Chen Wu nodded, "Since you have spoken, these two people will go with you. In addition..."

Chen Wu took a deep breath, raised his hand and patted Ling Feng's shoulder gently, "If nothing can be done, don't come back. Take Huang Yuan and the others and go directly to Xihe Fortress. If there are no reinforcements, Wangshu Fortress will be afraid of It can’t sustain the next round of demon army’s attack.”

Although Chen Wu's words may sound too pessimistic, after all, who can know the outcome before the fight has been fought?

But right now, the situation at Wangshu Fortress is indeed not optimistic.

"Don't worry, Commander Chen, no matter what, I will definitely bring reinforcements back!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Although he had no sense of belonging to Dayu Xianting, the iron-blooded will of these soldiers had been infecting Ling Feng since arriving on the battlefield outside the territory.

This will is truly admirable.

About an hour later, Ling Feng led an elite team of fifteen people and quietly evacuated from the rear of Wangshu Fortress.

The team also included Huang Yuan and Yu Qiubai proposed by Ling Feng.

Although they were reluctant when they first heard it, luckily they compromised immediately as soon as Ling Feng opened his mouth.

In their eyes, Ling Feng has become an omnipotent god.

By following him, you can get some meritorious deeds.

On the city wall, Prince Su and the Demon-Suppressing General and his entourage watched Ling Feng and his entourage leave in the distance, with a hint of worry and a bit of hope in their eyes.

"I hope this guy can successfully bring reinforcements."

Grand Governor Du Zhongwei took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"I hope so."

Although Huang Shicheng seemed calm, the hands behind his back were only clenched into fists, and his knuckles were turned white from the excessive force.

Although Fatty Hei is useless, he is his only son after all.

I just hope that the boy can survive on the battlefield. Just this is enough.

Prince Su naturally saw Huang Shicheng's worry, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, saying calmly: "Okay, let's go back. Even if they can't bring in reinforcements, we must not sit still and wait for death. Let's discuss the battle plan when we go back. , even if it’s just us, we will definitely give the demon army a head-on blow!”

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Huang Shicheng nodded slightly. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. The most important thing right now is how to defend the fortress!


At this moment, Prince Su suddenly frowned, "Where is that girl Bingqing?"

"Maybe he went back to camp to rest."

Du Zhongwei smiled lightly.

However, at this moment, a figure came flying towards him, and it was none other than Qi Yunchang, one of Yu Bingqing's three personal guards.

Then, Du Yutang and Wang Anyi followed closely behind.

"Your Majesty, it's not good, your Royal Highness, the eldest princess..."

Qi Yunchang looked at Prince Su with a panic look on his face, "She...she..."

"What's up with her?"

Prince Su frowned, this junior's psychological quality is too poor.

Although Sangong was considered a prominent figure, as the generations passed down, his status became increasingly worse.

"She...she snuck out of the fortress!"

Qi Yunchang said in a trembling voice. Under the terrifying pressure of Prince Su, he felt that breathing had become extremely difficult.


Prince Su's eyes suddenly widened, "What nonsense! What nonsense!"

That crazy girl said before that she wanted to go to Quexie Fortress to ask for help, but she didn't agree, so she actually sneaked away!

However, this does seem like something she can do.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Prince Su was so angry that he itched his teeth, "Why don't you go find someone quickly! Bring her back to me!"

The duty of the three personal guards is to protect Yu Bingqing anytime and anywhere. Now that Yu Bingqing is gone, they are still standing here in a daze.

What a bunch of rubbish!

"Yes, yes! Junior, go now!"

Qi Yunchang nodded repeatedly, and then Du Yutang and Wang Anyi also bowed to Prince Su, then retreated from the tower together, and rushed out after Ling Feng's team.

"What a bunch of losers!"

Prince Su snorted coldly, and then walked away. Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, really didn't save herself any worries!

Not long after, Qi Yunchang and the others had left Wangshu Fortress far away.

But at this moment, the three of them changed from their previous state of being panicked and panicked. Instead, they showed a hint of a smile that seemed to have succeeded.

But it turned out that they had deliberately pretended to be derelict in their duties so that Yu Bingqing could leave Wangshu Fortress.

In this case, as personal guards, they naturally had to chase him out together.

Now, "Shuihan" made great achievements in the first battle and was appreciated by Prince Su, who asked him to go to Quexie Fortress to ask for help.

Once he succeeds and has outstanding achievements, he will immediately become a hot favorite and a star of tomorrow.

To say that these three people are not envious would be a lie.

Therefore, they must take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of "Shuihan".

"That pretty boy, relying on his little luck, has made some small contributions, and has already won the favor of Her Royal Highness the Princess. If he can successfully bring in reinforcements again, we will still have a foothold in Wangshu Fortress. Land?"

Qi Yunchang clenched his fists and said bitterly: "No matter what, we must not let him succeed! Now, the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark, that kid will fall into our hands sooner or later!"

Du Yutang smiled sinisterly and said nothing.

In fact, although Qi Yunchang and Wang Anyi were angry, they had no such intentions.

From the beginning to the end, it was Du Yutang who instigated the two of them, first letting them leave on purpose, giving Yu Bingqing a chance to slip out of the fortress, and then reporting it to Prince Su, so that they could pursue Yu Bingqing openly.

Every step is in his plan.

The last step is even more sinister, taking advantage of Ling Feng's absence in the fortress to get rid of him!

"This is not good."

Wang Anyi frowned slightly, "After all, he shoulders the important task of moving reinforcements to Quexie Fortress. If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be possible for Wangshu Fortress to..."

"How can a person who achieves great things have the kindness of a woman?"

Du Yutang patted Wang Anyi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "What's more, Brother Wang, who said that the important task of calling for help can only be completed by Shui Han? The three of us, as the descendants of the third son, our status and status are so respected. , how can he be compared to a wild boy who came out of nowhere? If he dies, we can naturally replace him! As long as we bring the reinforcements back to Wangshu Fortress, we will be the biggest contributors when the time comes. I’ll still remember that wild boy!”

"Hahaha, Brother Du is right!"

When Qi Yunchang heard this, he burst out laughing, as if he had already seen the scene where he became the hero of Wangshu Fortress and was admired by everyone.

Wang Anyi also nodded, "That's true, Brother Du is still smart!"

"Okay, they set off one step ahead of us, we must be one step faster than them, find the opportunity, and get rid of that kid!"

An extremely sinister look flashed in Du Yutang's eyes, like a poisonous snake, which sent chills down the spine.


Wang Anyi and Qi Yunchang nodded at the same time, immediately spread out their body skills and galloped out.

At the same time, Ling Feng and his party moved quickly without wasting a moment, striving to reach the Quexie Fortress of the Xantian Mountain Clan in the shortest possible time.

The further away from Wangshu Fortress, the entire space station becomes purple, filled with a dark, turbid, and chaotic atmosphere, rushing towards the face.

Everywhere you look, you can see bare, barren mountains with no grass growing on them. Wherever you look, you can see white bones everywhere.

Pieces of huge bones were scattered around the battlefield.

There are humans, demons, and various giant beasts.

No wonder there is almost no aura of heaven and earth in this space.

It is precisely because of this that elixirs are particularly important in this world.

Of course, a chaotic body like Ling Feng doesn't have many feelings.

Be it devilish energy or spiritual energy, he can absorb them all in one go.

"Is this... still the human world?"

Yu Qiubai grew up in the imperial city, and had never seen such a scene before. Along the way, his face had long become darker than the bottom of a pot.

Looking at the dark sky, filled with demonic energy, this is not the human world, it is simply hell!

"After the erosion of demonic energy, everything in this world will be corroded by demonic energy and become a demonic realm."

A middle-aged man wearing silver armor explained in a deep voice.

This person's name is Meng Chong, and he is a general under Chen Wu. He is at the peak of the immortal realm and has a powerful aura. He should be as strong as Yu Jingyuan.

It is said that he is still a two-star war god.

Meng Chong paused, stretched out his hand to hold the heavy sword behind his back, and said in a deep voice: "Generally speaking, most low-level demons reproduce asexually. As long as there is enough demon energy, they will breed continuously. Everyone, be careful. Yeah, the demonic energy in this place is a little abnormal!"

Before he finished speaking, a low roar came quickly from far to near.

"Everyone be on alert!"

Meng Chong suddenly pulled out his heavy sword, looking completely attentive.

In the battlefield, any place where corpses are densely packed, filled with demonic energy, and flesh and blood mixed with demonic energy will breed a large number of low-level demons.

Although the low-level demons have limited combat power, if they are in large numbers, it will be a headache.

Moreover, some mutants will often evolve among the millions of low-level demons.

The strength of these mutants is comparable to some mid-level or even high-level demons!

The demons are extremely sensitive to the breath of human beings. Those demons are obviously very excited when they feel the breath of living people.

"Jie Jie Jie, there are humans!"

"Eat all their flesh and blood and advance to a higher level of existence!"

"I crave blood!"

The ferocious roars came one after another. Ling Feng frowned, and the next moment, a frost blade condensed in his palm.

"Don't waste time with these low-level demons, they can't be killed all."

After all, Meng Chong is a veteran who has experienced battles for a long time, and he basically knows the information about most of the demons.

Ling Feng nodded slightly, swung his sword, and the ice burst open a passage, knocking away all the low-level demons roaring in front of him.

Immediately he jumped into the black ice.

"Let's slide out!"

After saying that, his whole body surged with momentum, and waves of storms tore apart, tearing apart all the low-level demons around him.

"Ha ha!"

Fatty Huang laughed loudly, "I didn't expect that I could skate on the battlefield outside the territory!"

With that said, he also jumped onto the ice "track" of Ling Feng.

A group of fifteen people, one after another, slid quickly on the black ice track, their speed was as fast as flying.

The ice condensed by Ling Feng carries with it terrifying freezing power. Those low-level demons who come close will be frozen into ice cubes.

Such a large-scale killing move couldn't be easier to use against low-level demons.

At this moment, a burst of shouting came from the distance.

Then, a monstrous wave of air rose into the sky, mixed with an overbearing and unparalleled energy, and turned into a bloody storm.

Ling Feng sighed inwardly, knowing who it was without having to guess.

She still came!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He knew that things were not simple since he had not seen Yu Bingqing on the tower of Wangshu Fortress before.

"You guys go first, I'll go pick up Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

After Ling Feng said that, his figure turned into a blue light and flew out.

"Ah? Auntie is here too?"

Yu Qiubai's eyelids twitched, his feet slipped, and he almost slipped off the Xuanbing track. Fortunately, Meng Chong had quick eyes and quick hands and grabbed Yu Qiubai's lapel, which saved his life.

At this moment, Ling Feng was running as fast as lightning. Wherever he passed, the lower demons were all frozen into ice before they could react.

Then, with a burst of Ling Feng's momentum, everything turned into debris all over the ground.

"Why are you following me!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at Yu Bingqing with some reproach, and as he spoke, he already landed next to Yu Bingqing.

"I'm worried about you!"

Yu Bingqing pursed her lips, "I recommended you to enter the battlefield outside the territory, so shouldn't I be responsible for you? Besides, you also kidnapped Qiu Bai. As an aunt, I am not allowed to take care of you?"


Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a while. It was obviously this woman who asked him to take more care of her good nephew. Otherwise, he wouldn't bother to do this.

It's better now, but he has kidnapped Yu Qiubai.

What a woman’s mouth!


Yu Bingqing showed a proud look on her face, "How about it? I was left speechless by this princess!"

"I can't speak to you."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at her, and with a wave of his hand, a wall of ice rose from the ground, blocking all the low-level demons that roared towards him.

Then, Ling Feng held Yu Bingqing's shoulders with one hand and led her to jump onto the ice wall.

Xuanbing continued to condense under his feet, and he jumped step by step. In a short while, he passed over the low-level demon clan and successfully merged with his companions from other teams.


Following Ling Feng's clear roar, everyone immediately deployed their movements and left quickly.

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