Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3961 A sudden turn of events!

In the battlefield outside the domain, Wangshu Fortress.

At this moment, the battle situation is extremely tragic.

The demon-suppressing general Huang Shicheng, who did not hesitate to use the power of the Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Array, transformed into the Shura Blood Demon, and suppressed those void beasts for a while.

But everyone knows that his state cannot last long.

Moreover, once this power dissipates, the only end waiting for Huang Shicheng is death.


The Baizhang Blood Demon roared with a roar that shook the nine netherworlds.

The blood knife flew around him, and wherever the knife light went, the sky collapsed and the earth split!

Even those huge void beasts, as long as they were swept by the knife light, were turned into meat paste in an instant.

Huang Shicheng, who turned into the Shura Blood Demon, his power was enough to pose a fatal threat to these void beasts!

Those void beasts could only be forced to retreat and no longer attack the barrier.

And Huang Shicheng was willing to sacrifice his life just to keep the fortress barrier intact.

As long as the fortress is still there, there is always hope.

Once the city is broken, everyone's faith will collapse like a building.


Feeling the huge threat from the Shura Blood Demon, the void beasts united and began to attack the Shura Blood Demon frantically.

More than a dozen void beasts comparable to the Demon Emperor level, and their skin and flesh are thick, far from being comparable to ordinary Demon Emperors.

Even the Shura Blood Demon, who took advantage of the endless blood power of the battlefield, was temporarily stuck in a stalemate.

In a short period of time, it is difficult to break through the siege and cause huge casualties.

And this is undoubtedly the result that everyone is most reluctant to see.

But the power of these dozen void beasts can only be confronted by this Shura Blood Demon.

"Damn it!"

Prince Su saw the situation on Huang Shicheng's side and couldn't help but clench the long sword in his hand tightly.

Huang Shicheng was willing to sacrifice his life, but he was still besieged by those void beasts.

And he only had one hour.

If he was delayed for an hour by those void beasts, his sacrifice would be completely in vain.

"What are you still looking around for? Go to hell!"

Philius's sinister and cold eyes stared at Prince Su.

The hatred of disfigurement has made this high-level demon who originally wanted to maintain his "grace" completely angry.

In an instant, more than a dozen dream bodies launched an attack at the same time.

And this time, Philius learned from the previous lesson and left several dream bodies to guard by his side, not giving Prince Su any chance.

Even though Prince Su's divine sword was unparalleled, he repeatedly attacked Philius, but in the end he could only kill the dream body.

The longer the time dragged on, the more anxious Prince Su became.

Seeing that more than half an hour was about to pass, the power of the Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Array was dissipating bit by bit.


A void beast opened its bloody mouth and bit the shoulder of the Shura Blood Demon heavily.

If it was before, relying on the blood power drawn from the battlefield, the Shura Blood Demon could recover instantly.

But this time, the Shura Blood Demon's huge body actually trembled violently in the air.

The demon-suppressing general Huang Shicheng, who was shrouded in blood light, burst into blood mist all over his body, and his body was also disintegrating bit by bit.

His life was about to come to the end.

"General Huang!"

Prince Su's eyes were full of bloodshot, and he slashed dozens of swords with all his strength, trying to force Filius back, but was blocked by the opponent's dream body one by one.

Then, the six wings behind Filius fluttered, and a dark storm swept wildly with him as the center.

"I said that I would let you see those companions die one by one in front of you. Now, let's start with that guy!"

In an instant, the demonic energy around him became extremely dense, and the whole person rose like a black sun.

Under the cover of his endless demonic energy, those void beasts instantly fell into a more violent state, and their aura rose again.

Boom boom boom!

Those giant beasts, biting or ramming, attacked the Shura Blood Demon like crazy.


Huang Shicheng spat out blood crazily, and he felt that the power of the Shura Blood Demon was dissipating.

With the increase and decrease of one, it is likely that his body will be completely torn into pieces in less than an hour, and there will be no recovery.

He looked at the towering fortress in the distance, and a drop of blood and tears fell.

He had paid everything he could, but in the end...

He was defeated.


There was another loud noise, and a void giant beast hit the chest of the Shura Blood Demon, and then a giant claw pierced through the chest of the Blood Demon.

The body of the Shura Blood Demon suddenly fell heavily like pushing a mountain and overturning a jade pillar.

Boom boom boom!

The huge body hit the barrier of the fortress.

Huang Shicheng's chest also exploded, and a blood mist spurted out of his chest. Through the wound, one could even see that his heart was beating "bang bang".


Countless soldiers of the Demon Suppression Army burst into tears when they saw Huang Shicheng fall, roaring and bursting out their last strength to kill into the demon army.

Although the fate waiting for them might be death.

But even if they die, their spirit will live forever, and their heroic spirit will not be extinguished!

"General Huang has fallen, and the Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Formation has been broken!"

Du Zhongwei, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, spit out a mouthful of reverse blood.

In order to maintain the power of the Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Formation, more than a dozen of their Immortal Emperors have exhausted all their power.

On the city tower, there are almost no Immortal Emperor strong men who can fight against those giant void beasts.

If this situation continues, within a quarter of an hour, the barrier will be destroyed and the fortress will be broken!

Everything seems to be hopeless.

"Comrades, sacrifice your essence and blood, maintain the magic circle, and protect the city with your death!!!"

Du Zhongwei clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and stood up with difficulty. He did not hesitate to burn the power of his life essence and blood to strengthen the fortress barrier.

The other Immortal Emperors also staggered to their feet with determination in their eyes.

In an instant, the fortress boundary burst into golden light.

More than a dozen Immortal Emperors simultaneously burned the power of their life essence and blood, and immediately completely repaired the barrier that was already full of cracks.

It even expanded to several hundred feet.

"Hahahaha, it wouldn't be happy if millions of my colleagues died together!"

Du Zhongwei looked up to the sky and laughed, "You bastards of the demon clan, even if the fortress of Wangshu is destroyed today, I, the Great Yu Immortal Court, will eventually regain this great pass and drive you back to the demon realm. You will never be able to set foot in the fairy realm!"


The giant beasts in the void roared and roared. They all gave up on the dying Huang Shicheng and continued to attack the fortress boundary.

These immortal emperors had already been almost drained of their energy and blood by the Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Formation.

At this moment, it is just the end of the war.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A dozen giant void beasts that were hundreds of feet tall hit the barrier heavily with their huge bodies. The violent impact immediately shook the barrier's light curtain to the point of collapse.


One after another, the Immortal Emperor spurted out blood, but they still supported each other and never fell.

Seeing this scene on the city tower, all the soldiers of Wangshu Fortress burst out with immeasurable and astonishing fighting spirit.

"The heroic souls of the human race are immortal! Come on, you devil bastards! Let's all die!"

"There is no coward who is afraid of death among the children of Dayu Immortal Court!"


In an instant, the entire battlefield turned into a meat grinder. Every moment, large swaths of blood rose into the sky, staining the yellow sand with blood. It was extremely tragic.

One after another, the human soldiers fell in a pool of blood, but they continued to fight. When a comrade fell, another person would rush in as a substitute.

Even though millions of demonic armies were pressing down on the city, they were unable to advance the battle line even an inch!

"Huh, pointless struggle!"

The generals of the demons constantly sent the cannon fodder of the lower demons forward to consume the human combat power. When the human monks were exhausted, they sent elites to attack.

Even in a short period of time, the human race soldiers can still resist with their strong fighting spirit, but if time continues to delay, the human race will probably be wiped out!

"Jie! Jie! Jie! Let them all die!"

The six-winged demon emperor Phileus had a strange blood light dancing in his eyes, and a ferocious look on his face. The fortress of the Great Yu Immortal Palace was about to be completely eradicated!

And as the commander-in-chief of this battle, he will definitely receive a supreme reward!


In Prince Su's anxiety, the edge of his sword was messed up. Inadvertently, his chest exploded, and almost half of his internal organs were shattered!

But it turned out that a dream body had pierced his chest with a claw while he was not prepared.

Prince Su spurted out blood, and sword aura erupted all over his body, forcing all those dream bodies back.

But the demonic energy was lingering around his chest. Once he was eroded by Phileus's demonic energy, even if he was half-broken, his life would probably be in danger.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Phileus laughed crazily, "You lowly human ants, you can't defend this fortress. Soon, under the leadership of the Queen, the entire fairyland will also become the prey of my demon clan! You guys All the ants will become the blood food of our demon clan!”

Phileus laughed crazily. He seemed to have seen the demons occupying the entire fairyland.

All human beings were raised in captivity and treated like chickens, ducks, pigs, and dogs for them, the high-level demons, to devour as they pleased! Slavery!

"Your Majesty Prince Su!"

On the battlefield ahead, the powerful Immortal Emperors who were fighting with the opponent's high-level demons were shocked to see Prince Su being seriously injured.

Even Prince Su was seriously injured. Is this battle really hopeless?

In an instant, countless immortal emperors rushed back to help.

They can die, but Prince Su is the hope of everyone, the heart of the entire army, and the spiritual sustenance of all the soldiers.

Once this hope is extinguished, the human race will completely lose the confidence to continue fighting.

He must not die!

"Everyone, stand down!"

Prince Su shouted loudly, "Do you think I will lose? Hold your position and won't give in!"

Prince Su swung the sword in his hand and slapped it on his chest with his backhand.

A ball of flames burst out, directly scorching the wound and delaying the erosion of the demonic energy.

"What a step and a half, it's really admirable! It's a pity that he was born in the human race!"

Phileus snorted coldly, "Today is the day you will fall half-way down!"

Around him, billowing demonic energy swept across him, and the six wings behind him were actually covered with a strange purple light.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely be able to find that this purple light is very similar to the twelve purple wings of the Demon Queen Keweili.

However, Phileus only has six wings.

But it also means that Phileus's bloodline is the true bloodline of the high-level demon royal family.

A greedy light burst out from his eyes. The more powerful the human flesh and blood, the greater the help to the evolution of his own bloodline.

Even as a high-level demon, he still follows this rule.

After devouring the half-step in front of him, maybe he can also have a chance to take a further step!

The purple six wings behind him flapped wildly. When the demonic energy exploded to its extreme, a pitch-black spear suddenly condensed in his hand, and he was about to stab Prince Su with one shot.

This scene is only between lightning and flint.

Prince Su gasped for air, stared at Philius opposite him, gritted his teeth and clenched the sword in his hand.

But at this moment, a ray of green light fell from the nine heavens, turning into a ten thousand-foot spear light, which seemed to split the sky into two.

The countless demonic armies that were fighting below were directly crushed into powder under the green light.

But it turns out that at this critical moment, the support from the Xuntian Wind Clan finally arrived.

At this moment, the person who took action was none other than the leader of Xantian Feng Clan, Immortal Emperor Feng Yang!

His strength may not be half a step, but his speed is definitely at the half-step level.

"Who! Dare to ruin my good deeds!"

Phileus suddenly became furious. If Immortal Emperor Feng Yang hadn't blocked his attack, Prince Su would have been seriously injured, and he might even have been killed in one blow.

"I am the Immortal Emperor Feng Yang of the Xantian Feng Clan."

Immortal Emperor Feng Yang smiled faintly, announced his name, and immediately bowed his hands to Prince Su, "Your Majesty, you are polite!"

"Feng Yang Immortal Emperor!"

Prince Su's eyelids twitched. Why did the Immortal Emperor of Xantian Wind Clan suddenly appear here?

Could it be?

An incredible thought flashed through his mind.

Could it be that Shui Han, Yu Bingqing and the others really crossed the blockade and asked for reinforcements from the Xantian Wind Clan?

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

But it turned out to be Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Great Yu Immortal Court, Yu Bingqing!

"Uncle Emperor, Bingqing is late!"

Yu Bingqing's whole body was filled with energy and blood, which converged into a bloody hell dragon, shrouding the figure of Prince Su.

Feeling the huge aura on Yu Bingqing's body, a look of astonishment flashed in Prince Su's eyes.

"Girl Bingqing, you!"

He clearly felt that Yu Bingqing's cultivation had already exceeded the Immortal Emperor level!

It was obvious that the day she left Wangshu Fortress, she was still the pinnacle immortal!

"Could it be?"

The next moment, a thought flashed through Prince Su's mind again, and he asked in great shock: "Are you the new Immortal Emperor who triggered the colossus of the gods a few days ago?"

Yu Bingqing just nodded slightly and said calmly: "It's me!"

"Okay! Okay! Hahahahaha!"

Prince Su burst into tears. It was a great blessing to have such a talented person appear in Dayu Immortal Court.

Not only that, she actually brought back reinforcements from the Xantian Wind Clan!

In the distant sky, spaceships were seen coming through the sky one after another, quickly joining the battlefield.

He actually went directly to the rear of the demon clan, and with the defenders of Wangshu Fortress, they used a double-teaming force to surround the demon clan army.

In an instant, the situation seemed to have taken a turn for the worse!

(PS: I am probably suffering from secondary yang, and I feel weak all over. I don’t exercise much, so my body is relatively weak. In addition, the weather frequently alternates between hot and cold during this period. Everyone should pay attention to their health, otherwise they will really suffer. Old sin!)

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