Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3988 The person who wants your life!

Suppressing the eight lights of chaos only took place in an instant.

Ling Feng continued to expand the new land, but unfortunately, after a long time, he found nothing.

It seemed that all the chaotic light generated in the nearby area had been sucked up by Ling Feng in an instant.

In desperation, Ling Feng could only open his eyes and slowly stood up.

"How about it?"

Yu Bingqing came up to him immediately. In fact, it took less than half an hour from Ling Feng sitting down cross-legged to standing up now.

In such a short time, I should have gained nothing.

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed: "Not ideal."

At this time, Mr. Qingyan who was guarding the heights also flew back. Hearing Ling Feng's words, he smiled and comforted: "It was like this at the beginning. After all, the Longyuan Gorge has just opened. How can it be so easy to capture chaos?" Generally speaking, it won’t be until the second day that you can catch some. If you are unlucky, it may not be until the third day.”


Ling Feng was silent for a moment, then said: "I did capture some lights of chaos, but there were only eight..."

"Eight ways..."

Mr. Qingyan chuckled, "As for Badao...huh?"

Suddenly, Mr. Qingyan's eyelids twitched, "How much?"

"Eight ways..."

"You boy!"

The corner of Mr. Qingyan's mouth twitched slightly. Others may have just opened their doors two or three days ago, but this guy captured eight lights of chaos in less than half an hour after arriving!

That's it, you still have the nerve to talk about it!

In an instant, Mr. Qingyan's old face turned red, and it was a shame that he comforted him!



Seeing Mr. Qingyan's blushing and thick-necked look, Yu Bingqing couldn't help laughing and laughed out loud, "Haha, senior, aren't you used to it? This guy has this kind of virtue."

What kind of virtue do I have...

Ling Feng couldn't help but feel depressed. I didn't pretend to be cool, I just told the truth...

Mr. Qingyan shook his head and smiled, "You can capture eight lights of chaos in half an hour. Could it be that this place is actually a treasure place where the lights of chaos are born?"

"I don't know if it's a treasure or not. Anyway, after absorbing the eight rays of chaotic light at the beginning, there was no more light in the next half hour."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said lightly.

The muscles on Mr. Qingyan's face twitched again.

He finally understood that this was not a matter of treasure land at all. This boy was afraid that he had sucked up all the light of chaos within a radius of several hundred miles!

It's hard to imagine what kind of nascent land it is that has such an astonishing "attraction" to the light of chaos.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore..."

Mr. Qingyan felt like he was going to be autistic. What this kid said was so hurtful!

"Let's go, let's go. There's no point in staying here. Let's go find the next place."

Mr. Qingyan shook his head and smiled bitterly. He is now more and more curious about how much light of chaos this boy will be able to collect on the last day!

I'm afraid that it will really break the highest record in the history of the Conquest Alliance.

At the same time, in the temporary camp where the warships were docked by the Alliance.

Except for the half-step broken-level armored puppet, who was still standing aside expressionlessly, Elder Jianxin and Elder Shenglin were sitting around a round table made of pineapple flowers and trees, drinking tea.

Master Shenglin obviously enjoys it, and he actually carries these furniture and tea sets with him.

Even in such a desolate place, there is still leisure and relaxation, and you can enjoy tea leisurely.

On the contrary, Elder Kenshin sitting opposite him looked a little impatient.

"Shenglin, we are here with a mission, you are quite happy!"

Elder Jianxin rolled his eyes at Elder Shenglin. This old boy had been sitting there making and drinking tea since the immortals left.

After drinking more than a dozen cups of tea, Elder Kenshin finally became impatient.

"It's only the first day, there's no need to rush."

Elder Shenglin smiled and said: "Everything just needs to be done according to the plan. You don't think that Shui Han can turn the world upside down."

As he said that, he looked at the armored puppet on the side, "After that kid collects enough light of chaos, he will use the specially made immortal-level armored puppet to absorb and transfer the light of chaos. That kid will also It’s completely useless.”

"Having said that, it's safer to find someone to keep an eye on first."

Elder Jianxin said in a deep voice.

"That kid is not simple, and he has a divine soul comparable to that of the Broken Level. If people stare at him, wouldn't it be directly exposed? What's more, there are already two Immortal Emperors around him. If he sends other Immortal Emperors over, wouldn't it be a problem? Doesn’t it mean that you are not asking for it, and you have made it clear that you have another purpose for him? "

After a pause, Elder Shenglin continued: "Longyuan Gorge is neither small nor big. In such a closed environment, there are you and me, plus half a step. Is it possible for a broken-level armored puppet? Do you think that kid still has a chance to survive? "

"That's true."

Elder Jianxin nodded, "Brother Shenglin is still far-sighted and far-sighted. I am ashamed of myself."

Shenglin shook his head and smiled, picked up the teapot and poured another cup for Elder Kenshin, "Brother Kenshin is joking. Drink tea, drink tea."

Time flies, and three days have passed.

As Mr. Qingyan said, as time goes by, the light of chaos is affected by the laws of external space and time, and begins to condense crazily and take shape.

Moreover, the taller the corpse, the more dense the light of chaos is.

During these three days, Ling Feng absorbed almost thirty rays of chaotic light on the first day, and on the second day, the number reached a hundred.

Starting from the third day, Ling Feng had just sat down cross-legged for the first time. As soon as the newborn soil unfolded, nearly a hundred rays of chaotic light swept over him crazily.

According to this trend, as long as I change a few more places, I'm afraid I'll have a chance to absorb at least seven or eight hundred rays of chaotic light.

With a powerful spiritual soul as his foundation, Ling Feng was not worried at all about what waves the light of chaos would cause in his nascent soil.

After about half an hour, Ling Feng suppressed all the more than a hundred chaotic lights.

Compared with the first day, these lights of chaos are obviously much more "mature", more active, and more violent.

If the source of the soul is not strong enough, I am afraid that it will be backfired by these chaotic lights, causing irreversible damage.

"It's a good start today."

Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and stood up.

"A good start?"

Yu Bingqing narrowed her eyes and smiled, "How many ways?"

"Let's talk about a hundred." Ling Feng smiled slightly, "This momentum is not bad."


Mr. Qingyan has gradually started to get used to Ling Feng's unnatural behavior, but he still couldn't help but complain a few words.

Others may only open on the third day, but this guy has smoked more than 100 times in half an hour.

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, but said nothing.

In fact, in the past few days, I have also met some other immortals from other major forces who have received secret orders.

Most of these immortals are one-star gods of war, probably at the level of Yu Jingyuan.

Although for the current Ling Feng, Yu Jingyuan can be destroyed with just one hand, but at the level of the Immortal Lord, Yu Jingyuan is not weak.

If it were placed in Tianzhi, it would be comparable to the Three Deities and Four Wonders!

And in the battlefield outside the territory, such strong men can actually gather hundreds of them in a short period of time.

It seems that among the seven super powers, most of the real top geniuses are stationed in the battlefields outside the territory to fight against the demons.

The war alliance is a place where the proud kings gather.

However, even for such a proud man, the process of collecting the light of chaos can be said to be boring and torturous.

Ling Feng could basically sense the existence of the light of chaos the moment he opened the nascent soil.

Others, on the other hand, often have to sit there for several hours before they feel even the faintest sensation.

Among the several immortals Ling Feng met, the one with the most captured only five lights of chaos in the past two days. It was not as good as the eight lights of chaos that Ling Feng refined in one breath at the beginning. Lots of light.

"Let's go to the next place."

Ling Feng looked deeper into Longyuan Gorge.

At the entrance, corpses more than ten thousand feet high are most common, but here, the corpses of those ancient beasts almost cover the sky and the sun.

Almost the entire world is made of huge skeletons.

It's a pity that among these bones, there is no trace of the spiritual energy belonging to the ancient beasts. Otherwise, bones of this level may be able to create countless rare and rare magic weapons.

"If we continue to go deeper, we may encounter demons."

Mr. Qingyan glanced at Ling Feng and reminded in a deep voice: "In order to prevent the immortal monks from collecting the light of chaos, the demons will do anything they can. Kill those who can be killed, and sleep with those who cannot be killed. As long as ten When the day passes, all living creatures in the entire Dragon Abyss Gorge will be wiped out."

A solemn expression appeared on Ling Feng's face, and he nodded heavily, "Thank you, sir, for reminding me."

"Why are you so polite? If you die, who will I find to discuss alchemy with?"

Mr. Qingyan grinned. Although Ling Feng was young, his attainments in alchemy were ridiculously high.

Mr. Qingyan and Ling Feng communicated several times, and both felt a sense of enlightenment.

In just a few days, his experience and understanding of alchemy was almost as good as decades of immersion.

It is precisely because of this that Mr. Qingyan became more and more interested in Ling Feng, and he even did not hesitate to debase Yun Zun and come to Longyuan Gorge to play the role of "bodyguard" for Ling Feng.

After all, although Yu Bingqing is not weak in strength, he has just been promoted to Immortal Emperor and lacks experience.

With the guidance of an "old Jianghu" like him, there will be less trouble.

Not long after, Ling Feng and his party came to the bottom of a mountain of bones.

Through the holes in the bones, a faint glimmer of light could be seen inside.

The more such an environment is, the easier it is for the light of chaos to be born.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. At this moment, with his spiritual sense, he discovered that in a hollow inside the skeleton, there was a group of elite demons, besieging the monks in the fairyland.

If it were other forces, Ling Feng would not actually want to intervene, but coincidentally, the immortal being besieged turned out to be Ren Tianhen.

Fortunately, Ren Tianhen was protected by a strong Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, if he were to be attacked and attacked by the demons when he fully opened his nascent soil, he would definitely die.

A heavenly person?

Although Ling Feng is no longer a disciple of Tianzhi, in his heart, he still has a sense of belonging to Tianzhi, who has lived for more than ten years.

Jie Yinxian Zun, Xiao Xianling, Si Chen, these people have already become his relatives.

And Ren Tianhen is also a senior brother that he respects very much.

We must come to the rescue!

Without thinking too much, Ling Feng glanced at Yu Bingqing and Mr. Qingyan, and said solemnly: "There are demons inside who are besieging Tianzhi's disciples. I can't just sit idly by."

Yu Bingqing knew Ling Feng's identity, nodded, and immediately followed him.

Mr. Qingyan was slightly startled. Because of the special environment here, even he, the Immortal Emperor, could not sense the situation inside the bones. However, the Immortal Lord "Shui Han" was actually more aware of the abnormality than he was.

Is this the origin of the soul that is comparable to the broken level?

It’s really outrageous!

Ling Feng hurried on at full speed. Although he was already the size of a child, and the magic power in his body was suppressed by the seal, he could not withstand this physical body.

With almost every step he took, Ling Feng's figure was like a sharp arrow shooting out.

Soon, Ling Feng arrived in the battle circle.

At this moment, a powerful Immortal Emperor in the Sun Wheel Realm was actually besieged by three Demon Emperors of the same level.

Not far away, there were many strong men at the Demon Lord level, staring at Ren Tianhen with eager eyes.

At that critical moment when Ren Tianhen was capturing the light of chaos, he couldn't be distracted at all.

Those lights of chaos have already attached themselves to the soil of his birth. If they cannot be suppressed in time, their lives may be in danger.

At this moment, the Immortal Emperor not only had to resist the siege of the three Demon Emperors, but also beware of those Demon Lords breaking through his defensive barrier and attacking Ren Tianhen. He was extremely worried.


A Demon Emperor stared at the Immortal Emperor with a ferocious smile, "Old man, if you give up on this kid and run away, there is still a chance of survival! However, you still want to protect that kid, you are simply courting death!"

"Humph, you haven't broken through my barrier yet, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Immortal Emperor Yulong clenched the sword in his hand, snorted coldly, and stared at the three demon emperors opposite him. He never expected that it was only the third day that he would encounter such a crisis.

But it turned out that this Immortal Emperor was actually the master who took over the Immortal Lord, Immortal Emperor Yulong.

He originally came to the battlefield outside the territory to investigate the "Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon".

However, it happened that Ren Tianhen received the secret order mission to conquer the alliance, and he happened to be in the Fortress of the Dead.

In order to protect the geniuses trained by Tianzhi, Immortal Emperor Yu Long temporarily joined this operation to "escort" Ren Tianhen.

However, what happened now was beyond his expectation.

"His Majesty Hataki, please leave quickly! Leave me alone!"

Ren Tianhen gritted his teeth, used a strong willpower, and shouted at Immortal Emperor Yulong.

He is now at the critical moment to suppress the light of chaos, and cannot move at all.

Otherwise, with Immortal Emperor Yulong's ability, even if he loses to the three demon emperors, it is not difficult to take Ren Tianhen away with him.


The leader of the demon emperor laughed ferociously, "This kid knows how to assess the situation better than you. Go away. My purpose is just to clear out the immortals who can collect the light of chaos. If you leave, I can still give you a way to survive." !”

Immortal Emperor Yulong did not answer, but swung his sword and told the Demon Emperor his answer with his actions.

"We don't know whether to live or die, so let's die together!"

The leader of the Demon Emperor snorted coldly, and the demonic energy billowing around him swept over him.

However, at this moment, a faint light flashed, like a thunderbolt, falling from the sky.

But at this critical moment, Ling Feng finally arrived.

When he appeared in front of the powerful Demon Emperor as a child, the Demon Emperor burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, where did the three-inch penis come from!"

Then, he slapped Ling Feng hard.


There was an explosion.

What was blown to pieces was not Ling Feng, but the huge palm of the Demon Emperor.

When the severe pain began to bite back, the demon raised his arm incredulously, and when he saw the black hole gushing blood in his palm, he suddenly showed a look of extreme shock.

"You...who are you!"

Even though he underestimated the enemy, he was still a strong Demon Emperor, physically powerful and far from being comparable to the ordinary Immortal Emperor.

But the little thing in front of him didn't even have the slightest bit of cultivation, but he could easily penetrate his own palm.

What is his level of strength?

"The person who wants your life!"

The voice was cold and cold, and as the words fell, a divine light burst out from Ling Feng's eyes.

A powerful and shocking calamity burst out. The Demon Emperor was staring straight at Ling Feng. Before he could resist, the next moment, his whole head exploded like a watermelon.

In just an instant, a powerful Demon Emperor comparable to the Sun Wheel Realm died on the spot!

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