Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3990 Crisis! Three and a half steps! !

Two days passed in a flash.

In just two days, the number of lights of chaos captured by Ling Feng still exceeded the highest point recorded in the history of the Conquest Alliance, reaching a terrifying number of more than five thousand.

If these lights of chaos are all successfully refined into the inscribed crystal sources of the Divine Martial Demon-Slaying Cannon, it means that a total of 5,000 Divine Martial Demon-Slaying Cannons will soon be added to the human fortress!

Of course, the loss of refining the inscription crystal source cannot be ignored. On average, one hundred chaotic lights can be used to refine ten inscription crystal sources, which is considered a very high success rate.

Every time they entered the Gorge of Longyuan before, all the peak immortals combined could probably collect about 10,000 chaotic lights.

Sometimes, it is almost close to 20,000.

And this was only the fifth day, and Ling Feng alone already had more than 5,000. It was unimaginable that by the tenth day, the number of chaotic lights that Ling Feng could collect would be so terrifying.

After all, there are now more than five thousand lights of chaos in his birthplace, and they are completely suppressed by him and do not dare to cause chaos at all.

This is the inverse nature of the origin of broken souls.


In a bone cave, Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and opened his eyes.

Yu Bingqing and Mr. Qingyan were no longer too lazy to ask Ling Feng what his results were.

Anyway, yesterday he had already broken the highest record in the alliance. Asking him any more would only make people doubt his life.

Logically speaking, it doesn't matter just that the source of the soul is powerful. The Immortal Realm is so big that there are many monks who specialize in the soul path.

However, the grade of the newly born soil is determined by the quantity and quality of the Dao Fruit condensed when the Immortal Lord is in the realm.

In other words, Ling Feng is not only the origin of the soul that defies heaven, but also the power of many laws he has mastered has reached the level of perfection.

Coupled with his incredible physical strength.

Soul, mana, and body, there is almost no shortcoming.

This can no longer be described as a genius and monster, he is a complete pervert!

"Where to go next?"

Yu Bingqing yawned. She thought that the process of capturing the light of chaos would be very dangerous. As a "protector", she could show her immortal emperor-level abilities at this time, allowing Ling Feng to experience his abilities.

The result was good, every time Ling Feng suppressed the light of chaos, it was almost as easy as yawning.

It's promised to be exciting, but it's promised to be full of crises?

This is too boring.

As everyone knows, Ling Feng is as relaxed as yawning, but other peak immortals are not so lighthearted.

To this day, there have been several peak immortals who could not withstand the backlash of the light of chaos and exploded to death.

There were also some unlucky ones who were targeted by powerful demons, and even the Immortal Emperor with the protector fell together.

Although the three half-step broken warriors who fought in the alliance were not idle, they could not withstand the devils' deliberate plans.

In contrast, Ling Feng, except for saving Ren Tianhen once before, has never encountered any trouble.

It's no wonder that ordinary people collect the light of chaos. Just the process of suppressing the light of chaos requires them to meditate in place for several hours.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, changed places as soon as he fired a shot, running too fast.

Those demons had no time to find Ling Feng, let alone surround him.

"Go over there and have a look."

Ling Feng pointed at the larger skeletons of ancient beasts deeper in the Longyuan Gorge.

The deeper you go, the more chaotic light is born inside.

So far, the whole process has been too easy, and Ling Feng also wants to test his limits.

Mr. Qingyan no longer told Ling Feng not to be greedy for too much and make too much money.

Because that would make him look like a clown.

He finally understood that in front of absolute freaks, common sense was basically just farts.

"What? Can't find it!"

Another brand new chessboard was overturned by Leonard, the half-step crushing powerhouse of the Bannick clan.

Fallows, who was sitting opposite him, frowned slightly and said with some displeasure: "Leonard, your chess game is bad, and the chess products are even worse!"


Leonard cursed and said, "If I hadn't been interrupted in my train of thought, would I have lost to you?"

As he said that, Leonard glared at the powerful Demon Emperor who came to summon him, "A bunch of trash, you can't even find a single living person, what use are you? Now you dare to disturb me from playing chess, what's the harm?" I lost again! You deserve to die!"

The Demon Emperor who sent the message was shocked. The blame was too heavy and he couldn't even bear it!

"Okay, okay, Leonard, you and Fallows have played more than twenty games in total, and you haven't won a single game. You are good at it and love to play, but you can't afford it if you lose."

Hailim grinned on the side, and as soon as he said this, Leonard immediately blushed.

"Who can't afford it! Come again and again!"

Leonard picked up the chessboard that he had overturned. "I am the number one strategist of the Bannick family. How can I lose to you in a bad chess game? Faros, let's do it again. If we lose this game, I... "

"Do you have anything to lose?"

Pharos shook his head, "Treasures from heaven and earth, magical weapons, even your new concubines have been lost. If you lose again, you will even lose your underwear!"

No wonder Leonard gets so angry every time he loses a game. He has already lost so many things.

"One more game, a stud game. If you lose, you will get back all the things I lost to you before. If I lose..."

He thought about it for a long time, then spread out a pair of huge blood-red bat wings behind his back, gritted his teeth and said, "I will lose these blood-red devil wings to you!"

Feros shook his head and smiled, but silently put the chess pieces back into the space magic weapon, and said calmly: "I play chess just as a hobby, but you do it for the excitement of gambling. After all, they are different."

As he said that, he threw out a lot of treasures and said calmly: "This is your thing, give it back to you. Your level is too low. I thought that pushing you to a desperate situation would make you explode. There is some potential, it seems that I have overthought it.”

Pharos sneered, "You are just a bad chess piece."

The expression on Leonard's face turned green and black, and he gritted his teeth and said: "If you lose, you lose. Can I not afford to lose? Take it back!"

"That's what you said."

Pharos chuckled, "Don't forget to find an opportunity to send over your concubines."

Leonard clenched his fist tightly, "Damn it, one more! The last one!"

"Next time."

Pharos was really rude and took back the treasures and said calmly: "I have locked the traces of Shui Han. It's time to get down to business."


Leonard's eyelids twitched, "When did you..."

"What do you think is the biggest trump card of our Gulando clan?"

Purple light flashed in Faros's eyes, and a void life jumped out from behind him.

At that time, a toad with only one leg had eight eyes on its head.

Those eight eyes stared in different directions, and their eyesight was amazing.

This is a low-level void lifeform specially used to spy on the enemy. It does not have strong combat capabilities, but its auxiliary functions are incredible.

Although Pharos cannot summon higher-level void beasts to the Dragon Abyss Gorge, there are no restrictions on this low-level void-eyed frog.

"The Gulando clan is indeed the oldest high-level demon clan."

Hailim smiled cruelly, "I finally found that boy, Faros, now I can lead the way."

A cold light flashed in Faros's eyes, and without further words, he directly connected with the vision of the void-eyed frog.

Within a moment, Ling Feng's position was completely locked.

At the same time, Ling Feng didn't know that the crisis had quietly arrived.

About half an hour later, Ling Feng and his party arrived at the bone cave of another giant void beast.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the newly born soil and began to absorb the light of chaos crazily.

In an instant, the lights of chaos within a hundred miles nearby surged in like a tidal wave.

Ling Feng naturally accepted all orders.

One hundred ways!

Two hundred!

Three hundred ways!

In a short time, the number of chaotic lights that gathered reached more than 2,300.

This is the largest amount of chaotic light that Ling Feng has absorbed in one breath so far.

However, just when Ling Feng was about to suppress all the lights of chaos attached to his nascent soil in one breath, Mr. Qingyan's shout came from not far away.

"Little friend Shuihan, there is an enemy attack!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he suddenly opened his eyes, and then he heard a loud "bang" sound.

Mr. Qingyan fell heavily from the height of the giant beast's corpse, and there was a dark bloody hole in his chest.

In the blood hole, the demonic energy lingered and was crazily invading his internal organs.

The opponent was actually able to subdue Mr. Qingyan with one move, so he must be quite strong.

In an instant, Yu Bingqingsu grabbed Mr. Qingyan's body with her hand.

Mr. Qingyan was still vomiting blood and trembling all over.

No wonder the other party didn't care at all when Yu Bingqing pulled him back. If nothing unexpected happened, Mr. Qingyan would probably turn into a corpse soon.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's such a pleasure to meet the famous Shuihan War God of Wangshu Fortress!"

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, three figures fell down and blocked all Ling Feng's breakthrough points with their horns.

These three people are none other than the three half-step broken masters of the Demon Clan, Faros, Leonard and Hailim.

Then, a dozen powerful Demon Emperors also rushed in from the hole outside, surrounding Ling Feng and the others.

At this moment, Ling Feng had just absorbed more than two thousand rays of chaotic light, and the newly born soil was wide open. No matter how you looked at it, it seemed that there was no room for resistance.

These demons are really cunning!

"It seems that War God Shuihan is not in a position to greet us right now!"

Hailim grinned, "But your companion is quite capable. He was able to discover our Xingzang before we showed up. It's a pity that he is not strong enough after all."

Ling Feng frowned and took a deep look at Mr. Qingyan.

In just a moment, Mr. Qingyan's face was already filled with black energy.

Even he couldn't resist the demonic energy, and the other party's realm was about to emerge.

Broken in half a step!

Three half-step crushers came in one breath, they really looked up to me!

Ling Feng took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

At this time, the more calm you need to find a chance to break the situation.

"What are you talking about? Kill him while his birthplace is wide open!"

Leonard had just lost a lot of treasures in gambling, plus a few concubines for Pharos, and he was simmering with anger.

"Let's see who dares to touch him!"

Behind Yu Bingqing, the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon Dharma Image immediately rose up, stepped forward, and stood in front of Ling Feng.

Even though the other party had the ability to kill Mr. Qingyan instantly, she still stood up.

At this moment, she was the only one who could stand up.


Leonard's eyes were fixed on Yu Bingqing, and when he realized that the other party was such a stunning beauty, he suddenly showed a cruel smile, "I just lost a few losers. If I catch you, a little girl, it won't be a loss!"

"Does this lord really mean what he says? But I only have one concubine, how can there be enough for the three of you?"

Yu Bingqing immediately showed a pitiful look, and at the same time a light pink light flashed in her eyes.

In an instant, the Law of Charm was activated.

Leonard trembled all over, and an unknown anger suddenly rose up, and he actually had murderous intentions towards the other two half-steps.

However, just when he was about to take action, it was Hailim who slapped him down.

Leonard's eyelids twitched before he woke up and glared at Yu Bingqing angrily, "Smelly bitch, I almost got into trouble with you!"

Yu Bingqing bit her silver teeth and let out a muffled groan.

With the cultivation level of the Moon Wheel Realm Immortal Emperor, using the Charm Law on Half-Step Broken was still too forced after all.

If successful, asking them to kill each other might give them a chance.

Unfortunately, it failed in the end.

At this moment, Ling Feng's voice came to his ears, "Bingqing, get out of the way!"

Yu Bingqing's eyelids twitched and she subconsciously stepped aside.

Then, two purple beams of light burst out from Ling Feng's eyes.


Leonard was about to take action against Yu Bingqing, but suddenly found two divine lights shooting towards him, and subconsciously waved his hand to block them.

However, he discovered that these two divine lights were directly attacking the origin of the divine soul.

Immediately afterwards, Leonard felt a roar in his mind, his eyes and ears were bleeding at the same time, he pressed his chest at the same time, and half-knelt down.


In an instant, Leonard gasped for breath, and was unexpectedly successfully attacked by Ling Feng.

But it turned out that Ling Feng took advantage of the moment when Yu Bingqing blocked him, not only completely suppressed the light of chaos, but also suppressed the demonic energy in Mr. Qingyan's body.

Not only that, but in an instant, the shocking tribulation was condensed.

For the first time, he felt that his current young body was quite convenient sometimes.

At least, Yu Bingqing's slender body was enough to completely cover him, and he was able to launch this clever sneak attack.

It's a pity that half-step broken, half-step broken after all.

The sea of ​​spirit is so unbreakable that even though he was hit by a single blow, he was so shocked that he didn't die!

In fact, in order to launch this attack quietly, Ling Feng did not have time to condense the ghosts and gods into shocking calamity.

Otherwise, it is really possible to kill Leonard instantly by being caught off guard.

It's a pity that such an opportunity may not come back again.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Leonard violently vomited several mouthfuls of blood, his anger had reached its peak, and raging anger seemed to be about to erupt from the top of his head.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

On the other hand, it was Faros who clapped his hands and laughed, "The light of chaos can be suppressed in an instant, and it can also absorb my original demonic energy. Boy, you are not an ordinary devouring body, right?"

Ling Feng ignored Faros and just sent a message to Yu Bingqing: "Bingqing, if there is a chance later, you can take Mr. Qingyan and leave first!"

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