Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3995 Get rid of it quickly!

Longyuan Gorge, in the demon camp.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Leonard roared hysterically.

More than half an hour had passed since they returned to the camp without success.

During this period of time, Leonard has been in this state, manic and angry, all at once.

This guy suffered serious losses several times in the hands of Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing. For the dignified Half-Step Demon Emperor, it was tantamount to a great shame and humiliation!

As for Hailim and Pharos, the expressions on their faces were not much better.

Originally, the three half-steps were dispatched together, but it was already a matter of catching a turtle in a urn and pinching it with both hands.

The result was good, the people were not eliminated, and they all came back in despair.

"Leonard, calm down."

Hailim sighed softly and said slowly: "It's because of your impatient personality that you ruined the big thing!"

If this guy hadn't underestimated the enemy from the beginning and directly used his breaking power, Shui Han wouldn't have had time to figure out the way to break the strong man half-step, and he might have been killed instantly from the beginning.

As for why the weird Immortal Emperor suddenly burst out with such terrifying strength, it happened later.

The muscles on Leonard's face trembled, and he gritted his teeth and glared at Hailim for a long time. Finally, he wilted like a deflated ball.

Now he is the most injured among the three half-steps.

Given the delicate relationship between the three high-level demon clans, if he really pisses off these two guys, there is a possibility that they will join forces to kill him.

Although he has an impatient personality, he is not completely brainless when he has been able to cultivate to this level.

"This operation is not completely fruitless. We have figured out all of Shui Han's trump cards. We will not give him any chance next time. But the other old one is a bit tricky!"

Pharos said in a deep voice.

Hailim nodded, "This person is not just a magician at all, he has many magical powers that emerge one after another, making it difficult for people to guard against."

"But fortunately, it seems that that power is not something he can control. It has been weakening since it broke out. Obviously, this is by no means the power of his peak state. If not, we may not be able to escape unscathed."

Pharos took a deep breath and continued: "This person has many magical powers and secrets that are difficult to deal with. For now, the only way is to cultivate his state first, and then we can work together to break it after the three of us have fully recovered."

After saying that, Fallows glanced in Leonard's direction again, "Leonard, how is your injury?"

"Humph, it's just a minor injury!"

Leonard snorted coldly. He has now regrown his limbs. Although they look a bit shorter, they should be able to recover soon.

However, an adult's body has child-like hands and feet, which looks a bit...


the other side.

Elder Jianxin also immediately returned to the temporary camp of the Conquest Alliance.

When he told Elder Shenglin everything he had seen and heard before, Elder Shenglin suddenly showed a dignified look.

"Then Shui Han and Yu Bingqing joined forces and were able to hurt a half-step strong man!"

Elder Shenglin frowned, he was just an immortal!

This is too outrageous!

"The Great Dao Source Artifact in their hands is extremely powerful."

Elder Jianxin took a deep breath and said slowly: "But what is even more unexpected is that Mr. Qingyan actually hides such terrifying strength!"

Elder Shenglin also showed a solemn expression.

Fighting one against two, knocking back two half-steps, this is at least a half-step level of strength.

"It's just that his breath is getting weaker and weaker. The power doesn't seem to belong to him, and it will be gone when it is used up."

Elder Jianxin said in a deep voice.

Elder Shenglin thought for a moment and then said: "Could it be that the remnant soul of a broken strong man is attached to this person?"

"It's not impossible!"

Elder Jianxin said coldly.

Elder Shenglin suddenly showed a smile, made another pot of tea for Elder Jianxin, and said calmly: "But fortunately, those demons took a step ahead of us and figured out all the situations around Shui Han. , Otherwise, if we act rashly, I’m afraid we won’t get any advantage.”

"Haha, you can think about it!"

Elder Jianxin glanced at Elder Shenglin, but a trace of deep contempt flashed in his eyes.

He betrayed all his former allies of the descendants of the ancient demon in exchange for his current status.

Most people really can't bear this kind of selling out friends for glory.

I have to admit that, if nothing else, the psychological quality of Elder Shenglin's lineage is still excellent.

Elder Shenglin remained expressionless. He just poured a cup of brewed tea to Elder Jianxin and continued: "Those demons will not give up even half a step. Just in time, the mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind. Just wait for them to fight to the death, and then we can reap the benefits.”

"Brother Shenglin's idea coincides with mine."

Elder Kenshin laughed loudly, picked up the hot tea and drank it in one gulp.

Time flew by and two more days passed.

On the one hand, Ling Feng needed to avoid being chased by the demons, but on the other hand, he did not give up collecting more light of chaos.

In the past two days, although Ling Feng was affected by the previous incident and was slightly distracted, his condition was not as good as before.

But it still collected more than 10,000 chaotic lights.

This has exceeded the highest record in the history of the Alliance by several times.

And as more and more light of chaos filled the land of birth, Ling Feng felt more and more that there seemed to be some subtle connection between this light of chaos and the fragment of the Taixu Zhoulong's head in his spiritual sea. induction.

It can be said that there is an inseparable connection between the origin of Ling Feng's huge soul and this dragon head fragment.

What Taixu Zhoulong is best at is undoubtedly the law of time and space.

Is the light of chaos also a mutated power of time and space?

Ling Feng didn't have time to think too much. Since there was some kind of connection between the dragon head fragment and the light of chaos, he collected more light of chaos. Except for the part that was handed over to the expedition alliance for zone change rewards, the rest , can be left to the faucet fragments as the most "feed".

In the past two days, Mr. Qingyan seemed to have returned to his previous state.

He has no memory at all of repelling the two demon clans half a step before.

Ling Feng tested it several times and found that he was probably not pretending.

In other words, he didn't know that there was another consciousness in his body.

This makes Ling Feng even more curious. What is the relationship between him and Emperor Shenhuang?

And his current state, which is neither dead nor alive, is something Ling Feng has never seen before.

Not a puppet, not an undead, if you must find a relatively similar life form.

More like a zombie.

But no matter what the situation is, what Ling Feng can be sure of is that Mr. Qingyan is not hostile to him. In addition, the "Original Creation" he masters is even better than his own.

If I could get guidance from another Mr. Qingyan, perhaps many obscure points would be suddenly clear to me.

There is ample time.

Ling Feng is not in a hurry, he should wait until he leaves Longyuan Gorge.


Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and after sucking up the chaotic light in an area, he continued to go to the opponent deeper in the Dragon Abyss Gorge.

At this moment, Ling Feng's eyelids jumped. In the southwest, three familiar scents appeared at the same time.

Wan Jun and Wan Xin'er from the Xuntian Lei Clan.

In addition, there is Yue Yinshuang from the Xuantian Wind Clan!

We all met before when we were on the Qijue Immortal Ranking, so we can be considered old friends.

Among them, Yue Yinshuang didn't have much interaction with him, but because of Empress Qingluo, he had a slightly better impression of the Xantian Wind Clan.

After all, judging from the empress's attitude towards her, the Xantianfeng Clan should not be included in the forces that betrayed the Tiandao Clan in the past.

At this moment, Yue Yinshuang and Wan Jun seemed to have reached a joint effort to deal with the demon emperors of the demon clan.

Wan Jun and Yue Yinshuang were accompanied by powerful Immortal Emperors. Among them, the one following Wan Jun is even more powerful.

I'm afraid it's already infinitely close to the half-step broken level.

With such a strong person present, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment and decided not to wade into this muddy water.

It was because he saved Ren Tianhen before that he attracted three half-step demon emperors.

If I interfere again this time, who knows what will happen.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Ling Feng standing still, Yu Bingqing stepped forward to ask with some strangeness.


Ling Feng shook his head and decided to leave without interfering.

After all, the Immortal Emperor beside Wan Jun is already powerful enough.

Coupled with Wan Jun's special status, once he encounters a threat, he will definitely come to the rescue during those few half-steps to conquer the alliance.

"Let's go."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. The relationship between Wan Jun and himself was that of enemies and friends. Although he admired his character, there was still the hatred of genocide between them.

It is destined to be impossible to become friends.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng sensed the aura of Elder Yuna approaching Wan Jun and the others.

It's that woman!

Ling Feng frowned. He had always thought that Elder Yuna might have some kind of connection with the demons.

But after all, it was just a guess, and he was actually the savior of the Demon Queen, exchanging information with Kavli.

His position is not entirely on the side of the Conquest Alliance.

Therefore, there is no need to expose Yuna.

But at this moment, Yuna suddenly approaches. Is there any plot?

Thinking of this, Ling Feng changed his mind and said in a deep voice: "The human companions over there are besieged by the demons, let's go and take a look!"

Yu Bingqing and Mr. Qingyan smiled bitterly. Although they did not notice any abnormality, they had long been accustomed to Ling Feng's abnormal spiritual sensing ability.

At the same time, deep in a forest of bones.

A total of six powerful Demon Emperors, leading more than twenty Demon Lords, had already surrounded Wan Jun and Yue Yinshuang.

Wan Xiner shrank uneasily behind Wan Jun, and began to regret why she had to take a trip into this muddy water.

"What a huge battle, the demons really spent a lot of money this time!"

In front of Wan Jun, there was a burly middle-aged man with a broad-bladed sword on his shoulder. A trace of disdain appeared on his face, "However, you idiots still want to touch me, the Holy Son of the Xuntian Lei Clan." ?”

In fact, if Ling Feng heard these words, he might not be able to help but laugh out loud.

Is this also called a big battle?

"It turns out he is the Holy Son of the Xuntian Thunder Clan, so he deserves to die even more!"

The leader of the demon emperor, Jie Jie, laughed strangely.

Because demon attacks are becoming more frequent, and the number of divine demon-slaying cannons is directly related to the firepower output of major fortresses.

Therefore, in order to prevent the major fortresses from receiving reinforcements from a new batch of divine weapons and demon-killing cannons, the three major demon clans have jointly spent a lot of money this time, but they are determined to annihilate all the immortals in the human race who collect the light of chaos. initiated this action.

Whether it is Wan Jun or Yue Yinshuang, they are both the best among the immortals.

The light of chaos they can collect is ten times more than that of other ordinary immortals.

Such existence must be eliminated first and then quickly.

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