Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4001 Life is burned out!

At the same time, far outside the Dragon Burial Tiankeng.

Elder Jian Xin and Elder Sheng Lin, who were fighting in the Alliance, were already hiding in the dark.

When they saw Ling Feng opening the Eye of the Emperor, the two of them looked at each other with expressions of extreme astonishment.

"The Tiandao Clan is actually a Tiandao Clan! No wonder this kid is so evil, he is actually a Tiandao Clan!"

Elder Jian Xin's eyes were full of disbelief. His eyelids suddenly twitched and he blurted out: "Yes, he must be Ling Feng, the remnant of Heaven's Dao who was lucky enough to escape before!"

As an elder of the Conquest Alliance, Elder Kenshin is naturally extremely well-informed.

The news about the last appearance of Ling Feng, a remnant of the Tiandao clan, was the previous battle of Burying Tianfengyuan.

Since then, this Ling Feng has disappeared again.

Unexpectedly, he changed his name to Shui Han and hid in the Great Yu Immortal Court!

Elder Jianxin tightened his fists, and then showed a hint of ecstasy, "If I can kill him and bring his head to Emperor Yi Ting, not to mention the second seat, but the first seat in the Alliance, I am afraid it will be me. It belongs!”

A series of complex expressions flashed through Elder Shenglin's eyes, and finally he completely hid them without any trace. He just smiled and said: "Brother Jianxin, you are truly worthy of your great contribution this time! Congratulations. Congratulations!"


Elder Jianxin was a little confused and said ecstatically: "I can't claim the credit for this time alone. When both that kid and those old demons are harmed, we can reap the benefits! Three and a half steps away. The Demon Emperor, plus a remnant of Heaven, hahahaha!”

Elder Jianxin smiled extremely wildly. At this moment, he no longer looked down upon that bullshit Elder Beiming.

As long as Ling Feng, a remnant of the Heavenly Dao, is killed, his status in the Conquest Alliance and even in the entire Immortal Domain will rise.

When the time comes, Elder Beiming will not even be worthy of carrying his own shoes!

After all, this Ling Feng was a serious concern in the eyes of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, and he had even escaped death in the hands of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

His head is very valuable!

"What can the Tiandao clan do?"

In the Burial Dragon Tiankeng, the three half-step demon emperors witnessed the process of Ling Feng opening the Eye of the Emperor. Although they were shocked, they did not stop their offensive.

To tell the truth, he is just an immortal.

Now, not only was he surrounded by a dragnet, but the three of them were all half-powerful men who had mastered the blood and bones of the demon soul.

In such a battle, can't you win a mere Immortal Lord?

Ling Feng took a deep breath and stared coldly at the three half-step demon emperors in front of him.

This battle must be fought quickly.

Moreover, these three people in front of us must be eliminated!

Leave no one behind!

The Demon Clan can place internal agents in the Conquest Alliance, and similarly, the Human Race can naturally place its own internal agents within the Demon Clan.

Once the news that he is a member of the Tiandao clan is leaked, any news will leak out.

The entire Immortal Realm will no longer have its own place to stand.


Just when Ling Feng was in a state of mind, Leonard had already slashed down on Ling Feng's head with a claw.

The blood and bones of the demon soul burst out with a blood glow that was incomparable to these words.

That claw seemed to tear the world apart and crush the void.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. After sacrificing the blood and bones of the demon soul, he had no time to activate the virtualization technique in the twelve volumes of immortality.

Seeing that he had been blocked by the overbearing and terrifying breaking force, Ling Feng let out a low shout, and a divine light burst out from his eyes.

"Time stands still!"

The eyes of the Blood-wrathed Emperor flashed, and in that flash of lightning, the world seemed to stand still.

Ling Feng seemed to jump out of this world of time and space, go back in time, and take control of Taixu!

The powerful tide of time and space sealed his body, making it extremely difficult to even move a finger.

Without mana, Ling Feng used the heaven-defying secret technique of stopping time for the first time.

And the price for this is to directly burn his own longevity.

Even, in order to avoid affecting Yu Bingqing, he forcibly cut off the connection between the dragon and phoenix concentric rings.

Even with the blessing of his powerful soul, which is comparable to the Broken Level, the gap between time and time has been increased to about one-tenth of a breath.

But under the interference of the shattering power of Leonard's demon soul blood bone, this time may be far less than one-tenth of a breath.

Ling Feng could only rely on his own strong willpower to break through the blockade of the void tide. His eyes condensed, the divine patterns of heaven emerged, and the secret technique of endless annihilation suddenly activated.


The light of annihilation surged, and in an instant, Leonard's entire body was completely swallowed up.

When time passed again, Leonard let out a hysterical scream.

The light of annihilation has penetrated through his chest and is quickly swallowing up the rest of his body.


Leonard beat his chest crazily, watching his body dissipate little by little, completely panicked.

With time standing still, he had no time to use the power of fragmentation to block the light of annihilation.

Even if he tried to use the power of shattering to dispel the light of annihilation afterwards, it was too late.

The price for severely injuring Leonard was that Ling Feng's body looked like a child's, but the muscles on his body were withered and shriveled like a little old man.

The lifespan consumed by that blow just now would probably be measured in thousands of years!

"Ling Feng, how are you?"

Yu Bingqing was startled by Ling Feng. She had no idea what was happening. She just sensed that the connection between the dragon and phoenix concentric rings was severed. Then, she saw that Ling Feng instantly became older.

She quickly activated the dragon and phoenix concentric ring, wanting to share the price of aging with Ling Feng.

"Do not worry……"

Ling Feng raised his hand to interrupt him, forced a smile, shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

Although burning Shouyuan sounds very scary, there is a Zifeng beside him. This extremely mysterious elemental life form, in its original state, is an insect that can devour Shouyuan.

And he and Zifeng have already completely shared their lives.

As long as Ling Feng didn't die suddenly, no matter how much vitality and lifespan was consumed, he could slowly recover it through Zifeng.

However, Ling Feng is not the kind of evil cultivator who is full of evil, and he never kills innocent people indiscriminately.

Therefore, the vitality and longevity that Zifeng swallowed were actually not that much.

I can only add it back slowly in the future.

The three old guys in front of them have quite strong vitality.

When the time comes, just let Zifeng devour it!

Of course, the premise is that he must survive this battle!

"Help me! Help me!"

Leonard was pierced by Ling Feng's annihilation light, and he was still roaring like crazy, asking for help from Falos.

The two men looked at each other and realized that Ling Feng posed a great threat to them.

Therefore, he did not sit idly by.

The two of them activated the demon soul blood bones at the same time, each pulling out part of the light of annihilation from Leonard's body, and then suppressed it with the power of shattering.

After a while, Leonard finally managed to save his life, but his old face was still pale with fear.

It can be considered that we have been through the hell gate just now.

And Ling Feng did not attack casually.

He just seemed to have severely injured Leonard with one move, but in fact, he injured the enemy a thousand times and only damaged himself eight hundred.

He even didn't expect that the vitality of a half-step expert could be so powerful, and that his carefully planned move failed to kill Leonard instantly.

It seems that if you can advance half a step, everyone is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

This battle may be more difficult than I expected!

"This kid's methods are even more powerful than the old one before!"

Leonard had just recovered from the shock, and was covered in cold sweat. He looked at the big hole in his chest and said with a trembling voice: "He seems to be able to freeze time. He is very defensive!"


Hailim patted Leonard on the shoulder and sneered: "But Leonard, your injuries are not completely meaningless. You see, that kid only used his ability once, and he has aged like this." The power of controlling time is indeed powerful, but it also comes at a huge price!"

After a pause, Hailim continued: "I don't believe that he can do it a second or third time! Don't be afraid of him, let's go together!"

As he spoke, blood flashed from Hailim's right leg.

But it turned out that his demon soul blood bone was refined on the bone of his right leg.

He is good at the power of storms and is known for his speed.

And with the blessing of broken-level blood soul energy, his speed was even faster than the naked eye could catch.

Even with Ling Feng's powerful eye power, he could only catch a trace of Hailim's afterimage.

At the same time, Faros also snorted coldly, and a ball of demonic energy as dark as ink condensed on his chest.

His blood soul demon bone was attached to a sternum on his chest.


The void shook, and then black energy shrouded it.

A field filled with void magic light instantly locked onto Ling Feng.

That was actually a shattered level field!

It seems that Pharos's demon soul blood and bones have brought him a terrifying realm of Broken Power level.

In this area, Hailim's speed became even more terrifying, and even Ling Feng could no longer see any shadow.

Just relying on the power of the soul, I can sense that his aura is moving rapidly.

Leonard took a breath and joined the battle circle again.

Within the realm of broken magic light, it was like a dragon returning to the sea, becoming energetic and high-spirited again.

The blood and bones of the demon soul erupted into a ray of blood and turned into a demonic form, completely covering his body.

In these few half steps, I have already shown my ability to keep the bottom of the box.

There was a slight sweat on Ling Feng's forehead. Even if he used all his methods, the gap between him and half-step experts like them would still be difficult to close.

What's more, they all possess demon soul blood and bones that are comparable to the source of the Great Dao!

Could it be that I really want to die here today?


I can't die yet!

Must not die!

Familiar faces appeared in his mind, a powerful belief burst out, and Ling Feng's eyes burst out with fighting spirit again.

The secret techniques of the twelve volumes of immortality frequently broke out to confront these three demons.

The Art of Nothingness!

The art of eating the sun!

The art of fission!

Various secret techniques emerge in endlessly.

The Eye of the Emperor's Universe Reversal and the Petrified Pupil, which continuously annihilated many magical powers, also rotated one after another.

As for Pharos's broken magic light field, although it was tricky, Ling Feng managed to resist it with the help of the Shura Killing Realm of the Eye of Shura.

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

Half an hour!

An hour!

In three and a half steps, Ling Feng was besieged for three hours.

These three hours, to Ling Feng, were like three lifetimes, so long and torturous!

At this moment, Ling Feng was covered in blood. There was almost no intact spot on his young body, and there were blood holes everywhere.

And his body became older and thinner, even rickety.

The continuous forceful activation of the Eye of the Emperor consumes lifespan that is difficult to predict.

If it weren't for Zifeng's support, Ling Feng would have been unable to move at this moment and his vitality would have withered.

Yu Bingqing's eyes were filled with tears.

Those half-step demon emperors continued to launch attacks on her as if they had agreed upon it.

In order to protect himself, Ling Feng could only be plotted by these people again and again.

In a sense, he has become a burden to Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng, please leave me alone and stop using your body to protect me!"

Yu Bingqing gritted her silver teeth, even the concentric ring of dragon and phoenix had become dim at this moment.

They only have this one Great Avenue Origin Artifact, but they are facing three demon soul blood bones that are comparable to the Great Avenue Origin Artifact.

The reason they were able to persist until this moment was because the three of them were afraid that Ling Feng would use Time Stop again, so they didn't dare to push him too hard.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood mixed with internal organ fragments, but still had that calm smile on his face, "I have rough skin and thick flesh, so it's not a big deal if I get injured."

He raised his bloody palms to wipe away the tears from the corners of Yu Bingqing's eyes, but instead he wiped them with blood, and the blood covered Yu Bingqing's cheeks.

That absolutely beautiful face was like a blooming monster blood lotus at this moment.


Ling Feng took two deep breaths, and the Eye of Shura on his forehead gradually closed.

He no longer has any extra lifespan to maintain the Eye of the Emperor.

Even Zifeng was almost at the end of his life. He fell in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, dying, and could no longer provide extra vitality to Ling Feng.

At this moment, his palm drooped down weakly, but Yu Bingqing held it tightly and pressed it against his cheek, sobbing.

She knew that Ling Feng no longer had any extra strength to continue to protect herself.

"Hahahaha, I can't even maintain the Eye of the Emperor anymore."

Hailim was immediately overjoyed. After a long attack, he finally saw the hope of victory.

"Jie Jie Jie! It seems that this kid is completely at the end of his strength!"

Three and a half steps, even though he was in the hard battle just now, he was exhausted and suffered some injuries.

But the most serious thing among them was that Leonard accidentally fell into Ling Feng's way at the beginning.

Leonard's eyes burst out with extremely vicious eyes, "Boy, for the harm you caused me before, I will repay you twice as much now!"

For a moment, Leonard seemed to have been given a shot of blood, and his whole body was filled with demonic aura.

Next, he will taste the final fruit of victory.

Now Ling Feng's energy and spirit have almost exhausted to the extreme. If it weren't for Yu Bingqing's support, he could hardly stand still.

He has nothing left to sing!

In the distance, Elder Jianxin, who was watching in the dark, had a sinister smile on his face.

"Hmph, it seems, it's time for me to show off."

Elder Shenglin smiled and said nothing, but nodded slightly, "Those three demon emperors have already spent most of their demonic energy. I didn't expect that Ling Feng could actually fight with them! If those old guys didn't have Demon Soul Blood and Bones may really be killed by this kid. "

"A mere Immortal Lord is almost half a step back to kill him. The Tiandao Clan is truly terrifying!"

Elder Jianxin nodded, "Huh, but in the end, you will still die in my hands! This line of heaven should be cut off!"

Elder Shenglin smiled faintly and didn't say much. He just stared at Ling Feng's direction from a distance with his golden eyes, wondering what he was thinking about...

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