Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4039 The Evil God’s Tribulation!

The Sin Priest, deep in the underground palace.

"Have you set off yet?"

In the deep darkness, a vicissitudes of voice came, it was the Great Evil King.

The Archbishop nodded slightly, "Yes, Master, they have already set off."

"Descendant of Heaven, everything I can do for you has been done, and the rest is up to you. If you can successfully pass the Evil God Tribulation and be promoted, your future achievements must be higher than those of Brother Taixu!"

There was a trace of worry in the eyes of the chief priest, "It's just that there are too many variables in the evil god's catastrophe and it is really difficult to predict. I hope that boy can have better luck and not provoke the seven deadly sins at the same time. If the seven sins fall at the same time, I'm afraid..."

He paused for a moment and did not continue.

Evil God Tribulation, if you are lucky, one of the evil gods among the seven sins will descend. If it is still a relatively weak one among them, with Ling Feng's current strength, the chance of successfully counteracting the evil god's will should be more than 70%.

It might be more difficult if there are two or three evil gods, but there is still a chance.

If the seven deadly sins come together.

The Archbishop couldn't imagine that even he, let alone Ling Feng, would have a hard time surviving.

Although Ling Feng's mass killing technique can restrain the power of the evil god to a certain extent, this kind of restraint seems very insignificant in the face of the most absolute disparity in power.

"Based on his background, I'm afraid he will be at least three evil gods or more."

The Great Evil King took a deep breath and said slowly: "Even if he successfully survives the Evil God Tribulation, he will probably fall into an extremely weak state."

"Don't worry, Master, my subordinates have already made arrangements."

The chief priest said calmly: "My subordinate is already in that demon's body, leaving a back-up, which should be able to protect that kid for a while."

"You are still so meticulous in your actions, I feel reassured."

The Great Evil King nodded slightly, and suddenly, the chains under his feet clattered.

A violent aura is erupting with the Great Evil King as the center.

Immediately afterwards, a bloody light shield rose, completely covering the figure of the Great Evil King.


The Archbishop sighed softly and could only turn around and walk out of the underground palace.

Just as the Great Evil King said, he has lost control recently, and it is indeed becoming more and more frequent.

I'm just afraid...

The Archbishop clenched his fists, and his last hope could only be pinned on Ling Feng.

the other side.

After Ling Feng crushed the teleportation talisman given to him by the chief priest, he was immediately drawn into a blue whirlpool.

When everything in front of him returned to normal again, he realized that he was indeed on an island.

Looking from a distance, the mist rising all around is the White Bone Soul River!

"How on earth are we going to survive this calamity in this damn place?"

Faros's voice was trembling.

This is an island in the center of the White Bone Soul River, surrounded by rivers.

In other words, once those ignorant and resentful evil spirits sleeping at the bottom of the river are disturbed, they will have nowhere to run.

What's even more frightening is that since Ling Feng is going to escape the tribulation, how can he not alert the evil spirit of ignorance and resentment?

Even if you sleep like a dead pig, you will be woken up by the explosion.

If there were a few more monsters like the Cracked Tooth Demon, both of them would probably hate the northwest today.

"As soon as it comes, make peace with it. Old method, calm down!"

Ling Feng patted Faros on the shoulder and began to look at the surrounding environment.

Pharos muttered in his heart: Calm down! You guys have to come, but I don’t have to come with you!

However, this old boy is just complaining. He has come, so naturally he has to find a good place to hide first.

When the calamity finally comes, I guess I won't be of much help, so I'll find a place to hide. If I don't do anything wrong, I'm just helping.

I have to say that this guy has a very good understanding of himself.

The entire island is not too big, but it is not small either, with a radius of thousands of miles.

No wonder Pharos said before that the White Bone Soul River runs almost through the entire Exiled Land. Just because it can accommodate such a large island, even if the White Bone Soul River is called the Soul Sea, it is not an exaggeration.

Although from a distance, the mist is rising above the White Bone Soul River, but up close, the water surface is still calm, like a mirror.

Upon arriving here, Ling Feng indeed sensed an extremely strong aura of the evil god filling the surroundings.

Even worse, the Evil God’s Cave!

You know, there are stone carvings of the Evil God in the Evil God's Cave.

And since this Seven Sins Source Island was the place where the Great Evil King found the stone carvings of the Evil God, I am afraid that there is indeed some special and close connection with the Evil God.

This island seems to be incompatible with other places in the Exiled Land.

Other places in the Exiled Land can be said to be barren land without any grass growing, but here, there are actually trees.

For a moment, Ling Feng even doubted whether this place had reached the outside world.

If I didn't know the origin of this island, I would probably think of it as a paradise.

Suddenly, Ling Feng felt restless in his body. The chaotic dantian that had been suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth burst out with a terrifying mana storm.

This is a symbol of an upcoming breakthrough!

"Did it come so fast and so violently?"

Fallows' eyelids twitched, "I haven't hidden it yet!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and slowly floated into the air.

The biggest change from the Immortal Lord to the Immortal Emperor realm is that the stars fall and the moon rises!

The land of his birth, the sea of ​​chaotic stars, will all dissipate and turn into a bright moon, hanging high in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

At this moment, Ling Feng's eyelids jumped suddenly.

If the Soil of First Life dissipates, what will happen to the lights of chaos that have been sealed in the Soil of First Life before?

He originally received the task of conquering the Black Dragon Secret Order of the Alliance and went to collect the light of chaos.

Originally, with the terrifying amount of chaotic light he collected, he should be able to reach the three-star God of War in one go through direct communication.

Moreover, you can also choose a large number of magic weapons and cheats.

Now that he has been promoted to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and the land of birth has dissipated, haven't all those lights of chaos gone?

But soon, Ling Feng couldn't help but want to laugh again.

When he is promoted to the Immortal Emperor, ordinary strong men of one level and two levels of brokenness can handle it. Do they still care about this small profit?

When the time comes, what will those half-step elders who are fighting for the alliance mean in front of me?

The layout is still too small.

Don’t worry about this light of chaos. If it’s gone, it’s gone!


At this moment, blood clouds were billowing above the sky.

Although the evil god's tribulation is not a thunder tribulation in the ordinary sense, the prelude seems to be the same. First, there is a large cloud of tribulation.

After a while, almost everything within a thousand-mile radius was enveloped by the large bloody cloud of calamity.

The dull and depressing breath made it difficult for Faros to breathe.

Is this really just a catastrophe for the Immortal Emperor's promotion?

Those who didn’t know thought it was the Great Shattering Tribulation!

Seeing Pharos looking for cover to hide everywhere, looking so hasty and embarrassed, Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

Although he didn't think Faros could be of any help to him, he still chose to believe in the Archbishop and brought this guy here.

But for now, it's better to let him hide in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

"Old Fa, stop hiding, hide in my space magic weapon first."

When Pharos heard this, he was almost moved to tears, "Hurry, hurry, hurry up!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and sent him directly into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

In this way, he can concentrate more on fighting against the evil god's calamity!

Soon, the calamity cloud was finally completely condensed. Then, bursts of weird laughter suddenly came from the thick blood cloud.

Then, an evil god with snake hair and a naked upper body suddenly descended!

That is, the evil god of lust, Asmodeus!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Although Asmodeus's face was ferocious and terrifying, under the blessing of the ten thousand feet of Dharma, the two huge peaks on his chest gave people a very domineering sense of oppression!

Its laughter was also a mixture of men and women. The rough male voice was mixed with the sound of a woman's gentle breathing.

The next moment, Ling Feng felt that the light in front of his eyes flickered and became blurry. After a while, countless thoughts lingered in his mind, causing endless heat in his heart.

Is it so exciting right from the start?

Ling Feng took a deep breath, suppressed the heat in his heart, and silently recited the "Eternal Peace Sutra" taught by Mr. Qingyan.

Not to mention, this scripture can not only restrain the inner demon of killing evil, but also make Ling Feng's state of mind clear and clear almost instantly.

Mere lust and pink skulls, but they also want to mess with my Taoist mind?

The next moment, between Ling Feng's eyebrows, the third vertical pupil opened, and a golden light burst out, breaking all illusions!

In an instant, those blood-stirring scenes completely dissipated in his mind. Ling Feng could only see above the sky, the evil god of lust, Asmodeus, who had grabbed a long knife and hung it high on his forehead. above.

It's the knife on the head of the word sex!

If Ling Feng had just sunk into the sea of ​​desire and was unable to extricate himself, this long knife had already penetrated his body.

However, at this moment, an invisible barrier opened up around Ling Feng, resisting the long knife!

It is the mantra of the "Eternal Peace Sutra"!

Unexpectedly, this scripture can not only soothe my state of mind, but also have such mystery!

If Mr. Qingyan is really the incarnation of the Divine Emperor, then he has given himself another great blessing!


Seeing the confusion of lust, he could not shake Ling Feng's state of mind. The next moment, Asmodeus's figure disappeared into the blood cloud, but a pair of hateful eyes were still staring at Ling Feng.

It just hides and will continue to attack Ling Feng as long as it finds an opportunity.

Immediately afterwards, a monster that was as tall as a person, full of fangs, and looked like a giant fly swooped down from the blood cloud.

Beelzebub, the evil god of gluttony!

In the past few years in the Evil God's Cave, Ling Feng had been at war with the seven Sin Archbishops for a long time, and he already knew the information about the Seven Evil Gods like the back of his hand.

Click click click click…

Beelzebub's mouth was full of sharp teeth that interlocked and kept biting, making bursts of sharp and harsh teeth grinding sounds. Just the storm of sound waves coming from him made Ling Feng feel extremely sick and wanted to vomit.

The vibration frequency that exploded on his eardrums in an instant made his temples throb, as if all the blood in his body was about to spurt out from his body, converging in the direction of Beelzebub.


In the midst of lightning and flint, Beelzebub flew past Ling Feng.

Before Ling Feng could react, he saw a bloody mark on his chest that was deep enough to show the bone.

At the wound, the flesh and blood squirmed and began to fester rapidly!

Ling Feng frowned, and immediately activated the Great Killing Technique to suppress his injuries. At the same time, he shouted and summoned Ajin.


The next moment, a golden light flashed, and Ajin appeared in response.

Beelzebub's speed was fast, and Ajin's speed was also not satisfactory.

Using speed against speed, at least he would not fall into a passive position.

Then, Ling Feng covered his body with the evil god armor.

He couldn't suffer the same loss a second time!

And Ajin's appearance also made Ling Feng's aura soar a lot.

Ling Feng held the Ten Directions Annihilation in his hand, stared at Beelzebub, and at the same time separated a wisp of his mind to lock on the lustful evil god, Asmodeus, who was hidden in the blood cloud.

However, at this moment, a roar came from behind, and the air around him suddenly became extremely hot.

Ling Feng looked back and his eyelids jumped suddenly.

A giant monster shaped like a giant whale was charging at him with a violent attack that could destroy mountains and shake mountains. Almost in the blink of an eye, it had rushed to the front.

The huge and bulky body made Ling Feng's scalp numb!

Even though Ling Feng opened the defense barrier with all his strength in an instant, he was still knocked away by the giant whale.


The defense barrier was broken, and Ling Feng suddenly spurted out a mouthful of reverse blood. Even A Jin, unwillingly, showed a trace of weakness on his face.

The head-on collision caused Ling Feng and A Jin to suffer a lot of impact.

The next moment, the figure of the giant whale disappeared out of thin air, as if it had escaped into nothingness.

This evil god in the form of a giant whale was the jealous evil god Leviathan.

Its elusive attacks were like the cold sword behind the jealous person, which was hard to defend against!

At the beginning, there were three evil gods!

Ling Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth fiercely, and his expression was extremely solemn.

If the seven archbishops of sin had only borrowed the power of the evil god, they would have been so difficult and so hard to deal with.

Although these were not real evil gods, the power they exerted was the power of the evil god in the true sense!

Is this the evil god calamity!

Ling Feng gently stroked the back of A Jin's head and said in a deep voice: "A Jin, next, we are afraid that we will have a hard battle to fight!"

A Jin roared softly a few times, as a response to Ling Feng, and at the same time burst out with high morale.

Ling Feng's eyes condensed, and at the same time burst out with a shocking fighting spirit.

Whether it is the gods or the evil demons, all obstacles that stand in the way of promotion will be cleared away!

Those who stand in my way will die!

The next moment, the demon's Yin body appeared behind Ling Feng, and behind him, he was carrying a silver ancient coffin.

In the normal immortal emperor calamity, Ling Feng only needed to survive the calamity thunder.

Therefore, this mysterious ancient coffin can be used to resist the calamity thunder.

But now, he needs to kill the evil god, and if the Xuanyou Ancient Coffin is only used for defense, it will not have much meaning.

However, since Ling Feng brought out the Xuanyou Ancient Coffin, it naturally has a magical use!

And now is the right time!

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