Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4229 No matter the cost!

In the Demon Realm, deep in the Heavenly Demon Holy Palace, there is the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death.

At this moment, Keveli didn't know that Yi Ting had unilaterally tore up the temporary truce agreement, mobilized the elites of the Thunder Clan, and once again besieged the Star Source Fortress.

However, there are currently two demon kings, Udyr and Harrison, sitting in the fortress.

If Yi Ting couldn't come in person, it wouldn't be that easy to break through the Xingyuan Fortress.

However, the Immortal Emperor, the master of all the major forces, has already arrived on the battlefield outside the territory one after another.

The situation on the battlefield can be said to be changing rapidly.

It's a pity that Kweli is really powerless in her current state.

Everything can only be done after complete recovery.

The spring water of the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death constantly rejuvenates the body.

The foundation that was originally damaged by Xantian Xuanlei was also being repaired bit by bit.

For no reason, she couldn't help but think of the conversation with Ling Feng, and there was a ripple in her heart.

Although she said something tough, she still had some expectations for Ling Feng in her heart.

That boy, will he...

Unfortunately, Keweili still underestimated Ling Feng's determination.

In other words, at this moment Ling Feng had already been attracted by the dirt-free soil mentioned by the cheap donkey.

Where can I be distracted from thinking about such obscene things?

Outside the cave.

The bitch became more and more excited the more he talked, "Don't just discuss it, this huge opportunity is in front of you, can you just let it go?"

At this moment, the bitch suddenly jumped up and flapped its big ears.

"What's wrong?"

Ling Feng glared at this guy angrily, inexplicably and suddenly startled.

"Haha, if this divine beast was just a guess just now, now, this divine beast can be completely sure! Then the spiritual power emanating from the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death is simply the spiritual power of the Unsullied Divine Spring!"


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, "Bitch, did you find anything else?"

"It's Ajin!"

The bitch said excitedly: "You kid, you are only thinking about that woman. Haven't you noticed that since entering this place, Ah Jin's breath has become stable!"


Ling Feng's face froze, and after careful inspection, he found that it was indeed the case.

Ever since the battle with Yi Ting in Luan Lin Death Lake, Ah Jin has been falling into a coma.

This should be his self-protection mechanism, allowing him to recover slowly through deep sleep.

Only this time, Ah Jin's injury was probably too serious.

Or perhaps, at the last moment, A Jin's various magical powers, although they delayed Yi Ting, also squeezed his own potential.

This time, although Ah Jin had been sleeping, his breath was very disordered and completely different from before.

Even Ling Feng had no way to start and could only rely on Ah Jin's own strength to recover.

And since entering this place, Ah Jin's aura has gradually calmed down.

Perhaps, as Bitch said, it is the spiritual power of the Wugou Divine Spring that can have a certain restorative effect on Ah Jin.

If it's for Ah Jin...

Ling Feng clenched his fists, and he could only plead with Keweili to give him some clean soil.

"What? Can't wait?"

At this moment, a gentle and pleasant voice came from inside the cave, with a charming aura.

But it was Keweili who walked out with a joking look on her face.


Ling Feng came back to his senses and raised his eyes to look at Keweili.

After pondering for a moment, he finally said, "Sister, I have something to ask for."


Keweili rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, calling her the Queen if nothing happened, and turning into her sister if something happened!

This guy knows how to play the emotional card!

But I still do this!

Damn it!

"Say it!" Keveli rolled her eyes, "Between you and me, do you still need to use the word begging?"

Ling Feng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and finally said: "I want to dig some dirt-free soil under the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death."


Kweli looked at Ling Feng with some surprise, "You kid, just by looking at it, you discovered the clues. Did you realize that the key to building this Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death is the dirt-free soil?"


Ling Feng blushed and said with embarrassment: "It's not me who noticed it, but this bitch!"

Kvelli glanced at the bitchy donkey, "This donkey has some knowledge. There are always some weird and strange beasts running around you kid!"

"The divine beast is a divine beast!"

The bitch quickly opened his mouth to emphasize, but when he saw Keveli's eyes sweeping over him, he quickly lowered his head guiltily, "Alien beasts will be alien beasts..."

Although this guy is a bitch most of the time, he still knows who he can mess with and who he can't mess with.

Her Majesty the Queen is not someone he can mess with.

"Sister, look at this..."

"What do I mean?"

Kavli shrugged, "The fact that I can bring you in means that I can share this Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death with you. Whether it's spring water or dirt-free soil, if you want it, just take it."


A warm feeling surged in Ling Feng's heart. He gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to hug the beauty in front of him into his arms. Then he bowed to her and said, "Thank you!"

"That's it, right?"

Ke Weili stretched out her hand to support Ling Feng and said calmly: "If nothing happens, just go in quickly. The best thing to do is to recover as soon as possible. If Yi Ting waits until Yi Ting is promoted to the divine way, you, a descendant of the heavenly way, will have no chance at all!"

Ling Feng nodded heavily towards Kveli and was about to walk into the cave when he heard Kveli remind her: "By the way, when you enter the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death for the first time, you may see some strange things. As long as you overcome it, It will be a very enjoyable process next.”

"Inner demon?"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled at Keweili, "Okay, I will pay attention!"

After that, he strode into the cave.

The bitch also secretly tried to follow but was pushed down by Keveli.

"What do you want to do, you donkey?"

"Ahem..." The bitch felt his calves were a little weak, "Then this divine beast is also injured, go in and take a bath...hehe..."

"Oh? Are you injured too?"

Kweli stared at the bitch, "Then I will treat you?"

"No, no, no... small injury, small injury..."

The bitch dared to fish in troubled waters again, so he could only shrink back angrily, hiding in the corner and drawing circles.

If I had known earlier, I would not have been so impatient. I would have waited until Ling Feng entered before coming out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

This time it was better, he could only stare outside.

Passing through the long and narrow passage outside the cave, Ling Feng entered the depths of the cave again and took a close look at the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death.

"Inner demon..."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. He had dealt with his inner demons many times.

However, killing evil spirits and the kind of inner demons mentioned by Kavli are not exactly the same thing.

However, the essence is still common.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, took off his clothes, and immediately stepped into the spring.

What made him feel strange was that he clearly walked into the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death step by step, but his feet seemed to be stepping on the mirror.

His whole body was not submerged in the water at all.

In other words, he couldn't immerse himself in the water at all, as if the water was repelling him.

He lowered his head suddenly and saw his reflection under the water. Although his face was exactly the same as his own, his whole body was wrapped in an extremely strange black mist.

Is this the "inner demon" that Kavli mentioned?

The water surface of the Yin Yang Spring of Life and Death seems to divide the world into two.

There is only a thin line of water between reality and illusion.

The next moment, Ling Feng seemed to feel that there were countless pairs of arms reaching out from the bottom of the water, grabbing his legs tightly.

A terrifying tearing force struck, as if it was about to drag him under the water.

But the shadow in the water emerged from the water little by little.

It seems that Ling Feng is to be completely replaced.

What exactly is going on?

Even though he was mentally prepared, Ling Feng was still shocked by this sudden scene.

And then, there seemed to be a special connection between him and the reflection.

No matter how hard he struggled, all the power that exploded would be transferred to the shadow's body through the water.

After a while, his breath became weaker and weaker, while the shadow under the water's breath became stronger and stronger.

It seems that no matter what the inner demon is, it all ends up being the same!

But, do you want to replace me?

Ling Feng clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and shouted: "God damn it, I haven't succeeded yet, is it your turn!"

There was a loud shout, and then Ling Feng recited the "Eternal Peace Sutra" again.

And this Heart Sutra from Mr. Qingyan seems to be the nemesis of all inner demons.

The next moment, the whole world shattered like a mirror.


The shadow that he had transformed with himself was shattered in an instant, turned into a little bit of starlight, and gathered into his body.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng suddenly returned to reality and stood on the water of the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death again.

But this time, his body was sinking into the spring water little by little.

Feeling the majestic spiritual power from the Wushou Divine Spring, it is pouring into his body crazily.

In an instant, the sea of ​​heat, cold marrow, and two spiritual powers in the body surged at the same time.

The Atami divine power sealed in his right arm, and the cold marrow divine power flowing in the ice flower mark on his left shoulder, rapidly surged under Wu Gu's spiritual power.

Moreover, a balanced state is formed.

At this moment, Ling Feng even had a feeling that even if he did not activate the source of chaos in his Dantian Qi sea, he could instantly crush an ordinary strong person in the early stages of fragmentation!

The power of Jiuquan is indeed terrifying!

Within the Chaos Dantian, the origin of Chaos, blessed by the spiritual power of the two divine springs, immediately showed its unprecedented majesty.

Even Yi Ting's unparalleled domineering power of thunder gradually began to be suppressed.

In the end, it is only a matter of time before it is completely refined.

At the same time, Keveli obviously noticed the changes in the cave.

A hint of surprise flashed through her beautiful eyes.

"So fast?"

The first time she soaked in the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death, it took her several days to defeat her inner demons.

As for Ling Feng, less than a quarter of an hour had passed since he entered!

"What a monster!"

Keveli couldn't help but admire secretly.

"Hey, that kid is a monster! Otherwise, he wouldn't be the little brother of this beast!"

The bitch smiled proudly, and when he saw the Queen's glare, he quickly retracted his neck, not daring to talk any more.

Somewhere in the fairyland.

In an elegant and simple guest room, a beautiful woman slowly woke up from her deep sleep.

This person is none other than Empress Qingluo!

Empress Qingluo opened her eyes slightly, with a hint of doubt and confusion in her eyes, "Am I still alive?"

She whispered to herself, with a hint of disbelief in her voice.

In her mind, she couldn't help but think of the earth-shattering battle in the Deadpool. At that critical moment of life and death, in order to buy Ling Feng time to escape, she resolutely used the taboo blood-burning secret method.

According to common sense, given her serious injury and critical condition at the time, coupled with the use of such a heaven-defying forbidden technique, she should have been dead.

However, she miraculously survived at this moment, which is simply unbelievable.

Empress Qingluo took a deep breath. Although her cultivation had fallen below the fifth level of brokenness and could not even stabilize the immortal level, she could clearly feel the strong vitality in her body. This is not at all like the state a person who has been seriously injured and on the verge of death should be in.

The next moment, Empress Qingluo seemed to realize something, and anger suddenly surged in her eyes.

In this world, except Yi Ting, probably no one can save her life.

"Yi Ting! Come out! Get out of here!"

She roared angrily, "Do you think I will thank you because you saved me? Don't even think about it! You despicable, shameless, lord-killing and rebellious villain, come out!"

However, she roared for a long time, but no one responded.

Finally, Qingluo jumped up, activated the magic power in her body, and began to bombard the surrounding walls.

However, the seemingly ordinary room seemed like a wall of copper and iron.

No matter how Qingluo attacks, she doesn't move at all.

This room obviously has special enchantment restrictions.

With Qing Luo's current cultivation level, it was impossible to damage the barrier at all.

"Save some energy."

At this moment, Yi Ting's voice came from nowhere, "There is a special sealing barrier in the room you are in. It is impossible to break this barrier until you recover to the seventh level of fragmentation." !”

"There is a spirit gathering circle that I have arranged for you in the room. In addition, there are also pills and fairy crystals for you to practice. You can throw them away and destroy them. However, you want to come out as soon as possible. If so, I advise you not to do this! Because it will only take longer for you to escape!"

"You can't even try to trap me!"

Qing Luo shouted loudly, but this time, no matter how Qing Luo roared and cursed, Yi Ting no longer responded.

But in another room far away, Yi Ting waved away the light curtain in front of him and let out a long sigh.

At this moment, Yi Ting's face looked a little pale.

Obviously, in order to save Qing Luo, he expended a lot of his original power.

Beside him, there was a gray-haired old man.

But it was the "Uncle Ling" who had been guarding him in seclusion.

The old man sighed softly and said slowly: "Master Emperor, why are you doing this..."

"Since I chose this path back then, I am already mentally prepared."

He looked back at Uncle Ling and said calmly: "The last time you activated the Tower of God and lowered the power of ascension, how many star core sources of the star field were sacrificed?"

"Enough..." Uncle Ling sighed and said in a deep voice: "Seventeen star regions!"

"The power of the gods is indeed powerful, but the price required..."

Yi Ting was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "Can you activate the Tower of the Gods again within half a year?"


Uncle Ling's face darkened, "If the Tower of God is activated so frequently, the source of star cores burned may be several times that of the last time!"

"There's no time to wait any longer!"

A trace of determination flashed in Yi Ting's eyes, "This time, I must ascend to the divine way! No matter the cost!"


Uncle Ling sighed, then nodded slowly, smiling bitterly: "Hahaha, Lord Emperor, I'm afraid you and I are all going to hell!"

Yi Ting did not answer, but simply said: "Okay, go down and prepare. I only give you half a year."


Uncle Ling nodded slightly and immediately withdrew.

After Uncle Ling left, Yi Ting said quietly: "Are you going to hell? From that moment on, isn't this world destined to become hell?" (End of Chapter)

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