Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4235 The Eye of Punishment!

", the formation is about to break!"

In an instant, the expressions of the elders of the Gruando clan changed drastically at the same time.

Once this Saint-Demon Nine-turn Formation is broken through, the terrifying aftermath of the thunderstorm will probably completely annihilate their group in an instant.

No, the entire Heavenly Demon Holy Palace, and even the entire King Lando City, will be wiped out in an instant!

"Quick, activate the final Heaven-Sealing Formation! We must not let the barrier of the Saint-Devil Nine-turn Formation be broken!"

An immortal-level Supreme Elder shouted loudly.

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, more than a dozen black shadows flew in all directions.

They are all immortal-level experts!

These immortal strong men are the true heritage of the Gruando clan!

Just for a moment, more than a dozen immortals stood at the center of the Heaven Sealing Formation.

At the time, the ancestor of the Gruando clan had also hypothesized that if the Nine Transformations of Saints and Demons could not withstand the final catastrophe of the ancestors, then there would be a Heaven-Sealing Formation that could defeat the Nine Transformations of Saints and Demons. The strength of the barrier has increased by more than ten times!

This is also the final trump card of the Gulando clan.

However, just as the dozen or so immortal heroes stood still, the aftermath of a violent thunderstorm suddenly burst out from the gap in the barrier.


In an instant, the nearest immortal elder suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then a cloud of blood mist burst out from his limbs.

"Elder Roland!"

The other immortal demons stared at the immortal prince with wide eyes and extremely frightened.

"I'm fine!"

Elder Roland did not die suddenly. He gritted his teeth, raised his arms and shouted: "Everyone, hold on!"

Boom boom boom!

The violent thunder power was vented in all directions.

In an instant, tall buildings collapsed one after another, and even the bones of the ancient giant beast that built the main body of King Gulando began to crumble inch by inch!

"Sealing the Heaven Formation, start!"

Elder Roland wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth. He ignored his own injuries and started the final formation directly with himself as the leader.

We must hurry up and make up for the gap in the Holy Demon Nine Transformation Formation before the second wave of thunderstorms erupts.

Otherwise, if this continues, the entire royal city will cease to exist!

For a time, the other elders gritted their teeth and stood firm at the formation's center.

Anyway, this is a death, try your best to maintain the barrier. As long as Queen Keveli successfully overcomes the disaster, there is still a glimmer of hope!

At the same time, the broken and immortal strong men gathered from all over the Demon Realm also joined the Heaven Sealing Formation.

Almost in the blink of an eye, hundreds of strong men above the broken level appeared.

With the addition of these hundreds of strong men, the pressure on the old demons of the Gulanduo clan suddenly decreased.

But at this moment, no one dares to be careless at all.


The extremely violent thunder tentacles slapped down towards Ling Feng.

At this moment, the body of Void Overlord Erbert was already entangled with countless thunder tentacles.

Even though he had tried his best, it was probably too late to help Ling Feng.


The sound of thunder was like the roar of thousands of beasts, and in an instant, with blazing light and heat, it pierced the sky and landed in front of Ling Feng.

It seemed like it was tearing the whole world apart.

"It's over! It's over! It's dead! It's really dead now!"

In the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, the bitch was so frightened that his legs were weak.

That was the ancestral catastrophe of the ninth level of shattering, fused with the power of the great catastrophe of heaven.

When this calamity thunder came down, Ling Feng was wiped out into ashes, and the Five Elements Heavenly Palace was probably crushed into powder in an instant.

I'm afraid he'll have to pay for his life as a donkey.

"Die, die, die no matter what. If you want to die, just die, and the master will not die!"

Zifeng glared at the bitch angrily, "You bitch, you can only say frustrated words at this time, can't you think of a solution! You usually have a lot of bad ideas! Use your beast soul to fuse!"

"Bah! What a melting shit! Ah Jindu is like that!"

The bitch cursed loudly and suddenly seemed to think of something. He looked at Ah Jin suddenly, picked up Ah Jin and shook him wildly, "Ancestor, my little ancestor, you should wake up quickly! "

Is this Bitch’s last idea?

It's a pity that Ah Jin's previous battle with Yi Ting caused too much damage. Even after cultivating in the Yin and Yang Spring of Life and Death for a period of time, he was only slightly stabilized and was far from fully recovered.

No matter how much the donkey shakes, it can't wake up at all.

But at this moment, facing the terrifying thunder, Ling Feng truly realized what it meant to have a numb scalp.

He took a sharp breath, and in an instant, the Yin-Yang fish floated in his eyes.

The Eye of the Emperor opens again.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud shout, and Ling Feng's robe exploded. Countless golden hairs covered his body, and the muscles all over his body became knotted.


Ling Feng roared to the sky, his body suddenly grew in size, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a giant chaotic ape!

At the critical moment of life and death, Ling Feng finally displayed his true form of Chaos!

Immediately afterwards, demonic energy surged around the body, and the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation began to move.

The golden hair turned into jet black bristles.

A chaotic light flashed through, and a thousand-foot giant halberd appeared in the hands of the Chaos Demon Ape.

It was the destruction of all directions, and it had transformed into the form of Heavenly Punishment.

The halberd swept away, and the next moment, Ling Feng used the Qiankun Throw and threw the halberd hard towards the thick thunder tentacle.

That halberd penetrated Jiuyou and burned most of the energy, blood and mana in Ling Feng's body.

However, facing this terrifying thunder calamity that could crush the ancestor level, it was obviously not enough.


With a loud noise, the halberd was directly knocked out, and Ling Feng's huge mountain-like body also flew out heavily.

As soon as they met, Ling Feng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

That power is too terrifying!

This feeling was as if the person fighting against me on the opposite side was the existence that towered over countless powerful men in the Immortal Realm - Yi Ting!

However, Ling Feng was already incredible if he was not blown to pieces by this thunderbolt.

At the same time, Erbert finally shattered the thunder tentacles wrapped around his body, and with a roar, he stood directly in front of Ling Feng.

At the same time, a big hand held it up and handed it to Ling Feng.

The palms of her hands were spread out, and inside was Kavli who had fallen into the illusion of the soul.

The intention was obviously to let Ling Feng protect Keweili, while he was responsible for fighting against the giant octopus that was "making trouble" in the sky.

Perhaps it was because the lightning turned into an octopus, which reminded Erbert of the former Void Siren Kraken.

It was the enemies who were extremely jealous when they met.

After Erbert handed Keveli to Ling Feng, he roared and crashed directly into the sky.

Ling Feng opened his mouth and swallowed Keveli directly into the bloody mouth.

While trying to communicate with Keveli with her soul and awaken her, she also needs to deal with the tribulation thunder that may strike at any time.

No matter how strong Erbert is, he can't cover all aspects and block all the thunder.


Another thick thunder tentacle struck Ling Feng fiercely. It split wildly in the sky, and in an instant, it turned into a thunder net, covering Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's eyes widened. Such dense thunder was already inevitable.

He stretched out his hand and took the halberd back into his palm, with murderous aura surging all over his body.

In an instant, all the hidden veins of Heavenly Dao were opened, and the great killing technique was activated to the extreme.

"A sword of chaos in heaven and earth!"

Without any choice, Ling Feng used the form of the Chaos Demon Ape to unleash his most powerful killing move.


Sword light and thunder intertwined, and in an instant, Ling Feng felt as if his body was hit by a huge force and was blown away again.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The remaining electric arc, familiar to him, enveloped Ling Feng's body, and severe pain struck him. Ling Feng felt as if every pore in his body was being pierced by steel needles over and over again.

However, despite this, Ling Feng did not open his mouth to howl at all.

At this moment, Kavli was still protected in his mouth. Once he opened his mouth, Kavli would be in trouble.

This time, no matter what, we must protect her!

Ling Feng's eyes flashed with determination.

As long as there is still breath left, we must persist until the last moment.


In an instant, blood poured down Ling Feng's wound like a waterfall.

At this moment, a crisp and sweet sound came from my ears.

"That's enough, you've done enough! Next, leave it to me."

It was Kvelli's voice. The next moment, a ray of purple light shot out from Ling Feng's mouth. It was Kvelli who had woken up.

She was indeed disturbed by the great calamity of the soul and fell into a spiritual illusion for a time.

But Ling Feng bought her precious time, and Ling Feng's painful roar also reached the depths of Keveli's spiritual sea.

With her strong belief in protection, Kavli finally broke through the illusion.

In an instant, the soft purple light turned into a rain of light and fell on Ling Feng. Not only did it swallow up the thunder, but it also quickly healed Ling Feng's injuries.

"You finally woke up!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up and a look of ecstasy flashed through his eyes.

And Kavli looked towards the sky, her brows furrowing even more tightly, "It seems that you really caused me a big trouble!"

It turns out that Kvelli’s ancestral catastrophe is coming to an end.

As long as they survive the final soul catastrophe and deal with the giant octopus transformed by the thunder above the sky, the success of the tribulation has basically been declared.

But at this moment...

Ling Feng caused a catastrophe from heaven.

Perhaps the great catastrophe of Ling Feng's promotion and shattering of heaven is not as terrifying as the Buddha of Life and Death.

However, the fusion of the two is equivalent to directly raising the level of the great tribulation of heaven to the level of the Buddha tribulation of life and death.

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "There is nothing we can do. Given the situation at that time, if I didn't summon Ebert, I'm afraid you would definitely die."

Keweili sighed softly, glanced at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Do you know that doing this will put you in danger?"

However, as soon as she finished speaking, another tribulation thunder fell, directly drowning her voice.

"It seems that we have to deal with this damn fusion disaster first!"

Kweli took a deep breath, jumped up, and landed on the shoulders of the Chaos Demon Ape transformed by Ling Feng, "You brat, this time, you and I will fight side by side!"

But at this moment, Ling Feng's mind heard the wailing sound of a bitch.

This guy was completely frightened and almost cried out: "It's over! Boy Ling Feng, we are really going to end it this time! Look at the southwest, this fusion catastrophe actually triggered the sky. The Eye of Punishment! It’s all over!”

"The Eye of Punishment?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled, apparently hearing this term for the first time.

"What? The Eye of Punishment!"

Seeing Ling Feng muttering about the Eye of Punishment, Keweili's eyelids twitched and she suddenly looked to the sky, her expression suddenly changed drastically.

"It's really the eye of punishment!"

Keveli took a deep breath, and her peerless face instantly turned pale.

Seeing the sudden change in Keweili's expression, Ling Feng couldn't help but ask, "Bitch, what's going on?"

The bitch's voice was a little trembling, "This Eye of Heaven's Punishment is the condensed will of heaven and earth. It is specially designed to destroy the peerless evildoers who are jealous of heaven and earth! Once the Eye of Heaven's Punishment appears, it means that the will of heaven and earth has been I am determined to destroy a certain existence! Do you understand now? This world is going to destroy you!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly. He never expected that the fusion of the Heavenly Dao Tribulation and the Ancestral Tribulation would lead to such a change.

Overcoming a calamity and being promoted is essentially a narrow escape from death, trying to seize that subtle glimmer of hope.

At this moment, the will of this world is about to destroy itself.

Then, even if there is only a glimmer of hope left, it may no longer exist!

And at the moment when they were shocked, an extremely huge pupil suddenly appeared on the sky.

This eye seemed to be composed of countless stars, each of which was constantly flashing and rotating.

It floats quietly above the sky, as if the entire world is under its gaze.

"Is this the Eye of Punishment?"

Even beings like Rukweili, who have experienced the ancient demon-slaying battle, still feel a little trembling in front of the Eye of Punishment.

She could clearly feel the terrifying power contained in that eye.

It seems that with just a blink of an eye, the entire world can be annihilated in an instant.

"what is that?"

"Oh my god, what a big eye, the whole world seems to be enveloped in that eyeball!"

"What's going on? Why did this thing suddenly appear?"

Those strong demons who were struggling to support the Heaven-Sealing Formation looked up at the huge pupils in the sky, and felt an inexplicable shiver down their spines.

This is not something that should appear during the great catastrophe of the ancestors!

At least, there were no similar records when many of the ancestors of the demon clan were promoted.

But at this moment, one of the oldest old men, whose face was extremely old, suddenly contracted his cloudy pupils.

Then, he slowly uttered four words, "The Eye of Heaven's Punishment...??"

From doubt, to certainty, to shock...

In an instant, the old man's heart was filled with despair. Everything was over!

"It's over, it's over, I really can't survive this time!"

The bitch's voice was full of despair. It seemed that he had seen himself, Zifeng and others being completely annihilated by the Eye of Punishment.

Even hiding in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace has no meaning at all.

And amid the desperate roar of the bitch, the Eye of Punishment blinked slowly, as if the ancient stars were quietly turning.

The terrifying pressure made the whole world seem to be still at this moment, and even the air seemed to have solidified into a heavy stone, making people suffocating.

The power of heaven's punishment quietly swept away with the blink of the huge eyeball.

The first thing to be swallowed up and annihilated were the pagodas of life and death suspended in the sky!

Wherever the terrifying power of heavenly punishment passed, not even the tribulation thunder itself was spared.




Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. No wonder Bitch was immediately frightened. Keweili, the queen of the demon clan, also had a light of despair in her eyes.

Is this power of heavenly punishment really something that human beings can contend with? (End of chapter)

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