Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4236 Divine Thunder of Punishment!

The power of heavenly punishment swept across everything, annihilating everything.

The terrifying pagoda of life and death could not resist even for a moment and turned into ashes.

The power of the Eye of Punishment is no longer something human beings can resist!

Is this the end?

With great difficulty, he is about to be promoted to pieces!

With great difficulty, he is now among the most powerful people in the world!

Finally, I got the information about my mother and was able to rescue her!

It’s not easy…

Not willing to give in!

I am not willing to accept it!

What else can be done! There must be some way!

"Ling Feng, stay alive!"

And just when Ling Feng's heart was filled with despair and unwillingness, the sound of Keveli's low drink suddenly came to his ears.

The next moment, Keweili's figure was like a bolt of lightning, shooting out from the shoulders of the Chaos Demon Ape transformed by Ling Feng.

In an instant, a thousand-foot-long Divine Soul Dharma Appearance floated up behind Keweili, completely blocking Ling Feng's huge body behind him.

She spread her arms, and the twelve purple wings behind her flapped at the same time.

Then, a crystal clear bead slowly floated out from her chest.

On this bead, there is a faint blood light, which seems to contain endless vitality.

"This is……"

Ling Feng's eyes widened, that was clearly the original magic bead that contained Keveli's life essence!

She actually wanted to resist the supreme power of the Eye of Punishment by self-destructing the original magic orb!

"Cavli, are you crazy?"

Ling Feng said angrily: "Back off! If you do this, you will die!"

"I know!"

Keveli smiled softly. There was no fear on her face, but instead it was full of determination.

"Just give me your life! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be in such a crisis!"

"Cavli! No!"

Ling Feng's roar was even a little hoarse.

He didn't expect that Keveli would make such a choice.

"No! I will never allow it!"

Ling Feng roared crazily. At this moment, he could no longer care about everything.

"Tentacle monster, activate the obelisk matrix for me!"

The obelisk matrix obtained deep in the forbidden area of ​​Tianjing Island is Ling Feng's most hidden real trump card.

When Ling Feng got this thing, he made up his mind that no matter what situation he encountered, unless he met the so-called Celestial Clan, he would never expose this thing.

After all, no one knows whether the appearance of this obelisk matrix will attract the attention of those gods.

If the Celestial Clan is attracted because of this, the current situation of the Immortal Realm will be impossible to resist.

But now, he has no choice.

No matter what, he could never just watch Kavli die like this.


Especially since he obviously still has a chance to save it.

"Master, have you really decided?"

Tentacle monsters appeared around Ling Feng, "Although the obelisk matrix was recovered on the Sky Crystal Island last time, the energy contained in it is not much. Even if it is used to resist the Eye of Punishment, it may not be able to withstand it. Moreover, It will definitely cause huge damage to the tip matrix itself. "

"Stop talking nonsense. When a person dies, there is nothing left!"

Ling Feng's eyes widened and he almost roared in anger.


The tip of the tentacle monster tapped lightly, like a human nodding. The next moment, a metal piece appeared in front of the tentacle monster. As the tentacle monster lightly scratched the metal piece a few times, black light came from behind the metal piece. Inside, it shoots out.


The entire space and time suddenly trembled violently.

Black towers over a hundred feet high suddenly rose from the ground and spread throughout every corner of the Demon Palace.

Then, each black tower shot out a beam of light at the same time, shooting straight into the sky.

In an instant, the light pillars gathered together and intertwined into a large transparent net, covering the entire Heavenly Demon Holy Palace.


There was a loud noise, and the divine light bursting out from the Eye of Punishment finally shone on the light curtain formed by the obelisk matrix.

But this time, it was not directly annihilated.

The energy barrier formed by the square-pointed matrix actually resisted the annihilation power of the Eye of Punishment!


In the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, the bitch who was already trembling with fear suddenly had a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Ju... actually withstood it? Haha, no need to die! No need to die this time!"

The bitch laughed loudly, "Damn bugs, do you see, we survived! Hahahaha!"

"Huh, I've said it before, how could the master die so easily! From the beginning to the end, I didn't panic at all!"

"Okay, okay, you're great, you're amazing, that's it!"

Having saved a donkey's life, the cheap donkey was in a good mood at the moment, and for the first time he showed mercy to Zifeng.

And outside the boundaries of the Heavenly Demon Holy Palace.

Naturally, those Broken Powerhouses who came to the Demon Realm witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

Even though they are thousands of miles away, the Eye of Punishment hanging high in the sky is still frightening.

And Ling Feng, somehow managed to resist the Eye of Punishment!

"What is the origin of those black towers?"

The demon elders who had recognized the Eye of Punishment before could not help but murmur.

However, no one could answer his question.

All of this is beyond their knowledge.

Within the Demonic Palace.

Ling Feng's figure gradually returned to his human form. In a flash, he grabbed the original magic bead offered by Kweli and forcibly interrupted Kweli's crazy move.

"You stupid woman, don't be stupid like this next time!"

In any case, he absolutely cannot accept that Keveli made such a sacrifice to save him.

However, facing such a ferocious Ling Feng, Keweili had a faint smile on her face.

Has this kid actually grown up enough to protect himself?

"Laugh, still laugh!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at Keweili angrily, "I don't need you to sacrifice for me, you'd better live a good life for me! Do you hear me!"


Kweli was as soft as a mosquito, and nodded towards Ling Feng, as if she was a little daughter-in-law who had done something wrong.

Ling Feng couldn't help but be slightly startled when he saw Ke Weili's appearance. He also felt that his attitude just now was a bit too fierce.

After all, Keveli was also trying to save him. It was always not good for him to be so cruel.

But right now, I don’t care about that much.

Although the energy barrier of the square pointed matrix temporarily withstood the attack of the Eye of Punishment.

However, the Eye of Punishment hanging high in the sky has not dispersed.

This also means that his crisis is far from over.

As for the Eye of Punishment, after its first round of attack was blocked by the square pointed matrix, it did not continue to attack. Instead, it quietly suspended in the sky, as if wondering, and seemed to be judging something.

However, the more peaceful he became, the more uneasy he felt in Ling Feng's heart.

After all, once the obelisk matrix is ​​turned on, it will continue to consume energy even if it does not directly resist any attacks.

The energy of the battleship brought out by Rosier's Fire had already been exhausted.

With the little energy left, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for too long.

However, before he could think about it, the Eye of Punishment hanging high in the sky suddenly turned, and a terrifying pressure directly locked on Ling Feng.

"No, it's locked on you!"

Kweli's voice was full of panic, "Ling Feng, where does your barrier come from? Is it reliable?"

"Now I can only hope that this obelisk matrix is ​​reliable..."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, his biggest trump card had been exposed.

If you still can't bear it, you may be dead today.

He took a deep breath, held the Ten Directions Destruction with both hands, and looked at the sky with an extremely solemn expression, just secretly gathering strength.

Even if it is a certain death situation, he will never sit still and wait for death.

At the same time, Keweili also activated the ancestral demonic energy in her body and stood together with Ling Feng.

"You brat, since the sky is going to destroy you, then I will accompany you to break this damn sky!"

Ling Feng glanced at Keweili and felt a warm current in his heart.

He has lost count of the number of life and death tribulations he and Keveli have experienced together.

Perhaps as Kavli said before, husband and wife are like birds in the same forest, and they fly apart when disaster strikes, but the relationship between them has gone far beyond that of an ordinary couple.

"Come on, Eye of Punishment, let me see how powerful you are!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly, and his momentum rose again.

Even if heaven wants to destroy me, I will definitely fight until the last moment.

I control my own life!

But at this moment, in the center of the Eye of Punishment, among the whirlpools of countless stars, an extremely shocking and dazzling blazing white light suddenly appeared.

The next moment, a terrifying "bang" sound shook the entire Jiuyou Cangming!


The dazzling thunder light shone thousands of miles away in an instant.

The rolling divine power shakes all directions!

"God's Thunder of Punishment!"

The stupid voice sounded again, "Boy Ling Feng, it's the God of Punishment! Your black tower can't withstand it!"

"If you can't bear it, you have to bear it with me!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly, "Tentacle monster, no need to hold back, the matrix is ​​fully activated!"

In an instant, the tips of countless black towers once again shot out a dazzling white light at the same time.

And at the moment when the white light rose, the God of Punishment finally landed on the energy barrier formed by the square pointed matrix.


Boom boom boom boom boom!

The sound of terrifying explosions could be heard endlessly, and Ling Feng felt as if the entire space and time began to tremble violently.

The energy barrier withstood one wave after another of the thunder of the God of Punishment, but the thunder that gathered in the Eye of Punishment was like a waterfall, madly cathartic and endless.

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

The extremely violent thunder of the God of Punishment lasted for a full hour.

At this moment, I just heard a "click".

The energy barrier formed by the square pointed matrix actually broke through a crack.


The voice of the tentacle monster immediately sounded, "There are already seventeen black towers in the matrix. They are overloaded and completely collapsed! The number is still rising, eighteen, nineteen... Unfortunately, it has already exceeded thirty. !”

The hanging hearts of Ling Feng and Ke Weili finally died!

Once the obelisk matrix collapses, it is conceivable that the Heaven-Sealing Formation and the Saint-Demon Nine-turn Formation jointly set up by countless powerful men from the Gruando clan will also be defeated in one blow.

After today, the entire Gulanduo King City will probably cease to exist.

"Ling Feng!"

Keweili held Ling Feng's hand.

Ling Feng was stunned at first, hesitated for a moment, and then held Keweili tightly with his backhand.

Keveli's delicate body trembled slightly, a smile appeared on her beautiful face, and she immediately raised her head to look at the huge Eye of Punishment above the sky, the thunder of the God of Punishment that rolled and vented, even if it illuminated the entire sky , but it cannot cover up the light of the Eye of Punishment.

"What's up, brat, are you afraid of death?"

"Afraid! I'm so scared!"

Ling Feng also raised his head, looked at the Eye of Punishment, which was as bright as a star, gritted his teeth and said: "It's not so much fear of death, but rather unwillingness! There are still too many things that I don't have It’s done!”

"Yes, this world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs, but who is really willing to accept their fate?"

Keweili also smiled and locked hands with Ling Feng, "Then, let's fight against the sky today to see if this so-called Eye of Punishment can destroy us!"


Ling Feng laughed loudly, and the blood in his body was burning crazily.

Yes, he still has too many unwillingnesses and too many obsessions. Who is really willing to accept his fate?



At this moment, the attack of the God of Punishment became more and more violent.

After countless black towers collapsed, the energy barrier of the obelisk matrix also began to tremble violently.

"Master, fifty black towers have collapsed, and the energy barrier can only last for another half-quarter of an hour at most!"

The cold mechanical synthesized sound of the tentacle monster revealed a hint of panic.

"Half a quarter of an hour..."

Ling Feng murmured to himself, he understood that this was their last time limit.

However, he did not give up, and his eyes were filled with determination and determination.

Even if he cannot escape death today, he will never sit still and wait for death.

"Ling Feng, if we can survive today, I will tell you a secret."

Keweili suddenly whispered in Ling Feng's ear.

"Secret? What secret?"

Ling Feng turned to look at Keveli and saw a strange light shining in Keveli's beautiful eyes.

"Let's wait until we get through this, otherwise, everything will be meaningless."

Kavli smiled brightly, like a peony in full bloom, but it also seemed to be at the end of its withering, arousing pity.


As soon as he finished speaking, the attack of the God of Punishment Thunder became more and more violent.

The energy barrier of the entire obelisk matrix began to tremble violently, as if it would collapse at any time.

At this moment, in the center of the Eye of Punishment, among the whirlpools of countless stars, an extremely shocking and dazzling blazing white light suddenly appeared.

The white light seemed to contain the power to destroy the world, which made people feel terrified.

"This is……"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank. He could feel that the power of this attack was several times more powerful than any previous attack from the God of Punishment.

This blow would probably make the Fangjian Matrix completely unable to withstand this blow.

"Ling Feng, be careful!"

Keweili also lost her beauty and held Ling Feng's hand tightly.

"bring it on!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and his momentum rose to the extreme.

If this is the end of his fate, it would be too sad and ridiculous.


Damn fate!

Ling Feng clenched his fists, and many magical powers and secret techniques in his body began to operate at the same time.


The next moment, that extremely shocking and dazzling blazing white light finally fell.

It hit directly on the energy barrier of the square pointed matrix.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

Immediately afterwards, there was an earth-shattering explosion.

The entire space and time seemed to be shaken violently by this blow.

Under the impact of this terrifying energy, the energy barrier of the obelisk matrix finally collapsed completely. (End of chapter)

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