Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4311: The Sword of Heavenly Dao Fusion!

"It's over!"

Looking at the blood vines of the sacred tree rushing towards him, Wan Hong's face turned pale, and beads of sweat kept rolling down his forehead.

If I had known this, why would I pretend to be a hero!


How much is conscience? Why did Ling Feng say "conscience is still alive"?

I'm not a child of destiny. How can I, a small follower, be in charge of saving the world?

Almost instantly, Wan Hong felt that his intestines were about to turn green.

But for some reason, he never thought of abandoning Ling Feng. Instead, he grabbed Ling Feng's hands tightly, fixed them behind his back, and gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, I'm going to die anyway, I'm going to fight you!"

As he spoke, he had already frantically activated the thunder source power of the Xuntian clan.


Thunders, with Wan Hong as the center, seemed to turn into countless thunder dragons, sweeping in all directions.

However, the blood vines of the sacred tree, which absorbed the essence of the immortal Yue Yuan, had already merged with the power of the sky-patrolling black thunder. When Wan Hong's thunder dragon touched the blood vines, it was directly absorbed.

The blood vines spread outwards crazily, and in a few blinks of an eye, they were already close at hand.


The blood vines entangled with Wan Hong, and the blood in his body began to be out of control, seeping out directly from his skin, and then gathered in the direction of the sacred tree.

"Damn it!"

In an instant, Wan Hong felt dizzy and trembling all over, and his body shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I... can't stand it anymore! Puff!"

A mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, and Wan Hong's hands gradually lost strength.

Then, Ling Feng, who was lying behind him, also rolled down from behind Wan Hong.



The two bodies fell heavily on the trunk of the sacred tree, and then the blood vines around them immediately wrapped around them, trying to devour the two people.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In just a moment, the blood vines seemed to form a giant cocoon, tightly sealing Ling Feng and Wan Hong.

The blood cocoon flashed with an extremely strange blood light, and then quickly shrank, trying to crush everything inside into powder.


Immortal Master Yue Yuan laughed wildly, "The lineage of the Heavenly Dao will end today!"

However, at this moment, a thousand-foot sword light suddenly burst out from the blood cocoon.

Then, the blood cocoon split into two and exploded directly.


Immortal Master Yue Yuan widened his eyes, with an incredible look in his eyes, and stared at the direction where Ling Feng was.

In the sky full of sword light, Ling Feng supported himself with a long sword and barely maintained a standing posture.

He gritted his teeth, blood gushed out, and even two streams of blood spurted out of his eyes at the same time.

His body was shaking violently, and the sword just now had drained his last bit of strength.

Then, there was a roar in Ling Feng's body, and his bones and tendons were all broken.

Ling Feng's body trembled violently, and he almost fell to the ground again.

Wan Hong hurriedly supported Ling Feng. Although he was not directly crushed by the blood cocoon just now, given Ling Feng's current condition, I am afraid it is impossible for him to cut a second sword.

"Hehehe, it turns out to be just the last gasp of a strong bow!"

Immortal Master Yue Yuan laughed wildly, and in an instant, countless blood vines shot out.

At the same time, an extremely thick arm of the giant of the sacred tree also overturned towards Ling Feng's head.


Under the violent power, the earth instantly sank, and the area within a radius of tens of millions of miles collapsed in an instant!

What a desperate power this is!

In an instant, countless living beings gathered their blood and energy towards the core of the crown of the sacred tree. Then, all the roots of the sacred tree flashed with dazzling blood light at the same time.

Just like blood vessels and veins, they were frantically extracting the vitality of the entire world.


The void trembled, and a strange gray light spread out from the sacred tree.

Wherever it passed, the sky, the earth, the mountains and rivers seemed to have been drained of color and turned into a strange gray.

Those monks who were fleeing frantically also suddenly stopped in the void, and then their bodies turned into countless tiny gray particles and dissipated.

At the same time, the East Spirit Realm, the West Sword Realm, the South Witch Realm, the North Cold Realm, the Central Yuan Realm...

All parts of the Xuanling Continent were under the radiation of the strange gray light, and then almost everyone's body became stiff and turned into ashes.

Xuanling Continent... is dead!

And all living things in this world will also go extinct.

"It's over. The roots of the gods have fully matured. No one can stop it. The fate of Xuanling Continent has come to an end..."

Wan Hong looked at all this in despair and sat down.

"No! No!!!"

Ling Feng's eyes were filled with blood and tears, and he roared with great anger and despair.

He held the Ten Directions Annihilation tightly, but he didn't even have the strength to swing the sword again.

At this moment, only those creatures with mana in their bodies could resist the erosion of the gray light and survive temporarily.

But, their mana might not last too long.


Another mouthful of blood spurted out.

He hated the Immortal Venerable Yue Yuan who destroyed Xuanling Continent, and the Immortal Emperor Yi Ting who was the instigator behind it, but he hated his own powerlessness even more!

"Jie, Jie, Jie... are you desperate? Are you in pain? The remnant of heaven, the reason why I keep you here is so that you can see all this with your own eyes, and see everything you want to protect completely annihilated!"

From the top of the giant sacred tree, the extremely ferocious laughter of Immortal Yueyuan came.

At the same time, Ling Feng's body began to gradually lose color.

First it was the fingers, then the palms, the arms, spreading, spreading.

"Think of a solution quickly! Ling Feng!"

Wan Hong's eyes widened and he roared, injecting his magic power into Ling Feng's body, "To be so praised by Holy Son Wan Jun, and to escape from the hands of Emperor Zun again and again, Ling Feng, you won't just sit back and wait to die!" Come on, cheer up!"


At this moment, two roars resounded across the sky.

Then, two divine lights shot up into the sky from below the sacred tree. It was Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan who broke through the sky. Their whole bodies shone with extremely dazzling divine light. They were not afraid of death and rushed directly towards the sacred tree. giant.


Ling Feng was stunned at first, and then found that there was actually a trace of mana fluctuations in their bodies.

Half a step!

Have they all reached the level of half-step virtual immortal?

"Brother, how can the burden of guarding this world rest on you alone! Why have we practiced so hard all these years? Isn't it just so that one day, we can stand beside eldest brother and fight alongside you? What!”

Jiang Xiaofan shouted violently and punched out, bursting out with divine light and hitting the sacred tree giant hard.

"What Xiaofan wants to say is what I want to say! Ling Feng, don't underestimate our determination to surpass you!"

Li Bufan waved the wind and thunder blade in his hand. In an instant, the sword energy stirred up the endless wind and clouds, tearing up extremely violent hurricanes and rushing towards the sacred tree.

"And me!"

Chu Chaonan was a step slower than Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan, but he also broke through the sky, danced the blade of his sword, and roared, "No matter what god or immortal you are, your sin is unforgivable!"

Although Chu Chaonan himself had not advanced even half a step, he had obtained a bit of Ling Feng's magic power before, so he was saved from being annihilated by that weird gray light.

Then, a bloody light shot up into the sky, and Luo Hanzhou's whole body seemed to be burning with bloody flames, and the endless anger seemed to completely ignite his whole body.

"Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell!!!"

He was like a ferocious beast that went berserk and out of control, swinging heavy fists and constantly bombarding the sacred tree. Every time he punched, it actually left a huge crater more than a hundred feet deep on the giant sacred tree!

This power has obviously surpassed the level of a half-step virtual immortal.

It seems that it is blessed by some mysterious power!

"I know! I know!!"

Suddenly Wan Hong's eyes widened and he blurted out: "It's... it's the will of heaven and earth in this world! The will of heaven and earth in Xuanling Continent chose them!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he understood immediately.

When he was on the battlefield outside the territory, Ling Feng had come into contact with some "dead" star cores within the space-time gap. The star cores themselves did have a will of their own.

Since he has his own will, he will naturally not be willing to be drained by the roots of the gods.

Its final resistance is to use the original power of the star core to bless the monks who belong to this world, and carry out the final dying blow.

It can also be understood why Xiaofan and the others are able to erupt with power beyond their own cultivation level.

It can also pose a certain threat to the sacred tree giant.

Their bodies are now also integrated with the original power of the Xuanling Continent's star core.

However, since Ling Feng had ascended to the Immortal Realm and achieved the body of an immortal, it was difficult for him to receive the blessing of this kind of power.

"But even so, I'm afraid it's not enough to compete with the roots of the gods!"

Wan Hong tightened his fists, and at this moment, another figure broke through the sky and came.

Oh no, strictly speaking, it was a giant gray beast with several people on its back, flying towards Ling Feng.

That's... Xiao Hui?

Ling Feng's eyes were focused, and he could still identify Xiao Hui's aura. Besides Ru Feng, there were also Tu Shanhuang, Du Fei'er, and a pregnant woman carrying a big belly behind Xiao Hui.

That is……

Yu Linglong!

Half of Yu Linglong's body has lost its color. Rufeng stimulated its own chaotic origin and injected it into Yu Linglong's body, barely maintaining Yu Linglong's vitality.

Du Feier hurriedly looked after Yu Linglong, her eyes were red, and she had obviously cried before.

You don't need to think about it to guess what she went through before.

Tu Shanhuang's face was also extremely heavy. He watched helplessly as everyone's bodies turned gray, then turned into flying ashes and disappeared.

But because he got a ray of Ling Feng's magic power, he did not die immediately.

But that kind of impact still left a huge shadow in his heart.

After all, he was just a young man in his early twenties who left the tribe for the first time.

Xiao Hui stopped not far from Ling Feng. Rufeng raised his eyes and saw Ling Feng's eyes full of blood. He couldn't help but frown and said, "Big Buffalo, how are you?"

"I'm okay……"

Ling Feng coughed lightly, but a large mouthful of blood came out.

"It's like this, and you still say it's okay!"

Rufeng's eyes turned red, and he choked up and said, "I'm sorry, Big Buffalo, I didn't do what I promised you. Those people are all dead! All turned to ashes."

"It's not your fault, it's me..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, "I'm too incompetent!"

He gritted his teeth and looked at Yu Linglong. Yu Linglong's condition was obviously not optimistic. She just relied on her strong willpower to barely hold on.

" my child..."

Yu Linglong gently pressed her palm on her abdomen, and tears kept falling from the corners of her eyes.

Lin Mu...

I'm afraid Lin Mu has already...

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, raised his hand and injected the last wisp of mana into the fetus in Yu Linglong's arms.

This wisp of chaotic mana is enough to keep the fetus safe.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan, Chu Chaonan and Luo Hanzhou, who were blessed by the will of the heaven and earth of Xuanling Continent, actually stretched out thick chains in their bodies, wrapping up the giant tree.

On the chains, the inscriptions of the great way of the mysterious spirit flashed, so that the explosion of the giant tree could be temporarily suppressed, the roots of the gods were delayed, and the star core origin of this world was completely drained.

However, the faces of the four people were flushed, and they were obviously under great pressure.

In this wrestling, their chances of winning are probably not great.

No, or it should be said that there is no chance of winning.

"Hmph, ants also want to shake the sky! What if the will of heaven and earth blesses you? Get out of my way!"


In an instant, a violent force suddenly erupted, and Jiang Xiaofan and the other four people spurted blood at the same time. Most of the chains wrapped around the giant tree were broken at once.

And these chains were bound to the soul origin of Jiang Xiaofan and the others. When the chains broke, their soul origin was naturally greatly backlashed.

They just tried their last will to force themselves to support it.

Ling Feng clenched his fists and looked at Xiao Hui.

In the Ruins of No Fall, it was with the power of Xiao Hui and A Jin, the fusion of the three beast souls, that they barely fought against the terrifying King Shilabi.

Now, although A Jin is gone, Xiao Hui has the power of the Spring Spring in his body.

This power may...

be able to turn the tide!

After all, the Nine Springs of Heaven are the most mysterious and powerful power of creation in the world!

Ling Feng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Rufeng, do you want to save this world? Save everyone?"

"Of course I do!"

Rufeng nodded heavily, "Big Buffalo, tell me, what should I do?"

"Run the Chaos Emperor Jue, condense the human heavenly soldiers!"

Rufeng was slightly stunned and stared at Ling Feng, "How do you know..."

"No time to talk about this!"

Ling Feng interrupted Rufeng and said in a deep voice: "This battle can only rely on you and Xiao Hui!"

Rufeng bit his silver teeth and nodded heavily.

The next moment, golden light flashed in Rufeng's eyes, and he directly opened the golden eye of the emperor.

Her progress was very fast. In less than a quarter of an hour, a crescent moon gradually condensed in her palm.

The next moment, Rufeng's exclusive heavenly weapon, the crimson blood moon, was directly condensed into shape.

Rufeng had used this crimson blood moon in the ruins of Wuluo. Seeing this familiar heavenly weapon, Ling Feng felt a pain in his heart again. Unconsciously, a face that should not exist in his memory flashed in his mind.

That woman must be Rufeng's mother!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, discarded all distracting thoughts, raised his palm, gently grasped Rufeng's palm, and then summoned his own Ten Directions Annihilation.

Then, a faint light flashed, and the Ten Directions Annihilation turned into a ball of red light and sank into Rufeng's crimson blood moon.


The void trembled, and the power of chaos poured into Rufeng's body. The form of the crimson blood moon also began to gradually change!

It was the sword of heavenly fusion!

At that time, Yi Ting killed Taixu Zhoulong by fusing eight imperial weapons.

Ling Feng's inspiration came from this.

He was no longer able to fight, but his Ten Directions Annihilation, combined with his own chaotic power, was enough to help Rufeng.

Rufeng and himself were connected by blood, so there would naturally be no rejection of the fusion of heavenly weapons.

"Rufeng, believe in the guidance of the sword spirit in your hand. Now, only you can do all this! Cough cough cough..."

Before he finished speaking, Ling Feng coughed up blood again.


Rufeng clenched the Heavenly Dao Fusion Sword, looked at Ling Feng, and then looked at Jiang Xiaofan and the other four who were still struggling, and finally nodded heavily.

The next moment, Rufeng jumped up and jumped behind Xiaohui, shouting loudly: "Xiaohui, let's go!" (End of this chapter)

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