Ling Feng looked at the gorgeous Tianhuang Shenhe flower in front of him, then looked down at Rufeng in his arms, took a deep breath, and made the final decision in almost an instant.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ling Feng stared at Chun Zi Ling Hu and said in a loud voice: "I choose to save Xuanling Continent! I have countless ways to reshape my immortal body, but I only have this one chance to save this world!"

"Oh? Don't you want to consider it again?"

Chun Zi Ling Hu's ethereal voice sounded again, "Perhaps, this Tianhuang Shenhe Flower can allow you to ascend to the top of the Broken Peak, and even have the strength to surpass Yi Ting. Even so, do you still choose to save Xuanling Continent?"

"Yi Ting used the creatures of the Ten Thousand Realms as a stepping stone to ascend to the Divine Path, but my path is different from his!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Without this Tianhuang Shenhe Flower, I can still return to the peak and crush Yi Ting's ambition. I believe that the devil is one foot high, and the Tao is ten feet high! What's more, isn't this what the senior wants to see?"

If Chun Zi Ling Hu didn't care about the survival of Xuanling Continent, why would he mention the former world master, Xuanyuan clan.

A faint smile appeared on Chunzi Linghu's serious and indifferent face, and he nodded immediately, "In this case, I will do as you wish!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Tianhuang Shenhe Flower had already flown from Lingfeng's palm towards the source of the explosion of the God's roots.

I saw that the strange flower of heaven and earth suddenly exploded into a huge flower bud that covered the sky and sun, and turned upside down just above the roots of the God.

Then, the flower bud instantly bloomed, and the petals covered the sky and sun, instantly gathering the extremely violent star core origin power again.

After a while, all the star core origin power gathered in the flower bud, and the surface of the Tianhuang Shenhe Flower began to flash with extremely mysterious inscriptions of the avenue.

From the form of a flower bud, it gradually evolved into the stars in the sky.

The next moment, the dazzling star soared into the sky, and then the surrounding void seemed to collapse, and the endless haze shrouding the sky was also dispelled in an instant.

Ling Feng only felt that everything in front of him changed, and then he returned to the outside world again.

The original sacred tree had long disappeared, replaced by white bones piled up like a mountain!

The Tianhuang Shenhe Flower, which absorbed the origin of the star core of the Xuanling Continent, was still rising into the sky and into the sky.

It was like a red sun, dispelling all the darkness and haze in the world.

"Did it! Junior Brother Ling, he really did it!"

Chu Chaonan collapsed powerlessly in a ruin at this moment, looking at the "sun" that rose rapidly into the sky, and burst into tears.

It's a pity that too many companions have died for this!

Luo Hanzhou also lay on the ground sobbing, and finally turned into howling.

Everything is over, but his Davila will never come back again.

And how many people survived in this devastated world?

Under the desperate gray light, the entire Xuanling Continent could only survive by chance!


Wan Hong clenched his fists tightly. Although at the last moment, he chose to help the descendants of the Heavenly Dao to fight against the Immortal Venerable Yue Yuan and the Heavenly God Root.

But as a member of the Xuntian Lei Clan, with the blood of the Xuntian Lei Clan flowing in his veins, Wan Hong still felt that he was carrying an extremely heavy sin.

He knelt on the ground, looking at the sky, the white bones around him, and the corpses all over the ground, and laughed at himself, "This... is what the Emperor calls the great cause? Hahaha... Hahahaha..."

Although Tu Shanhuang didn't understand Wan Hong's words, he couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of the dead Tu Shanluan and the companions he met along the way.

The gray light released by the sacred tree at the end annihilated countless lives in an instant.

Even the Tushan people far away in the Tushan tribe might not be able to escape.

At this moment, Ling Feng had already taken Ru Feng with him and flew back to the ruins where Wan Hong and Tu Shan Huang had taken shelter.

Behind them, there was a mother who was struggling to hold on. For the sake of her child in her belly, she used her last willpower to hold on to this moment.

Ling Feng sighed lightly, walked quickly to Yu Linglong's side, squatted down, gently supported Yu Linglong's shoulders, and said in a deep voice: "Senior Sister Yu, it seems that the child in your belly is about to be born. I can only help you give birth in advance."

" my child, save my child with Lin Mu..." Yu Linglong was soaked with sweat, and her physical condition was extremely weak, but she still begged Ling Feng to save the fetus in her belly.

"Don't worry, Senior Sister, I...will."

Ling Feng's voice was slightly choked, and he nodded heavily, called Ru Feng to help, and asked Tu Shan Huang and others to retreat to a distance to guard, and then began to deliver Yu Linglong.

About half an hour later, with a loud cry, Rufeng held up a baby covered in amniotic fluid and blood.

This was the first newborn born in Xuanling Continent after the catastrophe of the destruction of the world.

His fate was closely related to Xuanling Continent.

From the moment he was born, his life was destined to be extraordinary.

"It's a boy, Sister Linglong, you gave birth to a boy!"

Rufeng held the child in front of Yu Linglong. Yu Linglong looked at her child with an extremely gentle look, and the fire of life was finally extinguished.

Being able to persist until this moment is already a miracle.

It is as a mother who creates miracles with her instinctive motherhood.

"Dad, Sister Yu, she...she..."

Tears flashed in Rufeng's eyes, and the child in her arms seemed to feel the mother's departure, and the baby began to cry.

Wan Hong on the side raised his hand and slapped himself in the face with a few big mouths, "I deserve to die, I deserve to die! My sins are unforgivable for the Thunder Clan who patrol the sky!"

At the same time, the "Heavenly God's Flower" that rose into the sky, which was the new star core of this world, bloomed with a majestic energy of life and then disappeared between heaven and earth.

As the majestic vitality swept across, the ruins and scorched earth finally came to life again.

Grass and trees grow, and spring comes to every tree.

The withered and decayed world has also ushered in vitality.

And all of this is naturally given by Hehua, the God of Heaven and Desolation.

This extraordinary flower from heaven and earth, which is enough for Ling Feng to reshape his broken immortal body, possesses the power to turn decay into something magical.

Ling Feng clenched his fists and looked at the place where Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan and the others died, with a teardrop falling from the corner of his eye.

"It seems that you are not satisfied with the result."

The ethereal voice of Chun Zi Ling sounded again.

Ling Feng stared at Chunzi Linghu and gritted his teeth and said: "Senior, can't we trade? I hope to reverse the cause and effect of Xuanling Continent and let those who died because of the roots of the gods regain their lives."

Ling Feng looked at the newborn child and said solemnly: "I don't want the newborn child to lose his parents. I also don't want this vibrant world to have no more laughter."

"And Xiaofan and the others all died because of my daughter. If I can't even save them, my life will be in vain!"

He clenched his fists tightly and said, "Even if senior cannot trade with me, I will use the power of the Source of Time to change the past. No matter what the consequences are, if it is destined to end in tragedy, let me do it alone." Carry it!"

Chunzi Linghu stared at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Even if all your existence is erased because of this, are you willing?"


Before Ling Feng could answer, Rufeng firmly held Ling Feng's sleeve, "I have already lost my mother, and I don't want to lose my father again!"

She stared at the Chunzi Spirit Husband and gritted her teeth and said: "Whether you are Xiao Hui or any other Spirit Husband, if you want to trade, just trade with me! I am willing to give up everything!"

Chunzi Linghu shook his head and sighed softly, "It's a pity, master, I have become your companion soul, so I can't trade with the master. My power actually belongs to the master a long time ago."

"Since you say I am your master, then I order you, order you to let everyone come back to life and not let anyone be harmed." Rufeng shouted loudly.

Chunzi Linghu sighed: "I hope it can be done, but since it is a transaction, a price must be paid. But..."

Chunzi Linghu paused for a moment, and then continued: "However, the specific price may not be set in stone."

Rufeng said firmly: "No matter what the cost, the bottom line is that I cannot erase my father's existence!"

"Then, how about erasing Shui Han's existence?"

Chunzi Linghu took a deep look at Ling Feng and said slowly: "You were reborn as Shui Han in the Xuanling Continent. I will erase the existence of Shui Han, which means that since you were reborn in the Xuanling Continent, From that moment on, all traces of existence will be erased.

"You have never met your daughter. Only you will know the cause and effect of all this. Even the master will no longer remember your existence. Shuihan in Xuanling Continent no longer exists, but Ling Feng in the Immortal Realm is not affected (that is, it only affects Shui Han in the lower realm, and the cause and effect of Ling Feng's Shui Han War God on the battlefield outside the realm will not be erased.) "

"In other words, will I forget dad because of this?" Rufeng asked through gritted teeth.

"That's the only way. This is the smallest price I can choose."

Chunzi Linghu smiled bitterly. In fact, he did not make it clear that the price Ling Feng had to pay was small, which meant that the price he had to pay would increase.

Since then, Chunzilinghu has ceased to exist.

Some are just Rufeng’s companion, Xiao Hui.

And the spiritual power of Spring in Xiao Hui's body will be completely sealed for a long time.

Ling Feng gently stroked Rufeng's little head and recalled the moment when they first met at Wuluo Ruins. Rufeng said that she had never seen her father before.

It seems that it's not just because my appearance at that time was different from what I am now.

It was probably because of the transaction between him and Chunzi Linghu that the existence of "Shui Han" was erased.

"Good boy, we will meet again. Father and daughter are connected by blood. Even if they are separated by the world, there will always be a day when we meet again. You will always be the daughter I am proud of!"

After saying that, Ling Feng looked back at Chunzi Linghu and said solemnly: "Senior, I am willing to make a deal with you! With the existence of Shuihan, I can reverse the cause and effect of Xuanling Continent and resurrect those who died because of the roots of the gods. !”

Chunzi Linghu raised his hand and slowly drove a mark into Ling Feng's body.

"The contract has been concluded!"

The next moment, Chun Zi Ling's ethereal voice sounded in his ears, and Ling Feng's body gradually became void.

Rufeng stared at Ling Feng and shouted loudly, "Dad! Daddy!!!"

Finally, Ling Feng's figure completely disappeared from the world.

Those humans who had long since turned to ashes reappeared in various places on the Xuanling Continent.

Dongling Domain, Xijian Domain, Nanwu Domain, Beihan Domain, Zhongyuan Domain...

All the deceased creatures still had memories of the moment of annihilation. When they finally found themselves reborn, they were ecstatic at first, and then they all bowed to the sky.

"Thank God for our protection, we can survive the catastrophe!"

"Thank God!"

"Thank God!"

Endless power of faith continued to gather from all over the world.

And it seemed that Chunzi Linghu did it on purpose. All the power of faith actually followed Ling Feng's figure and continued to gather in the dissipated void.

The next moment, Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan also reappeared in the world. Those monks who were buried in the sacred tree, whether they had eaten the fruit or not, had regained consciousness at this moment.

Some were ashamed, some were surprised, but without exception, they all bowed to the sky in the end.

Only "God" can create such a miracle.

"My mission is finally over, and it's time to... sleep forever..."

Chunzi Linghu took a deep breath, and then his figure turned into a ball of gray light. The next moment, he turned into a gray little beast and appeared on Rufeng's shoulder.

Rufeng's expression gradually changed from sadness to numbness, and then the shadow that was originally imprinted in the depths of his heart gradually became blurred.

At this moment, Tu Shanhuang's voice came, "Hey, Rufeng, why are you crying?"

Rufeng quickly raised his hand and rubbed the corners of his eyes, and said in a strange way: "Yes, why are you crying? I always feel like I forgot something."

"Okay, okay, come and bow to God! Uncle Luan is alive too, this means God has not given up on us!"

Rufeng blinked his eyes, nodded slightly, and went to where Tu Shanluan was with Tu Shanluan.

On the other side, the resurrected Lin Mu finally found Yu Linglong in the crowd. When he saw his wife holding a baby in her arms, his eyes were filled with tears. He rushed to his wife and child and hugged them both.

After a long time, Yu Linglong gently pushed Lin Mu away and asked with gritted teeth: "You, as a father, don't you even mention giving the child a name!"

"Why not call him..."

Lin Mu's eyes rolled and he suddenly smiled and said: "Lin Feng?"


Yu Linglong couldn't help but roll his eyes at Lin Mu, and then smiled again: "You're not afraid that Junior Brother Ling will come back and skin you alive!"

"That's also because you hope that the child will be like Boss Ling! Hahaha..."

"When are you so happy?"

Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan and others also gathered around at this moment. Seeing the newborn child, they couldn't help but come forward to hug him.

When they knew the name Lin Mu gave the child, they all couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Just as Ling Feng hoped, the laughter of Xuanling Continent has returned.

At the same time, in the fairyland, at the bottom of the Ice Abyss Sea.

A chaotic light gradually condensed into shape.

Then, Ling Feng's figure appeared under the sea.

The terrifying water pressure swept over, and Ling Feng's face changed. This body was at best a half-step level. How could it withstand such a terrifying water pressure at the bottom of the Ice Abyss Sea.

What's more, the dark cold thunder in the sea water was enough to make Ling Feng at this moment doomed.

"You Chunzi Linghu, you are so deceiving!"

Just as Ling Feng was complaining, then, a series of majestic and surging faith forces actually surged out from the void.

Then, they continued to sink into his body.



For a moment, in the depths of Ling Feng's spiritual sea, the origin of his soul trembled slightly.

And along with the origin of the soul, there is also the artifact that was obtained from the "Yellow Emperor" in the past, the Donghuang Bell! (End of this chapter)

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