Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4318 Closing the net!


Tears welled up in Si Chen's eyes, and he was about to go out to greet him, but saw that the black donkey had already opened the curtain and strode in.

The bitch first made a silencing gesture towards Si Chen, and then said: "It's this divine beast. That kid didn't come, so..."

After a moment of silence, the bitch gritted his teeth and said in a low voice with a hint of sadness: "I can't come either!"

"can not come?"

Si Chen's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart, "What do you mean you can't come?"

"What else can it mean? Everyone is gone, their bones are smashed and ashes are thrown away, and the ashes are destroyed." The bitch said through gritted teeth.


After Si Chen heard this, he felt as if the sky had collapsed, his mind went blank, he felt the world spinning, and then he collapsed.

Fortunately, Qingluan had quick eyesight and quick hands. He quickly supported Si Chen and said in a deep voice: "This news is indeed difficult to accept, but it is what we have seen with our own eyes. Mr. Ling has indeed... ah..."

Qingluan said, but felt like there was something stuck in his throat, and he could only sigh softly.

Tears filled Si Chen's eyes. With Qingluan's support, he slumped on the hospital bed helplessly, his eyes becoming dull.

Obviously, he was still immersed in the sad news of Ling Feng's death and couldn't extricate himself.

The bitch's eyes flashed with extremely strong hatred, he walked up to Si Chen and said solemnly: "Si Chen, so, we have to avenge that kid!"


Si Chen's slightly dull eyes finally lit up with a trace of anger, and he gritted his teeth and asked: "How did he die? And how are you going to take revenge?"

"What this beast will tell you is that it's not here."

The bitch shook his head and said softly: "We need to use your identity as the God of War to leave the Sky Flame Fortress first. After we leave, this beast will tell you the entire plan!"


Si Chen nodded heavily, walked to Si Xing's bedside, gently held Si Xing's hand, gritted his teeth and said: "Third sister, I have something very important, I must do it, you wait here for me return!"

After saying that, he took Jianlu and Qingluan with him, turned around and walked out of the tent, and ordered the female disciples in the medical camp to take good care of Si Xing. Then he shouted in the direction of Jianlu: "Let's go!"

Deep in the icy sea.

Of course, Ling Feng didn't know that Jianlu and his gang were running to "revenge" him.

Right now, he also has more important things that he must do.

With the help of the tentacle monster, Ling Feng finally completed the activation of the four biochemical war skeletons.

He could feel that every move of these four biochemical war skeletons was completely under his control.

Action can begin!

"Mountain, Fire, Ice, and Wind, you will first spread out in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and an hour later, attack in the direction of the Black Tower at the same time! Do you understand?"

Mountain Fire and Ice Wind were the codenames Ling Feng gave to these four biochemical warrior skeletons. They were simple and clear, corresponding to their bloodline origins.

"Yes, Master!"

The four biochemical war corpses nodded at the same time.

Although the biochemical war skeletons do not have anything similar to a "soul", when the tentacle monsters activate them, they also copy their own intelligent system.

The main control authority is controlled by him and Ling Feng respectively.

In addition to strictly executing Ling Feng's orders, their own intelligence level is by no means lower than that of normal humans. In fact, their reflexes and judgment are several levels higher.

In addition, the battle data from the previous battle led by Ling Feng and Long Zang were also input into the information database of these biochemical battle skeletons.

This allows them to have a more accurate judgment on the fighting style, strengths and weaknesses of the Dark Sect elders, so they can use tactics in a more targeted manner.

This is the terrifying thing about biochemical war corpses.

Theoretically speaking, as long as enough data is obtained, every biochemical corpse can be completely transformed into a peerless monster that is not inferior to Ling Feng.

Of course, in terms of the will to fight and the variables in the battle, the biological battle skeleton cannot be compared with the real genius.


Ling Feng took a deep breath, and the next moment, four biochemical corpses flew out of the God Eater's cabin at the same time.

The tentacle monster turned on the stealth mode for them.

At least for an hour, their behavior will never be exposed.

This is also the advantage of biochemical war skeletons. They do not have the magic power or elemental power or even spiritual fluctuations of this world. As long as their energy frequency does not exceed a certain peak, they cannot be detected by anyone.

Unless the other party has an ability as incredible as Ling Feng's infinite vision.

It's a pity that the Eye of the Emperor is not something that any race can possess.

The next moment, on the big screen in the main control cabin of the God Eater, four first-person split screens appeared, corresponding to the holographic vision of the four biochemical battle corpses of Mountain Fire, Ice and Wind.

"This function is quite convenient."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and quietly closed his infinite vision.

Although Infinite Vision will not consume too much of his mana, the battle is imminent, and being able to save some mana will greatly increase his chances of winning.

A quarter of an hour……

Two quarters of an hour...

Finally, the hour agreed by Ling Feng arrived!

At Ling Feng's order, the four biochemical war corpses jumped out of the water at the same time.

Then, strong winds arose, and an extremely powerful hurricane swept across the surface of the Ice Abyss Sea, rolling up huge water dragons and swarming crazily in the direction of the Black Tower of the God of Heaven.

On the other side, huge submarine volcanoes were pulled up directly from the depths of the sea floor, spewing out billowing magma and crashing towards the black tower.

At the same time, in the southern sky, billowing red clouds surged, and a huge Skyfire Giant came to the world, wielding a heavy fist that spanned thousands of miles, suddenly collapsed, and directly attacked the Black Tower of the God.

To the north of the Sea of ​​Ice Abyss, the endless sea surface quickly condensed into glaciers. An extremely fast figure was gliding rapidly on the glaciers, approaching the Black Tower at an extremely terrifying speed.

For a time, it can be said that it is besieged on all sides!

At the same time, inside the Black Tower of God.

Commander Long Zang received attack alerts from all directions almost at the same time, and his brows suddenly furrowed.

"Ice, wind, mountain, fire? Are all those tribes crazy?"

Commander Long Zang glared angrily. Previously, at the command of the commander-in-chief, he let go of Qingluan from the Xuntian Wind Clan. Now, the Wind Clan just wanted to find him.

But why are the Ice Tribe, Mountain Tribe and Fire Tribe coming to join in the fun at this time?

"These guys, have they all rebelled?"

Commander Long Zang slapped the table and became furious.

"They dare?"

The second elder snorted coldly, looked at Commander Long Zang, and said solemnly: "Commander, it seems that this matter must be reported to the Commander-in-Chief as soon as possible!"

"It's just a trivial matter, why should we alarm the commander-in-chief?"

Commander Long Zang snorted coldly, "Aren't they just the four immortals? I went out personally, and I can't catch them at my fingertips!"

He condensed his eyes, then looked at the other elders at the table, and said in a deep voice: "Second, third, and sixth, you guys, each take three broken ones and go to meet the ice, mountain, and fire respectively. The rebellion of those three tribes. I will personally arrest the one from the Wind Clan. Hum, I will let him know that no matter how fast the furious wind is, it cannot be faster than the thunder!"

"As you command!"

After the words fell, the three elders flew out at the same time, ordered their subordinates, and then faced the other three immortals.

Commander Long Zang's eyes flashed with cold light, and then he also flew out of the Black Tower of the God.

In a small formation like this, there is no need to waste the energy of the Black Tower of God and use the Prism Laser.


The elders of the Thunder Clan's Dark Sect took action at the same time.

In an instant, there was lightning and thunder, making the entire sky above the Ice Abyss Sea a blazing white.


Under the sea, in the main control cabin of the God Eater, a cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

He deliberately let the Wind Clan war skeletons harass them on the edge in order to draw out Commander Long Zang.

After all, after the last fight, Ling Feng also noticed that this old guy was the fastest among all the Dark Sect elders, and at the same time, he was also the most conceited.

He would certainly not allow any intruder to escape smoothly.

Therefore, letting the fastest Wind Clan harass the edges will inevitably lead to the old guy, Commander Long Zang!

Thunder's speed is indeed far superior to that of Wind Clan.

But in the flash of lightning, the remains of the Wind Clan's warriors had already flown tens of thousands of miles away with Commander Long Zang.

"Hmph, want to run?"

A sinister smile appeared on Commander Long Zang's lips, "You're here and you still want to leave? Last time, the Commander-in-Chief spared the lives of you ungrateful wastes, and now you still dare to come to your door, and you even dare to collude with the other three Clan, if you fight against my Thunder Clan, I think you are seeking your own death!”

Before he finished speaking, thunder light criss-crossed the sea surface, and in just an instant, the surrounding area, which was thousands of miles away, had turned into a pool of thunder.

"Hmph, run, you should run!"

The smile on Commander Long Zang's face became more and more ferocious.

The power of the Sky Patrol Mysterious Thunder merged with the Mysterious Yin Cold Thunder of the Ice Abyss Sea, and merged into giant thunder beasts that preyed on people, swooping in the rolling thunder pool.

But at this moment, the Wind Clan's fighting corpses had nowhere to escape.

Once he submerged into the depths of the thunder pool, there would be endless thunder beasts that would immediately drown him.

"Does a mere immortal from the Wind Clan really think that he is a descendant of Heaven?"

Commander Long Zang smiled coldly. Apparently, in his heart, only Ling Feng left an indelible shadow.

In that battle that day, if it hadn't been for the help of the Black Tower of God, immortal strong men like them might have been killed by that defiant boy.

With his own power, he continuously devoured the essence of the six-headed sea beast overlord.

Even he wouldn't dare to do such a thing, or even think about it.

At this moment, a slightly familiar voice sounded in his ears.

And when Commander Long Zang suddenly came to his senses, a figure that made him feel frightened was already close at hand.

Ling Feng!

It's Ling Feng!

" are a human or a ghost!"

Commander Long Zang's eyes widened and he stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, his face full of disbelief.

He was obviously dead, but he was pierced by the light prism, and it was pierced twice!

He has completely disappeared into ashes and cannot die anymore!

But the person in front of him is clearly that Ling Feng, the descendant of Heavenly Dao, Ling Feng!

"You are a human being, and I am also a human being."

Ling Feng's voice was calm and calm, even so calm that it made Commander Long Zang feel a little scared.

"I don't care whether you are a human or a ghost, but you still dare to appear here? Aren't you afraid that the light beam will kill you again?"

Commander Long Zang looked fierce and looked at Ling Feng fiercely.

"Then take a look first, what is this place?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly. He had long been controlling the Wind Clan's war corpses, leading the Dragon Zang commander step by step into his trap.

Now is the time to close the net! (End of this chapter)

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