Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 469 Promotion assessment! (3 updates)

At the outermost part of Tianwei Academy, where the Huangzi disciples were active, there was a very clear river that surrounded the entire Tianwei Academy. It was called Yuan River.

In Ling Feng's memory, he had walked across this river several times, and there were always different girls around him.

It seemed that those girls always liked to walk in poetic places like the river.

Along the river, Ling Feng walked forward all the way, and finally saw the girl who was looking forward to waiting for him under a big tree in front.

After dodging several times, Ling Feng stopped, looked at the girl under the willow tree, smiled, and said lightly: "Miss Qin, you asked me to come, what..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Qin Wanwan suddenly say: "Ling Feng, I like you!"

The soft light of the setting sun sprinkled on the girl's soft cheeks, outlining an extremely beautiful face.

Ling Feng was stunned in place, his mouth still kept the mouth shape of speaking just now, he even doubted whether he had heard it wrong just now.

What is this? Confession?

Ling Feng was not a saint who had no desires. He could not remain calm when a beautiful woman like Qin Wanwan confessed to him.

He even seriously considered the possibility of being with the girl in front of him.

But the next moment, all the beautiful pictures in his mind were replaced by a rebellious face. The existence of the boy known as the "Legend of the Empire" made Ling Feng feel like a thorn in his side.

And his mysterious life experience and everything he carried were like an invisible claw that made him breathless.

At this moment, Qin Wanwan was also observing the expression on Ling Feng's face.

She was very nervous. As a woman, it would undoubtedly take great courage to confess to the person she liked.

Her heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of her chest.

When she saw Ling Feng's silence and his slightly evasive look, she gritted her teeth and smiled, "It's okay, you don't have to rush to respond to me, silence is better than rejection. I will let you know that I like you, not just casually." After that, Qin Wanwan turned around pretending to be cool and left like a carefree deer, not even giving Ling Feng time to speak. Ling Feng looked at Qin Wanwan's back as she walked away. This sudden confession and inexplicable declaration made Ling Feng stand still like a wooden stake, looking at the end of his sight, Qin Wanwan's figure gradually disappeared. "Ah..." In the end, everything just turned into a sigh. He was destined to have no time to go under the flowers and moon, and could only walk forward on a lonely martial arts road. The next day, all the yellow-character disciples of the East Court gathered in the martial arts field early, waiting for the arrival of the devil instructor Leng Jianfeng. "Well, everyone got up early today and looks pretty good!"

Leng Jianfeng rarely mocked the whole audience as soon as he opened his mouth, and he praised people for the first time!

Come to think of it, this guy will no longer be everyone's instructor soon. So-called good meeting and parting, the last few days of getting along, say a few more nice words, it doesn't cost money.

"But, you little bastards, don't think that I can't be your instructor for a few days, you can secretly rejoice! Humph, as long as I am your instructor for a day, I can torture you for a day!"

As he said, the devil instructor grinned, showing a sly smile, waved his hand, threw out a large number of armor, and laughed: "800 kilograms of armor, everyone wear it!"

"Ah? It's all about promotion assessment, and you're still training!" Wang Yishan was the first to say with a sad face.

"Hehe!" Leng Jianfeng stroked his beard and snorted, "Put on the weights, follow me, and run to the assessment hall together!"

Leng Jianfeng said, and jumped off the platform, curling his lips and said, "I'll say this first. If anyone arrives ten breaths later than me, I'll make you suffer when I come back!"

All the yellow disciples of the East Court looked at each other and complained bitterly.

This guy is really a devilish instructor, and he can torment people too much!

A student protested, "Teacher Leng, I don't accept it. You are more skilled than us, and we are wearing weights. How can we keep up with your speed!"

"Don't worry about that!"

Leng Jianfeng grinned and said, "I promise you can keep up with my speed. Don't worry, the assessment is coming soon. I won't make it too difficult for you. You can run ten laps around the martial arts field first!"


The students looked at each other, all of them were so angry that their teeth were itching. This guy was really afraid that everyone would not remember him!

"Okay, okay, why are you all standing there, start!"

With Leng Jianfeng's shout, the students could only honestly carry the 800-jin weight and run in the martial arts field.

Fortunately, the six months of practice have made a qualitative leap in everyone's physical fitness. Running ten laps with a weight of 800 jin did not consume too much physical strength, but instead stretched everyone's muscles and bones.

After the ten laps, Leng Jianfeng rushed to the front of the team in a very showy manner and said, "Okay, follow me and report to the assessment hall!" Before he finished speaking, Leng Jianfeng had already started his body movement and strode towards the assessment hall. In the blink of an eye, Leng Jianfeng's figure had already flown a hundred meters away.

The crowd didn't dare to waste time, and they all performed the standing method and ran wildly behind Leng Jianfeng. More than a hundred people immediately formed a long straight line.

At the same time, the other four colleges' yellow disciples also began to gather towards the examination hall.

This final martial arts examination was a unified examination for the five colleges, which could best stimulate a competitive atmosphere and allow most students to perform exceptionally.

About half an hour later, the 116th student of the East College's yellow disciple had all gathered, while the students of the other four colleges had already been waiting outside the examination hall.

"Hmph, what are these guys from the East Academy doing? They actually made the people from the other four academies wait for them!"

"No matter what, the East Academy is the East Academy. It ranks last every year. What's the point of doing that!"

"That's right, they're still doing weight training! Are they trying to blame the poor performance on weight training after the assessment is over? Haha, the instructors from the East Academy are really thoughtful!"

Although the East Academy has produced a few relatively outstanding figures this year, the excellence of one or two people cannot change the overall level of the entire East Academy.

The East Academy is still the weakest among the five academies after all.

Hearing these discussions, the students of the East Academy were all indignant, but the devil instructor Leng Jianfeng seemed not to hear them. He asked the students to put away their weighted armor, line up, and prepare for the assessment.

However, with this, the students of the East Academy were all holding back their anger, and they would definitely perform exceptionally well in the assessment later.

"Okay, the promotion assessment for the Huangzi disciples has officially begun!"

The person in charge of this assessment is Ye Guichen, an academician of Tianwei Academy.

Ye Guichen waved his hand, and the door of the assessment hall opened with a "bang".

Two young men in white robes walked out of the door and bowed respectfully to Ye Guichen, "Academician Ye, the Huanyin bronze bell is ready."

(PS: There will be three updates today, and four updates will resume tomorrow.)

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