Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 495 Big bad guy! (1 update)

"Oh my God! Oh my God!"

As soon as the female snitch opened the door and saw such a bloody scene, her heart almost jumped out of her skin.

"This... what is going on? It's my first time to carry out an organization's mission, and why do I encounter the massacre of the Jia family?"

Jiang Biyi felt that she was really unlucky, but what she didn't expect was that even more unlucky things were yet to come.

Seeing the door of the warehouse being pushed open with a creak, and then a figure in black emerging from inside, Jia Yan knew without even thinking that his Jia Mansion was probably being robbed!

The house leaked and it rained all night. Someone came to the front door and the backyard was stolen by this little thief.


Jia Yan was filled with anger, and with a wave of his hand, he mobilized his strong zhenqi to form a suction force, which sucked Jiang Biyi over with his claws, then slapped her chest with his palm, and fiercely pushed her towards her. Ling Feng's direction hit him.

"Hmph! Can you escape using this method?"

Seeing a petite body spurting blood and crashing towards him, Ling Feng grabbed the body and caught it. He then struck out with his sword in the air and killed Jia Yan with a boundless falling wood move. Little life.

At this point, everyone in the Jia family, except for some old, weak, women and children who had no standing, had been slaughtered by Ling Feng.

"Hey, kid, are you okay? If you don't learn well at a young age, are you imitating other people's stealing?"

Ling Feng then looked down at the thief in his arms and found that the black gauze scarf on her face was stained red with blood. He quickly opened her clothes to check the injury.

Then, Ling Feng's brain instantly went blank for three seconds!

This... this little thief, is she a woman?


Jiang Biyi spurted out a mouthful of blood. She felt as if she was going to die at any moment with too much air coming out and not enough air coming in. Her vision blurred and she fainted immediately.

"Hey, hey!"

Ling Feng quickly put on the clothes of the female snitch in his arms, patted her cheek gently, and found that she was completely unconscious. If he left it alone at this time, I'm afraid she would really turn into a dead person.

"Hey! Trouble!"

Ling Feng frowned, picked up the dying female thief from his waist, and immediately used his fleeting movement skills to disappear into the night in the blink of an eye.

It was not until more than half an hour later that anyone discovered the miserable situation of the Jia Mansion. When they arrived with the black-armored guards in the city, only a few old, weak, women and children were left in the Jia Mansion.

"Hey, what a tragedy!"

Yang Zhen, the commander of the black-armored guards, inspected the bodies of Jia Yan and the elders of the Jia family, and could only hastily judge them as damage reduction. As for the others, the people in their city lord's palace probably couldn't care about this kind of vendetta. At most, the city will be under martial law.

As for revenge or catching the murderer, your Jia family is completely finished, so there is no need to think too much about these things.

"Brother Jia, brother Jia, for the sake of being a friend, I, Yang Zhen, will take over your concubines for you."

Yang Zhen touched the beard on his chin and smiled. Tomorrow morning, he should consider how to carve up the Jia family's territory and industry with the other big families in Cambrian County.

When the tree falls, the hozens scatter. This is the reality of "red fruit".

Let's say that Ling Feng and the female thief flew out of the county city from the west city gate in a flash, and entered a dense forest after dodging several times.

The injury to the woman in her arms was quite serious, and if not treated in time, her life might be in danger.

"You're lucky. With such a serious injury, ordinary doctors may be helpless."

Ling Feng pursed his lips, thinking that this guy was unlucky. If he hadn't come to slaughter the entire Jia family, she would have stolen something and left unharmed.

After all, I owe her once.

Gently lift the veil of the female snitch. Under the veil, there is an almost flawless face. It is very beautiful, with some ethereal feeling, even though her face is pale and bloodless.

Ling Feng pursed his lips. He had seen more beauties and his immunity to them had improved a lot.

"I'm sorry."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and sat cross-legged behind the female snitch. He found that Jia Yan's palm was really deadly. The black palm prints had actually penetrated from the chest to the back. If Ling Feng hadn't just given the blow to the female snitch, With her heart veins sealed, she might have died violently on the spot.

Taking out a row of golden needles from his arms, Ling Feng moved like lightning. He used the Taixuan acupuncture technique to reconnect the female snitch's broken tendons, and also lost some of her true energy, and passed into her body. After a while, her face The color of his blood recovered a little.


Jiang Biyi hummed a few times, her eyebrows furrowed, as if she had dreamed of something bad, and she huddled up like a frightened little white rabbit.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ling Feng patted her cheek gently, and then the female snitch woke up.


Jiang Biyi suddenly jumped up from the ground, subconsciously pulled the clothes on her chest, and exclaimed: "Bad guy, you... you go away!"

"The big bad guy?" Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "At least I saved your life, and you didn't even say thank you, and you still call me the big bad guy?"

Jiang Biyi clutched her chest tightly and cried, "Who asked you to save me? I was carrying out my mission well, but it's all your fault! It's all your fault that I almost died!"


Ling Feng's forehead darkened, "Okay, okay, it's not my fault. Now we are even. You don't owe me, and I don't owe you either."

After saying that, Ling Feng stretched, stood up slowly, and said calmly: "You are no longer in danger of life, but you still need to take good care of yourself according to the prescription I prescribed for you for half a month before you can fully recover. . Speaking of which, if you are a daughter and want to be a burglar, you have no future. Judging from your age, your cultivation has reached the late stage of Pulse Condensation Realm, so you are not an ordinary little thief, right?

"I want you to take care of it!" Jiang Biyi bit her lips and glared at Ling Feng fiercely.

"I don't care."

Ling Feng shrugged, pointed at Jiang Biyi's chest, and said calmly: "I just stuffed the prescription into your pocket, it's up to you whether you need it or not."

Jiang Biyi looked down and found that there was indeed a note stuffed in her pocket. Her face immediately turned red and she shouted angrily: " said you're not a bad person!"

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