Regarding the update, I have updated ten chapters today. I clearly wrote which chapter it is on the title of each chapter. Why do some people still want to scold me?

I really can't understand this. To put it bluntly, I owe you something by nature?

Besides, I said about ten chapters yesterday. Even if I didn't update ten chapters, it still fits the statement of about ten chapters. What's more, I did it. I updated ten chapters. Why should I be scolded?

I have been writing the number of daily updates in the title column for the chapter update issue for a long time. Some people don't know how to count and still come to scold me?

I am so wronged!

I am very grateful to the readers who support me. You are all my parents.

However, I hope that the relationship between readers and authors should be mutual understanding and mutual consideration. Is it interesting to scold each other?

I still thank the readers who subscribed today. I believe that most of the readers are well-educated and will not scold others randomly. However, I am a little upset today. I will say a few more words. You can also pretend that you didn't see it.

I will start to update normally tomorrow. Of course, if I have time and energy, I will try to update more chapters.

Finally, I would like to thank the readers for their support. Thank you~

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