Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 912 Red Lotus Holy Body! (3 updates)

The battle was about to begin. Ling Feng didn't waste any more time. He chatted with Yan Cangtian about his promotion to the Huayuan Realm and breaking through the limit of the Hundred Meridians. He then said goodbye to Yan Cangtian and went directly to Yue Yunlan.

At the same time, he asked Tuoba Yan to inform the brothers of the sword team that he might not be able to conduct the final training with them today, but he might bring good news to everyone.

Now that Tuoba Yan could leave Ling Feng's side temporarily, she naturally had to take on the task of communicating with him. However, knowing that Ling Feng was going to find Yue Yunlan alone made Tuoba Yan feel a little uncomfortable.

Although she is a little emotionally slow, she can probably understand that this may be the so-called "jealousy".

Unfortunately, Ling Feng couldn't understand Tuoba Yan's thoughts at all. He only knew that Tuoba Yan gave himself a hard look when he left.

"Okay, how could I provoke her?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and without thinking too much, he headed to the other courtyard where Yue Yunlan lived.

I hope Yue Yunlan is still in his own courtyard at this time, otherwise, he can only go directly to the Cang Qiong Sect to find Wen Tingguang.

Based on his friendship with Wen Tingguang, it shouldn't be much different.

After a while, Ling Feng came to the "Izumo Pavilion" where Yue Yunlan lived. Tianzi disciples all had their own independent attic. Yue Yunlan had a special status, so the place where she lived was naturally extraordinary. It was almost like those ordinary people. The nine-star mentor is a treat.

He gently opened the door and soon heard a lazy voice coming from inside.


The door opened, and Qiaoqiao was seen rubbing her sleepy eyes, as if she had just woken up.

"Miss Qiaoqiao, it's me." Ling Feng bowed to her, Qiaoqiao didn't leave, and it seemed that Yue Yunlan was also inside.

"Ling Feng!" Qiaoqiao's eyelids twitched, and she suddenly lost all sleep, "Haha, it's you... cough cough."

Thinking of Yue Yunlan's repeated warnings, Qiaoqiao still swallowed back the nicknames such as "idiot" and "idiot", and laughed and said: "Master Ling, why are you so free to visit our young lady today?"

As she said that, she took a few careful glances behind Ling Feng and muttered: "Hey, where is the maid next to you? She is inseparable on weekdays."


There was an awkward smile on Ling Feng's face. Because of the Red Dust Heart-Eating Gu, he and Tuoba Yan could indeed be said to be inseparable in the past half year. However, it was not easy to talk about the Red Dust Heart-Eating Gu. go out.

Just when Ling Feng didn't know how to deal with this little girl, Yue Yunlan's voice came from inside, "Master Ling, you are here."

Ling Feng followed the sound and saw a man dressed in snow-white clothes inside, walking slowly with lotus steps, like a peerless lotus emerging from the mud, but spotless.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Yue Yunlan's temperament became even more refined and refined.

Even Ling Feng was slightly in a daze, but he quickly came to his senses and quickly saluted Yue Yunlan with his fists raised and said calmly: "Miss Yue."

Yue Yunlan glanced at Ling Feng with some annoyance, gritted her teeth and said: "Master Ling, when there are no outsiders, just call me Yun Lan."

"Haha..." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said with a smile, "Okay, Yun Lan."

He glanced at Yue Yunlan and asked with a smile: "Your cultivation has improved a lot."

"Well, because my mother said that I am over eighteen years old, maternal love helped me activate the Red Lotus Holy Body."

There was a hint of shyness on Yue Yunlan's face, but she didn't hide anything in front of Ling Feng.

"Red Lotus Holy Body." Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "Congratulations to you, Holy Body. That is a talent that many warriors dream of."

When he went to Cang Qiong Sect to treat Yue Zhonglian's injuries, he had seen the sect leader's wife a few times. Although the sect leader's wife had not taken any action, Ling Feng could still vaguely sense her power.

Perhaps, her strength is not even worse than Yue Zhonglian.

Now, judging from the aura on Yue Yunlan's body, she is indeed of the same lineage as the sect leader's wife.

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Yue Yunlan bit her lips, "Mr. Ling, you must have something to do when you come to me this time, right? Hehe, you don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything."


Ling Feng laughed dryly and couldn't help scratching the back of his head. Every time he came to her, it was indeed because he needed her help with something.

"I'm ashamed to say it." Ling Feng smiled bitterly and said, "I do have one thing, I'm afraid I have to ask for your help."

"Hmph! You guys are really stubborn, why don't you just say a few nice words to coax my lady!"

Upon hearing this, Qiaoqiao immediately put her hands on her hips and glared at Ling Feng angrily.

"Qiaoqiao, don't be rude." Yue Yunlan shook his head at her, looked at Ling Feng, bit his lower lip, and said slowly: "Master Ling, you have helped me so many times and saved me several times. Let alone one thing, even if it is eight out of ten, Yun Lan will do her best.”

"There aren't that many things going on." Ling Feng took a deep breath and quickly explained his purpose.

"You mean, you need to check some information about the ancient Emperor's Gate at Qingji Pavilion of our Cangqiong Sect?"

Yue Yunlan frowned, showing a hint of embarrassment.

"What's wrong? Is it troublesome?" Ling Feng asked in a deep voice.

"That's not the case." Yue Yunlan shook his head and said slowly: "It's just that if you want to enter Qingji Pavilion, you must have father's instructions. I will take you to find father."

"Okay, thank you Yun Lan." Ling Feng showed a hint of excitement on his face.

"Nothing, Mr. Ling, without further ado, let's set off now." Yue Yunlan smiled faintly, "I hope we can get good news this time, so that your East Campus Sword Team will have one more thing to deal with the Royal Sword Team. Odds."

"Well, I'll take your word for it." Ling Feng smiled heartily. He always felt very relaxed when he was with a woman as kind and gentle as Yue Yunlan.

"It's not just me, everyone in our sword team is looking forward to you being able to proudly represent our Tianwei Academy. And..."

Yue Yunlan gritted her silver teeth and looked deeply at Ling Feng, "Master Ling, I know the bet between you and Yan Jinghong, so no matter what, you must win! Because Yun Lan doesn't want to lose You... a good friend."

"I will definitely win." Ling Feng nodded heavily, looking at Yue Yunlan's affectionate eyes, his heart was touched, but he quickly looked away.

He more or less felt Yue Yunlan's feelings for him, but now, the only thing he was qualified to pursue was power!

Powerful enough to crush the gods all over the sky!

Feeling the avoidance of Ling Feng's gaze, Yue Yunlan felt bitter in her heart. She shook her head and smiled, and said slowly: "Master Ling, let's set off now."


Ling Feng took a deep breath and followed Yue Yunlan's footsteps.

(PS: I’m asking for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month~ Come here, if everyone is good enough, I will add more!!!)

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