Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 922 Life and death! (2 updates)

"See the Queen Mother!"

All the ministers and the audience who came to watch the ceremony knelt down to greet him, not daring to offend the Holy Master.

Beside the Empress Dowager, in addition to the eunuchs and maids, there was also a girl who looked 60% similar to the Empress Dowager, except that she covered her face with a gauze and only exposed the part above her nose.

This girl is naturally Yan Shuying, the empress dowager's extremely beloved granddaughter.

Her face was tampered with by a bitch, and a very ugly wild boar was painted on her face. Naturally, she was too embarrassed to see anyone, so she could only cover her face with a gauze.

At this moment, Yan Shuying looked specifically in the direction of Ling Feng, with anger surging in her beautiful eyes, and she wished she could peel off Ling Feng's skin and twitch.

It's a pity that she was imprisoned by the Queen Mother. If she hadn't been so hard-pressed today, the Queen Mother might not have been willing to take her to watch the game with her.

The Queen Mother tilted her head slightly, with a hint of holiness on her unparalleled face. With the support of King Tianbai, she slowly walked to the front of the phoenix throne and sat down with King Tianbai. She behaved generously, gracefully and regally. As expected, she was like a mother to the world. posture.

"Let's all be flat."

King Tianbai raised his hand and said loudly: "Today is a great day for the empire to select talents. There is no king or ministers. The only protagonists today are the ten swordsmen on the sword fighting stage!"

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

Everyone shouted in unison, then slowly stood up and returned to their positions.

The Queen Mother looked at Ling Feng slightly. Ling Feng's ability to fight his way out of the siege and lead the Tianfeng Sword Team to this point was somewhat beyond her expectations.

However, the final victory will definitely belong to the Royal Sword Team.

After all, all the members of the Royal Sword Team are all powerful in the Divine Origin Realm. What's more, the strength of Xuanyuan Po Zhen and the fourth prince Mo Yan is unfathomable.

No matter how you look at it, Tianfeng Sword Team has no chance of winning. No matter how evil Ling Feng is, he can't even hope to turn things around on his own.

Once Ling Feng lost the bet with Yan Jinghong, at that time, all he had to do was use both kindness and power to get Ling Feng to reveal the secrets about "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Sutra", and it would be just around the corner.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother showed a hint of excitement in her phoenix eyes.

Finally, the sun was in the middle of the day and it was already noon.

The host of this final battle is Eunuch Li, the eunuch-in-chief of the palace. Although he is a eunuch, his vajra boy skills are quite good, and it is said that his strength has reached the level of a half-step human emperor.

"The time has come, please take the two sword teams to their respective positions."

Eunuch Li shouted in a very high-pitched voice. Although his voice was not loud, it spread throughout the whole place and fell into everyone's ears very clearly.

The members of the Royal Sword Team, headed by the Fourth Prince, boarded the ring very easily. In their opinion, no matter who the opponent was, they only needed to crush them.

On the Tianfeng Sword Team's side, under the leadership of vice-captain Miyagi, they slowly entered the ring, and this time, a brand new face finally appeared in the Tianfeng Sword Team's camp.

Mu Qianxue!

At this moment, Mu Qianxue was holding a sword as white as snow, which was the magic weapon transformed by Black Cat Yeyi.

When the audience saw this face, they all exclaimed in surprise.

"It seems that the flag guard of the Tianfeng Sword Team is no longer Xue Xiaolin! I think so, as a flag guard, Xue Xiaolin's assistive ability is pretty good, but her defensive ability is indeed too weak. She can still resist ordinary opponents. One or two, but when you encounter the Royal Sword Team, it’s absolutely overwhelming!”

"Unexpectedly, the Tianfeng Sword Team has always been hiding such a trump card? I wonder how capable this mysterious girl is?"

"No matter how powerful you are, it's useless. If you encounter the Royal Sword Team, you will definitely lose!"


Countless spectators started talking in the audience. The final had not even started yet, and the entire atmosphere was almost boiling.

"What, your good-for-nothing captain has his leg broken and can no longer play?"

The fourth prince sneered and glanced at the members of the Tianfeng Sword Team opposite him. His eyes finally fell on Ling Feng and said coldly: "Ling Feng, you will regret your choice!"

Ling Feng paid no attention to the fourth prince. He just stretched out his palm first and stared at his teammates. Then, Mu Qianxue, Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan, and Miyagi put their five palms together and made a shaking sound at the same time. The roar of the earth.

"Must win!"

They have been waiting for this battle for too long.

"How dare a bunch of losers say they will win?"

A trace of resentment flashed in the eyes of the fourth prince, he clenched his fists and said coldly: "Ling Feng, you will pay the price for your ignorance!"

Yan Jinghong also sneered, with a trace of disdain hanging from the corner of his mouth, pointing at Ling Feng, and said with a cold face: "Your Highness, can I beat him to death?"

"Whatever!" The fourth prince's face did not waver at all, "If you are not of use to me, then you will die!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your support!"

Yan Jinghong clenched his fists. No one's growth rate had ever made him feel terrifying, but Ling Feng made him feel like a thorn in his back.

From the beginning, he was an ant that could be pinched to death by stretching out his hand, and now he is standing opposite him and becoming his opponent, in just over a year.

This made him feel very uneasy. If he continues to grow up, the legendary genius of the Tianbai Empire will have to change his surname to Ling!


Eunuch Li pinched his orchid fingers and maintained the order of the scene, and then continued: "Since there has been a life-and-death bet between Yan Jinghong of the Royal Sword Team and Young Master Ling of the Tianfeng Sword Team, before the competition, , please sign the certificate of life and death first. Life and death are determined by destiny, no matter who you are."

After speaking, Eunuch Li took out a piece of silk from his sleeve, with life and death written on it. Under the control of his vitality, it floated very smoothly in the center of the ring.

Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong didn't hesitate. They flew to the front of the silk, bit their fingers and pressed their fingerprints.

"Ling Feng, I will let you know what it is like to live worse than death! Everything you get from the battlefield of gods and demons will eventually belong to me!"

When he walked in front of Ling Feng, Yan Jinghong's eyes flashed with an extremely cruel killing intent, and he stared at Ling Feng fiercely.

"Are you worthy?"

Ling Feng completely ignored Yan Jinghong's cannibalistic gaze, shrugged with an indifferent expression, and returned directly to his camp.


Eunuch Li stretched out his hand to take it, took back the life and death gesture, nodded slightly, and said softly: "Okay, the life and death gesture has been completed, the competition has officially begun -"

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