Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 925 Extraordinary Heart! (1 update)

"Ling Feng! Ling Feng!..."

Countless young talents who were shocked by Ling Feng's stunning sword shouted Ling Feng's name loudly.

At this moment, Ling Feng was the focus of all eyes, the top genius in the empire!

At the referee's table, the three ministers all nodded secretly, and were also a little shocked by Ling Feng's terrifying swordsmanship.

Yue Zhonglian's eyes flashed with surprise. Unexpectedly, at such a young age, Ling Feng not only had great medical skills, but also had unparalleled strength.

However, appreciation is appreciation, and they, the referees, did not dare to discuss it too much. After all, if the Royal Sword Team wins, everything will be easy. If the Royal Sword Team loses, this result may make King Tianbai somewhat dissatisfied.

The head of an ordinary family still needs face, let alone the king of a country.

It is said that the emperor's heart is unpredictable. Before His Majesty the Emperor expresses his position, it is better for them as ministers to observe his words first.

At this time, on the throne, King Tianbai nodded slightly, "Ling Feng is indeed the General Weiyuan whom I personally conferred. He is indeed extraordinary."

The expression on his face was still calm and calm, with no hint of happiness or anger.

On the other hand, an icy chill flashed across the Queen Mother's eyes.

She had no idea that Ling Feng would grow up so fast, and that the most outstanding descendant of their Yan family would actually lose!

However, although Yan Jinghong was defeated, the Royal Sword Team would never be defeated and would never allow failure!

As for Yan Shuying next to the Queen Mother, her eyes almost fell off.

This Ling Feng is actually so powerful that even Yan Jinghong was defeated by him. Is that guy a monster?

On the sword fighting stage.

"Hmph, you're lucky!"

Amidst the shouts of countless people like a tsunami, Ling Feng sheathed his sword and flew back to Li Bufan, casting a grateful look at him. If Xuanyuan broke the formation and arrived at the first time, he would not be able to open up the situation. He defeated Yan Jinghong in one fell swoop.

On the opposite side, Xuanyuan Po Zhen swiped his palm and sucked back his sword. He glanced at Ling Feng coldly and curled his lips, "This sword of yours is very powerful!"

Ling Feng held a sword flower and stood behind him, saying in a cold voice: "The powerful one is still behind!"

"Okay, this is fun!"

Xuanyuan broke the formation and roared, his body immediately shot out like a cannonball, directly towards Ling Feng.

Every step he takes will leave a deep footprint on the ground, as if a tiger is descending the mountain.

"Be careful, his strength is terrifying!"

Li Bufan looked solemn and reminded in a low voice.

Ling Feng nodded, also shouted loudly, and directly burst into the Mountain Collapse Transformation of the Eight Desolations Body Training Technique. The muscles all over his body were tangled, and his shirt exploded in an instant.


The pieces of clothes flew down like butterflies, and the next moment, two tall figures collided hard, and the entire arena shook violently.

This collision of forces made the entire audience excited.

Everyone stared with wide eyes at the crazy collision between the two people, not even daring to take a breath. Every time the two people clashed, their hearts would beat violently.

Every punch and every sword touches everyone's heartstrings.

"Yan Jinghong, how long are you going to stay there in a daze!"

When Ling Feng and Xuanyuan broke the formation and fought together, the fourth prince looked at Yan Jinghong and gave a low drink.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted, and Yan Jinghong's pupils shrank, feeling as if an invisible claw was strangling his heart.

Yan Jinghong suddenly woke up, looked at the fourth prince, gritted his teeth and said: "I...I was defeated!"

"Hmph, the Royal Sword Team has not been defeated yet!" The fourth prince sneered, pointed at Li Bufan, and said calmly: "If he is not dead yet, go and kill him!"

Yan Jinghong glanced at Li Bufan, clenched his fists, and laughed at himself: Has he actually been reduced to dealing with such a second-rate thing now?

Gritting his teeth, Yan Jinghong grabbed his sword and rushed out, aiming directly at Li Bufan.

The fourth prince was right, even if Ling Feng was already stronger than him, so what?

As long as Ling Feng's Tianfeng Sword Team is defeated, Ling Feng will die!

A dead person, no matter how talented he is, is just a dead person!

Seeing Yan Jinghong coming towards him, Li Bufan was unafraid.

Indeed, Yan Jinghong's name is already a legend, but in Li Bufan's eyes, he has never been superstitious about legends.

Let alone Yan Jinghong, even Ling Feng has the ambition to defeat Ling Feng sooner or later.

As long as he keeps chasing Ling Feng's footsteps, he believes that one day, he can reach Ling Feng's level or even surpass him!

Now that Ling Feng has defeated Yan Jinghong, he will become the second new legend to end the legend!

"Thunder comes to the world!"

Seeing Yan Jinghong slashing at him with his sword, Li Bufan directly activated the wind and thunder energy in his body. When the sword came out, the sky clouds changed color, and thunder surged among the clouds.

Facing an opponent like Yan Jinghong, Li Bufan naturally did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

"Do you still have the courage to draw a sword?"

Yan Jinghong snorted coldly, and the Ice King's domain expanded again. With a big hand, the void seemed to solidify in an instant.


Countless icicles shot out, and for a moment, Li Bufan seemed to fall into ice purgatory.

"Humph, it's just Ling Feng's defeated general. Does it take any courage to deal with you?"

With Li Bufan's long sword, lightning arcs flashed and exploded with him as the center.

"you wanna die!"

Yan Jinghong seemed to have been stabbed in a painful spot, roaring and killing Li Bufan. Although he was injured by Ling Feng's sword energy and could no longer use his full strength, he was still more than enough to deal with Li Bufan.


Zi La La!

Just when Yan Jinghong rushed within five feet of Li Bufan, Li Bufan suddenly activated the power of thunderstorm, and all the five feet of him were filled with blue arcs of electricity.

Click! Click! Click!

Lines of ice shattered. Between the lightning and flint, Yan Jinghong actually broke through in front of Li Bufan, and struck out with an ice whirlwind. Li Bufan's pupils shrank, and he quickly took a few steps back. His left hand flashed a With a dazzling light, Yan Jinghong's sword strike was struck with a palm.


Amidst a violent explosion, the two of them rushed out at the same time. In just a moment, Li Bufan used the power of "Wind and Thunder Left Arm" and finally managed to draw with Yan Jinghong.

In the past month, Li Bufan first understood the Heart Sword Dao in the ancient pagoda forest, and then obtained the "Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill". An injured Yan Jinghong was no problem.

Yan Jinghong was so depressed that he almost wanted to vomit blood. He was slapped in the face by Ling Feng and Li Bufan one after another, which made him want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

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