Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 928 Xuanyuan breaks the formation! (4 more updates)

On the other side, Xuanyuan broke the formation and looked at the ninety-nine veins around Ling Feng, erupting with unparalleled terrifying power, and his eyelids jumped wildly.

I think back then, when I broke through to the Huayuan Realm, I could only reach seventy meridians, but the boy in front of me, who was nearly ten years younger than me, actually killed me instantly with the height of ninety-nine meridians. .

If it weren't for the gap of ten years, standing in front of him, I would be wiped out in seconds.

"Xuanyuan Po Formation, what are you waiting for? Take action quickly!"

Seeing Ling Feng's rising momentum, the fourth prince began to feel slightly panicked.

"No, if you can't fight your opponent with all your strength, it's better not to fight!"

Xuanyuan Po Zhen didn't look back, he stood silently, waiting for Ling Feng's momentum to continue to rise, but he had no intention of interrupting him.

"Damn it!"

A hint of evil flashed in the eyes of the fourth prince. This Xuanyuan Breaking Formation was really too self-righteous.

Ling Feng stared at Xuanyuan Breaking Formation. Although this person was standing opposite him, he was still a good man!

Finally, Ling Feng's momentum climbed to its peak. Then, he held Destruction in All Directions in front of his chest and performed a basic swordsmanship gesture. His whole momentum changed instantly at this moment. He was like a sword fanatic who concentrated on the sword and was obsessed with the sword. At this moment, there was nothing else in his eyes.

Killing, reincarnation, two domineering sword intentions, as if they had substance, slowly swept across his body, and faintly, it seemed that the sound of the ancient dragon chanting in the sky could be heard.

To deal with such a powerful enemy as Xuanyuan Po Zhen, the only way to defeat him is the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique!

The next moment, flames rose from Ling Feng's sword blade, and all directions were annihilated under the rolling flames. It vibrated slightly and let out a series of sword roars.

A flash of red instantly covered the sword body.

“Li Huo—Lighting up the sky!”


A vast and majestic sword light suddenly erupted, the violent sword energy wrapped in the blazing third-level swallowing flames, drawing different trajectories and arcs in the air, spinning down from all directions, shrouding Xuanyuan Breaking Formation in this fierce flame in the ocean.

The violent flames swept through, seeming to crush the surrounding void, but Xuanyuan Pozhen's expression remained unchanged, his body trembled, a brilliant light flashed in his eyes, and a monstrous evil aura swept through him. In an instant, The waning moon that filled the sky disappeared without a trace like ice and snow melting away.

call out!

At this moment, Ling Feng's long sword also stabbed straight at him.

It turned out that the overwhelming flames just now were just a feint attack, and the real killing move was a shocking sword strike after the blazing flames.

His body jumped high into the air, like a purple lightning bolt, and his body was almost parallel to the ground. He was like a flying fairy from the sky, with a sword coming from the west.

The long sword is like a rainbow. At this moment, the pure power of the flames has been transformed into Hangu Yuanqi (as mentioned earlier, the Hanguzhenqi formed by Leng Linghangu Ling Injection is actually earth attribute Qi), a blast of cold air In an instant, it shrouded down and condensed into ice-covered earth dragons, all of which attacked Xuanyuan's formation.

And almost at the moment when Li Huoliaotian disappeared, the sword edge that wiped out all directions was pointed directly at an inch away from Xuanyuan Pozhen's forehead.

All of this was carefully calculated by Ling Feng, and the timing was perfect.

However, Xuanyuan Po Zhen didn't seem to be surprised at all, with that evil smile still hanging on the corner of his mouth. He stepped aside and blocked the Jingxie Sword with his backhand, leaving sword shadows in the void. , one sword deflected Ling Feng's sword edge, breaking Ling Feng's knowing blow.

"What a quick reaction!" Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly and he shouted: "But it's not over yet!"

Ling Feng's body suddenly spun in the air, and Destruction in all directions was like a huge drill, instantly bursting out with terrifying power, spitting out his sword light, and attacked Xuanyuan again to break the formation.

A domineering purple thunder power wiped out arcs of electricity in the void, almost spreading on Xuanyuan Po Zhen's face.

First it was fire, then cold earth, and now it is thunder...

Xuanyuan broke the formation and took a deep breath. Ling Feng actually mastered so many attributes at the same time!

"One sword conquers the city!"

Finally, Xuanyuan broke the formation and did not dare to hold back any longer. He displayed his unique swordsmanship move and clashed with Ling Feng's sword with an awe-inspiring evil aura.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

In such a close fight, each sword was filled with extremely fierce sword energy. The two of them struck fast, and in the blink of an eye, they struck out hundreds of swords. The sword energy surged wildly, and strong winds shot out. Look. The young talents in the audience were stunned.

Suddenly, swords clashed with swords, sword intentions clashed with sword intentions, sword energy clashed with sword energy.

The entire arena was almost covered with sword shadows. In comparison, the battle between Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan was almost negligible.

Even the fourth prince, who had not yet participated in the battle, had to retreat to the offensive and defensive zone to avoid being affected by the terrifying sword energy.

The swordsmanship of these two people has simply reached a state of perfection.


The sound of the sword's collision became heavier and heavier, like the terrifying sound of two huge battering rams colliding together, which shocked the audience's scalps to numbness.

Ling Feng felt waves of severe pain coming from the tiger's mouth, and his expression became extremely solemn. During the confrontation just now, half of his body was almost numb.

What a Xuanyuan Breaking Formation!

Ling Feng's heart boiled up again, his eyes flashed with fighting intent, and he rushed out again.

Carrying the blood of the Emperor, Ling Feng is warlike in his bones. Especially facing such a powerful opponent makes every cell of him feel extremely excited.

The long swords clashed. Although Ling Feng's two major sword intents were extremely rare attribute sword intents, Xuanyuan Breaking Formation relied on the advantage of his cultivation level to neutralize Ling Feng's cunning attacks time and time again.

His realm is very solid and solid, without any frivolity. In fact, even some warriors who have just been promoted to the king level may be defeated by him.

After dozens of rounds of fighting again, Ling Feng's body was bounced away by Xuanyuan's sword, and he retreated a dozen steps before regaining his balance.

"It's too strong! Xuanyuan's broken formation is really too powerful!"

"It's a pity. Although Ling Feng is already very strong, when Xuanyuan breaks the formation, his strength, speed, and defense have no flaws at all!"

In the audience, countless people saw Ling Feng being repulsed, and they all showed a trace of regret, but they did not look down upon him in the slightest.

They are not qualified to look down on such a monster who is only in the Huayuan realm and can fight Xuanyuan Po Formation to such an extent and even open ninety-nine meridians.

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