Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 931 Hundreds of pulses open! (3 updates)

"Brother Feng...Xiaofan..."

Those friends who had come all the way from Huangzi disciples with Ling Feng and the others were all staring at the sword fighting stage, praying silently in their hearts: We must win! Must win!

Deng Yongshi also stopped shaking her grandfather's arm, her beautiful eyes were fixed on Ling Feng's body, and she murmured: "You are so seriously injured, do you still want to continue to persevere?"


General Deng shook his head and sighed. It wasn't that Ling Feng wasn't strong enough, but that Xuanyuan's ability to break the formation was really terrifying.

He is about ten years older than Ling Feng. These ten years are really important for a genius.

Similarly, Cai Yong, the mighty general, also shook his head, "It is quite good to be able to persist to this point. You are worthy of being a descendant of my Cai family!"


Cai Yan gritted his silver teeth and nodded heavily. Looking at Ling Feng's back, he couldn't help but feel awe in his heart.

On the sword fighting stage.

Tick! Tick!

Ling Feng allowed the blood on his body to flow down, and held Shifang Jumo tightly, without changing his expression.

Behind him, Mu Qianxue, who was guarding the flag area, gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to rush out to help. He silently activated the recovery halo and continuously restored Qi for his three companions.

Over time, her physical strength gradually began to weaken.

"Junior Sister Mu, from now on, don't waste any more power!"

Miyagi's voice came to his ears. Miyagi supported Mu Qianxue, who was staggering slightly, and said in a deep voice: "There is one last sword! I believe Ling Feng can hold on! Junior Sister Mu, you must now Reserve enough strength to help Ling Feng defeat the Fourth Prince!"

Mu Qianxue bit her lips, looked at Miyagi's firm gaze, and nodded heavily.


Seeing Ling Feng being completely suppressed by Xuanyuan's broken formation, the fourth prince couldn't help but laugh loudly. Ling Feng was seriously injured with just the second sword, so the third sword was ten times more powerful than the second sword.

Especially when he saw that the flag-keepers of the Tianfeng Sword Team were starting to lose some energy, the fourth prince felt that he had a chance to win.

It only takes Xuanyuan's final blow to break the formation to completely destroy the Tianfeng Sword Team's last hope.

"Come on, there's another sword!"

Ling Feng tapped a few times near the wound to stop the bleeding, waved Destruction in All Directions again, stared at Xuanyuan Breaking Formation, and spoke word by word.

"I still won't hold back this sword!" Xuanyuan Pozhen put away that smile and said solemnly: "If you can't stop it, you may die."

"How do you know if I can stop you if you don't give it a try?"

Ling Feng grinned, and under everyone's gaze, he let out an earth-shattering cry.


The void trembled, and in the center of the ninety-nine vein gates around Ling Feng, an extremely special vein gate suddenly opened again, shining with a trace of chaotic light, as if it was the core of the ninety-nine vein gates around him.

" hundred pulse gates!"

"What, a hundred pulse gates!"

"Oh my God!"

Everyone was shocked again, almost everyone stood up from their seats, almost trembling with excitement.

It turns out that Ling Feng actually hides a vein gate, the hundredth pulse gate!

"How is this possible? Doesn't this... mean that the ninety-nine meridians are the limit? Why is there still a hundredth meridian gate!"

"Am I really dreaming? Or am I just blinding myself? Isn't that the pulse gate?"

Countless warriors rubbed their eyes repeatedly. The light radiating from Ling Feng's body and the unparalleled aura seemed to contain the will of heaven and earth, making people crazy.

"Wow! One hundred meridians!"

"Boss, you are worthy of being the boss!"

"This is absolutely unprecedented and unprecedented!"

The whole place was in an uproar, and everyone was chanting Ling Feng's name as if they were possessed.

"One hundred pulse gates, really one hundred pulse gates!"

On the referee's bench, those old guys who had been in high positions for decades or even hundreds of years were all stunned and dumbfounded.

If we talk about the ninety-nine vein gates, they are comparable to super monsters from ancient times. One hundred vein gates, that is an existence that surpasses the ancients.

"This little monster!"

Old General Deng's face was blank. He looked at Deng Yongshi who looked surprised next to him. He really had the urge to marry his little granddaughter to Ling Feng immediately.

"Hahaha, such an outstanding genius must be from my Lao Cai family!"

Cai Yong, this old guy, has made up his mind that once the game is over, no matter he wins or loses, he must try his best to make Ling Feng "acknowledge his ancestors and return to his clan."

As for the life and death situation, let him go to hell!

Only Yan Cangtian, who was hidden among the crowd, had a smile on his lips. He had long known Ling Feng's true strength. His close disciple was such a peerless evildoer who surpassed all his predecessors!

On top of the dragon chair was King Tian Bai, who was also holding on to the armrests of the dragon chair. The dragonborn made of gold was actually deformed by his pinching.

Such a talent, such a monster, even though he is the king of a country, he actually feels a trace of deep envy.

It can be said that if Ling Feng does not fall, there will be absolutely no suspense about becoming an emperor in the future.

The Queen Mother next to him was even more ashen-faced. Ling Feng's level of evil had refreshed her knowledge time and time again.

This must be the secret hidden by the Ling family, it must be!

She took a deep breath, her beautiful eyes were sparkling, and she didn't know what she was planning. But what is certain is that she has never given up the idea of ​​extracting the secrets hidden in "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Sutra" from Ling Feng.

However, now it seems that the layout must be rearranged again.

On the sword fighting stage.

The two sides that were originally fighting fiercely also fell into a brief ceasefire.

When Yan Jinghong saw Ling Feng's hundredth pulse gate, his face turned pale: This bastard didn't show his true strength at all when facing him!

An ant that could easily be crushed to death has now become a being that he can only look up to.

This mood was extremely complicated. Anger surged in Yan Jinghong's chest. He stared at Li Bufan opposite him, and his offensive became even more fierce.

If you can't beat Ling Feng, take it out on his brother!

The fourth prince gritted his teeth so hard that his steel teeth were almost broken.

A peerless evildoer at the limit of Baimai. Since such a talent cannot be used by himself, then he must be destroyed at all costs!

The fourth prince slowly drew out his sword. If Xuanyuan's last sword to break the formation could not effectively kill Ling Feng, then he would make up for it with this last sword.

Xuanyuan broke through the formation and faced the pressure of Ling Feng's hundreds of pulses, but the expression on his face was extremely excited, "Okay! Very good! I am so excited to have an opponent like you!"

"My third sword is called Soul-Destroying!"

The long golden hair of Xuanyuan Po Formation danced wildly in the wind, covering his handsome face. Riotous energy surged around him, and the overwhelming evil energy even penetrated the energy barrier of the sword fighting platform.

The violent wind swept through the entire Tianwei Square, and the palace guards quickly flew up to form layers of barriers to prevent the terrifying energy from spreading to the surrounding areas.

An extremely solemn look flashed across Ling Feng's eyes. He raised his sword high and the energy in his body continued to condense, waiting for the last moment to explode.

Everyone held their breath and their eyes widened.

Between these two great monsters, who will win or lose will depend on this final sword strike.

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