Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 933 Reincarnation Sword Slash! (1 update)

"Your Ling Feng is no longer good! You will be here soon. You losers are trying to challenge the Royal Swordsman Corps!"

On the other side, the sword in Dugu Lang's hand slashed out several sword energy, attacking the wound on Jiang Xiaofan's right shoulder with every move, causing his wound to open again and again, and blood continued to flow out. Under the constant consumption, Jiang Xiaofan's condition It will only get worse.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Xiaofan's expression became colder than ever before, and he slowly drew out his second sword.

Shocking Silence Sword!


A clear sword cry startled Dugu Lang, and he quickly distanced himself. He was a speed warrior, and speed was his advantage, not close combat.

"The sword is out!"

Under the stage, the eyes of Dan Mo Sword Mania suddenly lit up. Although Tianfeng Sword Team was at an absolute disadvantage as a whole, Jiang Xiaofan might be able to open up the situation.

If he could understand the secret of Wu Feng Zhi Feng, then he would definitely have a chance to defeat Lone Wolf in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaofan was in an extremely chaotic situation. Seeing Ling Feng's crisis, he felt that all the blood in his body began to burn.

"Brother! I will never let anything happen to you!"

Jiang Xiaofan gritted his teeth and held the Jingji Sword in his hand. He had not yet understood the secret of the Jingji Sword and was unable to exert the true power of this sword.

"Calm down, calm down!"

Jiang Xiaofan took a deep breath. He knew that at times like this, only by truly calming down could he find a chance to turn around.

And this is what Ling Feng taught him. He held the Jingji Sword in his hand and kept repeating in his mind what the sword idiot had taught him over the past month.

When I strike iron every day, what I have learned is that it is light and easy.

Gradually, Jiang Xiaofan seemed to realize something, and he gently waved the narrow sword in his hand. A dull sound, like a heavy hammer beating a drum, suddenly exploded in the void.

"This is what it feels like! I found it!"

Jiang Xiaofan's sword edge was horizontal, and then, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from the blade. With him as the center, the entire area ten feet around seemed to be enveloped by a terrifying sword aura.

"He did it!"

In the audience, the sword fanatics couldn't help but laugh. The real edge of the sword is not on the edge of the sword, but on the edge of the sword, forming a terrifying crushing pressure field.

In this force field, everywhere is filled with terrifying sword energy. This kind of sword energy is even more terrifying than the sharp edge that cuts iron like mud.

"This silly boy actually understood it!"

There was an incredible look in Dan Mo's eyes, and he looked at Jiang Xiaofan in astonishment, "Hit by mistake, this kid must have hit by mistake!"

The sword idiot ignored the alchemy demon's quibbles, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes, and murmured: "That's it, Xiaofan, go all out and finish off your opponent in one go!"

At the same time, Li Bufan also concentrated his concentration and began to silently activate the power of the Heart Sword Avenue.

Although his understanding of the Heart Sword Dao is far from enough, and he is likely to suffer the backlash from the power of the Dao, but in any case, it is time to break the boat.

While he was dodging with the Thunderbolt Step, his entire body was rubbing against the air with streaks of scorching fire due to the terrifying speed. If you observe carefully, you can find that the skin on his hands and feet has begun to become a little... Burnt.

But at this moment, mysterious inscriptions flickered faintly on his sword blade, as if there was a power that did not belong to this world that was constantly gathering.

Boom boom boom!

While Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan were fighting to the death, Ling Feng held Shifang Judeng tightly with both hands and rushed out crazily again.

He could feel that the glimmer of understanding in his heart was about to unveil the mysterious veil.

Xuanyuan's soul-severing sword that breaks the formation is undoubtedly terrifying. There is no doubt that ordinary warriors below the king level will definitely be killed instantly by this move.

If Ling Feng hadn't practiced the Eight Desolations Body Forging Technique and obtained two Heavenly Thunder Body Temperings, he might have been inevitably killed instantly.

However, it was obvious that Ling Feng still did not give up, because he had a hunch that this enlightenment would allow him to have a deeper understanding of the nine inscriptions suspended around the Samsara Sword Intent.

The Reincarnation Heaven Burial Sword Technique, a set of extremely mysterious swordsmanship, even if he only comprehends a hint of its essence, it is enough for him to break the deadlock.

(PS: See "Chapter 562 Mysterious Inscription" for details. Ling Feng obtained the "Reincarnation Heaven Burying Sword Art" in the Demon Emperor's Tomb of the Demon Clan, and it was preserved in the sea of ​​​​spirits in the form of nine inscriptions.

Someone seemed to have mentioned it before, did I forget to write down the Reincarnation Sword Art of Burying Heaven? Don’t worry, I usually record these skills. However, the threshold for improving the Reincarnation Sword Intent is too high, so there are relatively few of them, but Doesn't mean I forgot.

In addition, some people also mentioned that after Ling Feng was promoted to the Huayuan Realm, the divine patterns of the Eye of the Emperor have not been condensed. I should have written before that the condensation of the divine patterns of the Heavenly Dao requires practicing the "Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique", at least it will take a while. So some people ask what is the use of "Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique". Let me tell you again, "Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique" is specially used to cultivate the Eye of the Emperor and condense the divine patterns. )

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Ling Feng's whole body's energy surged, and the power of Ling Tian's sword was activated to the extreme. On top of the destruction in all directions, there was a faint flash of chaotic light.

The sword light is like a rainbow, roaring through the sky!

Under the violent sword energy, Ling Feng's body was continuously scratched, and blood spattered into the sky.

At this moment, Ling Feng was already immersed in this crazy battle, and that glimmer of understanding also broke through the last barrier in this extreme madness.

In an instant, Xuanyuan's "Soul-Destroying Sword", which originally broke the formation, suppressed Ling Feng who was almost unable to parry. Chaos light flashed around his body, his aura suddenly changed, the sword edge turned, and he suddenly unleashed a move he had never seen before. Used sword skills.

Each move seems to condense the world, time, and space in an instant.

Xuanyuan Po Zhen's expression changed slightly. He naturally saw the change in Ling Feng, and his expression became serious. He let out a clear whistle and danced the sword in his hand a little faster: Ling Feng must be defeated directly, otherwise, according to the agreement, this time Once the move is over, he won't do it again.

"Reincarnation Sword Slash!"

After a flash of realization between lightning and flint, Ling Feng finally launched a counterattack.

"This is the last round of offensive! Ling Feng, if you can survive, I won't attack again!"

Xuanyuan broke the formation and shouted: "However, you will definitely lose!"

The violent sword energy carrier's awe-inspiring evil energy and sharp energy swept across the sky and the earth. This soul-severing sword showed its final majesty at this moment.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

In a series of explosive collisions, the two people's swords continued to clash, the chaotic light and golden evil light flickered on and off, and the final collision also came to an end at this moment.

Boom boom!

Gradually, the sword light converged and the sword energy subsided. After experiencing a brief period of blindness, everyone in the audience was surprised to find that Xuanyuan's body that broke the formation flew backwards and hit the people around the sword fighting platform heavily. Above the Gang Yuan barrier, there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

As for Ling Feng, although his body was covered in blood, he remained firmly in place, sinking deeply into the ground, his body trembling constantly.

With that last sword blow, he certainly knocked Xuanyuan's formation flying, but he was also invaded by the opponent's evil energy and was seriously injured.


Ling Feng looked up to the sky and spat out a mouthful of blood. Even though he won this battle, it was a miserable victory.

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