Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 938 Recognize your ancestors and return to your clan? (2 updates)

Cai Yong's face changed slightly, and he frowned and said, "Little guy, Grandpa knows that you have been wandering outside since you were a child, and you must have suffered a lot. Alas, it was Grandpa's fault back then. I shouldn't have treated your father like that..."

Ling Feng's mouth twitched. Why did this old guy talk more and more? He waved his hand and said, "Old senior, I really don't understand what you mean?"

Yue Zhonglian, Deng Xian and Mu Yunsang on the side looked at each other. Although General Cai Yong was old, he wouldn't even recognize his grandson wrongly.

Otherwise, this old guy was crazy about his grandson. Seeing that Ling Feng was so outstanding, he used this method to recruit Ling Feng.

If this is true, this old guy is really thick-skinned.

"I say, old man Cai, are you mistaken? I know Ling Feng very well, and he has nothing to do with your Cai family!"

Deng Xian turned his head to look at Ling Feng. Now he is really more and more satisfied. Not to mention that Cai Yong wants such a grandson, he wants it too!

"Hmph, old man Deng, if you don't know, don't get involved!" Cai Yong frowned, looked at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that your father really didn't tell you anything!"

"My father?"

When Ling Feng was confused, he saw Cai Yan rushed out from his seat and said loudly: "Ling Feng, don't deceive yourself anymore. You can cast our Cai family's unique spell, which proves everything. You are the descendant of our Cai family!"

Ling Feng looked in the direction of the voice and saw Cai Yan's familiar face, and then he remembered everything.

It turned out that during the four major university sword team competition, he used the Eye of the Son of Heaven to copy the spell of Cai Yan, a woman, and defeated her. As a result, this woman said that he was the son of her second uncle. Unexpectedly, a month later, this woman has not forgotten this matter.

Ling Feng looked at Cai Yan, then looked at Cai Yong in front of him, and smiled bitterly.

This old general Cai did him a favor after all, and he couldn't let him down in front of so many people.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng could only shake his head and smile: "Old Senior Cai, how about this, about whether I am a descendant of the Cai family, I will find an opportunity to come to the mansion to talk about it, how about it?"

"This..." Cai Yong thought about it, Ling Feng had just finished the game, and he should be very tired, so he nodded, "Okay, anyway, sooner or later I will definitely let you recognize your ancestors!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, this old man must be crazy about his grandson.

"Little guy, then I will wait for you in General Huwei's mansion. If you don't come within five days, I will come to you in person."

Speaking, Cai Yong took a deep look at Ling Feng, and left with his granddaughter.

When leaving, Cai Yan turned back and stared at Ling Feng, and said to Ling Feng in lip language: Just wait and call me cousin!

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, this family is really weird.

"Friend Ling Feng, are you really a descendant of the Cai family?" General Deng looked at Ling Feng and asked curiously.

"What do you think?"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and bowed to Deng Xian and the others again, "Thank you for your help, I will never forget it!"

Yue Zhonglian nodded to Ling Feng and smiled faintly, "Friend Ling Feng, you have now been promoted to the Yuanhua realm, and you should also consider condensing the Yao pattern. When you recover from your injury, you can come to the Cangqiong Sect to find me. I can point you to a good place, which will be of great benefit to condensing Yao pattern."

"Haha, Master Yue, you threw the olive branch early enough." Mu Yun Sang laughed loudly, then nodded and said, "That's right, there is no place in the empire that is more conducive to the condensation of the pattern than that place."

General Deng also nodded and smiled faintly: "Boy Lingfeng, your luck is here!"

Lingfeng didn't know what the three of them were talking about, but it didn't look like a bad thing, so he nodded quickly, "In that case, thank you, Sect Master."

"Why be so polite."

Yue Zhonglian looked at Lingfeng deeply, and their eyes met, and they understood each other tacitly.

General Deng stroked his long beard and saw his granddaughter sitting at the table looking at this side eagerly. After thinking about it, he also smiled and said, "Little friend Lingfeng, although I don't have anything good to give you, if you have time, you might as well come to General Yingyang's mansion as a guest. My little granddaughter has been thinking about you as a teacher to teach her a few more tricks all day long."

"Uh..." Lingfeng touched the bridge of his nose. Speaking of it, he was indeed a bit unreliable as a teacher, and he had a completely laissez-faire attitude.

"Okay, I'll come after I finish my work." Ling Feng nodded, feeling bitter. He didn't expect that he would become a busy man again as soon as the game was over. "Haha, okay, I won't waste your time! If it weren't for us old guys, the people below would have gone crazy." General Deng laughed loudly, patted Ling Feng's shoulder lightly, flew up, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Mu Yunsang also nodded to Ling Feng, and then flew back to his seat. This time, the Tianfeng Sword Team made the entire Tianwei Academy proud, and the rewards after the game must be carefully considered! As these respected predecessors left the sword fighting stage one after another, the whole venue was completely boiling. Countless people shouted and shouted in unison. On this day, the name of Ling Feng and the name of the Tianfeng Sword Team wrote a brand new legend!

However, almost all of the Tianfeng Sword Team, who were injured, did not stay too long. The group returned directly to Ling Feng's General Weiyuan Mansion to facilitate Ling Feng's centralized treatment.

Not to mention Miyagi's injuries, Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan's injuries are really serious!

Deep in the imperial city, there is Cining Palace.

On the embroidered couch, a stunningly beautiful woman lay on her side, her eyes slightly wrinkled.

Beside her, there was a girl covered in gauze, using skillful techniques to gently massage her back.

"It comes and goes. In the end, your method is the best."

The woman lying on the embroidered couch groaned softly, opened her eyes slightly, and spoke slowly.

"Grandma the Queen Mother, Shuying really doesn't understand your thoughts."

Yan Shuying gritted her silver teeth and said, "Do you really want to return the "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Sutra" to its original owner?"

"If the property is not returned to its original owner, what can we do?"

The Queen Mother raised her hand and signaled Yan Shuying to stop what she was doing. She immediately sat up and shook her head gently: "That child Jinghong is the hope of our Yan family after all. We can't really let Ling Feng kill him." ?”

"But...but you are the Queen Mother. How dare he not let him go if you give the order?" Yan Shuying snorted.

"You underestimate him too much." The Queen Mother shook her head, "The life and death certificate has been signed. If the Ai family really doesn't make concessions, he will definitely not show mercy. Haven't you seen that behind him, not only There are two great generals, the sect leader of the Divine Protector Sect, and even two peak human emperors! Even the emperor has to give in, so what can the Ai family do?"

"But...but..." Yan Shuying bit her lip, "I'm just so angry!"

"Hmph, it's not that simple to get something from the Ai family."

The Queen Mother narrowed her eyes slightly and smiled lightly: "Shu Ying, go and find someone for the Ai family."

"Who?" Yan Shuying asked strangely.

The Queen Mother slowly stood up and said word by word: "Yan, Cang, Tian!"

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