Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 941 Anyone who stands in my way will die! (1 update)

"It seems that I have no choice?"

Ling Feng raised his head and stared at the Queen Mother. In his eyes, this once the most beautiful woman in the empire looked like a ferocious devil.

The so-called femme fatale is nothing more than this. She took advantage of Yan Cangtian's feelings for her and actually plotted against him like this.

"Of course you have a choice." The Queen Mother narrowed her eyes and smiled, picked up the fragrant tea on the side, gently pushed away the tea leaves on the edge, and said with a half-smile but not a smile: ""Tai Xuan Acupuncture Sutra", the Ai family has already followed the plan Here you go, if you want to leave now, the Aijia will never stop you. However, your teacher will probably stay with the Aijia for a few more days."

"Oh, is that so?"

Ling Feng shrugged, took a deep breath, looked at Yan Cangtian, and said in a deep voice: "Then, Queen Mother, farewell!"

"What, you!" The Queen Mother just picked up the cup to drink tea and almost spit it out. She immediately slapped the tea cup on the table, "Ling Feng, are you serious about what you said?"

Ling Feng's attitude changed so quickly that her mind almost couldn't turn around!

One second he was a good and upright disciple, and the next second he abandoned his teacher?

"Of course." Ling Feng curled his lips, "Since you are the teacher's old friend, why should I disturb you and the teacher reminiscing about old times? I think the teacher should also be very happy. With the Queen Mother by your side, the teacher still needs me. This student!”

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "In that case, I won't disturb you too much, junior. I wish you and the teacher a good time!"

After saying that, Ling Feng actually turned around and left.


The Queen Mother's chest suddenly surged with anger. She had never been played like this before.

"What's wrong? Doesn't the Queen Mother's words count as farts?" Ling Feng turned back to look at the Queen Mother and said jokingly.

"It seems that you won't shed tears until you see the coffin. Do you really think that the Ai family dare not touch your teacher?"

The Queen Mother grabbed a dagger directly from the table and walked quickly to Yan Cangtian. A ray of cold light flashed and stabbed straight into Yan Cangtian's chest.

However, the next moment, a strong big hand strangled her wrist, and with a "clang" sound, the dagger fell to the ground. The Queen Mother looked at Yan Cangtian in front of her with an incredulous look, and couldn't help but exclaimed. ,"you you……"

"Let go of the Queen Mother!"

The maids in the palace suddenly exclaimed, and the masters hiding in the dark drew their weapons one by one and surrounded Yan Cangtian.

"Why panic!"

The Queen Mother's expression did not change, she took a deep breath, looked at Yan Cangtian, and finally stared at Ling Feng, and smiled coldly: "Unexpectedly, in terms of scheming, Aiji would actually be defeated at the hands of a young boy! "

"I always thought that no matter how you changed, you would at least remember the past feelings in your heart. You let me down so much! No, it was me! I was too stupid!"

Yan Cangtian grabbed the Queen Mother's wrist tightly, feeling extremely painful in his heart. This woman had simply turned into a devil.

The Queen Mother clenched her silver teeth and allowed her wrist to be pinched by Yan Cangtian. She did not say a word, but said slowly: "Brother Yan, no matter what you think, I have no intention of killing you."

"Hmph, it's now time, do you still want to act?" Yan Cangtian gritted his teeth, "Stop your hypocrisy!"

"Teacher, now you should understand what kind of woman the Queen Mother is, right?"

Ling Feng shook his head. It turned out that Ling Feng had pretended everything just now. Even Yan Cangtian's poisoning was just a good show planned by him and Yan Cangtian. The purpose was to completely see the true face of the Queen Mother. .

As early as after the Royal Sword Team's challenge final, Ling Feng found Yan Cangtian overnight.

He knew that the Queen Mother would never hand over the "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Sutra" to him easily, and when the time came, she would inevitably do some tricks.

And Yan Cangtian is undoubtedly a good target!

Therefore, Ling Feng had already handed over the Zhu Jingbing Silkworm into Yan Cangtian's hands, in order to prevent the Queen Mother from murdering him. After all, with Yan Cangtian's strength, it would not be easy to capture him head-on, and poisoning was undoubtedly a common tactic of this kind of venomous woman.

Protected by the Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm, Yan Cangtian was not poisoned at all, but pretended to be poisoned.

And just now, when the Queen Mother stabbed him with the dagger, the Yan Ning in his heart was completely shattered!

From then on, he had nothing to do with this woman.

"What a cruel reality."

Yan Cangtian laughed at himself and pushed the Queen Mother out, "Yan Ning, from today on, we will sever all ties of grudges and righteousness."

After saying that, Yan Cangtian waved his sleeves, strode towards Ling Feng, and said loudly: "Disciple, let's go!"

"Hmph, you can come here and leave whenever you want!"

Yan Shuying gritted her silver teeth, commanded the maids and guards to surround Yan Cangtian's master and disciples, and coldly snorted: "Why are you still standing there? I'll capture them!"


Yan Cangtian smashed a guard in front of him into blood foam with one palm, turned around and glared at the Queen Mother, and said in a cold voice: "I will take my apprentice away today, and I want to see who dares to stop me!"

The momentum all over his body suddenly exploded, a strong wind surged, and the power of the Human Emperor was fully exposed. He just heard him shout, "Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

The Queen Mother trembled, took a deep breath, raised her hand slightly, "Everyone, please step aside."

"Queen Mother, you..." Yan Shuying gritted her teeth and was about to say something, but she heard the Queen Mother yell angrily, "I said stand down!"

"Yes!" Yan Shuying was startled and quickly stepped aside. The secret guards in the hall also scattered and disappeared in an instant.


Yan Cangtian glanced at the Queen Mother, with no trace of nostalgia in his eyes. He took Ling Feng and exited the Cining Palace. Soon, the master and apprentice left the palace.

After seeing Yan Cangtian and Ling Feng leaving, the Queen Mother collapsed on the soft couch beside her. Yan Shuying quickly stepped forward, gritted her teeth and said, "Grandma, the Queen Mother, why..."

"Go ahead and tell me not to leak even a word about this matter!"

The Queen Mother took a deep breath, as if she had aged ten years. This was undoubtedly the biggest setback in her life.


Yan Shuying did not dare to say anything more, and quickly asked the female officials to give orders, and she stayed with the Queen Mother alone.

"You go down too, Aijia, I want to be quiet."

"Oh." Yan Shuying could only exit the hall and closed the door. Only the Queen Mother's faint sigh could be heard inside.

"No more... nothing more... hahaha..."

After leaving the palace, Ling Feng held the "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Sutra" in his hand and felt happy. The Queen Mother, an old woman, was considered smart but was mistaken for her cleverness.

In fact, if Yan Cangzhen was captured by the Queen Mother, it wouldn't be a big deal even if he wrote down the contents of "Chaos Heavenly Emperor's Art" and gave it to the Queen Mother.

After all, "Chaos Emperor Art" can only be practiced by those with the blood of the emperor. For the Queen Mother, this was just a dream.

However, she was too greedy, and in the end, everything came to nothing.

Yan Cangtian, on the other hand, was obviously not in a good mood, and did not return to Tianwei Academy. Instead, he took Ling Feng all the way to a high mountain outside the western suburbs of the imperial capital, sighing in the wind.

After what happened to the Queen Mother, Yan Cangtian's hair seemed to turn white all of a sudden.

Ling Feng thought of his initial encounter and felt that he and Yan Cangtian were in the same boat.

He didn't say anything, he just accompanied Yan Cangtian, standing proudly on the cliff, facing the howling wind.

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