Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 944 Descendants of the Cai family? (4 more updates)

Early the next morning, after Ling Feng had breakfast, he prepared some small gifts and went to General Huwei's Mansion as invited.

In any case, General Cai has come forward to help him once, so naturally he still has to give him this little face.

As for why he is a descendant of the Cai family, this matter still needs to be explained carefully.

After arriving at General Huwei's Mansion, Ling Feng had just walked to the gate of the General's Mansion when more than ten guards immediately came forward to greet him. An old housekeeper from the General's Mansion came forward with a smile on his face and said with a smile: " General Ling, our master has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Yes." Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Thank you, senior, for leading the way."

Although this old butler is just a servant, he is also a king-level strong man. According to his seniority, there is nothing wrong with calling him "senior".

The old housekeeper was a little flattered when he heard Ling Feng being so polite, and quickly brought Ling Feng into the house.

Not long after, Ling Feng came to the main hall of General Huwei's mansion under the leadership of the old housekeeper. At this moment, in the main hall, in addition to General Huwei Cai Yong, there were also some elders and juniors of the Cai family. However, they belonged to Cai Yan is the only direct descendant of General Cai.

Cai Yong served in the army for half his life and had two sons and one daughter. His eldest son Cai Lang died in battle, leaving only Cai Yan, a daughter who was raised by General Cai since she was a child.

The second son is named Cai Hang. He was expelled from the house by General Cai more than 20 years ago because he made some mistakes.

It can be said that although the Cai family has a high status in the imperial capital, the main line of descendants has withered. General Cai's only wish is to find his second son Cai Hang and continue the Cai family's legacy.

Later, Ling Feng appeared out of nowhere and used the Cai family's unique secret technique "Spell of the Spirit". It's no wonder that General Cai immediately recognized Ling Feng as a descendant of the Cai family.

"Little guy, you really made me wait!" General Cai narrowed his eyes, stared at Ling Feng, and said slowly.

Ling Feng hurriedly bowed to General Cai, "I'm really sorry. I missed some days because of seclusion. This is my little thought. Please forgive me, senior."

"No matter what, we are all a family. Haha!"

The old general Cai stood up from the throne of the family leader and walked quickly to Ling Feng. Without saying a word, he took Ling Feng's arm and said loudly: "Come on, come on, in front of so many old clan uncles on the field." In front of me, I will recognize my ancestors and return to my clan today, and change my name to Cai Feng from now on."


Ling Feng's head went dark, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a while. He didn't expect this old guy to be so impatient.

"Senior, I think you misunderstood. This junior is not here to recognize his ancestors and return to the clan. This junior is actually not a descendant of the Cai family." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Old General Cai's face changed slightly, "You kid, you are still acting like a child at this time? I promise that as long as you are willing to recognize your ancestors and return to the clan, after a hundred years, you will be the head of the Cai family. !”

The expressions of the younger members of the Cai family around them all changed slightly, with extremely envious expressions in their eyes.

However, with Ling Feng's current reputation in the imperial capital, it is not their turn to refuse!

"Senior, I am serious. Regarding the Spiritual Spell, this junior can explain it."

Ling Feng said with a wry smile.


General Cai immediately grimaced, "Say, I want to hear your explanation!"

The Spirit-speaking Curse may not be unique to the Cai family, but the Cai family's Spirit-speaking Curse has been continuously improved by the Cai family. Whether it is a curse seal or a hand technique, it has become a whole.

Moreover, this secret technique has always been strictly controlled in the hands of the main line of the Cai family and will never be spread to outsiders.

Apart from the fact that it was his second son, Professor Cai Hang, who was expelled from the family, there was no other possibility.

Of course, who can believe that Ling Feng, with the ability of the Eye of the Emperor, can completely master the Word Spirit Mantra with just a casual glance, and there is no difference at all.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, knowing that no one would believe the truth, so he had to make up nonsense: "Actually, General Cai, although this junior is not talented, he still has some attainments in medical skills, and he can barely be regarded as an imperial minister of the Kingdom of God." Healed."

General Cai stared at Ling Feng, his mouth twitching slightly.

The juniors of the Cai family next to him couldn't help but roll their eyes.

With a little bit of attainment, you became the Royal Physician of the Kingdom of God. You guys, you don’t do this to attract hatred, right?

"Tell me the important point!" General Cai frowned and said impatiently.

"That's the point right now." Ling Feng rolled his eyes and continued to talk nonsense, "I once met a seriously injured middle-aged man in the Western Wasteland. He was almost dead at that time, so I saved him. He felt that he could not repay the name, so he taught me two moves of the Spiritual Spell. However, he only taught me the first few moves, not all of them. "

Ling Feng raised his eyes and glanced at General Cai, and said slowly: "Now that I think about it, the man I saved at that time should be the second son that the general calls him."

The expression on Old General Cai's face became more and more solemn, "Boy, do you really mean what you said?"

"Senior, do you think it is necessary for me to deceive you?" Ling Feng did not answer directly, but just smiled and said: "If I am really a descendant of the Cai family, and I admit it directly, I will be the young master of the General Mansion, and I will be able to get General Cai. With a supporter like you, why should I refuse such a good thing?”

Ling Feng paused and continued to strike while the iron was hot: "It's just that this junior is indeed not a descendant of the Cai family. If he deliberately deceives him, wouldn't he have to worry about his conscience all the time in the future?"

These words immediately made the old general Cai sober up.

The joy of thinking that the Cai family would have an heir and a peerless genius disappeared in an instant.

"It seems that you are indeed not Hang'er's son." General Cai sighed softly and said slowly: "I'm sorry, I lost my temper temporarily."

Old General Cai stared at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "General Ling, according to what you just said, the one you saved was Hang'er."

"Probably so." Ling Feng replied nonchalantly.

"Hey..." General Cai sighed softly, "Is he okay?"

"It's probably nothing." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, feeling a little guilty.

"Hey, it's all my fault that I was impulsive back then." Old General Cai clenched his fist, "Well, since you saved Hang'er's life, no matter what, you can be considered a favor to my Cai family. Since you have practiced In return for your talent in speaking the spirit spell, I will teach you the complete spell."

The surrounding juniors of the Cai family are all extremely envious. It’s just that Ling Feng is a descendant of the Cai family, but he has no relationship with the Cai family, and yet he can actually get the true inheritance of the Spiritual Spell!

I'm jealous!

However, the threshold for practicing the Spiritual Spell is too high. If you are born with insufficient talent in your soul, even if you have the secret book in front of you and practice it for a lifetime, it may be useless.

"Ah? Ahem..." Ling Feng coughed a few times and his old face turned slightly red, "Isn't this necessary?"

"This is a must."

Old General Cai patted Ling Feng's shoulder heavily, "What I have decided will never be changed!"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and could only bow to General Cai, "Well, thank you very much, senior."

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