Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 952 The most handsome man in the sect world! (4 more)

"That...that means..."

Yue Yunlan's beautiful eyes flickered, revealing a hint of joy, "Although Mr. Ling's pattern is not amazing in appearance, is it actually at the level of a vision of heaven and earth?"

"Well, transforming the clear sky into stars all over the sky, this has included the majestic spirit of heaven and earth. This is the will of heaven and earth, and the nine stars in a row are a kind of vision." Xiao Yunsu said lightly: "But, this kind of vision is actually It’s quite rare, at least it’s unheard of as a teacher.”

"So Master, do you know the grade of this vision of heaven and earth? How is it compared to the second brother (Yue Tengfeng)'s sea of ​​clouds galloping and nine dragons ascending to the sky?" Yue Yunlan asked, blinking his eyes.

Xiao Yunsu pondered for a moment, shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know."

Yue Yunlan frowned slightly, a little disappointed, but Ling Feng smiled faintly. Since this "egg" pattern Yao can be regarded as a type of pattern Yao with the level of heaven and earth phenomena, then it can be considered acceptable, although that The appearance is a bit...

My balls hurt!

"That's right!" Yue Yunlan's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and she said with a smile: "Master Ling, tomorrow happens to be our Cangqiong Sect's annual Dao Discussion Conference. At that time, the most outstanding geniuses in the entire sect will gather in the Cangqiong Mountains. Let’s go to the Tiansheng Peak to discuss the cultivation of Wenyao and Yuanhun, and we might be able to hear something useful to you.”

"Moreover, our Cang Qiong Sect's senior brother Mu Qingchen will also be attending!"

Yue Yunlan smiled sweetly and said: "Brother Priest is a geek of our Cang Qiong Sect. He was only a few steps away from being able to condense the original attribute level of Wen Yao. Therefore, he has always been worried about the matter of condensing Wen Yao. He used He has spent more than ten years studying various Wenyao from ancient times to the present, so there should be no one in the entire Tianbai Empire who knows Wenyao better than him."

The Mu Qingchen that Yue Yunlan was talking about was the first disciple of Yue Zhonglian, the leader of the Cangqiong Sect. He was only twenty-seven or twenty-seven years old, but he was already a talented warrior who had stepped into the king level. He was also the most popular disciple of the Cangqiong Sect in the eyes of many disciples. An idol to worship.

This priest brother was a well-educated and knowledgeable man who loved to make friends with heroes from all over the world. He had a prominent reputation throughout the Tianbai Empire. In addition, this person likes to travel around, so he is well-known throughout the Eastern Spiritual Territory.

"Okay, just stay one more day."

Ling Feng nodded, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth. The figure of Feng Yan, the evil genius of the Heavenly Saint Empire whom he met in the battlefield of gods and demons, appeared in his mind. This Mu Qingchen was probably just like Feng Yan. A martial arts fanatic who is obsessed with martial arts.

Such a person suits my taste!

The Cangqiong Mountains stretch for no less than three thousand miles, with beautiful mountains and curling mist. If you want to ask about the highest peak of the Cangqiong Mountain Range, it is naturally the Holy Peak of that day.

What should have been the elegance of the empty mountain, the tranquility of the Ten Thousand Peaks, was now bustling with activity.

Because, today, on this Heavenly Sacred Peak, a Taoism exchange conference for young talents in the sect world will be held, and the person hosting this Taoism conference is none other than the senior brother of the Cangqiong Sect, Mu Qingchen.

There are many stone platforms on the top of the mountains. The stone platforms are surrounded by crowds of people. They are all young talents. The oldest ones are no more than thirty years old. They all represent the most outstanding first-class talents in the sect world. Ling Feng even saw some of his "old friends" in the crowd.

Such as Li Yunting, Dugu Lang, Xuanyuan Po Zhen and others. However, although they can be regarded as monsters in the world, the protagonists today are not them.

A group of top geniuses in the sect world, on the top of this mountain, facing the breeze, leisurely drinking tea, it seems very comfortable.

In the center of many stone platforms, there is a round platform guarding it. On top of the round platform, a gentle and elegant young man is sitting.

He is the host of this Dao Discussion Conference, Mu Qingchen.

Mu Qingchen was seen holding a jade flute, playing a mysterious and beautiful tune. Everyone was drinking tea while listening to the music played by Mu Qingchen, nodding from time to time, as if they had understood something.

Ling Feng also narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that the pattern in his spiritual sea seemed to be touched.

After the song was played, a man in rich clothes stood up from the other end of the round platform. This man was handsome and extraordinary. When he stood up, his clothes swayed in the wind, which made him look a bit out of the world. Suddenly there were many female monks in the audience, with little stars twinkling in their eyes, looking at him infatuatedly.

This person is the chief disciple of Xiaoyao Sect, Jiang Qingge.

The Xiaoyao Sect's status in the sect world can be said to be the second in ten thousand years, only under the Cangqiong Sect.

However, as the saying goes, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. How can a second sect be considered a good sect if it doesn't want to become the first sect.

Although the position of the Divine Protector Sect is almost unshakable, this second sect still secretly competes with the first sect from time to time. This is not a strange thing.

This Jiang Qingge's status in the Xiaoyao Sect is probably similar to Mu Qingchen's status in the Cangqiong Sect, but he also has a name that is even more resounding than that of the chief disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect.

The most handsome man in the sect!

However, his beauty is slightly biased towards the feminine beauty of women, which is a beauty that Ling Feng cannot appreciate.

He is such a grown man, so smeared with makeup, it is incomprehensible.

"This song by Pastor Brother is really mysterious. Just listening to it once is better than my understanding in a month!" Jiang Qingge made a sword salute to Mu Qingchen and said with a soft smile: "As expected. An expert who specializes in Wen Yao, Senior Brother Jiang is afraid that he will come out on top again in this Tao Discussion Conference!"

In the audience, Yue Yunlan introduced the identities of Mu Qingchen and Jiang Qingge in detail to Ling Feng. These two people can definitely be regarded as the monsters among monsters in the Tianbai Empire. Although they have not officially set foot on the king level, they can already defeat many kings. A level warrior.

Their future is almost certain, and they will definitely achieve the realm of human emperors.

"I heard that Brother Jiang is very good at playing the guqin. I wonder if you can let me see it."

On the high platform, Mu Qingchen looked at Jiang Qingge with a smile. Among the young talents present, although there were some famous monsters among them, the only one that Mu Qingchen could put in his eyes was Jiang Qingge.

After all, Mu Qingchen has traveled to various countries all year round, and his vision is much higher than that of ordinary people.

"Haha... Listening to the ancient rhyme played by the pastor brother just now, I have been very excited for a long time. Now that the pastor brother opens his mouth, I will show my shame."

Jiang Qingge laughed loudly and immediately asked the boy servant behind him to fetch a guqin.

Not long after, Jiang Qingge picked up the guqin, flicked his sleeves, sat down elegantly, placed the guqin on the stone platform in front of him, then slowly closed his eyes, and plucked the strings with his fingers like running water, and the sound of the piano came out leisurely. , if a breeze blows by, it gives people a feeling like a spring breeze.

Under this ethereal sound, even Ling Feng felt that his spirit was lifted, and Wenyao in the spiritual sea also resonated with the sound of the piano.

"The sound of the piano actually has the effect of nourishing patterns and brilliance!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but secretly admire, these guys are indeed the top monsters in the sect world, they really have two tricks!

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