Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 958 Strength is truth! (2 updates)

"This world cannot erase me! This avenue cannot suppress me!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly, and a terrifying will burst out from his whole body. Suddenly, the nine stars burst out with scorching brilliance, forming a line, as if it had penetrated ancient and modern times and spread to the end of time and space. Among those nine stars, actually The vision of the derivation of all things and the reincarnation of life has evolved!


A pillar of chaotic light rose into the sky, directly dispersing the vision evolved by the will of heaven and earth!


Disperse again!

The sea collapsed, the mountains collapsed, and even the Nine Heavens Xuan Lei lost its luster in the last burst of will from Ling Feng. A huge crack opened in the sky, swallowing up all the visions.

The will of heaven and earth has been defeated!

At the moment when the will of heaven and earth collapsed, Ling Feng's whole body erupted with nine colors of samsara light, shining endlessly, and nine colors of divine light soared into the sky, actually breaking through the clouds and breaking the power of heaven!

Everyone at the top of Tiansheng Peak felt relaxed, and the pressure of Heavenly Dao faded away like a tide. When they raised their heads, they saw Ling Feng's body suspended in mid-air, with a chaotic star floating above their heads, blooming. The nine-colored divine light shines in reincarnation, making people dare not look directly at it.

"Oh my god, he actually repelled the pressure of heaven! Is this... is this really Wenyao from the origin of chaos?"

Mu Qingchen's eyes widened and he looked at Ling Feng in disbelief. This kind of Wen Yao that only existed in myths and legends actually appeared in front of him!

Ling Feng opened his eyes and took back the phantom of the chaotic star into the sea of ​​spirit. He did not expect that his Wenyao would actually burst out the vision of the world and the reincarnation of life at the last moment, defeating the pressure of heaven in one fell swoop. This strange phenomenon is probably due to the ability of the Reincarnation Sword Intent.

This Samsara Sword Intention is worthy of being the first among the ten peak attribute Sword Intentions, and it indeed has incredible power.

Looking back, when I was meditating on the "Reincarnation Heaven Burying Sword Art" in the Demon Emperor's tomb that day, I seemed to have sensed the power of the great avenue of heaven and earth. Perhaps all this was not accidental.


Slowly exhaling a breath of turbid air, Ling Feng felt that the spiritual sea at this moment was completely empty, especially the sword-shaped light group formed by the reincarnation sword intent, which had almost shrunk to the size of a broad bean, dim and dull, from the demon The nine inscriptions imprinted on the emperor's tomb are constantly hovering around the Samsara Sword Intent.

As the saying goes, after breaking and then establishing, after this battle, the Samsara Sword Intent will probably make a new breakthrough.

The most important thing that day was that my pattern finally took shape!

Ling Feng gathered his mind, returned his consciousness to his body, and floated down from the mid-air. At this moment, his spirit was extremely weak. The last burst of will almost drained away the power of his consciousness. Now, what he wants most is All he does is sleep.


The sound of swallowing saliva was heard endlessly.

The young men in the sect who were trembling with fear from the will of heaven and earth all opened their eyes wide and looked at Ling Feng in disbelief.

This guy simply doesn't look like a human being anymore.

That is competing with the will of heaven and earth!

At this moment, they no longer dare to look down on Ling Feng. In the battle just now, any one of them would have died as hard as possible.

And Ling Feng actually used the power of his own will to defeat the will of heaven and earth!

"Is this guy's tattoo really what Senior Brother Jiang mentioned, the egg of chaos?"

"The ones who are so naughty and awesome are all other people!"

"Haha, I have long seen that this young man is extremely talented and is definitely a genius in this world. I will say that what he said makes sense. What is spiritual thought? Whatever you think it is, that is what it is! Wise words! Write them down in a small notebook !”

"Bah, you're just an afterthought!"


All the geniuses in the sect world were deeply impressed by Ling Feng's "feat". Now, Ling Feng's words just now changed from "crazy words" to wise words.

This is reality, strength, and truth!

"Master Ling, how are you?"

Yue Yunlan's figure flashed forward and she quickly stepped forward to support Ling Feng's body. She could naturally see that Ling Feng seemed extremely weak at the moment.

Thinking about it, if he still acts like a normal person after fighting against the will of heaven, then is Ling Feng still a human being?

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled lightly at Yue Yunlan, "It's okay, don't worry."

"Brother Ling's pattern is truly amazing!"

Seeing Ling Feng coming down, Mu Qingchen quickly walked up to Ling Feng and made a sword salute to Ling Feng. With such a brilliance, Ling Feng will definitely be the overlord of the party in the future, even surpassing all his predecessors and reaching the level of the Emperor. Above the realm, it is by no means impossible.

"Congratulations to Brother Ling, for condensing the ultimate attribute level of the original pattern!"

Jiang Qingge also had a respectful look on his face, shaking off the will of heaven. This Ling Feng might grow into a being that even they need to look up to. If they don't build a good relationship now, it will be too late to flatter him later.

Ling Feng glanced at Mu Qingchen and Jiang Qingge, and said with a weak expression: "Thank you two elder brothers for helping me awaken the origin of chaos. Even if I owe you a favor, I owe the two senior brothers a favor."

Both of them looked overjoyed. Although Ling Feng was just a small Huayuan realm warrior now, they were all optimistic about Ling Feng's future. If they could get a promise from him, it might be a great opportunity and great fortune!

"Brother Ling, you're welcome. I should be the one to thank you for being lucky enough to witness such a scene!"

Mu Qingchen laughed loudly. Watching the "fight" between Ling Feng and the will of heaven and earth today has completely overturned his world view. Concentrating Wen Yao can create such a big battle. I am afraid that only one in the world can do it. This is Ling Feng.

Jiang Qingge also nodded excitedly, "Yes, Brother Ling has refreshed my understanding of Wen Yao today."

Ling Feng thanked Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen again, and suddenly felt dizzy in his mind. It must have been the aftereffects of resisting the will of heaven and earth just now.

At that moment, Ling Feng could only give a bitter smile, then smiled apologetically at Jiang Qingge and Mu Qingchen and said, "Two senior brothers, I am in urgent need of recovering my consciousness. Please forgive me for being with you."

"Okay, then I'll ask Brother Ling for advice another day."

Both of them also noticed the weak look on Ling Feng's face and nodded.

Yue Yunlan bit her silver teeth lightly, said goodbye to Mu Qingchen and the others, took the weak Ling Feng with her, and left quickly.

When Ling Feng's figure gradually faded away, Mu Qingchen and Jiang Qingge looked at each other again, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"I'm ashamed of myself!"

"A peerless monster!"

The two of them sighed in admiration at the same time, and then looked up to the sky and laughed.

The so-called gentleman is magnanimous. For them, they are not jealous of Ling Feng's talent, but are happy to be able to witness all this today.

Come to think of it, if you were a narrow-minded person, you probably wouldn't hold this Dao discussion conference and share your experience and insights with others.

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