Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 965 Amazing the whole audience! (1 update)

Li Bufan's footsteps suddenly stopped, he looked back at the man in green and said bluntly, "Not interested!"

The expression on the man in green suddenly froze.

This guy actually dares not to take himself seriously!

"Isn't it just that you won a Shen Yidao? Do you really think you are invincible?"

The man in green flicked his finger, and a black and white chess piece was shot out, like a powerful crossbow. There was only a sound of "pop" breaking through the air. A thousand meters away, a big tree that was hugged by several people was directly penetrated. With a "bang" explosion, the entire tree was torn apart at the waist, and the solid wood inside was crushed into pieces by the force of that finger.


The students from various major universities present were all stunned by what they saw, this move was truly remarkable!

"How about it!"

Seeing the surprised expressions of the audience, the man in green grinned and said, "Now, can you fight me?"

"Still not interested."

Li Bufan jumped down from the ring and completely ignored the man in green.

His hidden weapon skills are indeed good, but unfortunately, with his speed, this person will never have a chance to make a move.

This was a battle without any suspense, so it naturally didn't interest him at all.

"Haha, Bufan, if you don't want to fight, then let me do it!"

Jiang Xiaofan was quite interested in the technique of the man in green. He smiled and shouted to the stage: "I'll fight you!"


The man in green on the stage saw that Jiang Xiaofan was Li Bufan's companion. Although he was very unhappy, he still said in a deep voice: "Okay, then I will give you a chance! A chance to fail miserably!"

I saw that Jiang Xiaofan was not in a hurry to get on stage, but grabbed a handful of stones from the ground aside, and when he held them in his palm, they turned into ten regular spherical stone beads.

He has been practicing in Yangu for two months, and it seems that his control of power has reached the pinnacle.

Even Ling Feng would be ashamed of this precise control of power.


The man in green on the stage frowned and asked with an unhappy look on his face: "Boy, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Xiaofan walked onto the ring with a smile and said slowly: "Your master also taught me the skill of flicking stones, hehe."

"Shoot a stone?"

The man in green's eyebrows suddenly knitted together, "How dare you describe my Situ Lei's hidden weapon skills as just throwing stones!"

"Just playing stones." Jiang Xiaofan scratched the back of his head and said with a naive smile.

"Pretend to be stupid, right? I'll make you die in a rhythmic manner!"

Situ Lei snorted softly and took out a black and white chess piece from nowhere. With a flick of his finger, the chess piece shot out and hit Jiang Xiaofan's face.

"Then I'll come too."

Jiang Xiaofan's eyes narrowed. As soon as he entered the battle, his whole aura suddenly changed. He grabbed a stone and fired it out. The strength and speed were actually a bit better than Situ Lei's.

"It turns out you are an expert too, but your fingering skills are so bad. There is no change at all. It's just an ordinary slingshot!"

Situ Lei laughed loudly, his figure flashed, and then, like a string of bullets, he wildly shot out black and white chess pieces one after another. The chess pieces he popped out could actually turn and accelerate on the stage. In an instant, the entire stage was His chess pieces were filled with them, and they were actually arranged into a mighty black and white chess formation.

If each one has the power to penetrate the big tree, one can imagine the power of these chess pieces bursting out at the same time.


Li Yunting suddenly sweated on Jiang Xiaofan's forehead, turned to look at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Ling... Master Ling, is it really okay?"

Ling Feng shrugged, noncommittal.

Even if all the chess pieces exploded on Jiang Xiaofan's body, with his abnormal defense, he would not be hurt at all.

However, he was more interested in what method Jiang Xiaofan would use to crack it.

It's just in time to see what kind of results Xiaofan's practice in Yangu has.

Li Bufan also stared at the ring unblinkingly. He was not interested in Situ Lei's hidden weapon skills. If it were him, with his wind and thunder, this Situ Lei would even touch a corner of his clothes. Less than.

However, Jiang Xiaofan's speed has always been his shortcoming, so how can he crack Situ Lei's chess pieces?

"It turns out that stones can still bounce like this!"

When Jiang Xiaofan saw Situ Lei's Othello formation, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "This master never taught me."

"Hmph, if you don't want to get hurt, just admit defeat!"

Situ Lei grinned.

The army is different from the academy. In the academy, the students learn from each other more, but in the army, it is more bloody and cruel.

This is a place to kill!

And with his hidden weapon skills, he can instantly kill a large number of enemies with one move. Although he was not very outstanding in the True Dragon Academy before, in the army, he will definitely have the opportunity to show off his skills.

He even imagined that maybe he would become the new king of the Southern Army. Through this war with the demon clan, he would become famous in one battle. From then on, he would become famous in the empire, be promoted to a noble position, marry a princess, and reach the pinnacle of his life.

"Admit defeat? Why should you admit defeat?"

Jiang Xiaofan's words brought him back from his fantasy. Situ Lei snorted coldly, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, "Okay, since you don't admit defeat, don't blame me for being cruel!"


Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

In an instant, all the hanging chess pieces on the stage were shot out, and they all shot towards Jiang Xiaofan. The terrifying power made the scalps of the surrounding crowd go numb for a while.

"My dear, are you going to cause trouble and kill people?"

"Nima, why is that kid so stupid? He can't dodge or dodge, and he can't even open the Qi barrier?"

"Is this guy here to kill himself?"

The moment those chess pieces were shot out, Situ Lei also felt that things were getting a little serious. I'm afraid that boy was going to be doomed!

However, the chess pieces have been shot out, and with his mental power, he can no longer control the chess pieces to stop.

"Master taught me about this situation!"

At this time, Jiang Xiaofan closed his eyes, picked up a stone with his right hand, and flicked it with his finger!


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and then, the stone actually spun around him at an incredible angle.

While the stones were spinning at high speed, the black and white chess pieces were knocked down one by one by his stones and intercepted halfway.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Jiang Xiaofan's stone knocked down all the hundreds of Situ Lei's chess pieces. There was a "crash" sound, and Situ Lei's black and white chess pieces fell on the stage like rain. It fell up and down, one after another, shocking everyone's eyes and completely shattering Situ Lei's illusion.

It turned out that compared to Jiang Xiaofan's concealed weapon skills, he was just like a toddler, vulnerable to a single blow!

Silence, the whole audience fell into a mysterious silence. Jiang Xiaofan's preemptive move was a surprise to the entire audience!

"Good boy!"

Ling Feng also secretly praised, after all, Jian Chi is a respected and veteran human emperor. He specifically targeted Jiang Xiaofan's weaknesses, so that a rough guy like him who only knows how to use brute force can actually use such beautiful techniques. Come.

Now Jiang Xiaofan can definitely be regarded as a top-notch genius!

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