Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 974: Compassion does not command troops! (2 updates)

Thirty thousand elite black armored cavalrymen rushed down from the high slope like a god, using this momentum to instantly cut a huge gap in the camp of the demon army like a sharp knife, and then launched an extremely fierce offensive.

Those demons were stunned in an instant, and faced with the elite black armored cavalry, they were almost defeated in an instant.

The war lasted for a full hour. The black armored cavalry led by Mo Feng completely wiped out the 50,000 demon army and captured the demon general who carried out the sneak attack mission alive.

Li Qing and Wang Meng, the two generals, were experienced in battle. Although they were ambushed, they soon took the initiative with the elite black armored cavalrymen.

The two were covered in blood. Of the original 3,000 soldiers, only less than 500 were left. However, being able to eat up 50,000 monsters with such a sacrifice, it can be said that this is the biggest victory achieved since the monsters invaded Tianmang Fortress.


Li Qing panted, looked at a black-armored general who had just led the army to charge, and shouted: "General Huo, this time thanks to you leading the brothers to arrive in time!"

The black-armored general turned over and jumped off the horse, saying calmly: "No need to thank me, thank His Royal Highness Prince Jing."

"Jing... Prince Jing?"

Li Qing and Wang Meng were both stunned, and then they saw the crowd dispersed, and three majestic monster horses slowly came over, with three familiar faces on their backs.

Prince Jing Mo Feng, Ling Feng, and the city lord of Tielang City, Long Xiao.

"You... how could it be you?" Li Qing's remaining single eye suddenly shrank, and he was stunned.

Wang Meng quickly kicked him, knelt on one knee, and said in a deep voice: "I pay my respects to His Royal Highness Prince Jing!"

Li Qing finally reacted, and knelt down quickly, gritting his teeth and said: "I pay my respects to His Royal Highness Prince Jing!"

Although they were not convinced by Mo Feng, a young boy, he was a prince after all, so etiquette was still necessary.

Mo Feng looked down at the two generals, and did not call them up. He just pulled the reins and said to Huo Yuanyi, the leader of the black armored cavalry: "General Huo, after counting the spoils, enter the Tianmang Fortress!"

"Yes, I obey your order!"

Huo Yuanyi bowed, and his soldiers quickly took action. From beginning to end, no one paid any attention to Li Qing and Wang Meng.

The two knelt on the ground, looking at each other, and couldn't believe it. Is this still the little prince who was beaten by the Grand Commander before?

Also, why would this Prince Jing control this black armored cavalry to reinforce the Tianmang Fortress?

Why would the Lord of Iron Wolf City appear beside Prince Jing?

The two of them had too many doubts in their hearts, but no matter what, Prince Jing now had an elite black armored cavalry and had made such a great military achievement. I am afraid that the Grand Commander would have to look at His Royal Highness Prince Jing squarely.

After a while, the bodies of the killed monsters were dealt with, and the army set out and headed for Tianmang Fortress at a rapid speed.

Li Qing and Wang Meng could only follow the army with the remaining remnants.

In front of the team, Mo Feng, Ling Feng and Long Xiao looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Seeing the expressions of Li Qing and Wang Meng, I felt secretly happy!

It turned out that the plan that Ling Feng mentioned that day was to take advantage of the fact that the black armored cavalry that reinforced the fortress had not yet joined forces with the southern army of Tianmang Fortress, and firmly grasp this force in his hands.

After all, the Black Armor Cavalry was directly under the command of the royal family. At this moment, the only royal family in the southern border was Mo Feng.

He had absolute power to deploy this team, and with the presence of Long Xiao, the veteran of the Black Armor Cavalry, he frightened Huo Yuanyi with a few words.

On that day, when Yuan Tiangang summoned Ling Feng to the general's tent, they were discussing how to properly use the Black Armor Cavalry. Ling Feng only heard some of it by accident, but it happened to be the key to this plan.

Speaking of which, it was really luck!

After making a plan, Ling Feng and the other two directly intercepted the army halfway. After successfully taking over the command, according to Ling Feng's prediction, Huanglonggang was not a very secret place. Once the team that was picked up by Tianmang Fortress was exposed to the vision of the demon clan, it would soon attract the siege of the demon clan.

As for how this team was exposed, probably only Ling Feng himself knew.

Yes, it was Ling Feng who asked the donkey to pretend to be an ordinary demon and leaked the information. His purpose was to use Li Qing and Wang Meng's 3,000 soldiers as bait! As the saying goes, kindness does not command an army! Using these 3,000 baits to exchange for 50,000 demon army, those soldiers died for what they deserved. Although Ling Feng did not like to use this method, in an extraordinary period, extraordinary means were used. Yuan Tiangang was first unkind, and he just responded. "Brother Feng, although we did win this battle, Yuan Tiangang is not easy to fool. He must have thought that it was because we deliberately delayed the arrival time at Huanglonggang that put the 3,000 soldiers in danger. In this way, aren't we in the wrong?" Mo Feng looked at Ling Feng with some concern and asked in a deep voice. "Humph, when do we need to be reasonable when marching and fighting?" Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled. Most of his military tactics were influenced by General Deng.

Old General Deng once presented some military books to Ling Feng. The contents described above were all his tactics used by General Ying Yang, which were tricky and ruthless.

Be ruthless to your enemies, and even more ruthless to your own people!

"Sacrificing thousands of people to replace an army of 50,000 monsters, that old fox Yuan Tiangang naturally knows how to calculate this account. Even if our motives are not pure, this old guy can only turn a blind eye or close one eye. "

Ling Feng shrugged and said: "After all, your identity is Prince Jing, representing the royal family! In this regard, you are not as good as the fourth prince. Although he is sinister and vicious, he has more majesty from the royal family than you."

Mo Feng nodded heavily, "Brother Feng, I understand!"

Ling Feng patted Mo Feng on the shoulder and said with a faint smile: "Okay, don't be nervous. No matter how upset Yuan Tiangang is, he still has to welcome us with a smile on his face for winning the battle. You, Prince Jing, are too much. It’s a bit of a status of its own.”

"Brother Feng, I can't believe that you know how to mobilize troops and fight. You are really an all-rounder!" Mo Feng said with admiration.

"I just know a little bit about it."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. After he helped Mo Feng consolidate his position in the fortress, it would be time to confront the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor.

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