Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 989 A complete monster! (1 update)

In the distance, in the VIP seats on the high platform, Wang Meng, Li Qing and others were all stunned and horrified.

Even Su Dongling was shocked by Ling Feng's current form.

Being able to obtain the bloodline inheritance of ancient beasts, this opportunity for Ling Feng is too terrifying!

"A monster's true form has increased his strength at least ten times. It seems that this competition is quite interesting!"

Su Dongling narrowed his eyes. Even with his vision, he couldn't tell at all what kind of ancient beast Ling Feng had inherited.

"How many trump cards does this kid have?"

Wang Meng gritted his teeth and couldn't help but sigh.

He now began to believe that Ling Feng might really be able to walk in front of Linghu Yudao.

On the arena of hundreds of battles.

"I actually forced you to reveal the true form of the monster. It seems you are worthy of pride, haha!"

Liu Bing smiled proudly, and his fist speed was not slow. Above his head, the shadow of Yuanhun rose up. It was a white tiger with dazzling eyes, roaring loudly, and erupting with an extremely terrifying and vast momentum.

Ling Feng raised his thick palm and punched out as well.

The fists collided, causing an extremely terrifying explosion.

The impact airflow generated during the collision stirred up a strong wind, and the yellow sand under the arena raised a sky full of smoke and dust, lingering above the arena, completely blocking their figures.

The audience members who were sitting closer felt as if their faces were being hit by frost, wind, and knives, and they were in constant pain.

But, despite this, they still opened their eyes wide, not wanting to miss any picture.


A figure flew out from the ring and spit out a mouthful of blood arrows.

The referee's heart suddenly shrank and his eyes were fixed on that figure.

It's Liu Bing!

The smoke and dust cleared.

Liu Bing covered his chest, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his left hand, and laughed loudly: "Thank you, General Ling, for showing mercy."


Ling Feng wins again!

Facing the top twenty peerless monsters on the Hundred Battles Ranking, Ling Feng actually defeated the enemy with one move again!

"Battle 81, Ling Feng, wins!"

Among the crowd, after a brief silence, another roar erupted.

His power is actually enough to instantly kill the true elites on the Hundred Battles Ranking!

Tie Wushuang stared intently at Ling Feng's thin-looking back, with fierce fighting intent in his eyes.

"Very good! Only you like this are worthy of my all-out efforts!"

The recruits who had just graduated from various universities clenched their fists one by one, their eyes filled with extremely excited light.

Excited and proud!

Who says there are no strong ones among the newcomers!

What a fart!

On the arena, the referee took a long time to calm down his excitement and shouted loudly: "Game 82, please..."

"Battle 82, Ling Feng, wins!"

"The eighty-third battle, Ling Feng, wins!"


"The ninetieth battle, Ling Feng, wins!"

The crowd gradually became more fanatical and crazy, and became a little quiet, even strangely quiet.

One after another, the peerless monsters on the Hundred Battles Ranking were defeated by Ling Feng, and all with one move!

After playing these days, the masters on the ranking list gradually began to doubt their lives.

"It's getting closer!" A captain of the fortress held his breath, "Ninety consecutive victories!"

"I really want to see this Ling Feng fight head-on with Senior Brother Linghu Yudao!"

Everyone couldn't help but look up at Linghu Yudao, who was still calm and calm, and compared him with Ling Feng.

He suddenly discovered how similar the two people were?

Detached, calm. Unparalleled self-confidence, the belief that I am invincible!

"Perhaps he can break the myth of Senior Brother Linghu Yudao!"

This thought flashed through everyone's mind at the same time, but the closer they got to this step, no one dared to say it out loud.

Is it true that an invincible strongman below the king's level is in vain?

The power of Linghu Yudao has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"Battle 91, Ling Feng, wins!"

"The ninety-second battle, Ling Feng, wins!"

"The ninety-third battle, Ling Feng, wins!"

The referee read out the result of the game again and again, making everyone shrink their eyes and quietly wait for the last moment to come.

"The ninety-fourth battle, Ling Feng, wins!"

"The ninety-fifth battle, Ling Feng, wins!"

"The ninety-sixth battle, Ling Feng, wins!"

For ninety-six consecutive games, Ling Feng defeated the enemy with one move!

What an amazing talent, how outstanding!

And the trump card he exposed was only the true form of Chaos.

In the audience, Tie Wushuang's eyes burst out with blazing fighting spirit. If the strong fighting spirit had substance, it turned into balls of blazing fire and ignited the entire space.

"Hahaha! Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Tie Wushuang praised three times in a row and laughed loudly: "To a certain extent, you have surpassed Linghu Yudao. Come on, I look forward to a battle with you!"

Everyone nodded silently. Indeed, when Linghu Yudao completed the hundred consecutive cuts, his strength also reached the peak of the ninth level of the Divine Origin Realm.

And Ling Feng is only at the early stage of the Divine Origin Realm!

The referee took a deep breath and his palms were slightly sweaty. He had been a referee for many years and he had never been so nervous before. It was as if the person fighting in the ring was not Ling Feng but himself.

"Ahem, Lao Li, how far do you think this guy can go?"

Wang Meng's expression was deeply shocked. They had even forgotten that their original intention was to watch the joke about Ling Feng being defeated. Now, he was even vaguely looking forward to the scene of Ling Feng and Linghu Yu Dao fighting.

"Only the last four people are left, and they are all the top four experts on the Hundred Battles Ranking. He wants to defeat the enemy with one move again, but I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Even Li Qing, who was cursing at the beginning, gradually calmed down and analyzed in a deep voice: "However, this kid has too many trump cards. Until the end, who knows if he has any other tricks to hide?"

"Yes." Wang Meng nodded with deep approval. In his heart, Ling Feng was no longer an evildoer, but a monster!

A complete monster!

"The ninety-seventh battle, fourth on the Heavenly Ranking, Zhu Kui, please come on stage!"


The next moment, an extremely fat man, comparable to a little giant, fell from the sky.

He didn't use any body training techniques, and his body had already reached two meters away. Although it seemed a bit "small" in front of Ling Feng's real form of chaos, when compared to normal people, it was definitely a terrifying tonnage.

The fat body shook the entire arena slightly, and a crack spread from his feet like a spider web to the feet of the giant ape that Ling Feng transformed into.

"General Ling, please enlighten me!" Zhu Kui smiled and bowed to Ling Feng.

"Please enlighten me!"

Ling Feng returned the favor and stared at the severely obese guy in front of him. A person who has cultivated such a tonnage can be regarded as a strange flower.

"Djinni Vision!"

The next moment, Zhu Kui heard a loud roar, and his whole body suddenly swelled up against the wind, and turned into a giant three feet away. His huge belly was like an inflated balloon, black and dense. The body gives people a suffocating feeling.

If this was suppressed, how many people would be killed!

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