Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 15 Ready to start work

Wang Bin and his family's entire factory covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. In fact, there are not many factories in the entire factory area, only four, and these four factories are not very big, and the largest is Factory No. 1. , and its area is less than the square meter of the balloon. In addition, the area of ​​the other three factories is even smaller, only about 5,000 square meters.

Of course, except for the No. 1 workshop, which is the No. 1 workshop, the other workshops are still empty, so naturally there is nothing to see. Wang Bin took Mr. Lin and the others to the No. 1 workshop.

The No. 1 workshop, that is, the No. 1 workshop, looks a little old from the outside, but overall it is still very good.

Wang Bin led Chief Engineer Lin and Manager Cao into the workshop. The first thing that caught his eye was the floor and surrounding walls of the workshop. The concrete floor below is covered, but there are no potholes on the ground, and it feels relatively tidy.

At the same time, there were no stains on the white walls of the workshop. It was obvious that the workers in this workshop of their factory cared about the factory in the past, and there was no shortage of maintenance in normal times, which surprised them a little.

After all, this is a private factory. According to their information, it has been more than ten years since the so-called Tiangong Technology factory was built, and it is very remarkable that it can still maintain the current level.

At the same time, in this small workshop, the layout of equipment installation has also been completed. Many places have been painted with white landmark paint, and in some places, its technicians from Southern Industries are already installing equipment.

After looking around the workshop casually for a while, Wang Bin led them out of the workshop and came to their Tiangong Technology laboratory.

Their Tiangong Technology laboratory is not big, only more than 100 square meters, and the equipment inside is not very advanced, basically it is some ordinary experimental equipment, and even some equipment is placed in the present. Even if it is ordinary, it doesn't count, it seems a bit backward.

"It's really unexpected! The high-temperature-resistant glass you developed actually came from such a laboratory." After looking at the equipment in the laboratory, Chief Engineer Lin not only felt a little emotional.

These experimental equipment may seem ordinary to Wang Bin, but to Mr. Lin, the equipment in this laboratory is definitely backward. The various equipment he usually uses are all top international experimental equipment!

"No way! Our Tiangong Technology was just a glass handicraft factory before, and it is already a luxury to have a laboratory, even when these equipments were bought in the first place.

For our Tiangong Technology, there is already a lot of pressure, and those top-level equipment, although I want it too, but the conditions do not allow it! "Wang Bin said.

"Indeed! Based on the previous situation of your Tiangong Technology, having a laboratory is already very remarkable, and the top-level equipment is indeed not something you can afford." Chief Engineer Lin also nodded and said.

After visiting the laboratory, Manager Cao said to Wang Bin: "Mr. Wang! It's almost time, and Mr. Lin and I are going back."

"Okay! Since that's the case, I won't keep two more people." Wang Bin said.

Then Wang Bin sent the two of them out of the factory area, watched them get in the car and left, then turned around and returned to the workshop, and continued the installation of the glass production line with the workers.

In the next few days, Wang Bin was busy in the factory. Until the third morning, Wang Bin received a call from Manager Cao: "Hello, Mr. Wang! I am Cao Guohao from 969. Just now , we have been notified that the application you submitted has been answered, and the relevant departments will come to your Tiangong Technology to conduct some non-aspect reviews today. I hope Mr. Wang is ready,

But if there is no problem in the preliminary review, then there should be no problem with your qualification application. "

On the phone, Manager Cao told him that the reviewer of military qualifications will come to their factory around noon today to make them prepare for Tiangong Technology.

"Okay! Manager Cao, thank you very much. If it weren't for your help, I don't think things would have gone so smoothly." Wang Bin replied very happily.

"By the way, Manager Cao, I don't know if I have passed the R\u0026D qualification for military technology that I applied for this time?" Wang Bin was also very concerned about the R\u0026D qualification he added, so he asked.

"Yes! Mr. Wang! According to my understanding, the superiors agreed to your application in this area after discussion. I am not very clear about the details. Explained!" Cao Guohao said.

Sure enough, not long after Cao Guohao called, at about ten o'clock in the morning, several cars came to the gate of their Tiangong Technology factory, and they inspected their Tiangong Technology, and asked them to be in a safe place. Pay more attention to them, and explained some related aspects to them in detail.

They didn't leave until about two o'clock in the afternoon, and when they left, they told Wang Bin that Tiangong Technology's application had been approved, and the application for research and development of military technology had also been approved, but because of their Tiangong Technology He has just obtained military qualifications, so he can only carry out research and development and production of some individual weapons and some armors, and at most can carry out research and development of some light armored vehicles.

Time passed quickly and another seven days passed before he and the technicians from Southern Industries completed the installation of the special glass production line. However, even if the special glass production line has been installed now, Wang Bin and the others still have no way to start producing special glass immediately. Glass, but the special glass production line must be transformed before it can be produced.

Although Wang Bin did not major in mechanics, fortunately, when he acquired the glass production technology, he also acquired the knowledge of the glass production line. Experience, so it is still capable of transforming the production line.

Of course, it is impossible to complete the transformation of the production line by relying on him alone. Naturally, the workers in the factory need to work together to transform the production line.

As the technicians from Southern Industries went back, it took Wang Bin and others a few more days to complete the transformation of the equipment.

Looking at the No. 1 workshop where all the equipment has been installed, Wang Bin finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, in order to be able to produce this special high-temperature-resistant glass he obtained, he has been busy for more than two months. Now Finally, all the work is almost completed, and the official start can only be started when the raw materials arrive.

In terms of raw materials, Wang Bin had contacted him a few days ago, and these raw materials will arrive one after another today and tomorrow. After all, the main raw material of the high-temperature-resistant special glass he developed is actually quartz, just like ordinary glass. Sand, so it's very easy to buy.

Other raw materials, except for one or two rare materials, are not difficult to buy. You can find a lot of them by searching on the Internet. Even if it is one or two rare materials, Wang Bin has already contacted the 969 Group Yes, their group will solve this problem for him.

When all the raw materials arrived, Wang Bin picked up the phone in his hand and called Qin Fei.

Soon the phone was connected, and Qin Fei's voice came from the other side: "Hello! Xiaobin! May I ask you to call Uncle Qin, is there any difficulty? If so, please feel free to we have a deal."

"Uncle Qin! I haven't encountered any difficulties yet. The production line of our Tiangong Technology has been completed now, so we are going to start formal production tomorrow. I hope you can come to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony of our Tiangong Technology tomorrow morning. "Wang Bin said to the phone with a smile.

"Not bad! Not bad! I didn't expect you to complete the installation of the production line so quickly. I will definitely come to your Tiangong Technology on time tomorrow to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony!" Qin Fei also said happily to Wang Bin.

Then Wang Bin called Professor Zhen, Professor Fang, Manager Cao, Chief Engineer Lin and others, asking them to come to the groundbreaking ceremony tomorrow, but to Wang Bin's regret, whether it was Professor Fang or Zhen Professors, because they are professors at the provincial capital university, and because tomorrow is not a holiday, and most importantly, they have a major project in hand, so they don't have time to come here at all.

In addition, Mr. Lin couldn't leave because of the busy work of their group.

Fortunately, Manager Cao happened to have time to come over tomorrow, and he also told Wang Bin that when he came over tomorrow, he would finalize the first order with Tiangong Technology.


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