Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 225 Buying Rocket Technology 2

Of course, in addition to the high-thrust rocket engine technology of one or two thousand tons, if Wang Bin and Tiangong Technology want to develop aerospace technology, they also need the low-thrust rocket engine technology of one or two hundred tons, even with a thrust of only a few oxen or tens of oxen Small thrust engine technology.

In addition, there are steering propulsion devices and measuring wheels for space vehicles.

And these technologies all need energy coins to purchase. Thinking of this, Wang Bin began to worry about the energy coins in his hands again, because judging from the technologies that need to be purchased, only relying on these energy coins in hand, Really not enough to buy.

After all, just one thousand tons of high-thrust rocket engine technology, plus the technology of other parts of the rocket, such as rocket body technology, fuel tank technology, etc., will require nearly two million energy coins, and one or two A hundred tons of small-thrust rocket engine technology requires at least hundreds of thousands of energy coins.

If you add a few cows and dozens of cows and various steering thrusters, the energy coins needed will definitely exceed the energy coins Wang Bin currently has on hand.

In addition, if you want to make rockets, these rocket engine technologies are not enough. You also need multi-stage rocket technology, bundled rocket technology, etc. According to Wang Bin's estimation, there is no one without two million energy coins. .

He couldn't buy a complete set of high-thrust rocket technology at all. If the rocket recovery technology was added, Wang Bin would need at least eight million energy coins.

This made Wang Bin a little dazed for a while. After all, in his original plan, Wang Bin thought that he could buy a complete set of fourth-generation rocket technology at the price of three to four million energy coins. After buying it, the price of 4 million can only buy engine technology, which made him a little at a loss.

But then Wang Bin thought that he didn't need to buy a complete set of fourth-generation rocket technology. In fact, many technologies, with the strength of Tiangong Technology, as long as there are corresponding talents, it is not necessary to develop technologies that are not much different. difficulty.

And even if Wang Bin and his Tiangong Technology couldn't develop the corresponding technology for a while, he could ask the official for help, and Huaxia Aerospace's strength definitely has relevant technology.

Thinking of this, Wang Bin's originally frowning brows loosened, so he used the price of one million energy coins to purchase a thousand-ton fourth-generation rocket engine technology in the system, and then spent another fifty At the price of five energy coins, one hundred tons and two hundred tons of fourth-generation engine technology were purchased.

As for the micro-rocket propulsion technology with smaller thrust, Wang Bin did not buy it, because he knew that such a propulsion technology could definitely be developed with their Tiangong technology capabilities, even if they couldn't develop it,

He can also turn to official space agencies for help.

In terms of various space turning thrusters, Wang Bin did not buy them in the system. Like the previous ones, he believes that for their Tiangong Technology, such thrusters are definitely not a problem, and he does not need to worry at all, let alone , as long as he has high-thrust rocket engine technology, the official is absolutely happy to help.

Finally, there are the rocket control system, the rocket fuel tank and the recovery system. For the rocket fuel tank technology, Wang Bin thought about it and spent 300,000 energy coins to buy five diameters, namely 1 meter and 1.5 meters. , 2.5 meters, 3.5 meters, five meters in diameter, fifteen kinds of fuel tank modules and separator technologies, as for technologies such as larger diameter fuel tanks and separators, Wang Bin did not buy them.

Because he knows that even if he buys the rocket fuel tank module technology with a larger diameter now, he will not be able to use it for the time being. Most importantly, among the engine technologies he bought, the engine with the largest diameter, that is, the 1000-ton rocket The diameter of the engine technology is only 2.5 meters, so Wang Bin does not need the fuel tank technology with a larger diameter for the time being.

Of course, with these fuel tank technologies, Wang Bin believes that if they want to develop larger-diameter rocket fuel tank technology, it will not be difficult.

In fact, Wang Bin knew that rocket fuel tank technology was not difficult, and the reason why Wang Bin bought these technologies at such a high price was that these technologies also included the production equipment technology of these technologies, so the so high.

When Wang Bin bought all these technologies, the more than 1.5 million energy coins he had just acquired had been completely painted, and even the nearly fifty-five energy coins left in his hands , has almost been consumed.

Of course, Wang Bin felt a little heartbroken for spending so many energy coins at one time, but thinking that their Tiangong technology is now different from the past, and the speed of making money for energy coins is no longer the speed he just got from the technology mall. The system time can be compared.

You must know that in the past, if he wanted to accumulate 500,000 energy coins, it would take nearly a month to accumulate them, but now! As long as he sells a Tiangong 001 drone, it is enough for him to buy a lot of technology.

Most importantly, judging from the situation of his selling drones this time, as long as the prices of the drones he sells in the technology mall in the future are not too high, there will be no shortage of buyers.

Thinking of these, Wang Bin felt much better immediately.

After buying the technology, Wang Bin immediately exited the system, returned to reality, and prepared to rest. As for the technologies he just bought, in addition to the technologies in his mind, such as design drawings, technical parameters, processing process material formulas Waiting for the real thing, he put it in the store for the time being. After all, compared with the reality, the security in the store is higher. He doesn't want the technology he bought at such a high price to be cheap for others.


In the early morning of the next day, Wang Bin came to the company immediately after having breakfast, and checked the Tiangong No. 001 UAV that flew over yesterday with Professor Chi and others. And reassemble the drone again.

When Wang Bin and the others reassembled the drone and moved it to the runway, Chief Engineer Lin and General Qiu also came to their side of Tiangong Technology.

"Mr. Wang! I have two good news for you. The engine production certificate submitted by Tiangong Technology has been approved by our military, and we have submitted our opinions to the relevant departments. If there is no accident , Your production license should be approved in the next few days!" When General Qiu came to the side of the runway, he immediately told Wang Bin about the engine production license approved by the meeting yesterday with a smile.

"Really? General Qiu, that's great. In this case, as long as the full-life test run of this engine can exceed 2,000 hours, we can carry out small-scale production of this engine, and at the same time, we can start to establish a production line. "After hearing General Qiu's words, Wang Bin immediately said happily.

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