Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 256 The Current Situation of the Shipyard

Regarding the current situation of the current shipyard, as the original director of the shipyard, Cui Long is of course very clear, so he said: "Mr. Wang! At present, the entire shipyard has been built, but no one takes over. Mr. Wang is now in our shipyard , there are as many as 20 ships that have been built, but no one has taken over them, but most of them are ships with a displacement of less than 10,000 tons, and there are a total of eight ships with a displacement of more than 10,000 tons. There are six cargo ships between 50,000 and 100,000 tons, and two cargo ships between 50,000 and 100,000 tons.

In addition, they are still on the shipyard, but the number of ships whose employers have gone bankrupt has reached a total of 31, but these ships are different from those that have been built before. Most of the ships are more than 10,000 tons, and there is even a ro-ro ship with a tonnage of 15 tons, which is a key project of our shipyard.

This ship is not only in terms of tonnage, it is the largest ship that our shipyard can currently build, and its internal technology is also the best in our shipyard. So when we built this ro-ro ship, our shipyard invested a huge amount of manpower and material resources. grab grab

Therefore, the cost of this ro-ro cargo ship alone is as high as nearly 500 million yuan. It is precisely because of this that our Linjiang factory has the current situation because of the problem of working capital. Otherwise, It is impossible for our Linjiang Shipyard to have the current situation. "

After Cui Long finished speaking, the situation in the entire meeting room fell silent. After all, most of the people in the meeting room at this time were former employees of the shipyard. For such a situation in the shipyard, the shipyard went bankrupt. This is definitely not what they want to see.

But fortunately, although the current situation of the shipyard is bad, but with the takeover of Tiangong Technology, they believe that the situation of the shipyard will definitely get better and better.

"The ships that are still being built on the shipyard, and are still being taken over by others, how many ships are there now?" Wang Bin continued to ask Cui Long.淘戅戅

There are still 17 ships that are still on the shipbuilding platform and are being taken over by others. Among them, there are still ten ships of less than 10,000 tons, six ships of 10,000 to 50,000 tons, and the remaining one is eight. Container ships of about 10,000 tons. "After listening to Wang Bin's inquiry, Cui Long replied immediately.

After answering, he paused, and then continued: "Although the companies that ordered these ships did not give up these ships because of this year's situation, due to the impact of this year's special circumstances, the price of steel has risen. In addition, the price of labor is also rising, so even if the companies ordered by these ships are still there, and they will not give up these ships for special reasons, but we are building these ships at a loss."

Later, Wang Bin learned about other aspects of the Linjiang factory. He found that the other aspects of the factory were not bad, especially the research and development department of this factory, which has strong research and development capabilities. , Now a lot of high-tech technology in shipbuilding is being carried out, and there are even many technical reserves in shipbuilding.

Of course, although most of these technologies have already applied for patents, there are also some technologies that have not applied for patents. Wang Bin is not surprised about this. After all, Tiangong Technology also has many technologies that have not applied for patents. patent.

After listening to Cui Long's report on the current situation of the entire shipyard, Wang Bin immediately said to Cui Long: "Director Cui, I will ask the financial department of the head office to make an account of 3 billion to the shipyard later. In terms of business, after the funds arrive in the account, the first thing for your shipyard to do is to send out the wages owed by the shipyard. After all, these employees of the shipyard are the most important assets of the shipyard. The technology of our shipyard is advancing, but without employees, it is impossible to build ships at all.


Due to the previous situation of the shipyard, there is no funds in the account of the entire shipyard. It is very difficult to maintain the operation of the shipyard. Naturally, there is no money to pay the salaries of the shipyard employees. Therefore, the shipyard has been in arrears for two months. Even among these employees, some have not been paid for four or five months in a row.

"Okay! Mr. Wang, after the funds arrive in the account, I will make up for the jobs of the shipyard employees first." After hearing Wang Bin's words, Cui Long said immediately.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, I don't know what to do with those ships that have been completed or are still on the shipbuilding platform, but have not yet left home?" Cui Long asked Wang Bin.

Hearing Cui Long's words, Wang Bin did not answer right away, but said after thinking for a while: "For those ships that have already been built, we will find a way to see if we can find another home. If it arrives, then we will directly discount the price of ships below 50,000 tons. As for how to discount, then Director Cui, you can figure it out yourself.

As for the 50,000-ton ro-ro ship, especially the 100,000-ton ro-ro ship, we can keep it to see the situation first. Adding up the shipyards, there are not many shipyards capable of building such ships. At the same time, technically, if they can reach the level of our shipyards, there should be even fewer. I think it is not difficult to find a next home for all ro-ro ships of this tonnage.

Finally, there are those ships on the shipbuilding platform that no one has taken over. For these ships, if more than half of them have been built, then continue to build.

After all, they have already been built to this extent. It would be a pity if they were to be dismantled like this. Moreover, even if they were to be dismantled, the labor cost might be more than the steel that was dismantled.

As for the ships that have not been half built, especially those that have only been built by a third or less, let's dismantle them directly!厺厽 Pen Fun Pavilion 厺厽

As for how to do it, Director Cui decides on your own. After all, compared to you, I don't know much about the shipbuilding industry. "

Cui Long nodded and said, "Okay! Mr. Wang! I'll hold a meeting with the shipbuilding managers and engineers in the company later."

"Yes!" Wang Bin nodded.

"By the way, Director Cui, I remember that when I went to discuss with the city, I heard from the city's officials that our shipyard is still capable of building military ships, and has also built orders for the navy many times. I don't know this. Is this true?" Wang Bin suddenly remembered what he had heard from the city about the shipyard's ability and qualifications to manufacture military ships, so he asked.

"Yes! Mr. Wang, our shipyard does have the ability to manufacture military ships, but compared with cargo ships, we can only build small-tonnage military ships! It is still difficult to build large military ships with our shipyard's capabilities. ?” Cui Long said.

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