Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 27 Coming to Qin's Industry Again

A day later, a small truck started from Wang Bin's Tiangong technology and drove towards the direction of the city hall.

Obviously, what is installed on this car is the special high-temperature-resistant glass product produced by their Tiangong Technology.

Originally, according to the original plan, Qin's industry's order for this month should have been completed yesterday morning. Due to the delay yesterday morning, their order was not completed until this morning, and they are only delivered now.

This order is their Tiangong Technology's first order, and it is also an order from Qin's Industry. Therefore, this time the delivery to Qin's Industry, Wang Bin is going to go by himself, but he did not go directly by truck. Instead, drive by yourself.

Besides, Wang Bin didn't go alone to Qin's Industry this time. Apart from the driver of the truck, Wang Xu would also go with the truck today.

After all, it is impossible for Wang Bin to deliver goods to Qin's industry in the future, so Wang Bin is going to hand over the matter of delivering goods to Qin's industry in the future to Wang Xu, and this trip is just for him to go. Get acquainted.

Wang Bin drove the car, followed the truck and slowly drove out of Tiangong Technology, and finally arrived at Qin's Industry after an hour.

After arriving, the truck was led towards the unloading area by the guards of Qin's Industry. Wang Bin himself drove to the parking lot of Qin's Industrial Office Building. After getting off the car, he walked towards the interior of the office building. .

This time they came to the office building of Qin's Industry, the security guards of the office building of Qin's Industry saw Wang Bin coming, they immediately called Qin Fei, and then directly guided Wang Bin into the office building towards Qin Fei walked to his office.

"Uncle Qin! I'm so sorry, this batch of goods should have been delivered yesterday afternoon, but due to a small problem in the factory yesterday morning, I didn't have time to complete your order yesterday, and it was not completed until this morning.

No, I'll send it to you as soon as it's finished. I hope it won't affect the production of your Qin's industry. "When Wang Bin came to Qin Fei's office and sat down, he said to Qin Fei.

"Xiaobin, Qin's Industry is not in a hurry with regard to the special glass. The special glass used by our Qin's Industry is still in stock. What's more, it has been stated in the contract. Just deliver it before the end of the month, and it's only the middle of the month, so it doesn't matter if it's a day or two late." Qin Fei said.

"By the way, Uncle Qin, there is something I want to ask you about high-precision CNC machine tools. Where can I buy them now and what is the price? After all, Uncle Qin, you are in the machinery industry! You are familiar with this aspect. "Wang Bin asked.

"High-precision CNC machine tools? Xiaobin! Are you planning to enter the machinery industry? I'm not talking about you. The machinery industry is not easy to do now. If there is no stable order, I still advise you not to enter the machinery industry rashly.

The machinery industry is no different than others, and the investment required is not small. Not to mention other things, just the high-precision CNC machine tools you are asking about, the price is not affordable for ordinary people.

Let's not talk about the real problem of ultra-high-precision CNC machine tools. Let's talk about ordinary high-precision machine tools. The lowest price of domestic machine tools costs hundreds of thousands, and the price of imported machine tools is even higher.

The price of machine tools with higher precision is naturally higher. Even if it is domestically produced, it will cost at least millions, or even tens of millions, not to mention the imported high-precision CNC machine tools. Higher-precision machine tools cannot be bought with money. "Qin Fei said.

"Uncle Qin! I'm going to try to enter the machinery industry. After all, the manufacturing industry is the real backbone of a country and a nation. If an entity enterprise wants to become bigger and stronger, then enter the manufacturing industry, especially the machinery manufacturing industry. It is a must, so I want to try it.

As for the order, you don't have to worry, Uncle Qin.

If there is no order, I will never act rashly, and now that I have asked, it naturally means that I have a stable sales. " Wang Bin said!

"That's good! Since you are so confident, Uncle Qin, I won't ask any more questions. As for the machine tool, I don't know what kind of machine tool you want, or how much precision you want. What is the specific purpose of the machine tool? What?" Qin Fei asked.

"Uncle Qin, I wonder if you know anything about ball screws?" Wang Bin asked!

"What! Ball screws? You want to manufacture ball screws. This is not a good project. You must know that in our country, ball screws with ordinary precision, such as ball screws with P5 and P7 precision, are already They are everywhere, and you can find hundreds of them by searching on the Internet, and the price is very cheap, you can buy them for only one hundred and ten dollars.

However, ball screws above P5 level cannot be processed by ordinary machine tools, especially those above P3 level.

In addition, the material of the ball screw above P3 or above P4 is no longer ordinary screw material.

The most important thing is that to process such a grade of ball screw, in addition to the machining accuracy of the machine tool must be above the third level, it must also have other matching equipment, such as professional grinding and polishing equipment.

So if you want to produce ball screws below P5 level, you don’t need any good machine tools at all. Generally, machine tools with hundreds of thousands of dollars on the market are enough.

But if you want to produce more than P5 level, then hundreds of thousands of dollars can not be solved, at least those machine tools with a price of several hundred to tens of millions.

However, Uncle Qin advises you not to produce such products as ball screws. Although the low-grade ones have a small investment, they are already the price of cabbage. Even if they are produced, there is no profit.

The investment of high-precision grades is not small. The most important thing is that even for high-precision grades, such as P4 and P3 grades, the price is actually not very high, and the competition is not small. In addition to competing with domestic counterparts In addition, at the same time, it has to face the impact of foreign ball screw manufacturers with better prices and better performance. "Qin Fei said.

After hearing Qin Fei's words, Wang Bin didn't speak immediately, but was thinking about the precision grade of ball screw that Xu Zhenming needed, or the precision grade of ball screw suitable for Xu Zhenming's world. If the ball screw that Xu Zhenming needs, If the precision level must be above P3, then Wang Bin has no choice. Let alone whether the glass of Tiangong Technology can be processed into a ball screw of this level, just production is a big problem.

Of course, ordinary P5 grades are not enough. After all, p5 grade ball screws may have been processed in Xu Zhenming's time, and there is no need to buy them from him, so they must be P4 grade or above.

However, he thought that at least P4 and P3 levels should be enough for that era, or the world Xu Zhenming lived in.

So he asked Qin Fei again: "Uncle Qin, I wonder how much the price of a slightly better three-level precision machine tool is now?"

Seeing Wang Bin's expression, Qin Fei knew that Wang Bin definitely did not give up on the idea of ​​producing ball screws, but since Wang Bin insisted on producing ball screws, Qin Fei couldn't say anything. Wang Bin will naturally know his painstaking efforts.

Now if he said anything more, then Wang Bin would definitely think that he was too meddlesome, or that he had ulterior motives.

Of course, if Wang Bin really has a stable sales channel, that's another story.

At this moment, he suddenly thought that Wang Bin's Tiangong Technology is cooperating with the 969 Military Industry Group at this time. If they can get the order from the 969 Group, then it is not impossible for Wang Bin and their Tiangong Technology to produce ball screws. .

"Okay! Since you are determined to produce ball screws, I can't say anything. As for the three-level precision machine tool you want to buy, there is no problem. The Southern Industry that sold you Tiangong Technology's glass production line before, just There are machining centers with three levels of precision.

And compared with other domestic machine tool manufacturers, the performance of their machine tools of Southern Industries is still good.

Although their machine tools cannot compare with the performance of top international counterparts, at least in China, they are already at the upper-middle level. Most importantly, in terms of cost performance, Southern Industries' machine tools are much more suitable than others up.

And now you are just preparing to produce ball screws, so you don't need a very good machine tool. After all, the prices of those top international machining centers are too high. "Qin Fei said.

"Well! Got it, thank you, Uncle Qin. I'll call Mr. Zheng when I get back later." Wang Bin said.

Afterwards, Wang Bin chatted with Qin Fei for a while, and he walked out of Qin Fei's office and came to the unloading area of ​​Qin's Industry.

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