Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 33 News from Chief Engineer Lin

When Wang Bin heard Mr. Lin said that the order would not be less than 200 million, he was overjoyed.

You must know that this is a full 200 million. Such a huge order amount can be said to be the largest order they have received since Tiantong Technology opened, including before his father came to hand over Tiangong Technology to him.

At the same time, as Mr. Lin said, the order amount of more than 200 million yuan is enough for them to work on Tiangong Technology for a period of time. Even for the special glass they ordered this time, the price of most of the glass is on the original basis. The price premium is more than 50%, but there are also one or two hundred tons.

And their current daily production capacity of Tiangong Technology is less than 5 tons. If calculated according to the daily output of 5 tons, then after a month, their Tiangong Technology's output is only 150 tons. An order of more than 200 million is enough for Tiangong Technology to produce for more than a month.

certainly! Although Wang Bin was excited, he would not only satisfy the orders of 200 million yuan, but also the orders of their two companies, 969 Group and Qin's Industry.

Although their current daily production capacity of Tiangong Technology is less than five tons, in fact, their production capacity has not yet reached half of the level of this production line. According to the data of Southern Industry, the maximum production capacity of this production line is It can reach the level of thirteen or four tons per day.

Now, Tiangong Technology has begun to recruit a large number of workers for the glass production line, and the workers are gradually becoming more accustomed to the smelting of special glass, so the production capacity of Tiangong Technology is increasing rapidly every day.

In other words, if the production line of their Tiangong Technology is running at full capacity, then their order of more than 200 million can be completed in just over ten days.

Therefore, Wang Bin naturally hopes to get more orders, and also hopes to get more orders from companies. Otherwise, once the orders of 969 Group and Qin's Industry are cut off, they will drink Northwest Wind from Tiangong Technology. Most importantly, Wang Bin wants to expand the production scale! .

In the past, Wang Bin only bought a small glass production line, mainly because of Tiangong Technology. At that time, he had no money and could not afford a large-scale production line.

But now it is different, Tiangong Technology has completed the first order of 969 Group and the order of Qin's Industry, so he already has some spare money in his hands, and he can also buy medium and large production lines.

Perhaps because he had guessed what Wang Bin was thinking, Mr. Lin said again: "Mr. Wang, although I also want to give you Tiangong Technology more orders in my heart, but since my ability has been stipulated by the group, I can only I will give you so many orders first, and only after your group completes this order can we continue to place orders with you Tiangong Technology.

After all, I'm just the chief engineer of a project of our 969 Group, Jiangbei Branch, and Manager Cao is just a manager of the purchasing department of the branch, so we don't have any good solutions.

But Mr. Wang, according to the information I got, the Jiangbei Provincial Aircraft Manufacturing Group will hold an annual bidding meeting for their group in a while.

At that time, their company will hand over the various aircraft accessories they are currently manufacturing to some specialized manufacturers for production, and this includes the glass parts of various aircraft. You can take a look, Mr. Wang.

I think, based on the performance of the glass of Tiangong Technology, Mr. Wang, it is definitely not a problem to get some orders. "

"What! Jiangbei Aircraft is about to hold a bidding meeting! Mr. Lin! What you said is true, why didn't I get any news at all?" Wang Bin asked.

Although, in the past, Wang Bin didn't care much about this aspect. They only produced glass handicrafts before, even if they knew about it, it would be useless.

You can't sell glass crafts to Jiangbei Aircraft, which manufactures various fighter jets and transport aircraft!

But even if Wang Bin didn't pay much attention to this aspect in previous years, in previous years, Wang Bin would get some information about this aspect from the Internet and various media, but this year he hasn't heard about it. news, and now their group's bidding meeting is about to start.

Before, Wang Bin had already thought that if Jiangbei Aircraft held a bidding meeting this year, he must participate and try to win the aircraft glass order of their group, so if Mr. Lin did not mention it this time, Wang Bin It is very likely that this tender will be missed.

"Mr. Wang! Of course I know. At the same time, in fact, Jiangbei Provincial Aircraft Manufacturing has already released rumors last month that they will hold a bidding meeting in November this year. The reason why you did not get the news, Mr. Wang, is that I think it's because Mr. Wang is too busy these days, he doesn't have time to watch the news at all, and naturally he doesn't know about these things." Mr. Lin said.

"That's right! During this time, I haven't watched the news for a long time. Thank you, Mr. Lin. If it weren't for your reminder from Mr. Lin this time, we at Tiangong Technology might really miss them this time." The bidding meeting of the group!" Wang Bin said gratefully to Mr. Lin.

"Okay, you don't have to thank me first. Although your Tiangong Technology's qualifications are enough to participate in this bidding meeting, but with your current Tiangong Technology's production capacity, I think if you don't expand production capacity as soon as possible, even You are the ones who went to this bidding meeting, and you will definitely not be able to receive many orders.

So my suggestion from Mr. Wang is that before you go to participate in their company's bidding meeting, you should bring up your production capacity first! At least the production capacity must be increased to forty or fifty tons per day. At this time, Manager Cao said.

After listening to Manager Cao's words, Wang Bin nodded. Indeed, what needs to be done now is to increase the production capacity first.

In Manager Cao's office, Wang Bin, Wang Xu and others stayed for about an hour. Wang Bin was notified by Mr. Lin that the special glass they delivered had passed the inspection of the inspectors, and all It was qualified, and there were no defective products, which made Mr. Lin and Manager Cao have a better impression of Tiangong Technology.

In fact, before the inspection, both Chief Engineer Lin and Manager Cao were still a little worried about the batch of special glass delivered by Wang Bin. They were afraid that only their Tiangong Technology could produce this glass in the whole country or even in the world. Therefore, Tiangong Technology is not afraid of what the 969 Group will do to them. After all, if they want to use this glass, they can only buy it from Tiangong Technology.

But the current situation is not like this. The quality of this batch of glass from Tiangong Technology far exceeded their expectations.

Then Wang Bin asked Manager Cao to open a pass for their 969 Group, and settled the payment for the first batch of goods. It was already after four o'clock in the afternoon, so Wang Bin bid farewell just like Manager Cao.

Of course, according to the previous regulations of the 969 Group, Wang Bin could not get the payment for this batch of goods immediately, but Manager Cao and Mr. Lin, considering the current situation of Tiangong Technology, decided that their 969 Group should pay immediately this time. Wait until the beginning of the next month to checkout.

Of course, this is also this time, next time, there will be no such treatment, and all the orders from the previous month will be settled at the beginning of the next month according to the provisions of the contract.

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