Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 364 Arriving at the scene of the incident

After Professor Poking finished speaking, no one in the entire conference room responded to Professor Poking's words for the first time, and the entire conference room was full of anger.

After all, this is no small matter! Instead, the plane crashed, and it is very likely to be related to Tiangong Technology.

Not to mention anything else, let’s talk about the largest civil aviation aircraft manufacturer in the world. In the past two years, several crashes of a certain type of large intercontinental civil aviation airliner occurred successively, which directly led to the failure of this aircraft in many The country is directly grounded.

Affected by the world this time, many of the company's aircraft have also seen a large reduction in orders, or even no orders at all.

After coming over for a while, someone finally stood up and said: "Everyone, don't worry, Mr. Wang said that the crashed plane is a new type improved from the No. 6 plane. Machine No. 6 is similar, but large-scale internal improvements have also been made, and it is already very different from the old No. 6 machine.

Therefore, I think that the crashed plane is most likely not caused by the engine, but by the plane itself. "In the meeting room, when the atmosphere was tense, Professor Po stood up again and said."

Wang Bin nodded, and then said: "I hope so too, but we have to prepare for the worst, after all, the engine installed on this plane is designed and manufactured by Tiangong Technology.

So I announced that an emergency emergency department will be established immediately to deal with similar incidents this time and in the future, and the person in charge of this department will be temporarily held by myself. The team, immediately proceed to deal with this matter. "

After hearing Wang Bin's words, Professor Zha also nodded, and immediately selected more than a dozen people who came to the meeting in the conference room.

These personnel include both the aircraft engine design department and the aircraft design department, as well as personnel in manufacturing and craftsmanship. In short, these selected are the elites of their Tiangong technology, and they can definitely handle this and other issues well. After similar things,.

Moreover, after the establishment of the emergency handling department, Wang Bin also immediately contacted Qiu Shi, and immediately took the personnel of the emergency handling department to the crash site for investigation.

Soon, a modified No. 9 transport plane slowly slid out of the hangar beside the Tiangong Technology runway and stopped on the runway.

And Wang Bin and others boarded the plane immediately after the transport plane stopped, and then, after the plane took off, it flew towards the northwest.

However, just as Wang Bin and the others boarded the No. 9 plane and went to the northwest to deal with the matter, there were also reports about the crash on the domestic Internet at this time.

After all, it is impossible for such a big crash to not be known. The most important thing is that the No. 6 aircraft, not to mention a weapon of the country, is the only strategic bomber in China. Naturally, everyone pays attention to this aircraft. It's even bigger.

In fact, it has been reported on the Internet before that a new and improved No. 6 machine has appeared in China.

In addition, this improved No. 6 aircraft not only has a longer fuselage and a larger wingspan, but also has a larger wing sweep angle than the original No. 6 aircraft. Therefore, it can be concluded that this The speed of the newly improved No. 6 fighter will also be faster, even reaching supersonic speed.

But these news basically disappeared on the Internet within a few minutes of appearing.

However, the media that released the news this time is not some folk media.

It was released by the official media, so it has already been released, which has aroused heated discussions among netizens, and they are full of interest in this accident and this fighter jet.

"My God! It turned out to be a newly improved No. 6 fighter, and it actually crashed."

"Yes! Judging from the size of the wreckage of this fighter plane, the length of this plane is at least one-fifth longer than that of the old No. 6. This is an absolute artifact, but obviously, there are still major problems with this plane. And it's very likely that there is a problem with the engine, or the design of the aircraft itself."

"Well, I think so too. According to official reports, the engine of this plane actually shut down during the flight. Most importantly, the crew also tried to re-ignite it many times, but they were all unsuccessful. Even when the plane crashed The moment before, the crew tried to restart the engine, and they didn't know which engine manufacturing company made the engine of this plane, and what quality it was."

"This may not be a problem with the engine. Didn't it say in the official news? In fact, this aircraft is only in the test flight stage at this time, and it has gone through many test flights before, but the test flights were all successful. But It failed this time, so most likely it wasn't an engine issue."


These netizens on the Internet have different opinions on the cause of this incident, but everyone also knows that the results of the investigation have not yet come out, so it is impossible to determine what the problem is.

But many people are secretly thinking at this time, hoping that the accident was not caused by the engine of this aircraft.

Because in the previous official news, it has been clearly stated that the engine on this plane is a process high-performance engine, and it is also a domestic small bypass ratio turbofan engine with a thrust of more than 20 tons.

So naturally I don’t want it to be an engine problem. After all, after so many years, the country has finally developed this small bypass ratio turbofan engine with a thrust of more than 20 tons. If this incident is really caused by the engine If it is, maybe it will cause the engine to cool down.

In fact, this is also what most people on the Internet are worried about. As a brand new engine, it has just come out and has not even started mass production. Such a serious accident occurs, which will definitely cause this engine to die.

Of course, if it really dies, the blow to Tiangong Technology will definitely be very serious, and it is even very likely that Tiangong Technology's previous efforts in aero engines will be hit hard or even in vain.

In fact, Wang Bin was worried about this matter on the plane at this time, even Professor Po and others were thinking about it.

With a heavy heart, after several hours of flying, Wang Bin finally arrived at the test flight base of Northwest No. 6 aircraft manufacturer.

However, after arriving at the base, Wang Bin and the others got off the plane and joined Qiu Shi and the others, and immediately took a large military helicopter and flew towards the incident site.

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