Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 429 Phoenix-kt Type 1 Aerospace Plane 1

Of course, Wang Bin was just thinking about it, because he knew that during the test flight, he would never have the chance to damage the plane, and even if he got on the plane, he would never have the chance to go into space.

After all, the importance of Wang Bin to Huaxia now, whether it is the various departments of Tiangong Technology or the official, is very clear, so they will not let Wang Bin have any risky behavior.

What's more, when the aircraft is still very young, it will definitely not fly in the air and space. Instead, like the previous test flight of the Phoenix-m1, it will first conduct a take-off and landing test flight, then a subsonic test flight, and then a supersonic and supersonic test flight. High-sonic test flight, and finally space flight.

In the future, the test flight work will focus on aerospace flight.

After all, this aircraft is different from the previous Phoenix-m1 bomber. This aircraft is purely an aerospace aircraft. Therefore, in fact, the flight endurance in the atmosphere is not long, and the maximum flight endurance is only less than a thousand kilometers.

While Wang Bin was waiting for the completion of the aerospace plane, Wang Bin finally waited for the completion of the new plane.

Therefore, when the manufacture of this aircraft was about to be completed, Wang Bin immediately notified relevant departments and personnel, such as Mr. Qin and others.

Of course, for the matter reported by Wang Bin, whether it is Mr. Qin or the relevant departments of aerospace and aviation, it is extremely important, and even the higher-level departments like Mr. Qin and others are also very concerned about it. It was also mentioned that relevant personnel were dispatched to participate in the off-line test flight of this aerospace aircraft.

Therefore, on the day of the test flight of Tiangong Technology's aerospace plane, hundreds of people came from Tiangong Technology's side. After all, this is an aerospace plane! Can't help but they don't pay attention.

Even the crew members of the test flight are no longer the personnel from the previous test flight, not even the personnel from Mr. Qiu's base, but professional astronauts from Qin Lao's aerospace department.

No, today's astronauts are different from those in the early days. Today's astronauts, especially the Chinese astronauts, are all elites of the domestic air force, so it is not difficult for them to add aircraft.

In addition, although the Phoenix-kt1 aerospace plane of Tiangong Technology is an aerospace plane, in fact, in terms of operation, in order to allow astronauts to operate better, it not only has very Intelligent flight control system assistance.

And there is not much difference between the operation of the aircraft in the atmosphere, even when flying in space, the operation of this aircraft is the same as when it is in the atmosphere, whether it is the acceleration or steering of the aircraft, etc.

As the elite of the Air Force elite, these astronauts will naturally not have any problems in operation.

This morning, when all relevant personnel came to the test flight site, this aerospace plane, which had just rolled off the production line, was slowly pulled out of the assembly workshop by a tractor under the eyes of everyone, and came to the At the take-off point of the flight runway of Tiangong Technology.

At the same time, when the plane stopped, the ground inspection team of dozens of people got busy and began to refuel.

Of course, due to the first test flight of this aircraft, this aerospace plane will only be filled with liquid hydrogen fuel for flying in the atmosphere, and will not be filled with liquid oxygen. After all, the role of liquid oxygen is in space. After mixing with liquid hydrogen It is used as fuel for space pulse detonation rocket engines.

In fact,

Just before these leaders and military chiefs saw the aerospace plane being pulled out of the aircraft assembly workshop by a tractor, everyone was stunned by the beautiful figure of the aircraft.

In the past, the Phoenix-m1 aircraft, in their opinion, had a very beautiful appearance, but compared with this Phoenix-kt1 aerospace plane, there was still a very big gap.

Although the color of this aircraft is the same as the previous Phoenix-m1, it is gray-black, because it has a longer fuselage, thicker road wheels, and a more streamlined fuselage. There is also a pair of beautiful duck wings on the head.

All of these people are very excited, not to mention, this plane is not an ordinary plane in the atmosphere, but an air plane that can take off directly from the ground and fly directly to low-earth orbit. sky plane.

Therefore, everyone is naturally very clear about the uses of this aircraft in various aspects. Whether it is in the civilian field or in the military field, it has absolute benefits and deterrent power.

Of course, when so many leaders came to Tiangong Technology, many caring people knew that there must be some big incident on Tiangong Technology.

So these caring people also focused their attention on Tiangong Technology. At the same time, there are at least dozens, even hundreds of them in the sky of Tiangong Technology.

However, many of these people do not understand. After all, not long ago, Tiangong Technology had just developed and manufactured the first supersonic bomber, and now that so many leaders have come, can it be said that Tiangong Technology has another What a new achievement.

However, when the gray-black plane was pulled out by the tractor in the second aircraft manufacturing workshop of Tiangong Technology and was seen by these people, there were some differences between them. After all, this plane was similar to the previous one.

However, when these people noticed the details of this aircraft, they discovered that this aircraft and the previous supersonic bomber were not one aircraft at all, but two aircrafts.

Then they began to carefully analyze the situation of the aircraft, first of all based on the shape of the aircraft.

They analyzed that the shape of this plane is similar to that of the previous supersonic bomber, which means that this plane is also a supersonic bomber like the previous one.

In addition, the shape of the fuselage of this aircraft is more slender than that of the previous aircraft, and the angle of sweep of the wings is larger, which means that the maximum flight speed of this aircraft is very likely to be higher than that of the previous aircraft. The one before it was launched was taller, and it was also higher in terms of flight altitude, and could even enter space for a short time.

At the same time, due to the length of the aircraft and the longer fuselage size, this means that the aircraft carries more fuel and must have a longer range.


In short, when these people came to this series of analysis results, they couldn't believe it at all.

You must know that the maximum flight speed of the previous hypersonic bomber has reached Mach 6, but the current aircraft, their experts actually told him that its speed is even faster, and can even reach Mach 10 or more. It also has the energy to enter space for a short time, how can this not make them anxious.

Of course, since they didn't get more news at this time, they couldn't get more analysis results.

So they naturally ordered the personnel in China to do everything possible to obtain more data.

So when the plane of Tiangong Technology was parked at the take-off point of the runway, many people set up telescopes and other equipment near Tiangong Technology and on the route to the East China Sea, ready to collect Some flight data of this aircraft.

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