Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 63 New Industrial Zone

"Mr. Laura! It is no problem for Tiangong Technology to produce sight glass kits. If necessary, we can mass-produce them at any time.

After all, the scope glass, for my era, is not very technical, especially the low-magnification scope! "Wang Bin said.

As a glass manufacturer, Tiangong Technology naturally has the production capacity for various lenses, but if it produces high-definition high-magnification sights, or telescopes, it is not what Tiangong Technology can do, because this High-performance glass grinding and polishing equipment is required, but there is absolutely no problem with the lenses used in the production of some quadruple and octal mirrors.

"Is it really okay? You know, what I need is a quadruple scope and an eightfold scope, and it's still that kind of high-definition scope. It can't be produced by any glass production equipment!" Laura Said with some doubts.

Of course, the production equipment Laura mentioned was not the glass production equipment in Wang Bin's world, but the glass production equipment during World War II, and it was used as high-precision optical equipment.

In his time, not every country could produce it. The production of optical equipment in his time was actually controlled by a few countries, including the big northern country where Laura was located.

It's just that due to the war, many factories in their country have been bombed by their enemy's bombers, including many optical glass production factories.

However, for that era, it was a very advanced technology, even a technology that was only in the hands of a few countries. In Wang Bin's era, it was different. As long as a country with a little industrial strength wanted to produce some four 1x or 8x scope lens is definitely not a problem.

"Okay! Since the owner is so confident, I won't talk about whether it can be produced. Let's talk about the price. I wonder what the prices of these kits are, Mr. Wang?" Laura said.

"Is it the price?" After hearing what Laura said, Wang Bin didn't answer him right away, but lowered his head and thought. After all, although Tiangong Technology has the ability to produce various lenses, it also includes various lenses in the scope. , but since Tiangong Technology has not produced these lenses, it is naturally impossible to verify the cost.

However, he immediately thought of the prices of those scopes in the real world, especially the prices of those high-performance scopes. He had seen them on a certain treasure. The price of the glass itself is very high.

Therefore, if you sell it, naturally it can’t be lower than the price of the glass itself. In addition, as Laura said before, there are very few shops that specialize in selling glass in this area, or even none, so if Laura definitely needs a lot of aiming For mirror glass, you can only buy from them, so Wang Bin is going to set the price a little higher.

So Wang Bin said: "The price of the quadruple mirror kit is one hundred pairs of energy coins, the price of the eight-fold mirror glass kit is ten pairs of one energy coin, and the price of the 16x scope kit is one pair of energy coins."

However, just after Wang Bin finished speaking, Laura couldn't wait to say: "Shopkeeper! Your price is too high, I can't accept it, especially the price of the quadruple lens."

"Mr. Laura! This price is not expensive. You must know that the glass of our Tiangong Technology is not ordinary glass! It is special glass. Even the price of flat glass is as high as 15 energy coins per ton. You also said before that the optical glass of the scope can be produced by any glass production equipment, so the scope kit produced by Tiangong Technology is worth the price." Wang Bin said.

Later, Laura wanted to make Wang Bin cheaper, but Wang Bin firmly disagreed.

"Okay! Shopkeeper, if you win, then follow this price!" After he finished speaking, he thought for a while and said, "The quadruple mirror kit,

Give me 10,000 sets first! As for the 8x scope, there will be 1,000 sets first, and the 16x scope kit will also come with 100 sets. I don't know the owner, how long does it take for Tiangong Technology to complete the production? asked Laura.

"Time! One week is enough!" Wang Bin said.

After the talk, Laura left, while Wang Bin continued to wait in the store. However, after Wang Bin waited for more than two hours, no one entered the store, and Wang Bin was no longer prepared to wait.

After all, he had been waiting in the store for three or four hours today, and now he felt sleepy and hungry, and he couldn't hold on any longer.

So he left the shop.


After Wang Bin had breakfast the next day, he didn't immediately go to his Tiangong Technology, but first came to the official building where their county government was located, and asked about the industrial zone.

When Wang Bin came to the county government, it was already around 9:30 in the morning, and the county government had already gone to work.

After Wang Bin explained his purpose of coming to the guards of the county government, Wang Bin was taken to the new industrial zone management office of the county government and met the person in charge of the industrial zone management office.

"Hello, Mr. Wang! During this period of time, Tiangong Technology is really amazing! In less than two months, you have successfully transformed from a glass handicraft production enterprise that is about to close down to a high-tech glass production enterprise. And to become a major taxpayer in our county is really young and promising!" Director Lu Jingjing said.

"Director Lu, you are joking. Our Tiangong Technology is still far behind those big companies! Now we can only produce glass!" Wang Bin said with a smile after hearing this.

In fact, Wang Bin is very familiar with Director Lu Jingjing. After all, as the director of the new industrial zone in their county, Wang Bin has dealt with him a lot. The cooperative enterprises are in the new industrial zone. The most important thing is that Director Lu often invited them to Tiangong Technology to the industrial zone.

"Mr. Wang! You are humble. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to successfully transform your Tiangong Technology and achieve such a great success in such a short period of time. I think, you Tiangong Technology, Under your leadership, it is only a matter of time before it becomes a truly big company." Director Lu said.

Afterwards, Wang Bin chatted with Director Lu for a while, and Wang Bin said to Director Lu: "Director Lu, the purpose of my visit this time is to inquire about the situation of the new industrial zone in our county. I think Director Lu also knows about it. During this period of time, Tiangong Technology is building a large-scale production line and is also developing new products. Now that the development of new products has taken shape, it will not take long to meet the requirements of mass production.

However, to produce new products, a new production line must be established. Now our Tiangong Technology does not have enough space to build a new production line, so I would like to ask about the land or factory buildings in the new industrial zone of our county. Happening! "

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